Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Thanks :D :worthy:

    Looks like it all works as it should - phew! :clap:

    Was quietly confident it would just wanted to make sure it still worked on non english versions.
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  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Well time to get my act together and release R54 as baseline!

    Think this was the shortest beta ive ever done. :eek:
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  3. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    #683 s1ave77, Mar 3, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Just checked a Windows 8.1 U1 Core x64 install on same VM:

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170303-R54.b2 - BETA  [MRP/MDL] 
    Required files present and extracted successfully. 
    NOTE: This is a BETA release, MRP may not function as expected.  
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 03.03.2017 
    21:07:46,75 Windows 8.1 x64 version found. 
    21:07:46,82 Core Edition/SKU installed. 
    21:07:46,82 Build Version: 9600.17476.amd64fre.winblue_r5.141029-1500 
    21:07:51,17 Edition Language/Code: de-DE ( 1031 [407h] ) 
    21:07:51,17 OS Locale:             de-DE 
    21:07:51,17 OS Language Value:     DEU 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [DELL] 
    INFO: Standard HDD Detected. 
    21:07:54,17 Rename 'System Drive' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
    21:07:54,57 VMware Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMware resolved as Dell [#8]. 
    21:07:54,57 Dell [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
    21:07:54,57 Force theme text file not present. 
    21:07:55,12 Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
    21:07:55,12 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
    21:07:55,15 OOBE.xml file deleted.  
    21:07:55,15 User.bmp replaced.  
    21:07:55,20 User.png replaced.  
    21:07:55,22 User-40.png replaced.  
    21:07:55,23 User-200.png replaced.  
    21:07:55,23 Dell theme has been applied. 
    21:07:55,37 Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. 
    21:07:55,42 System32\oobe\info folder has been created. 
    21:07:55,42 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\info folder'. 
    21:07:55,57 Branding script has completed.
    21:09:46,25 Add-On Manager in progress. 
    21:09:54,62 Processing MSDM Key for Edition status. 
    21:09:57,18 MSDM Key Information: Win 8 RTM Core OEM;DM
    21:10:02,15 Your MSDM key is for the Edition installed and has been applied.
    21:10:02,20 See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for your saved MSDM key details.
    21:10:14,17 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    21:10:14,73 HDD Controller Mode: [AHCI] 
    21:10:14,73 Device does not appear connected to the Internet, online license check failed. 
    21:10:21,42 License Status: Not Licensed. 
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed. 
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #684 mxman2k, Mar 3, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
    MRP R54.0 BaseLine Released!

    Its that time again for another baseline release so here it is. :D

    Updated first post and download links.

    See Change Log for details of changes in this version.

    Quick Summary:

    Enhanced MSDM key information and processing, many thanks s1ave77 for your help. :D

    Code tweaks to allow more time for certain parts to complete fully before moving onto next task.

    Better cleanup of used and non used files prior to MRP completion.


    Time for a little break to catch up on some gaming and documentaries... oh and some well earned sleep! :D

    Thanks for the reports, feedback and testing. Helped make this the shortest beta test.

    Updated Credits on first post and within the ReadMe file in the archive.
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  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  6. BearPaws

    BearPaws MDL Novice

    Nov 14, 2008
    #686 BearPaws, Mar 4, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I am having issues with a HP 6730b it doesn't preactivate Windows 7, no OEM wallpaper, just nothing... I try to use the latest Query Tool and it just run and disappear with no log results no matter how many times I execute it, I try an old version it does run but stop at where it’s checking memory with no log results. I flashed the laptop bios to the latest firmware 68PDD Ver. F.20 dated 12/07/2011 before going with the clean install. I try RW - Read & Write tool to check to see if there was a SLIC 2.1 table and it does show that it has a SLIC 2.1 entry.

