Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v119.0 has been uploaded, 2nd post's download link, password and hashes have been updated. :)

    + Updated several routines to give better/faster results. **

    + Tweaked Computer Up-Time to be clearer for hh:mm:ss display.

    + CPU data is cleaner with no double MiB/MHz denoter's, that was due to two routines working together and confusing the results.

    + Added CPU Family - this may not always be accurate due to incomplete data for the internal database. Some AMD CPU's may not be shown in a Family group.

    + Added extra note for Intel CPU's that later 9th Gen and above will have internal mitigations against Meltdown and Spectre which are not detected with the current version of InSpectre.exe (#08) so it reports that the Meltdown 'patch' is not enabled.

    + System Drive's Partition data has been improved for the detection of the BusType and other factors. **

    + Slight improvement for Graphics card data, the Video RAM part may show better results when more than 4GiB VRam is present.

    + Licensing channel results should hopefully be more accurate when KMS/MAK systems are in use for the OS activation status. **

    + Improved the Anti-Virus name detection so that duplicate names are ignored.

    ** = With scripting help from abbodi1406 these sections have been improved.

    v118.1 - Previous Summary
    + Fixed a few missed WMIC replacement routines so that CPU WinSAT scores are now shown correctly.

    + Fixed some CPU information that did not always show, ie L2/L3 cache etc.

    + Fixed Windows License information when using the alternative routines.

    + Other small code updates.
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  4. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  5. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP 141 BC2 is in testing with many updated routines etc it should be ready soon, only a couple of last minute checks to be done now. :)

    The change log may not be complete as so much been done and i not been able to keep the notes all up to date as some bits was changed so quickly during test installs and some bits was removed to be totally re-written etc.

    It will list the main points such as any new options etc as those was done before all the WMIC changes that was made later which has caused the long delays to get the new routines added to fix the project ready to cover the next Windows 11 major update.
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  7. 666dsa666

    666dsa666 MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2015
    Same as another user, decompile.exe has started being treated as a full trojan > deletion without options to recover in Defender.
    Though Eset does not detect anything malicious.
    Files has been deleted a few times already without my consent, hopefully there's something you can do but probably not :(
  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Sadly one of those things that you will be playing cat and mouse trying to stay ahead of the AV game. :(

    I also use Eset and only the compiler got nabbed, but fixed that now.

    The only reason that MRP is 'compiled' into a single EXE is for ease of distribution and use plus i kept the previous dev's method, nothing inside the projects are malware etc but there is a LOT of individual files that they depend on so the compiled method is the easiest way to distribute it for now.

    I did write a compiler/decompiler in AutoIT but that too gets flagged so i can't win!

    I had attempted to write a distribution method using C# but that got too complicated too quick for my liking... Plus the damn exe still got flagged so that idea was abandoned.

    At some point when i get my GitHub account all sorted i will most likely put the project files all there, it all depends on time etc.
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Testing 141-BC4 as done a re-shuffle of the addon scripts check and run section to get things into alignment for future changes. :)
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #7776 mxman2k, Dec 9, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2021
    Hmm the re-shuffle of running of addon scripts stuff is giving me more headaches, one last try and if this not work i will just revert script back to BC2/3 where it worked but was a bit out of order in the log entries, nothing wrong technically but i like to have things in some sort of order. :D:D

    Seem to have the log entries appear again and in right order too - phew! :)
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  11. rhahgleuhargh

    rhahgleuhargh MDL Member

    Feb 9, 2015
    I'm testing Ventoy to create a multiboot USB stick containing Windows 10 and 11 ISOs, and I wondered if it was possible to use a common MRP folder at the root of the USB stick that could be used by all ISOs. Good news, yes, it is !
    Create each ISO copying provided ei.cfg file in "sources" folder (so you can install any Edition), and creating the "$OEM$\$$\Script" folder containing :
    - retail.txt (so you can skip OEM-SLP/MSDM key routines and brand the computer)
    - oobe.cmd. Just edit and add a few lines to the script so requiered MRP files are copied from external folder to "%Windir%\Setup\Script\" during early OOBE phase :

    REM Add these lines here to copy MRP required files from an external folder before OOBE phase
    REM In this example My UserTweaks.cmd is copied too so it can be edited without having to recreate ISO

    FOR %%x IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%x:\MRP\MRPConfig.ini SET USB=%%x:
    cd %~dp0
    xcopy "%USB%\MRP\DeCompile.exe" "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\"
    xcopy "%USB%\MRP\MRPConfig.ini" "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\"
    xcopy "%USB%\MRP\OEM's.7z" "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\"
    xcopy "%USB%\MRP\UserTweaks.cmd" "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\"

    REM Do NOT Remove/Edit the lines below!

    IF EXIST "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\DeCompile.exe" (
    CALL "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\DeCompile.exe"
    DEL /F /Q "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\DeCompile.exe" >nul
    At the root of the USB stick place the MRP folder containing Decompile.exe, MRPConfig.ini, OEM's.7z (in case you want to add some Wallpapers or a custom brand), and MRP configCreator. You can eventually add your UserTweaks.cmd or SetupComplete.cmd files if you need to edit them.
    Off course, let the USB stick plugged in until the full Windows setup process is ended.
    The advantage is that you can easily upgrade to the next MRP version, edit your MRPConfig.ini and/or your UserTweaks.cmd files depending your needs without having to recreate full ISO.
    The only inconvenient is that you can't use a PID.txt (this file is not copied during Windows installation)
    I'm pretty sure you can activate Windows at reboot with the key stored in the BIOS, but I don't have any recent computer to test it.
    Tested with Windows 10 and 11, it should work with 8.x and 7 too.
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    if there is a valid msdm key for the edition installed then mrp will use it. :)
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  13. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    When using a USB key, you can simply change the content of the $OEM$ folder without all this.

    Changing "install.wim/esd\windows\setup\scripts\" content can also easily be changed by using wimlib-imagex, it does it instantly.
  14. rhahgleuhargh

    rhahgleuhargh MDL Member

    Feb 9, 2015
    Thanks for the info, I'm not familiar with wimlib-imagex. What are the command ?
    The copy of an ISO file into an USB stick is very long, that's why I thought about this solution.