Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
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  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The routine i was mentioning/testing is to remove ALL apps/games etc, however it will NOT remove the Store, Calculator, Edge, but it DOES remove everything else!

    Store retained as it can be a pain to reinstall, Calculator - well it is useful :D, Edge mainly because it is stubborn and refused to budge so left it alone, it is however ideal to use to obtain your favorite browser. ;)

    Cortana is gone too -- so for those older OS's that require this 'assistant' to be present for the 'Search' to work then restoring it later can be quite a hassle, i tried and it is certainly not easy.

    So *IF* i do add it as a W10 Apps option it will be a 'advanced' one and many warnings about what could happen on older than 20h1 OS's, on 20h1 and later Cortana and Search are fully separated again so no problems.

    The user will need to think about if you wish to use this option, because you may need Cortana and the full XBox stuff for your requirements later...

    When selected this option will set all other App removal ones to disabled within MRP as this routine does them all, those shovel-ware games included.

    Note that the 'Feedback Hub' is also removed so if you are a active insider user then you will not be able to use that app!

    When a new user is created on the system the removed apps do not return, that could change on any later CU installed, repair installation or upgrade to next build...

    The 'Your Phone' is still shown within the PC Settings but it did not operate, so if you need that Phone app - DO NOT USE this new option...

    Below RS2 this option will be auto disabled as Powershell commands used are not fully compliant.

    I am still debating if to add this option as it quite extensive and it could potentially give some grief at a later stage...

    Majority of 'System' required apps are left alone such as 'ExperienceHost' and others like it to prevent glitches with the Start Menu which is fussy even without any tweaks!

    Note: Trying to restore apps removed will most likely fail via the usual Powershell method, you may need to reinstall via Appx Packages etc, but that is beyond the scope of MRP, so don't ask! :p

    Method does NOT use DISM, the routine is all Powershell - which is why it can add a bit of time before you get to the User OOBE part where you enter the Username etc, that is if you use this, or any of the App removal options in MRP's Creator.

    If you are interested in this option simply let me know by a simple post to say you would like this option added, or if you're shy, just click like on this post. - - If there is a lot of likes on this post i will assume that it is one to be added.

    Please make sure you understand the use of what this option does *if* it is added and you select to use it, then that is YOUR choice -- there will be NO revert script!!

    Other News:
    MRP 135 is at RC1 stage now and even if this option is not added it is on course for release early March.

    Query Tool v113 is at RC1 stage too... Nothing major added just a few tweaks to the code to cover later builds etc.
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  3. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  4. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  5. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
    I guess 6 likes on @mxman2k last post is more than enough to include the advanced option in its upcoming build:)

    P.S. I'm a big fan of your Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3, I used it everytime whenever I clean installed Windows OS together with unattend.xml script, no issue so far.
    Stay safe, stay warm...❤️

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  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I do try to add something useful for each release. But m$ like to change things just as i got something sorted to then have to re do it at the last moment.

    This possible new w10 option is going through many tests, powershell isnt one of my favorite scripting languages so is a learning experience. Even the versions of PS is not always backward/forward friendly in this specific option which is taking my time to work around.

    As time is ticking away closer to March and my workload is busy at present it all puts pressure to get things done, if i cant get this option sorted then i will not include it just yet, would rather have a stable release than a unstable one again!

    Well time to head back to work, my short tea break is over so quick.
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  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #6948 mxman2k, Feb 26, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
    Have added the Advanced 'Remove ALL Apps' option into the next MRP v135 and the Creator v40, note it has tooltips and a msgbox pop up when selected, make sure you read it and understand that there is NO revert script to use later if you realize you made a mistake when selecting this option!!

    The option now works as it should, after a few weird results in that it not even run the routine's PS comands/script, good job really as i found a bug in the script that would remove EVERYTHING and i mean every APP - including the Store, Search/Cortana - the whole lot and the OS would react with odd effects such as Action Centre/Start Menu glitches, even PC Settings would not function...

    So now that routine is sorted and so far no weird effects, certain Apps are left alone and some can be removed later via the Settings>Apps GUI if required such as XBox, Edge (Chromium one), Web Image Extensions, FeedBackHub (so any Insider build can be used and no glitches) and Calculator - if you not wish to use those - all other Apps are gone.

    Certain 'System' Apps was left alone so that later Drivers/Games can be installed/run hopefully with no problems, but i cannot guarantee that when you use this new removal ALL App option that will be the case in all scenarios.

    New users created later should also have those Apps removed as have also done the 'AppxProvisionedPackage' removal too.

    Use this option with caution - think before you blindly click away!

    The option will auto disable all other App removal options within MRP to help speed up removals and not need to do things twice.

    Remember even 'Your Phone', Hello, Mixed Reality, Camera etc is gone when this option is used so some login methods may fail to operate.

    A progress window should appear showing the App removal progress via P/Shell, unless you have silent mode option in use, but as P/Shell is not under normal batch scripting control that info window may still show while it is processing the App removals... Ignore any odd errors in RED in the P/Shell info bit as some Apps may not be present in your OS Edition/Language.

    It is experimental and cannot guarantee it will work on every Window 10 build/edition as it depends on the internal kernel stuff, but im sure it will remove quite a lot regardless.

    Below RS2 the routine will auto disable as the P/Shell version may not have the required commands such as the '-AllUsers' parameter, so for best results anything after RS2 should get the majority of Apps removed.
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  8. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    you can add new 'ONDA' OEM brand into the next Oem's ,
    How to edit setupcomplete.cmd to run Registry(.reg)
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Can't find any website for that brand, also cannot find any DMI info about it either at present, so cannot add it, sorry.

    Only sort of reference is a ONDA Android Tablet which would not run MRP anyway.

    As for adding/running .reg files via setupcomplete.cmd :

    REGEDIT /S "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\MyRegFile.reg >nul 2>&1
    Add that line into your SetupComplete script file, place the .reg file in the 'Scripts' folder next to SetupComplete.cmd.

    Change the name in green to your .reg file's name.
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  10. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    Can't make it work
  11. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    Is it possible to add a general OEM
  12. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Whats general OEM?
  13. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    I don't know how to say "通用" in English
  14. yescn

    yescn MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2020
    Only one OEM for all computers
  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Well you can use the Creator and set the brand you want to always use from the list and MRP will just use that one, or select Custom in the list and you can edit the files within the Custom brand folder that is inside the oem's.7z file.

    It is all explained in the read me's.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    As for the .reg files not working then either there is an error in your .reg file or you not alter the name in the example i gave to match your reg's file name.
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  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    通用 = 'Universal' -- l think would be a better term :) ;)
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  18. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Question: Would it be possible to make branding optional? Currently, when I'm integrating MRP into the ISO, branding is always applied (it's all or nothing). However, there are situations where I do not want it. So, maybe it's possible to have it ask somewhere in Setup if I want branding or not. :oops:
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  19. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009