    Project log

    11:15:23,12 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    11:15:23,57 HDD Controller Mode: [AHCI] 
    11:15:28,25 License Status: Not licensed. 
    Thank you for using the project, MRP has now completed. 
    RW - Read & Write Tool log:

    Software Licensing Description Table: 0x000000007BBD8000
    53 4C 49 43 76 01 00 00 01 DC 48 50 51 4F 45 4DSLICv.....HPQOEM
    53 4C 49 43 2D 4D 50 43 01 00 00 00 48 50 20 20SLIC-MPC....HP  
    01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 00 00 00 06 02 00 00................
    00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00.$..RSA1........
    5B AB 60 56 BC 58 1E E8 C1 D2 A1 5C E5 4F BB FD[.`V.X.....\.O..
    1D A9 8C 94 B4 AE 08 11 DC 13 59 D3 7F F6 3E 87..........Y...>.
    31 B9 95 74 10 DA 3B A4 5B B5 19 82 7C 39 D7 0D1..t..;.[...|9..
    7C 22 AC 1C 2A 84 E9 0A 88 6D FA B1 E2 D8 E8 21|"..*....m.....!
    96 E1 2E 68 9A BF 44 45 3E 3C 8E 99 90 DE 37 38...h..DE><....78
    57 0B 92 15 BC DE FF F2 07 7E B5 40 8C 51 3A [email protected]:.
    02 48 F6 13 12 72 FB 42 78 E6 47 88 54 C7 B0 F0.H...r.Bx.G.T...
    93 9E FB 04 B7 B8 B8 90 DE DB ED 32 E1 FB 54 A6...........2..T.
    01 00 00 00 B6 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 48 50 51 4F............HPQO
    45 4D 53 4C 49 43 2D 4D 50 43 57 49 4E 44 4F 57EMSLIC-MPCWINDOW
    53 20 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00S ..............
    00 00 00 00 00 00 30 90 1F B4 A4 BE 80 1E E9 33......0........3
    EC 7F FC B1 28 0E A6 CE 43 72 8C 79 30 B4 F4 59....(...Cr.y0..Y
    EA 7D CF B7 11 8B DA 70 C5 C8 3F 79 20 08 6F 64.}.....p..?y .od
    CA 07 88 B3 B1 16 B4 BA 1A F1 85 52 B1 F5 07 55...........R...U
    B5 70 61 EF 44 8C AA 5F 78 14 66 98 9C F3 58
    AA 48 E0 37 F8 F6 AB 64 FA DA 17 2A 62 E3 04 1D.H.7...d...*b...
    32 2D D5 EA 33 66 5C 5B 3B 0E F7 09 66 42 32 AA2-..3f\[;...fB2.
    14 99 C3 EE 1A 62 3B 07 5F F0 48 44 C4 E6 32 59.....b;._.HD..2Y
    1F 14 3E F1 B2 38                              ..>..8          
    Length0x00000176 (374)
    Revision0x01 (1)
    Checksum0xDC (220)
    OEM Table ID"SLIC-MPC"
    OEM Revision0x00000001 (1)
    Creator ID"HP  "
    Creator Revision0x00000001 (1)
    OEM Public Key Structure
      Type0x00000000 (0)
      Length0x0000009C (156)
