As running in a vm the cpu data is what is returned unfiltered at present so threads etc are what is set in the vm software. Meltdown bit on amd is because that is a wmic section i missed which was checked to ignore meltdown bit. Graphics data odd as if no wmic data the qt would switch to the vbscript routine as a backup. I will get round to fixing the issues as i can. Im still rewriting parts. Side note/observations: Powershell isnt that good as they say either as a simple task to get time and date in raw format does not work under early oobe, im guessing the os at that time is still under winre or whatever its called so certain .net etc functions are not active. Ps is .net dependant. If that the case then ms have really f'd things up as even their precious s**tty ps has a major flaw!!
Note to graphics data: While progressing, the tools displayed "Unable to process graphics data." As for CPU: Are you sure it returns a 32bit only 2MHz CPU? Don't think it could run the VM.
I had a similar result on a celeron that it said 1 khz ?? It is simply a cock up on my side as the returned data with wmic is one result but with ps or in this case vbscript it returns a lower result and the calculation routine gets it wrong. I might just skip the calc bit and use a new code just for non wmic. The cpu arch and os arch bit i need to look into. I missed a check.
Thanks for reporting the issues. Will fix. Damn phone playing up tonight. Back to the grind, my break is over too soon. *sigh*
Now QT at 118 RC23 With help from @abbodi1406 and scripting help where i missed a few bits etc and better parsing results.
The issue with Win 11 and titlebar etc colors is that it appears the w11 OS has to be activated before those 'personalization' bits can be done, but even when later activated it not change the colors?? Although the start menu and taskbar color does now appear to change on the Dev build even if not activated, not tested on 'normal' w11 yet. It all seems like when the OS feels like it! I knew m$ had fiddled with the theme stuff yet again.
For MRP 141 Hopefully sorted the AMD/Intel cpu manufacturer for the meltdown/spectre bit. Plus the date/time {UTC} bits That was fun!
Nope Usually about 6 to 8 at most. But it has been a struggle with various rewrites. It has been frustrating at times and it seems it is on the last lap.
Looks like vbox not letting the processor manufacturer string to be returned. There is vbscript and pshell being used to get it. Without that variable set the meltdown bit take it as intel and so shows that line. May have to resort to several string checks as well. Cpu speed is another oddity, as it skipping a check yet again and trying to recalc it. As i had to revert back to a prior script i may of missed that section. Graphics not a clue why it not showing again. May just totally rewrite it as it has always been a pain because of the complex results. May simplify it and just show the graphics card/device in use instead of trying to show more. Will see what i can do.
Iam wondering if defender is being sneaky and grabbing scripts again. I have heard that it more aggressive in win 11. I always force turn that s**t off in my installs, as anything ms not write is classed as a threat. Odd it not seem to nab any .ps1 scripts!!
QT 118 RC25 - for testers 1. Sorted the UTC year in wrong place. 2. More checks for CPU's manufacturer - it seems that Vbox not return the string and so the '9' that shows is another result, because it shifts the results back 1 place and gets it all wrong , (fixed that too)... 3.Graphics - hopefully it works now, but it should mention if the vbscript to be used has been deleted/not found... Hoping this is the last one before actual release as getting tired of this WMIC fiasco now Added: Code: Computer {Current} Up Time : 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes, 28 seconds. This line shows for Win 8.1 and above providing Pshell is ok... Note it is an approximate figure and not 100% accurate as it has to do a few calculations that could add a bit of time, plus being a PS command it will be slow anyway.