The one i am working on will work for both x86 and x64 - possibly ARM variants too, however Vista will not be supported as for some reason it would not access the registry correctly, no hardship on that OS because many older OEM Branding programs still work on it. XP/2000 and earlier will not be supported either. I can add a button to clear any current OEM data/logo -- if people require it. Any changes in the OEM data - including the delete current Logo mentioned above - will only be done when the Apply OEM Data button is pressed, this gives the user the chance to exit the program without changes being made to the OS's registry etc. Programming the GUI to be x86 and x64 capable adds a bit of extra code, more so for the 64 bit registry reading/writing, that is a minor issue. The first release will be a simple manual set version, later if people wish things can be added, will see. Managed to now get the wallpaper selector to work although it will not change any file yet, it just lets me know the file selected for now -- until i add the extra bits in. That part will require the most code as it will need more error checking to prevent a GUI or OS crash when applied. Will work on the above when i get time, it's taken this long to get this far in the development so a bit longer not matter , all source code (programmed in AutoIT '.au3' ) will be available on request once it all done. MRP v131 Code is almost complete and will enter the RC stages soon.
MRP v131 is now at RC1 stage, Creator v36 is sorted OEM Brander progress: <-- Click for larger image. Added: 1) Shows current wallpaper (from transcoded one) - when selected another it will show, or revert to transcoded one if requester cancelled or incorrect resolution. 2) Shows OS bitness, Type and Build in title bar. Some error checking added, selector's working, still does not apply anything yet, want to get other parts sorted first.
Will add the 'remove OEM data and Logo' it wont remove any wallpaper as that gets a bit tricky with autoit, im still working out the method(s) to set the wallpaper side as it not as easy on w8.x/10 as it used to be under 7 so different ways will be required depending on the OS the GUI run on.
Is this really different in Windows 7/10 and Windows 8.x? I thought the keys were all in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation\?
Vista and before it is different - hence why i'am not supporting those OS's. That OEM Info registry part is same on 7+ yes, the changing of wallpaper via programming is slightly different in how it is 'refreshed' as in 'RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters,x' does not work the same on 8.x/10 as it does on 7. Plus as i mentioned a few posts ago that m$ is slowly changing the OEM branding side, i am sure, as subtle changes are being made here and there - that i have had to compensate for in MRP. I may scrap the idea of changing wallpaper and just open the settings or control panel section in the OS and that is a better way to be honest plus it changes instantly. Might as well let the OS do all the hard work in that respect.
Code: explorer.exe shell:::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} -Microsoft.Personalization\pageWallpaper Works ok on 7. On w10 (RS2) it opens the old control panel's 'Personalisation\Desktop Background' - but i may set that to the 'Settings>Background' app method to be safe as no doubt m$ will remove that 'feature' at a later date Settings App way on w10. Code: explorer.exe ms-settings:personalization-background
England is now in a Full Lock down (again - from Thursday) and as the NHS is being pushed to the limit, my job(s) get more time consuming just keeping the cogs running... Because my time is limited i can only really work on the projects when i can, hence why delays at times, i do try to get them released on a regular schedule.
The Branding Tool is almost complete, a fully functional version - (probably with bugs) - is being tested. Will give more details later.... <---Click for larger image.
Hello mxman2k, thank you very much for your work on the project. Will your version also have the same functions or even better functions than the System Brand Changer 1.2.2? is it possible, as was the case with System Brand Changer 1.2.2, the OEM from Link to brand any OEM?
The MRP version is a sort of 'lite' version of it as i not have the source code and i doubt i would be able to use the code for it as i think it either C# or .VbNet. The user will need to select the OEM Logo, or background manually via the file requester(s) as it will not be a automatic version like most other tools of this type. The change background/wallpaper button should open either settings>personalize>background for win 8.x/10 and the control panel's Personalize>Background for win 7. When Apply OEM Branding button is pressed it will then apply the logo and any OEM information such as model etc if entered. The support info will not be added if the check box is not selected (they will be grey'd out in that case and not changeable). The Clear OEM Data will remove any LOGO and Text data in any of the fields. The clear data will be instantly applied, however you do get a 'are you sure' question box appear so you can back out of that.. There are no OEM logo files supplied with the program, as you can just expand the OEM's.7z file and select the images you wish, or any other you have at hand. There is no checking of size for the logo at the moment as need to figure out that code first. Once it has passed testing and any adjustments done i will give more detailed info about its use, majority is self explanatory and some tool tips are available when the mouse is hovered over a element. I would not exactly say it is a 'replacement' but it will work on hopefully all windows from 7 to 10+ , it is a simple project, well it started out that way, but has progressed into quite a complex set of routines and increasing! The source code will be available on request when i release and anyone can carry on with it or re-write it as i wont have the time to dedicate to it.
Just logged on while on my break I will add in the code so that when the tool is first run it will ask if you wish to save the current OEM Info registry entries to a file called OEMInfo_xxxx.reg which then will be saved to the user's desktop. The xxxx part will be a random number so that the reg file saved should not get over written. I would advise that on the very first time using the tool to say Yes to the requester about saving the current 'OEMInformation' part, you can rename it if required to whatever you wish, that way you will have a backup. You can then use the .reg file to revert any changes made. Note it will NOT revert the wallpaper/background as that data is stored in a different part of the registry and not part of the tools internal coding. As MRP 131 is now code complete and it's just final checking and wording etc to be done, i have taken a break from that to concentrate on this 'Branding Tool' as it seems a lot are interested. I doubt there will be a new QT released for a little while, will see when MRP and this tool has been released...
OEM Branding Tool Ok have now added that 'export' feature, plus you can select to export via the File Menu at the top too. It does not export anything about the Desktop Wallpaper/Background. V1.6 is now in testing, still a few little bits to sort but it is all functioning now. Mainly error checking here and there. If anyone wants to give this a thrash test please PM me and i will give you a link. But remember to test on a VM or non critical PC, i have tried to make sure that the export reg feature works ok, ( on x64 it does, but not tried on x86 OS's as got none installed ), so that you can revert changes easier. I won't be adding any Import feature as the export side was bad enough to get to operate! -- You only have to double-click the exported .reg file to import it anyway.
v1.7 is being tested and so far all is working as it should Looks like this may be the one for release... will see tomorrow
I have a lot of things i could add but for now it will be as it is as time gets more limited for the next four weeks during this lockdown and work.
well time to get back to work, took a bit longer this break than i should Will pop on later on my next break(s)
MRP v131 at RC2 stage Branding Tool now at v1.8, a few improvements: 1) Shows the current oem logo - if the file/location is found within the 'OEM Information\Logo' registry entry. 2) More error checking. 3) Extra information in the 'Menu->About' page. Plus a few other little tweaks here and there which i can't remember what This will be released to the Beta testers later, keep an eye out on the 'Beta Convo'