      Key Type0x06 (6)
      Version0x02 (2)
      Reserved0x0000 (0)
      Algorithm0x00002400 (9216)
      Bit Length0x00000400 (1024)
      Exponent0x00010001 (65537)
      Modulus0x5B 0xAB 0x60 0x56 0xBC 0x58 0x1E 0xE8 0xC1 0xD2 0xA1 0x5C 0xE5 0x4F 0xBB 0xFD 
             0x1D 0xA9 0x8C 0x94 0xB4 0xAE 0x08 0x11 0xDC 0x13 0x59 0xD3 0x7F 0xF6 0x3E 0x87 
             0x31 0xB9 0x95 0x74 0x10 0xDA 0x3B 0xA4 0x5B 0xB5 0x19 0x82 0x7C 0x39 0xD7 0x0D 
             0x7C 0x22 0xAC 0x1C 0x2A 0x84 0xE9 0x0A 0x88 0x6D 0xFA 0xB1 0xE2 0xD8 0xE8 0x21 
             0x96 0xE1 0x2E 0x68 0x9A 0xBF 0x44 0x45 0x3E 0x3C 0x8E 0x99 0x90 0xDE 0x37 0x38 
             0x57 0x0B 0x92 0x15 0xBC 0xDE 0xFF 0xF2 0x07 0x7E 0xB5 0x40 0x8C 0x51 0x3A 0xC3 
             0x02 0x48 0xF6 0x13 0x12 0x72 0xFB 0x42 0x78 0xE6 0x47 0x88 0x54 0xC7 0xB0 0xF0 
             0x93 0x9E 0xFB 0x04 0xB7 0xB8 0xB8 0x90 0xDE 0xDB 0xED 0x32 0xE1 0xFB 0x54 0xA6 
    SLIC Marker Structure
      Type0x00000001 (1)
      Length0x000000B6 (182)
      Version0x00020000 (131072)
      OEM Table ID"SLIC-MPC"
      Windows Flag"WINDOWS "
      SLIC Ver0x00020001 (v2.1)
      Reserved0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 
      Signature0x30 0x90 0x1F 0xB4 0xA4 0xBE 0x80 0x1E 0xE9 0x33 0xEC 0x7F 0xFC 0xB1 0x28 0x0E 
               0xA6 0xCE 0x43 0x72 0x8C 0x79 0x30 0xB4 0xF4 0x59 0xEA 0x7D 0xCF 0xB7 0x11 0x8B 
               0xDA 0x70 0xC5 0xC8 0x3F 0x79 0x20 0x08 0x6F 0x64 0xCA 0x07 0x88 0xB3 0xB1 0x16 
               0xB4 0xBA 0x1A 0xF1 0x85 0x52 0xB1 0xF5 0x07 0x55 0xB5 0x70 0x61 0xEF 0x44 0x8C 
               0xAA 0x5F 0x78 0x14 0x66 0x98 0x9C 0xF3 0x58 0xD8 0xAA 0x48 0xE0 0x37 0xF8 0xF6 
               0xAB 0x64 0xFA 0xDA 0x17 0x2A 0x62 0xE3 0x04 0x1D 0x32 0x2D 0xD5 0xEA 0x33 0x66 
               0x5C 0x5B 0x3B 0x0E 0xF7 0x09 0x66 0x42 0x32 0xAA 0x14 0x99 0xC3 0xEE 0x1A 0x62 
               0x3B 0x07 0x5F 0xF0 0x48 0x44 0xC4 0xE6 0x32 0x59 0x1F 0x14 0x3E 0xF1 0xB2 0x38 
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #687 mxman2k, Mar 4, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
    @BearPaws, Could you please pm me (or post here) the full project.log as the bit you shown does not help me much in working out what went wrong.
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  8. BearPaws

