@Enthousiast Hi, how did you obtain the classic "all control panel items-system" view with Windows 20H2 ? in my case, the modern view has replaced it, so no more OEM label is visible. I'll post the screenshot tomorrow when I'll back home.
Thanks, it works ! (I created the shortcut "explorer shell:::{BB06C0E4-D293-4f75-8A90-CB05B6477EEE}" -credits to bonesz). If later no tweak will be available to add logo in new modern view it could be interesting to add the shortcut in Desktop context-menu as it's the case for Windows version.
Have added the Explorer window's 'Details' view option for Windows 10 and all seems to be working, it will auto-disable the GroupBy option if it is enabled as this new option contains same code, saves doing things twice. It also *should* be transferred to any new User created... *Note: This is Experimental and sometimes it may not always set the 'ThisPC' drives view to 'Details' on new users but all other Explorer window's appears to be in 'Details' view. As always this cannot be 100% guaranteed to work on any new user created due to how m$ changes things.* Plus added a Win10 20H2+ option: 'Add "OEM Info" ' to the ThisPC's context menu which should show the old 'View basic information...' screen, this does NOT use the 'mach.exe' method and purely Registry edits. Hopefully the context menu item will be native OS translated via the lookup tables, if not it will default to English "OEM Info" spelling. This is Experimental too and may not work on later Windows Updates or Builds. This option will be ignored on any os below 20h2. Updated the next MRPConfigCreator with the new options. Testing continues..
I can confirm that the 'OEM Info' wording does indeed auto-translate to the installed OS's language, if that option is used for the 'ThisPC' context menu. I am still working on the set all explorer views to Details option so that it will also transfer to any new user, i believe i have a variable set, which it not should of, so it is resetting the ThisPC's view to 'Tiles' by mistake in that section. Will check if i am right when i get home tomorrow.
It seems that on 20H2, (maybe the later Insider builds too), not all settings are transferred to a new user, even when the 'NTUSER.Dat' file has been edited, such as the Dark Mode theme setting, all was ok on builds before 20H2... It is possible that m$ are resetting a lot of registry parts when a new user is created outside of the 'NTUSER.Dat' usual way it calls from on any newer builds after 20h1... I have noticed that the 'Details' view is 90% transferred to a new created user, however the Drive's view is defaulted to 'Tiles' and the 'UserName' library Folder's contents can sometimes be set to 'Tiles', the 'Music' folder is reset to the artists, year etc defaults and 'Videos' may be too - other Explorer window views appear to be in 'Details'... So sadly until i can find out how to reset the registry to the values the option(s) are set it is what it is for the time being.
Almost same method, although the MRP version will auto-translate the menu entry to the native OS language Sometimes placement not always work, it can be hit or miss.
A bit of info that will appeal to users who edit ntuser.dat to add bits for new user creation. With w10 1903 onward not all reg entries in there will be copied or imported to any new user created, probably one reason why the theme not take until a reboot is done when installing any core edition. I add entries to the tidy up script so the theme is sorted so it works. I am testing a new routine which sets the explorer's 'details' view when a new user is created and that mrp option is used, my tests this morning worked and i will add any options i find that not transfer into ntuser.dat at a later time as i find them. More information when have time. I wont let m$ beat me on this glitch