the script Allow_Add-a-Phone_Feature.cmd doesn't do anything also disabling Turn off Microsoft consumer experiences either on gpedit or regedit doesn't help
M$ must of changed something in a later update. Will see what has changed as soon as i get some free time.
Many Changes in LCU starting from Jan2022 as well as if we compare 19041 to 42 , 43 , 44 lots of changed hidden features too
Im not always right i tend to research for my answers first, and sometimes my Google-foo lets me down as well
The revert phone app script used to work ok, so it has to be a sneaky change m$ has done... It could be another part of the registry that also requires a change again... But i will see what i can do if not i may have to disable that option or add more notes warning that it harder to revert than before...
I know on Home/Core editions a lot of gpedit etc registry tweaks are not set as you would expect. But then i see even Pro being modified now in later updates, more so in W11 in that previous oobe tweaks for creating a local account by disabling network connections temporary are causing setup to fail etc
QT 121 RC2 Return of the w10/11 'Experience Pack' number reference, for some odd reason it was not showing because a variable flag somehow got removed, maybe when reverting changes at some point? Sorted now Code: Short Display Version : 21H2 Full Build Information : 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406 Experience Pack Version : 120.2212.4170.0 Short Reference Version : 10.0.19041.1 Due to recent health issue have not started on next MRP code yet, just managing to get the Query Tool sorted ready for release. Uploaded to beta testers website area...
For the amount of space the WMIC command takes up you would of thought they just put it back! Sometimes m$ have the most stupid ideas to remove something that is very useful.
so .. something like this ? Code: dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:WMIC Edit. Wrong command it's seems Found the right command later Code: DISM /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:WMIC~~~~