    BearPaws MDL Novice

    Nov 14, 2008
    @mxman2k, I am afraid that is all I got from the Project log file from the C drive. This is the first time I seen this result since the early beginnings of this project. o_O

  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #689 mxman2k, Mar 4, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
    The project has run til completion or the log would of shown where it had aborted prior to the last part.

    I too have never seen the log end at the last stage and no branding etc, unless say a force theme was attempted and no oems folder was present but then the log would of indicated that.

    From your report about the QT aborting at memory stage or not executing at all ie aborts before anything happens, indicates that there is maybe something wrong with the RAM or there is a problem with the bios itself.

    The calls to obtain memory are standard WMIC calls and i just do a bit of maths to convert the result into a readable format. Like wise other calls are standard system calls available via cmd batch.

    There was a problem with non english versions, but i am sure all that has been corrected now.

    Also HP/Compaq DMI can be a pain to parse as so many variants, I have added checking that would of gave some indication of what went wrong at that stage in the log, same with all stages there is checks in place that will show if something was missing/corrupted and give a failed entry.

    I know Lenovo computers can give odd results in the memory and BIOS strings but they do brand and activate with the project.

    Very puzzling.:g:
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I still have the first version(s) from 2012 onward :eek:

    The Project is so much different now - a LOT more complex. Log files was added by The_Guardian when he took over the project to aid bug hunting/trouble shooting, even that is now more advanced.

    Most of the code is the same, well almost, with the version you used the project was mainly contained in the oobe.cmd file the file size was about 15kb. That code was moved to another file to leave the oobe.cmd as it is today. Branding script is about 61 kb now with all the additions and changes over the years.

    I am sorry that i cant give a definitive answer why the current project fails on your computer as the project.log was not complete i cannot pin point where things went off the rails.

    But with the little part that was there i can say that the error checking put in place worked to keep going and MRP did complete its full process even though it didn't actually brand/activate.

    I have plans for MRP that later this year I will split the project, one being a legacy version for Vista/7 only which will be a stripped back one without the Win8.x/10 code parts and cater ONLY for those older versions. It wont be updated as often unless something needs to be added like a new SLIC/Certificate.

    The main project will just concentrate on the newer OS's.

    Any changes to the OEM's.7z can be used on the legacy and new project as they share a common structure - unless M$ changes something that will hinder that but will cross that bridge when it happens.
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  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I think this the right route to go. Although anyone or any developer wants to have an integral solution for all and every possible scenario, sometimes like in this case might want to split to spare countless hours of hard work and headaches which at the end result in a failing solution in some scenarios. PERHAPS this is the case.
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    It is to help me concentrate on one section so to speak, having to always check and recheck every time something is added/changed to make sure it not upset the older OS's is a pain.

    With the split i can test faster because i no longer have to install vista/7 os's if i change anything in the branding section which as most will know who help test the beta's it takes a LOT of time.

    Most changes i can get away with, as in working on the add-on's as they are separate from the branding script which is very sensitive.

    I doubt that many 'updates' to Vista/7 will be made now and to reduce errors the split is really required as i am sure at some stage branding for W10 will change which will invalidate the older os's anyway. Plus Vista is EOL this year and w7 is on extended support (updates only).

    Also it will allow me to do a complete re-write of the main project in another programming language, will have to see how that part pans out as I am still learning the art of batch. :p

    Just trying to future proof the project and not laden it down with old baggage.
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  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Again. I fully agree with your view and decision. You're not going to believe me but at some point in the past when beta testing your project, I was tempted to suggest to take the same path you are proposing now. :eek: :p :worthy:
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #696 Enthousiast, Mar 6, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Win 7 AIO iso (pro selected):

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170303-R54.0 - BaseLine  [MRP/MDL] 
    Required files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. 
    OS Installation Date: ma 06-03-2017 
    23:08:07,95 Windows 7 Professional x64 version found. 
    23:08:08,06 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 
    23:08:08,06 Build Version: 7601.23572.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr.161011-0600 
    23:08:15,66 Edition Language/Code: nl-NL ( 1043 [413h] ) 
    23:08:15,66 OS Locale:             nl-NL 
    23:08:15,66 OS Language Value:     NLD 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #2 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform] 
    #4 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #5 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.] 
    #6 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation] 
    #8 BIOS ID           : [DELL] 
    INFO: Standard HDD Detected. 
    23:08:19,12 Rename 'System Drive' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default. 
    23:08:19,61 Dell [#8] manufacture found for possible Vista/Win7 activation. 
    23:08:19,62 VMware Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMware resolved as Dell [#8]. 
    23:08:19,62 Dell [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 
    23:08:19,75 Dell OEM-SLP Product Key found and applied. 
    23:08:21,06 Dell XRM-MS OEM Certificate present.  
    23:08:21,07 Windows 7 OEM activation subroutine created.
    23:08:33,82 Force theme text file not present. 
    23:08:34,07 x64 Theme registry patch file applied.
    23:08:34,11 Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied.
    23:08:34,11 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 
    23:08:34,13 User.bmp replaced. 
    23:08:34,24 Dell theme has been applied.  
    23:08:34,29 System32\oobe\info folder has been created. 
    23:08:34,30 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\info folder'. 
    23:08:34,61 Branding script has completed.
    23:11:49,26 Add-On Manager in progress. 
    23:11:55,18 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 
    23:11:55,60 HDD Controller Mode: [AHCI] 
    23:12:04,32 License Status: Licensed.  
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed. 
  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @Enth I am guessing that is with the VM MSDM Bios440 file :D

