Lets see which results in English True or False Copy/paste into a cmd prompt (not needed to be admin) Code: Powershell -NoProfile "(Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime()" Code: Powershell -NoProfile "[Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = 'en-US'; (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime()" I get: Code: C:\Users\Dell\Desktop>Powershell -NoProfile "(Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime()" False C:\Users\Dell\Desktop>Powershell -NoProfile "[Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = 'en-US'; (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime()" False C:\Users\Dell\Desktop>
so it proves that the darling m$ powershell isn't that good either.. I wonder what else it gets wrong
Here in Britain we no longer in daylight saving (British Summer Time as we call it) so i will always get a false response now.
I do notice on the log you shown that it has the BIAS +1 which i believe is correct for the plus 1 hour daylight change there ? So using basic batch script's TZ Util and Reg queries at least that bit is probably right
Will have to leave it as it is for now because if i start messing about then it could totally screw up the results.
How about this? Code: Powershell -NoProfile "([TimeZoneInfo]::Local).IsDaylightSavingTime([DateTime]::Now)"
Don't m$ like to drag the crap out of ps etc commands, gez you get examples which i used before and they not work, so there is another part to it that takes even more reading up and testing out. Give us WMIC back you basterds
I can foresee a lot of OEM's complaining, more the smaller ones as they have to re-write all their tools etc, ok in some instances the bloatware stuff isnt going to be missed, but the actual useful tools (few i agree but there are some gems around) will be missed... I believe one of the GigaByte BIOS tools uses WMIC (that may of changed now as it was a few years ago), i know as i had to contact them about a screwed bios issue (their side !!) , the CPU was being reported wrong. They fixed it but the tool they sent me to test used wmic in the batch file it came with!
QT 118 BC4 uploaded for testers Added in the isDaylight... PShell bit -- even though it not appear to be working as expected in some regions.... Blame m$ for that Hopefully have now sorted that 'y' type character in the VRam section.. Had to do a bit of a workaround but it seems to work when i manually put the character in as a forced test...
QT 118 BC5 uploaded for testers Thanks to @abbodi1406 for the scripting help, i am still learning new things
Looks ok, that y character gone - although it seems like the replace with , (comma) not work on your language but the space is far better than that odd character Product : Sneezy_WC Someone at Acer got a sense of humour
A general question regarding DST. In my opinion, the False is correct. Don't do the functions simply return if DST is currently in effect, not if the setting is enabled? DST ended here end of October, so, I absolutely expect IsDayLightSavingTime being False.