Finally managed to determine the 'Windows Feature Experience Pack' version # had to resort to Pshell though, but at least now it can be shown, only taken me 5 months to get a working method. This will only be shown on build 19041 {2004} and above, if it is detected within the OS's update list. Have added that code into the next Query Tool v116.0 and in MRP 138.0 which both will soon be ready for release. Plus in MRP 138 have added two new options which are just for those with multiple displays that wish to show the TaskBar on the other screens etc. These options will ONLY operate when the OS detects more than one display. No harm will be done selecting those options when the PC has one display as the OS will just ignore them. The creator v43.0 which will be supplied with MRP 138.0 has those new options added as multi-select type radio buttons, there is one for Single display taskbar options which is now moved to the first [General] tab and the two new ones for Multi-Display Taskbar options is on the [Extras] tab. Fixed spelling and title errors as found by @Carlos Detweiller ( thanks ) within the MRPConfigCreator, also one line in the MRP's log which i too spelt diagtrack wrong. Spoiler: QT 116 TR4 log Code: MRP - Query Tool v116.0.TR4 [Compiled: 06/17/2021 {UTC}] -- Date/Time Ran: 06/17/2021 {UTC} -- 09:39am [DF] ===========================================[ Basic Information For This Computer ]=========================================== ==================================================[ Operating System Info ]================================================== Installation Type : Client {Non Server} Media Installation Method : Clean Version {Full Name} : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version {SKU} : Windows 10 Pro {48} Edition {Registry} : Professional {48} Edition {CBS} : Professional Edition {Composition} : Enterprise Edition Build Qfe Value : 928 {0x3a0} Architecture : 64 Bit {via AR:1} Base Build Revision Number : 1 {0x1h} Internal Build Number : 19043 Internal Branch Code Name : Vibranium Build Branch Reference : vb_release Cumulative Update Revision : 928 Release Identifier : 2009 Short Display Version : 21H1 Full Build Information : 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406 Experience Pack Version : 120.2212.551.0 Short Reference Version : 10.0.19041.1 ProductID Reference : 3308 -----snip----
Testing 2 new options for 'Windows 11' : Move Start to left. Taskbar Size change: Default, Small, Large. They will be ignored on W10 unless m$ back port them, and for Vista->8.x the options will be ignored/Unset. As always m$ may change how they work when/if 'w11' is publically released...
With the Query Tool v116.0 there is a check for the 'Trusted Platform Module' on Windows 10/11 It is a simple check but does give the important info required (I hope)... Example from a old Dell 630 laptop that has TPM fitted: Code: Trusted Platform Module : Enabled Trusted Platform Module : Active/Operative TPM Speculative Version{s} : 1.2, 2, 1 TPM Manuf Version{s} : 2.22 When the QT is checking for the TPM it can take a few seconds to obtain the data, but should be less than 10 seconds give or take. If results are null then a not present/unavailable note will be shown, such as if the TPM is turned off, not active or not fitted. Code: Trusted Platform Module : Unavailable/Not present Still testing... But very close now to release.
Its standard wmic calls within for loops to parse results, not tried on below w10 as i was just adding it in to check and show data as a possible requirement for installing w11. When i get home in about 1.5 hrs i will post the code used.
Here is the simple test routine code for TPM. Code: @echo off title TPM Checks.. echo Run as Admin or results will not be as expected... echo. SET "TPM_Available=No" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm path win32_tpm get IsEnabled_InitialValue /value" 2^>nul') do set "TPM_Enabled=%%A" & SET "TPM_Available=Yes" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm path win32_tpm get IsActivated_InitialValue /value" 2^>nul') do set "TPM_Activated=%%A" & SET "TPM_Available=Yes" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm path win32_tpm get IsOwned_InitialValue /value" 2^>nul') do set "TPM_IsOwned=%%A" & SET "TPM_Available=Yes" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm path win32_tpm get SpecVersion /value" 2^>nul') do set "TPM_SpecVersion=%%A" & SET "TPM_Available=Yes" FOR /F "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm path win32_tpm get ManufacturerVersion /value" 2^>nul') do set "TPM_ManfVersion=%%A" & SET "TPM_Available=Yes" IF /I "%TPM_Available%"=="Yes" ( IF DEFINED TPM_Enabled echo TPM is enabled IF DEFINED TPM_Activated echo TPM is activated IF DEFINED TPM_IsOwned echo TPM is owned/operative IF DEFINED TPM_SpecVersion echo TPM Speculative Version{s} %TPM_SpecVersion% IF DEFINED TPM_ManfVersion echo TPM Manufacturing Version{s} %TPM_ManfVersion% ) IF /I "%TPM_Available%" NEQ "Yes" echo TPM does not seem present/available. echo. pause *edit* Appears to work on Win 7/8.x too, probably not with Vista/S2008 so will set the QT to skip the checks on that OS.
Main PC: Code: TPM does not seem present/available. Press any key to continue . . . Result is correct
Only hardware with any form of a TPM onboard: Code: TPM is enabled TPM is activated TPM is owned/operative TPM Speculative Version{s} 1.2, 2, 3 TPM Manufacturing Version{s} 66.5 The TPM should be 1.2 (according to whynotwin11)
The results are what wmic returns in full. V 2 and 3 looks a possiblity as i had same sort of results with my old del 630 laptop.
Yeah i had read up it was partly supported on 6.0 kernels so decided to skip the tpm checks on that old os.
Have added a very simple check for bitlocker too, but it will only show on w8.x and above as the pshell module may not work on below w8. It will only say if the system drive's bitlocker status is on or off. I may add which type such as full, files only or partial etc, will see as it takes a while for pshell to check so it all about the time it takes.
Years ago I built both a W7 32 and 64 bit DVD, for the life of me I can not find my copy of the 64bit, in the process of restoring a machine and specifically need the W7 64. So I thought I would just recreate the one I was missing, have built it, rebuilt it and pulled my hair out ...will not work. So would anyone have a W7 64,that I could make a donation to the charity of their choice? Jronald