    Ah its nice to see the VM DMI Conflict working. :tasty:
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  17. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Yeah, same bios file :)
  18. woarke

    woarke MDL Novice

    Apr 8, 2015
    #699 woarke, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170303-R54.0 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL]

    Required files present and extracted successfully.

    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.

    OS Installation Date: 07.03.2017

    12:39:53,59 Windows 10 Pro x64 version found.
    12:39:53,68 Professional Edition/SKU installed.
    12:39:53,68 Build Version: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616
    12:39:54,12 Edition Language/Code: en-US ( 1033 [409h] )
    12:39:54,12 OS Locale: de-DE
    12:39:54,12 OS Language Value: DEU

    DMI BIOS Information
    #1 CS Product Name : [HP ZBook 15 G3]
    #2 CS Model Name : [HP ZBook 15 G3]
    #4 CS Vendor Name : [HP]
    #5 CS System Name : [HP]
    #6 Baseboard Name : [HP]
    #8 BIOS ID : [HPQOEM]

    INFO: SSD Detected.

    12:39:56,15 Rename 'System Drive' flag not set, 'C:' will be left as OS default.
    12:39:56,25 Checking for 'possible' DMI conflicts...
    12:39:56,25 Possible [HP ZBook 15 G3] conflict re-checking DMI [#1], resolved as [HP].
    12:39:56,43 HP [#1] manufacture will be used for theme/branding.
    12:39:56,43 Force theme text file present and branding will be set as HP.
    12:39:56,48 Computer Model Name: 'HP ZBook 15 G3' detected and applied.
    12:39:56,48 Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    12:39:56,48 OOBE.xml file deleted.
    12:39:56,48 User.bmp replaced.
    12:39:56,50 User.png replaced.
    12:39:56,50 User-40.png replaced.
    12:39:56,50 User-32.png replaced.
    12:39:56,50 User-48.png replaced.
    12:39:56,50 User-192.png replaced.
    12:39:56,50 Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced.
    12:39:56,51 HP theme has been applied.
    12:39:56,53 Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced.
    12:39:56,54 System32\oobe\info folder has been created.
    12:39:56,56 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\info folder'.
    12:39:56,56 Branding script has completed.
    12:48:38,24 Add-On Manager in progress.
    12:48:41,26 Processing MSDM Key for Edition status.
    12:48:44,21 MSDM Key Information: Win 10 RTM Professional OEM;DM
    12:48:47,21 Your MSDM key is for the Edition installed and has been applied.
    12:48:47,21 See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for your saved MSDM key details.
    12:48:51,11 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    12:48:51,19 Set 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    12:48:51,20 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected.
    12:48:51,20 The 'defaultuser0' folder was not present.
    12:48:55,19 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR
    12:48:55,27 HDD Controller Mode: [AHCI]
    12:48:55,27 Device does not appear connected to the Internet, online license check failed.
    12:49:01,57 License Status: Not Licensed.

    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible =
    = to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. =

    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed.

    Though the project completed successfully the "please enter product key" screen appeared.
  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #700 mxman2k, Mar 7, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    strange not had that appear in testing... Although i do have the ei.cfg file in my iso/usb and i select which version manually.

    Probably one of the quirks of W10?

    When you went online after say a reboot did it activate?

    On my tests with the Lenovo PC i have (Home/Core) it never asked for a key, when i went online a few seconds later it was activated.
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