Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7322 mxman2k, Jul 31, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2021
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7323 mxman2k, Aug 2, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Have been busy going through the project's code to check specific areas and variables to make sure certain options are not set by mistake on the wrong os.

    Plus other commitments have taken my time away from the project the last week.

    All is progressing and is still on course just a little slow at times.

    TC2 is the stage mrp is at present and soon be at release candidate :)

    Query tool will be worked on at same time as that was put on hold.
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  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7325 mxman2k, Aug 9, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
    Have updated the 'Add Pshell run as admin' option so that it will have 'Run with Powershell' {non admin} and 'Run as Administrator' so you can run a .ps1 script either way.

    On w7 sometimes the OS will block running of .ps1 scripts and you may have to set a registry/GPO to allow .ps1 scripts to be run.

    I have added a temporary bypass, (just for that PS process/script being run), but it sometimes may still get blocked.

    For 8.x/1x it is more lenient but may still have a block in place , or as it called 'Restricted', sadly not much i can do about that as i not wish to make the OS insecure by just globally removing the restricted policy.

    The manual script(s) work and it now a case of testing via a actual install, it should set the CT menu parts ok, but there is always a small doubt when it may not work as expected.

    All OK on Win 7 :)
    Even if the OS's P/Shell Execution Policy is set to 'Restricted' the right-click option seems to bypass it to allow you to run the .ps1 file. You will need to make sure the script that you wish to be run is safe.

    For the CT menu option regarding 'File Explorer' the name on Win7 does not seem to exist :g: so it will just be called 'Explorer' {English} as that is the name of the file itself.
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  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Have managed to find another donor string table, ( via Shell32.dll ), to translate the 'Explorer' CT's menu name :)

    For Vista/7 and i think 8.x it will have the entry 'Windows Explorer' for 10/11 it will be called 'File Explorer' - hopefully translated into the native OS Language.

    Failing to translate for any reason , then the default en-us name of 'Explorer' will be used as a last resort.

    On 8.x it may also be called 'File Explorer' on a later CU, but either way there will be an entry shown of which flavor the OS wishes, when you have selected that option.
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  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP is at TC4 stage and soon to become a baseline candidate (BC) :)

    Quite a lot has been done internally to try and get all options to be as efficient as can be, such as any new methods of auto-translating and general code improvements etc.

    The Query Tool has also had a few code updates internally, there is now a added line under the Powershell versions which will show the PS Execution policies where available, plus it depends on the OS if two lines are shown or just one about the policy/policies.
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7328 mxman2k, Aug 12, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v139 is now a baseline candidate and if final tests not show any errors then the release date will be the 15th {Sunday} barring any external factors that will cause a delay.

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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP v139.0 Baseline has been uploaded, 2nd post's download link, password and hashes have been updated. :)

    + Fixed issue when installing Windows 7 that the auto drive rename would have the wrong information.

    + Added a General option [Extras Tab in Creator] for restarting the Explorer.exe Service, this allows a quick close and restart of the Explorer shell. The exact wording may change via OS translations. Default will be English spelling.

    + Added 'Use separate process' for Explorer.exe. This can also help with the 'old ribbon expansion' option on Windows 11, this may change later due to M$ updates.

    + Added extended 'Take Ownership' C/T menu items that can be user named for their own language as no internal look up translations are available in any OS's for that.
    The extended version will only be used on Windows 8.x and above. Default English.
    However a single letter box for your native language letter for Yes ie Y {eng}, O {French}, S {Spanish}, this allows the older 'Take Ownership' option{s} to work better on non English OS's.

    + Added a Win 8.x/1x option to 'Temporarily turn off Internet during OOBE', this will switch off any WiFi/LAN etc connections to allow creating a offline {local} account. Useful for Windows 11 Home/Core Editions. M$ may try to force the user to have a internet connection on the Home Editions of win 11 at some later date.

    + Added W10 option to allow upgrading to Windows 11 via Windows Update, it sets the bypass registry entries for TPM, RAM etc. This is experimental and m$ may ignore or enforce these parameters at a later date.

    + Added 'Prevent Taskbar Grouping' for Windows 11. This may be disabled by M$ via a later update.

    + Added a 'PC Settings' Desktop C/T menu that allow easy access to a few useful pages of the Settings application.

    + Added to the log any results found about PowerShell's Execution Policies, these will show if the OS is 'Restricted' etc for running .PS1 scripts etc.

