I know on w8.x/10 (non AIO) i always use the ei.cfg so that setup then uses the oobe stage instead of bypassing it. Not sure if it would be the same with AIO.
I will put in the ei.cfg i always use (this is the only ei.cfg i get ltsb N working): Code: [EditionID] [Channel] Volume [VL] 1 Will use bios442 with pro msdm. Code: bios440.filename = "bios442.rom" ps, you have my AiO en-US, it is only not fully uptodate.
For the pro/core ones i would have: Code: [Channel] _Default [VL] 0 In case it caused odd effects. Obviously for LTSB (or Ent ones) the VL as 1 etc.
@Enth When i used your AIO you done for me to reinstall my other pc (the one i use for downloading etc), it worked ok. Will do another test on a PC i have in to repair, got to reformat it as the HDD got a bad sector and caused it to BSOD grr.
Tested without ei.cfg and it seems the OOBE stage is skipped., no branding applied. With ei.cfg all is normal.
The only difference is that my other pc don't have any MSDM table, so i will do one on this repair pc (no msdm) and will reinstall on the Lenovo which has Home/Core W10 MSDM. Will see what happens... I only got one spare 16gb USB so having to burn one to a DL DVD, gez its slow lol.
Looks like 8.1, when no gvlk is inserted and oemkey still is present or no ei.cfg with vl = 1, no oobe/setupcomplete running.
I did try my W8.1 Core disk on the Lenovo it refused the key as it for W10 core only, I wondered why it didn't ask for a key lol. As i mentioned i always use a ei.cfg file. The only time i not was when using the disk/usb to do a 7/8.x upgrade to 10 so have a single disk without ei.cfg or project just for that purpose.
You just wanted me to burn a DL disk lol, its only just finished and won't verify - At least i don't have to use it now. Unrecoverable Read Error. Must buy more usb sticks as disks are so fussy, either that or the new dvd drive is shafted.
Always seem to have problems with DL dvds. Not that i use many, think this the first time in 2 yrs. Ah well at least i got a coaster for my coffee cup.
And finally, all works Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170312-R54.1 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required files present and extracted successfully. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date: zo 19-03-2017 18:12:07,75 Windows 10 Pro x64 version found. 18:12:08,18 Professional Edition/SKU installed. 18:12:08,18 Build Version: 15061.0.amd64fre.rs2_release.170315-1424 18:12:14,99 Edition Language/Code: nl-NL ( 1043 [413h] ) 18:12:14,99 OS Locale: nl-NL 18:12:14,99 OS Language Value: NLD -------------------- DMI BIOS Information -------------------- #1 CS Product Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] #2 CS Model Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] #4 CS Vendor Name : [VMware, Inc.] #5 CS System Name : [VMware, Inc.] #6 Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation] #8 BIOS ID : [DELL] INFO: Standard HDD Detected. 18:12:19,25 Rename 'System Drive' flag was enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_10_Pro'. 18:12:19,72 VMware Bios ID conflict resolution enabled. VMware resolved as Dell [#8]. 18:12:19,72 Dell [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. 18:12:19,74 Force theme text file not present. 18:12:20,33 Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' detected and applied. 18:12:20,35 Desktop backgrounds folder created. 18:12:20,39 OOBE.xml file deleted. 18:12:20,41 User.bmp replaced. 18:12:20,60 User.png replaced. 18:12:20,63 User-40.png replaced. 18:12:20,63 User-32.png replaced. 18:12:20,64 User-48.png replaced. 18:12:20,64 User-192.png replaced. 18:12:20,64 Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. 18:12:20,99 Dell theme has been applied. 18:12:21,03 Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. 18:12:21,07 System32\oobe\info folder has been created. 18:12:21,10 Required theme files transferred to 'System32\oobe\info' folder. 18:12:21,38 Branding script has completed. 18:40:11,30 Add-On Manager in progress. 18:40:29,73 Processing MSDM Key for Edition status. 18:40:32,20 MSDM Key Information: Win 10 RTM Professional OEM-DM 18:40:39,17 Your MSDM key is for the Edition installed and has been applied. 18:40:39,30 See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for your saved MSDM key details. 18:40:43,20 Advanced Log-On screen has been enabled. 18:40:43,34 Set 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied. 18:40:45,34 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. 18:40:45,34 Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the folder... 18:40:46,20 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 18:40:51,14 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR 18:40:51,39 HDD Controller Mode: [AHCI] 18:40:57,34 License Status: Not Licensed. ================================================================================ = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible = = to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. = ================================================================================ The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed. S1ave77, thanks again for the b.pack
You're welcome (still) . After using it several times i'm not nearly collapsing anymore every time the damned bios beeps freakin loud.
Ooh 15063 See the defaultuser0 still present, must be a 'feature' now. Happy to see the project still works and branding is ok, without the glitches seen on the RS1 refresh.
Have thought about removing the TIME part of the log as the %TIME% variable is install language dependant plus it can give odd results as seen. It seems after the branding script has completed it somehow changes what it displays on the other modules. As the time part was added to assist in any areas where parts took x amount of time to complete and most are as fast as can be, I personally don't think it is needed anymore, it will make the log look tidier. I could alter the log to have: OS Installation Date/Time: Tue 03/21/2017 at 14:02:00
For that reason i looked for a method to use system time and found this at stackoverflow and use through call :SystemTime. Code: :SystemTime set "X=" for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined X set X=%%x set D.YEAR=%X:~0,4% set D.MONTH=%X:~4,2% set D.DAY=%X:~6,2% set D.HOUR=%X:~8,2% set D.MINUTE=%X:~10,2% set D.SECOND=%X:~12,2% set D.FRACTIONS=%X:~15,6% set D.OFFSET=%X:~21,4% goto:eof