Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Hmm so it not that /locale part causing the issue :g: - as basically that is the only change in code i can see :g:
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  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    The other OS I checked so far are Windows 10 Core (glitched KMS with 45days) and the Win10 IP dev build 21322.1000. All did show "Not in use".

    Wish I had retained the 111 tool.
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    PM'd you latest QT 113 RC7 test version :)

    I probably not got the exe of 111 but i most likely have the source code, i know i have v104 which was before the changes by adding the /Locale: parameter.
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  4. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    For interest: Found and used an old 110 version on the Win7 machine and "Hey, presto!":

    Licensing Channel {RCode}  : VL_KMSClient  {0x00000000} 
    License Status Reason      : Valid key for product's licensing channel was used for activation.
    Windows VL Key Management  : VL_KMSClient
    Remaining Time Allowance   : 176 days / 254340 minutes
    Activation Interval Time   : 0 days / 120 minutes
    Renewal Interval Time      : 7 days / 10080 minutes 
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  5. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Tested 113-RC7, shows "Not in use". At a loss.

    Additionally, RC7 did not save any public report to the Desktop, only the private copy. No idea, why. AV is always off when the tests run.
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  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7006 mxman2k, Mar 5, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2021
    If the QT's window is closed it will not save the public report as it still in progress/creation... The window will auto close when the QT has fully completed its tasks - or if there is some error that prevents it from closing.

    Usually it takes a second or two for the public one to appear as it has to be parsed and created on the fly.

    When the GUI Display is closed it will force clean up the QT's work folder which can also cause the public saved report from being processed if it still being created in the background.

    As for the VL management i am at a loss too as it the same as v104 section which would be same as 111 because nothing was altered. Will look through my back ups for 111 or 110 ...
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  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    OK not 100% fixed - it is for 8.x/10 but on win 7 it still not show the data,,, when i get more time i will see why on 7 it is still failing, it may be another section resetting the checked variables and so confusing the results...

    I will sort it one way or another :D
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The next Query Tool v113 is at RC11 stage, tidied up a few bits and pieces, (made sure i not even remotely touched the KMS checking routines :D:D) , have uploaded this version to the internal test links in PM to those that have been testing.

    Next version of MRP {135} is almost out of testing now and should be ready for release on Monday 8th March {GMT} :)
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  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v135 Baseline and the Query Tool v113 files have now been uploaded, the 2nd post's download links, passwords and hashes have been updated. :)

    + New 'General OS' options added:
    1) Run as Administrator for .vbs {VBScript} files via Context Menu. {OS Translated}
    2) Run as Administrator for .js {JavaScript} files via Context Menu. {OS Translated}
    3) Run as Administrator for .ps1 {PowerShell} files via Context Menu. {OS Translated}
    4) Install/Uninstall DLL files via Context Menu. {OS Translated}
    5) Install/Uninstall OCX files via Context Menu. {OS Translated}
    6) Set 'Device Install Settings' to No/Off, works for Vista/7/8.x kernels but on Windows 10 it is not fully reliable. Always disabled on W10 Home/Core Editions.

    + New Windows 10 kernels options added:
    1) Set WU Download Mode values to lowest possible, this should limit the speed and amount WU can download in the foreground and background, does NOT stop updates but can slow them down quite a lot, ideal for those on slow internet/mobile plans so that WU does not max out your connection. RS4+ only and may not always work as it depends on your OS's locale/Edition. Easy to revert via the 'PC Settings' GUI.

    2) Remove ALL Apps, with exceptions. This option removes as many Apps from the OS but leaves the Store, Cortana/Search, Calculator, XBox, Camera and some 'System' required Apps so that newer Drivers/Games can be installed/run. This option will auto disable all other App removal options. Below RS2 this option is auto disabled as the routine is not reliable on those older OS Builds.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: There is *NO* revert script so use this option with caution.

    This may not always work as it is experimental. Also note that some log-in options may fail such as 'Hello'. Most Apps that are not removed can be via 'PC Settings>Apps' GUI. New users created will also have the Apps removed, with a later CU installed or a upgrade to next Build operation may reinstall the removed Apps. If a Insider/Preview Build is installed the FeedbackHub is not removed.

    + Creator v40.0 has been updated with the new options and tool tips etc.

    + Minor code adjustments and re-wording on some log entries.

    + For Windows 10, the Query Tool will attempt to add an exclusion to Defender so that the QT's work folder is ignored during testing. You may have to restart the QT if the Defender exclusion has been added.
    --> Note that Defender is getting quite aggressive and at times will totally ignore any exclusions added, either by scripts or via its own GUI!

    + Fixed KMS data not showing correctly, now it will show for all supported OS's. This mainly affected the OS and not Office installs. Thanks to @Carlos Detweiller for informing me of the glitch.

    + Added the internal code name for Windows 10 kernels, such as Redstone etc.

    + Adjusted code to detect a SSD or HDD - it may still show the latest NVMe drives as HDD, hopefully not as the new routine double checks the OS's results.

    + Some wording/information entries changed slightly.

    + Various code improvements.
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  12. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Av's will always flag the qt's exe as it is compiled slightly different each time a new release done.

    Cat and mouse.
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  14. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    After joining a pc to a domain and signing into a domain user I have I get this error: "Cannot find script file c:\Windows\RunInvisible.vbs" - It seems settings are transferred anyway
    have several exclusions in Windows Defender,

    This is is admin during network deployment:
    Ialso it thinks ChkValid.exe is a Trojan

    Any ideas?

    Attached Files:

  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Runinvisible is used when cleanup is in operation, probably with a domain the vbs was deleted prior to the deployment.

    Chkvalid is a autoit exe i wrote that filters chars like ( ) & ^ etc that cause issues with scripting. It changes ( ) to { } to prevent echo etc crashing.

    Sadly i cant foresee all the ways windows is installed.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7017 mxman2k, Mar 8, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2021
    I personally detest defender as it seems to ignore any exclusions recently.
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  17. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    WIndows is a mess (Including defender...) Windows is installed, updated etc all over network and MRP did its job. I'll try rebooting before joining domain.
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    It seems that the cleanup line added to the runonce entry is not removed after completion in all scenarios. As all appears to work it looks like it is a cosmetic glitch. The cleanup bit just removes any leftover bits of mrp all options has already been completed as shown in the log.

    If it is a core edition install there is an extra script ran to set the theme correctly to get around why it not set when desktop appears. A reboot runs that script and fixes that as cannot refresh explorer or os theme 'on the fly' as it will crash the system.

    I not like to leave files behind but i may have to leave that runinvisible vbs one.
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  19. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    If its only a glitch its nothing much to worry about, its just that it made me whonder what it was or why its not existing.
    RunInvisible is added twice in Defender Exclusions (Windows and System32) and some other lines. Should they exist or be deleted also?