As i personally not keen on powershell i will be using alternative ways to access the wmi api which is far faster than pshell. Have about done the dmi and bios data sections, next will be cpu and memory results. Luckily the vram/graphics routine was done ages ago. Some results may not show like it did when wmic was available but will work around that as i can. More details when time permits.
Just sorted the Antivirus detection part and updated the above report Once i get the QT sorted to some sort of degree i can copy most of the sections to MRP's code, but i know that going to be a bit harder than the QT Insider detection will be just for the Dev builds for the moment, although i will do a simple check for Insider or Preview name...
Also note that the CPU section not say how many CPU's are present, but the 'Sockets/CPU's Present' bit will hopefully show how many are physically installed..
QTv118 rc6 have added: Code: Capacity Data : Total: 189 GiB, Free: 103 GiB had done routine but forgot to show new variable results
Have a bit more code tidying to do and testing as quite a lot of changes have had to be done. Did not realise how much use of wmic was used! Have used vbscript as much as possible, the odd pshell lines where required. Vbscript was used as it better for pre w10 os's as pshell can be fussy. Once im happy with the rewrite the qt can be released. Then the task of the mrp rewrite that will take a while as it is more complex due to all the error checks to prevent crashes during os installation. Im guessing quite a lot of other tools will need fixing too that use wmic.
The current MRP works well (except for 22483), so, no need to rush. You ain't MS, there's no deadline for belching half-developed beta-quality stuff out. Take your time.
I am a workaholic , things have to be done or i forget. A few more bits converted this morning, just testing the QT now, will post shortly - if it not crashed.
Once i am happy that the new non WMIC routines are working - which looks like they are , then i will start on the task of converting MRP code to use them. As can be seen by the above QT tests all appears to be working, VM detection may be a bit hit and miss as there is two methods used, one was WMIC (gets ignored) and Registry queries which may not always be perfect results. But the user can see if a VM been used in other parts anyway so it no real loss.
#02 CS Model Name : NA Is one that is being a bit awkward as WMIC was so much easier, now i have to go hunting in the registry in more than one place to find a match if no two match then the NA is shown, will sort that next.
Ah SKU - will sort. CPU odd but will see if another way to find info can be used. Wifi - that always been a pain
As the QT in test mode i have force set a variable to tell the script to ignore WMIC, it should use wmic when it is detected... So that should take care of old OS's.