Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I will look into the code when i get time later, not sure why it is crashing in that section as nothing was altered there...

    If you could post your config .ini file you used, then hopefully i can pin point the exact option (if it is that) which is causing the crash. I may of introduced an error such as a missing " or ( ) etc when i updated some text...

    Many thanks
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  2. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    === [MRP Debug Log ]===
    Checking for OEM folder and structure...
    OEM's folder structure appears to be correct.
    Checking for CustomTheme...
    CustomTheme option was not defined.
    Check Lock/Login screen variable state...
    Lock/Login screen variable = Not used on Kernel: 6.1
    ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Started ]===
    [007] Automatic or User set System Drive Partition Name.
    [008] Internal Flag Variables Set.
    [041] Set Control Panel's view to Category {Default}.
    ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Finished ]===
    Transfer of options to any new User accounts later: Disabled.
    Prechecks Done - Start Main Processing Section...
    OS Installation Date/Time : 01/21/2021 {UTC} -- 10:54pm
    MRP Version Installed     : CY20M12D09-R132.0.BL
    MRP Config File Used      : N/A
    Unicode Mode              : Operative
    Original Codepage         : 936
    ===[ Variables ]===
    Oobe State     : System Controlled
    Install Type   : Client {Non Server}
    PC System Type : Desktop {0x1}
    Chassis Type   : 3 {Desktop}
    Domain Detected: No
    OS Full Name   : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 
    OS Name {Reg}  : Windows 7 Ultimate
    OS SKU Version : Ultimate {1}
    OS Architecture: x64 {AR:1}
    Edition {REG}  : Ultimate
    Edition {OSED} : Ultimate
    Edition {OM1}  : Ultimate
    Edition {Type} : General
    Build ID {R}   : 7601
    Build ID {V}   : 7601
    Reference Ver  : 6.1.7600.16385
    RS3 Plus       : No
    RS4 Plus       : No
    RS5 Plus       : No
    Language/Code  : zh-CN / 2052 {0x804h}
    Locale         : Chinese {Simplified} – PRC
    GeoID ISO Loc  : China [45]
    Time Zone Data : China Standard Time
    ===[ Main Processing ]===
    Obtaining Motherboard information.
    Checking for SLIC and MSDM tables.
    ===[ DMI/SMBIOS Information ]===
    CSNAME             : [System Product Name]
    SYSMODEL           : [System Product Name]
    CSVENDOR           : [System manufacturer]
    SYSMNF             : [System manufacturer]
    BASEMNF            : [ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.]
    BASEPRO            : [P8B75-V]
    BIOS or SLIC ID 1  : ALASKA - 1072009
    SLIC Information   : No Valid SLIC Table Present
    SLIC Detect Plan   : G2 
    MSDM Information   : No MSDM Table Present
    Checking CPU and Memory information...
    Checking number of CPU's fitted.
    Checking CPU Max Clock Speed.
    Checking CPU Cores.
    Checking CPU Manufacturer.
    Checking CPU Threads.
    Checking CPU Name.
    Checking CPU Description.
    Checking CPU Datawidth, {Bits}.
    Checking CPU ID.
    Checking if CPU Virtualization mode is active or not.
    Checking Memory configuration.
    Checking Memory Error Correction type.
    Checking Memory Devices/Slots.
    Checking Memory Max Capacity.
    Total Memory - 7.93 GiB
    Used Memory  - 790.93 MiB
    Free Memory  - 7.16 GiB [90.26%]
    Checking Meltdown/Spectre awareness.
    Show User Options display section.
    Drive Label Section.
    Checking for 'Retail.txt'.
    The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder.
    Checking for 'ei.cfg'.
    The 'ei.cfg' file was not detected.
    Checking for 'Pid.txt'.
    The 'PID.txt' file was not detected.
    Querying DMI for any OEM brand information.
    ===[ DMI Processing ]===
    CSNAME             : Voided {2}.
    SYSMODEL           : Voided {2}.
    CSVENDOR           : Voided {4}.
    SYSMNF             : Voided {4}.
    BASEMNF            : DMI + Database = Possible Match [Asus].
    No DMI conflicts was found.
    DMI query routine has completed.
    Bypassed Virtual Machine data checks as DMI [Asus] was detected. 
    No valid SLIC was found for OEM Activation.
    Asus [#06] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding.
    No 'Man2' var set.
    OEM SLP Key, Certificate and Activation Routine's will not be processed. Reason: No valid SLIC Table was detected. [NS]
    Computer Model Name Processing...
    The DMI/BIOS's 'SystemProductName' value was voided [Ref:2].
    The Computer's Model name was not defined within the BIOS, User specified or defined within '#03 CS Base Product'.
    Theme Processing Routines.
    User's specified theme was not defined.
    DMI theme 'Asus' will be applied.
    The Registry tweak for 64 Bit OS branding has been applied.
    Transfer Section.
    The '$OEM$.theme' was transferred to the 'C:\Windows\Resources\Themes' folder. {Ref: T3}
    See the MRP log file{s}, found on the C: drive, for more details of above sections.
    Processing Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routines.
    The '$OEM$.theme' file transferred OK. {Ref: TF}
    The Theme's branding files have been transferred.
    Asus OEM brand theme has been applied.
    Checking for SetupComplete/FirstLogon files within the 'Scripts' folder...
    No 'FirstLogOn' or 'SetupComplete' cmd files was detected.
    Option Utilization Started...
    Copy selected MRP Options into 'Default' User hive.
    Unpin Mail,Store, Taskview, PeopleBand and 'No Edit With Photos' Options, {if selected}.
    Shortcut Arrow Design Option.
    No Delete Confirm, No Shortcut Prefix, Show Extensions and Classic Menus Options.
    Set selected Options into default hives.
    Option Utilization Completed.
    Primary/Branding script has completed.
    ========================[ Add-On Manager - Log Section ]========================
    Edition Chk    : [Ultimate] {Ed0}
    Edition Chk1   : [Ultimate] {Ed1}
    Edition Chk2   : [Ultimate] {W2S}
    Edition {Type} : [General]
    Pre Windows 10 : [Yes]
    Theme Reg Tweak: Applied
    Transfer Opts  : [No]
    ===[ Built-In 'Administrator' Details ]===
    Localized Name : Administrator
    Account Active : Yes {Enabled}
    Account Status : OK
    ===[ Bios Mode and OS Drive Partition Information ]===
    A-Routine BMode: [UEFI]
    A-Routine DPart: [GPT]
    WMIC BMode     : [GPT System]
    WMIC DPart     : [GPT]
    SecureBoot     : [{X} N/A]
    Controller Mode: [{S} NVMe/PCIe]
    ===[ Other Data [===
    AO1 Flags S1   : [DUT=0], [DWT=0], [DAT=0], [DPA=0], [DOU=0], [DSC=0], [DFL=0]
    AO2 Flags S2   : [PRI=0], [A2B=0], [B2Z=0], [MKU=0], [OSP=0], [OPT=0] [OKF=0]
    AO2 Flags S3   : [SEC=0]
    First Tidy Up  : Started
    First Tidy Up  : Used Files
    First Tidy Up  : Used Environment Variables
    First Tidy Up  : Completed
    Detecting Activation Status...
    Detecting Activation Status - Done.
    Detecting License Channel Type...
    Detecting License Channel Type {1}...
    Processed License Channel Type. Retail {CTT}
    ===[ License Status ]===
    License Status  : Out-of-Box Grace Allowance
    Channel Status  : Retail {CTT}
    6.0/6.1 Grace   : 30 days / 43200 minutes.
    VL/KMS Capable  : Yes
    Key Management  : No
    Reason Code     : 0x4004F00C {Dec: 1074065420}
    Reason Text     : Running within the valid grace allowance. 
    Final Tidy Up  : Started
    Final Tidy Up  : Redundant Environment Variables
    Final Tidy Up  : Redundant Environment Variables
    Final Tidy Up  : Completed
    Unicode Mode   : Deactivated
    Orig Codepage  : 936
    MRP's enhanced debug log has completed.
  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007

