Just added the 'Multiple OS Language Names' detection into the QT, i only see one language in that line as there is only one for my OS Not sure if it will work as expected but will upload it for the testers Code: General Language Name/Code : en-GB / 2057 {0x809} General Language Locale : English – United Kingdom General Language Value : ENG Localized Language Name : en-GB Multiple OS Language Names : en-GB GeoID Nation ISO Location : United Kingdom [242] GeoID Nation CUR Location : United Kingdom [242] If it works i might add it into the MRP code.
MRP v141 progress: DMI and BIOS data seem to be OK again when no WMIC.exe found... SLIC name detection is a bit hit and miss at moment, but for now that least of the issues. Crashes after partition information... (Addon Manager part)... As time now limited today will continue tomorrow. Slowly getting there
With help from @abbodi1406 for WMIC replacement lines for KMS checking etc which have been added into the QT and soon to be put in MRP code too. QT 118 RC12d is uploaded for those testing If that works as expected (should do unless i really messed it all up) then the QT will be ready for release very soon.
QT 118 RC15 now. Added even more data that was missing, so now almost all usual data is shown. There may be a small amount not showing when WMIC is not detected (or forced to be ignored with /NW command line switch).
The non Wmic routines for DMI data work slightly different to those that use Wmic so some lines are not same, sadly cannot always get identical results. The 'To' result is because the variable was set to ignore anything after a space character, will adjust it to show all into. For OS's that have Wmic still available i may have the QT ignore the /nw switch as it not needed, but it did help in ironing a few bugs out. I will say that the WMic and Vbscript ways to obtain the DMI information do get the data returned in a slightly different order, it is odd and i will see if i can move the results around to get similar data as Wmic would.
The QT will automatically switch to non Wmic mode if it not found in the OS as i added that internal check a while ago, but added the /NW so it can be tested on a system that still has Wmic.exe etc to check the results are OK.
Still work in progress for mrp, as i managed to get theme sorted but user account pictures still need a bit of work.
Im guessing that those replies are correctly reported in the language? As i am just showing the results as they are. Sant = True or Truly (depending on translator) Falskt = False WMIC usually returned english , but using the vbscript it returns as it is (i think) as i not added code to force english returned data - that gets complicated so i not bothered