Hmm noticed in the CPU family part that some CPU's use same reference number so the text results look wrong. Atom{TM} CPU Z3735F uses 205 as well as the Core i5 series... May have to either find a better way to double check or just have the numeric value shown and no other text.
Hello Code: # ################################################################################################################################# # Windows 11 -- Hide 'Most Used' Apps on the start menu. Ignored on any OS not Windows 11. # Note that this may not always work due to changes in the OS. # Default is No. :HideMostUsedApps=No you can check this? This option seems to be always enabled and also works on LTSC 2021 I found this registry key Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer] "ShowOrHideMostUsedApps"=dword:00000002 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\default\Start\ShowOrHideMostUsedApps] "allowedValues"="0,1,2" "Behavior"=dword:00022030 "grouppolicyname"="ShowOrHideMostUsedApps" "grouppolicypath"="Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Explorer" "mergealgorithm"=dword:00000002 "policytype"=dword:00000004 "value"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer] "ShowOrHideMostUsedApps"=dword:00000002 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer] "ShowOrHideMostUsedApps"=dword:00000002 [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-906225997-549255287-2650499821-1000\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer] "ShowOrHideMostUsedApps"=dword:00000002
Will add and test for next release. The method in MRP 144 and before for this option was a .json and .xml way, i had a few registry items about it but not as extensive. thanks
Added the code for the Most used start menu, it should work now on w10 and w11 - if the OS not use the code it will just ignore it so no harm will be done. Also added the 'Force W11 Local Account' during OOBE for testing... Have added credits for the reg entry
The option for Forcing/allowing to create a local account on Windows 11 appears to work, but there is one detail to note -- on W11 Home editions you must NOT be connected to the internet during Setup/OOBE or it will not work and you will only be able to use/create a m$ account. Just added the option into the next MRPConfigCreator (v45) ready.
Code: MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode : Disabled - No extra Debugging Log will be created. Hmm will check code as it seems one line has gone rogue and creates the debug1 log. probably when i had to revert the script back a few times i missed that one... *edit* Fixed for next MRP release Also if the option not to have the extra debug log is selected, i have added a check to see if the debug log was created, if it has by mistake , then the debug1 log will be auto deleted.
has the a/v nabbed the generic exe files? i know Lenovo can be one of the awkward bios version value detection issues like hp/compaq can be. but im sure ive sorted that vm's dont seem to pick up on the cpu family but that is not a deal breaker.
Antivirus was disabled while running QT. Will try to use the old trick for getting the extracted files and running the SLIC detection command directly. Edit: SLIC dump (generic.exe /SLIC) Code: SLIC TABLE ---------- Software Licensing Description Table: 53 4C 49 43 76 01 00 00 01 39 4C 45 4E 4F 56 4F SLICv....9LENOVO 54 43 2D 53 30 36 20 20 01 00 00 00 4D 53 46 54 TC-S06 ....MSFT 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 ................ 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 .$..RSA1........ 69 16 4A 9F B1 4B 3A FB 80 20 AA AF C4 F9 3E C1 i.J..K:.. ....>. 80 49 EE 6A 65 26 72 1E CD BF 5F 2F 96 D6 C0 0A 92 F5 06 B5 00 B2 3B 29 02 E2 4C 8D C2 F2 BC 41 ......;)..L....A 77 9C 70 F0 F3 1B 09 D2 63 5A DC A8 83 F8 5E C9 w.p.....cZ....^. 15 95 F9 FA FD DC 05 B7 4D 67 7F 2D B3 84 33 20 ........Mg.-..3 E1 D1 79 2A A7 6A 77 D1 B6 20 2A 76 42 C5 D5 E9 ..y*.jw.. *vB... B6 43 40 55 44 C3 C9 37 99 5F 41 97 70 F3 D1 F6 [email protected]._A.p... 07 EC 7B 1A 29 A1 C1 F1 91 FD 48 86 6E 3E CE CB ..{.).....H.n>.. 01 00 00 00 B6 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 4C 45 4E 4F ............LENO 56 4F 54 43 2D 53 30 36 20 20 57 49 4E 44 4F 57 VOTC-S06 WINDOW 53 20 04 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S .............. 00 00 00 00 00 00 BE 43 50 3F 68 40 1F 96 F4 FC .......CP?h@.... 4F 49 D4 27 D9 20 C6 43 77 50 BF 6B D7 3F 7E 0E OI.'. .CwP.k.?~. 7F AA C5 30 83 AA 52 1A F5 17 0A A7 E9 EE 66 97 ...0..R.......f. 20 A1 B3 4B 4C 98 70 84 27 CC F9 06 5D 16 F2 44 ..KL.p.'...]..D 87 13 CB BB 8D 29 BB F4 19 AD 0E 8E 92 20 93 74 .....)....... .t D3 2A D3 A6 D4 9D 00 53 00 4C EC 8E 8D D6 5A 2A .*.....S.L....Z* 72 45 85 D6 AB 6C F0 D2 3C 7A 88 EF 56 5E 99 53 rE...l..<z..V^.S 37 D3 A1 4C F6 91 52 C6 52 E8 76 D1 F4 09 EB 9F 7..L..R.R.v..... 54 6B 3C C6 83 21 Tk<..! Signature : "SLIC" Length : 0x176 (374) Revision : 0x1 (1) Checksum : 0x39 (57) SLIC OA : 2.4 OEM ID : "LENOVO" OEM Table ID : "TC-S06 " OEM Revision : 0x1 (1) Creator ID : "MSFT" Creator Revision : 0x1 (1) OEM Public Key Structure Length : 0x9C (156) Reserved : 0x0 (0) Algorithm : 0x2400 (9216)
Had a look at the bios maker/vendor , that part uses vbscript and the unknown name seems to be os generated. Have changed a bit in latest qt test to look in another area of registry or wmi call, as i not got any test system to mimic that bios i cant say if that sorts it. Uploaded to betatest area for the testers.