    + Various internal code updates to prevent incorrect options being used on the wrong OS.

    Some Windows 11 options are 'greyed' out as they are no longer operative, left them there in case a new tweak/method becomes available later.

    For Windows 11 installs, the Start Menu and Taskbar cannot be 'slimmed' at this time due to how the new layouts have been 'designed' hopefully any Apps links that have been selected for removal are not shown on the Start Menu.

    Also not possible at this time is preventing the Start Menu from auto opening on the first log in after Setup has completed.

    Please remember to reboot the computer after setup has completed as this then sets any options that require the reboot cycle for them to become active. Examples include Win8.1 thin borders, expanded explorer ribbon, theme elements for all Home/Core Editions.
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  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I forgot to mention that i have added a updated Win 11 - slimmer start menu xml and .json file into MRP 139, it is experimental but it not totally 'clear', as i mentioned before that at least 4 items must be present on this new start menu. So i have placed a few useful items that could be of use to most to fill the spaces.

    Not sorted the 'Recommended' area yet as i am still working out the new format for the .json and .xml layouts...

    It may take a reboot or two to update the Start Menu layout but as can be seen below it does look a lot less cluttered. :D

    As it is experimental it may not always slim the menu items, hopefully i can perfect it for the next release.

    W11StartMenu-Slimmer.jpg <- Click for larger image.
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The Windows 11 TaskBar has a similar system for '{un}pinning' apps etc to it and once i have sorted the 'Start Menu' then i will have a go at the TaskBar xml/json side to clear that down as much as possible.

    I must mention the laptop i used was offline and not connected to the internet at any time during installation and is still not connected, hence why the Start Menu looks very tidy, i am unsure that when your pc is connected during install/setup or at any time later that the menu will not get populated with M$ apps etc...

    It seems that Edge and Store tiles/links will always be present on the W11 start menu regardless of any other apps pinned.

    As it is all a new process to understand and get to grips with it may take a while to get things to look cleaner, may never be a slim version like w10 can have but at least have the apps/tools etc that WE would wish to have there and not some m$ advert/shovel-ware like it appears now.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    [OCDEN] Unable to disable all WiFi/Lan Internet connections at this time.
    Hmm i wonder if m$ has got wise and in this latest 132 cu blocked the method to software turn off the lan/wifi connections.

    Seems like the option was system denied.

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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The next Query Tool v117.0 will be ready soon :)

    It should now show the TPM version in use first and then other data within { } that is returned by the OS queries.

    Also the manufacturer ID (Maker) ,if available, will be shown too.

    INTC i believe is Intel's CPU PTT TPM type thing, as i found out how to enable it for my i5-6400 Skylake CPU.

    Trusted Platform Module    : Enabled
    Trusted Platform Module    : Active/Operative
    TPM Speculative Version{s} : 2.0 {2.0, 0, 1.16}
    TPM Manufacturer Ver{s}    : 11.8
    TPM Manufacturer ID Text   : INTC 
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  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    These are online registry checks?

    I still haven't tested them on installs, they were originally meant for boot.wim index: 2, afaik.
  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Nope they are registry queries, basically shows if the bypass bits was in use when installed, or those for WU use. :)
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  17. Salvation Garuda

    Salvation Garuda MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2021
    Hi I'm tired of Microsoft shoving down a home license with the slp or MSDM table. Is there anyway to delete it
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The only real way is to remove such licenses from the computer's BIOS to delete/invalidate such ACPI table data and re-flash the firmware, but that is very risky and you could end up with a nice door stop!

    With the Win 8.x/1x MSDM it is easy to have the Windows setup 'ignore' it via a simple ei.cfg file or PID.txt so that the setup is told to ignore any MSDM and either present the user a list of Editions to pick from to install, or install the Edition that the PID.txt's key is for.

    As for SLP/SLIC not sure why you wish to remove it, easy enough to ignore as only the OEM ISO images would have the makers certificates/Royalty keys for the specific brand. Just remove any oem's certificate(s) from the image and it will not auto activate.

    The MSDM/SLIC license is paid by the OEM to activate their branded versions of Windows, along with any bloat, but at some point along that chain the end user has paid or will pay for that data to be added into the OEM's bios and is part of the original user/buyer's cost of the device, sadly no way around that.

    You could buy a OEM device that has no Windows supplied as those usually do not have any valid SLIC/MSDM within the BIOS.
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