Will add the latest I, J, K brand sets tomorrow, not had much time today. Added a few extra bits to the creator 'remove safe apps' options, more details when they have been tested and are operative.
Something i am testing out, looking promising... MRP v132 TC1: Code: [RSSAS] Remove all the possible 'Safe' Apps from the OS, but *NOT* the Store, Calculator, Paint3D, Phone or XBox. This will also set the 'Prevent Store Apps from auto-updating' MRP Option. [RSSAS] Removed: 3DBuilder,3DViewer,Facebook,FeedBackHub,Messaging,Communication,NetFlix,Office,Skype,SoundRecorder,Twitter,Wallet,Zune,CandyCrush,Farmville,Minecraft,RoyalRevolt,SolitaireCollection,Maps,People,GetStarted. As it says MRP will not remove the Store, Phone, Calculator or Paint3D (Yet!). The Store and XBox related Apps are not removed because they can cause major problems later on. It does remove all the apps listed plus SkypeApp, News and Get Help - maybe some other non essential ones as well... I did not remove the Phone or Calculator Apps as some people use them and so i left those alone. There are a few left over tiles on the Start Menu, such as Edge, (i not uninstall that as during oobe stage it does very odd things!), there is a folder/tile thing called Play - i gather that is a left over from the game apps removed, also a few of those odd down arrow tiles which i have no idea how to remove those. If you use the 'MRP Slim Start-Menu and TaskBar' option as well then it all looks tidier as you not see any of those left over tiles Will see how things progress over the next few days...
Code: echo --- Set Motherboard Company and Model in My Computer Properties SETLOCAL FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%i in ('reg query HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS /v BaseBoardManufacturer') DO (SET BaseBoardManufacturer=%%i %%j) FOR /F "tokens=3* delims= " %%i in ('reg query HKLM\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS /v BaseBoardProduct') DO (SET BaseBoardProduct=%%i %%j) ECHO Manufacturer="%BaseBoardManufacturer%" ECHO Product="%BaseBoardProduct%" reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation" /t REG_SZ /v Manufacturer /d "%BaseBoardManufacturer%" /f reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation" /t REG_SZ /v Model /d "%BaseBoardProduct%" /f
Added remove 'bing related' and 'spotify' to the list of the w10 removable app options. Plus a few others now added to the 'remove all safe apps' one. Will list the ones that option removes once more testing has been done. There are quite a few! Hopefully the user can reinstall any later if required. I know most users use other tools to remove apps, mrp's method is pure powershell commands and any app already removed then the routine skips them and carries on to any next in the queue. The Dism method is way too time consuming, plus there is a high risk of loops or crashes during oobe stages, so i avoided that method. The remove all option will add about 30 or more seconds to the oobe install time just before the user is created this is also depending on speed of the computer. Testing continues...
Added last two app removals: Paint3D & Photos. Test install ok so far. Only thing is a few orphaned blank tiles that have those down arrows on, however they are only on the large start menu not on the slim one. If you use the slim menu option as well then the large side is not shown and clear of any tiles. Will post a list of all apps that can/will be removed if the 'remove all safe apps' is used.
@mxman2k Dang bro your slacking...the excitement is too much. lol Just messing with ya brother. Cant wait to try it out on my desktop since my warranty is over. I am ready to redo my system with MRP. Good job as always brother. M$ keeping you on your toes. lol