    I mean the MRPConfig.ini file, the file that the creator program created which you put in the Scripts folder, not the log(s) :)
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  4. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    sorry,I can't find it:rolleyes:
  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Ah ok, i see you not use the ini file, sorry :oops:
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  6. bundyal

    bundyal MDL Junior Member

    Jun 28, 2014
    Hi mxman2k,
    I have found a bug in MRP 133.
    I shall send the pics to you now.
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I have found 4 area's where a pesky extra " (quote mark) was present which crashed the section for displaying the options used... or not in the case on the failure..

    Fixing them now, but i wont be able to upload a fixed MRP133 until tomorrow when i get home...
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v133 Baseline is OK, if you use the ,ini file with your options set.

    It is only crashing when no .ini file is used, ie when in default 'Off' mode.

    Have now hopefully fixed that issue once and for all which also should show a few options in the log which may not of shown due to another little redirection mistake i have spotted. That would not crash the project unlike that rogue " {quote mark}.

    Just goes to show - don't code when tired! :p
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I will do a couple of tests in the morning to make sure all is OK again and then re-release MRP v133.1 to differentiate between the two.
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    My manual testing of the 'show options to log' section now works and does not crash out.

    The before changes those mistakenly added " caused crash failures, removing those four rogue " sorted it.

    Also added a special check now that if no ini is detected then it will skip that section - with a simple log entry of 'no other user options selected' or words to that effect. :)

    Just now need to test the full project...
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  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Good job i brought the laptop with me to work, which has MRP 133 source files on, the only thing is i cant test any compiled exe as this laptop cant handle VM's :(
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  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #6835 mxman2k, Jan 21, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    Mrp v133.1 baseline refresh will be released tomorrow morning (GMT).

    Thanks to @Enthousiast for testing with and without the ini file.

    Looks like have fixed the non ini crashes.

    I have removed the download link from post #2 for the main project until i can upload the fixed version in the morning when i get in from work -- roughly 8 hours from now.

    Thanks @yescn for reporting the issue.
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Just doing a final test (no ini) to make sure everything is as it should be and no unexpected crashes again! :)

    I forgot how much crap is installed on a untouched or tweaked win 10 install :eek:
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v133.1 Baseline Refresh has been uploaded, 2nd post download link, password and hashes updated. :)

    + Fixed fatal error in which a rogue quotation mark within the code blocks caused the internal script engine to abort. Thanks to @yescn for reporting the issue.

    + If no 'MRPConfig.ini' is detected MRP will skip past the options log listing and should report that all options are set as default 'not used' vaules.

    + Other slight issues where the log was not always showing when some options have been selected.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
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  17. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    windows cannot read the product key from the unattended answer file
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Unattended {XML} side is outside the scope of the project. so i cannot help with that.

    That XML is controlled by windows setup and MRP does not touch that because anything within that XML is read and worked upon before MRP is even ran.

    Make sure the XML structure is correct for the OS Architecture it is for (32 or 64 bit), also that the product key is valid for the Edition required.
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