Have added the option into the ini creator. New option 'Enable desktop stickers', at moment it is a hidden feature in 22h2 and above. Not available to 22000 or below, just need to find time to add it into mrp's code base for thorough testing. At the moment it is disabled by default in 22h2 but a reg tweak turns it on, but m$ could not add this into the os , although as m$ seems to be obsessed with silly things like this and not focusing on the important bug fixes etc im sure it will get integrated. If this option is left unchecked then no reg change will be done so if ms enables it then i will adapt the option to choose enable or disable when the time comes. More later
Have now added the 'Desktop Stickies' option code into MRP with checks for w11 22621+ (22H2+) only, hopefully it will work on and left alone/ignored if not compatible. Internal testing begins
Thank you very much. The commands in autounattended.xml I know. But now I understand why MRP can not do the TPM task. Thanks for answering.
If you want to try out that hidden 'Stickies' feature on 2262x+ before MRP 146 is released and in case m$ possibly remove or not use it later: Open a admin cmd prompt and paste this line in, restart the explorer.exe process via the task manager, ( or reboot, or simply log out then back in ), you should hopefully see the 'Add or edit stickies' line in the desktop right-click menu... To enable: Code: Reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\current\device\Stickers" /v "EnableStickers" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f To disable: Code: Reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\current\device\Stickers" /v "EnableStickers" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f As mentioned this 'feature' is not available on w11 22000 - I doubt m$ will port this to that build. To use the feature once it has been enabled you must be online as it appears to get the 'stickies' from the web, if you not online it will present a blank screen with a small box to click the X on to close. Not sure if anyone will want to plaster their desktop screen with these stickies but then m$ thinks we all really want to. May appeal to some markets i guess... I leave the decision to use them to yourselves...
Slight change to the RAM section in the Query Tool - will now show the RAM manufacturer (if present), sometimes it could be other numeric references - the QT just posts the results in that section of win32_PhysicalRAM Example: Code: ===================================================[ Memory Information ]=================================================== Total Present : 16233 MiB Available : 13237 MiB Type : Non-ECC {3} RAM Design : DDR4 {26} Max Sockets : 2 {May vary depending on the Motherboard's original prototype design or revision} MotherBoard Max Capacity : 32768 MiB {Values of 4GiB or below could mean per slot} Max Amount Per Slot : 16384 MiB Memory Present Per Slot : 1:8192MiB 2:8192MiB RAM Manufacturer Per Slot : 1:Crucial Technology 2:Crucial Technology Slot0 : Controller0-ChannelA, 8 GiB, 2133 Mhz, P/N: CT8G4DFD8213.C16FAR2 Slot1 : Controller0-ChannelB, 8 GiB, 2133 Mhz, P/N: CT8G4DFD8213.C16FAR2 Slots Information : Total: 2 / Free: 0 Other Information : Results shown depends on the Chipset's memory array and may not always be accurate. : Values returned may be rounded up to nearest number. : The Slots data is limited to the first four {4} slots to keep within the results display of the QT. : The RAM Manufacturer returned is from the results detected and may be other references. This may be subject to change later as i work out how to adjust the code to add the Manufacturer details to the slot0/slot1 etc data and increase the limit to eight again.
Query Tool v123 (RC8) -- Have adjusted code to show the Ram's manufacturer info on the Slot0/Slot1-->slot8 lines, took a bit of doing and in some cases it may not show any manufacturer data - depends on other factors which are out of the QT's control. Also returned checking for up to eight slots any above 8 are ignored to keep display tidy. example: Code: Slot0 : ChannelA-DIMM0, 4 GiB, 1333 Mhz, P/N: , Manuf: 0000 Slot2 : ChannelB-DIMM0, 4 GiB, 1333 Mhz, P/N: M471B5273DH0-CH9 , Manuf: Samsung On my laptop one of the ram sticks is a unbranded one so it showing '0000' from what data it can obtain.
Code: Total Present : 65125 MiB Available : 42102 MiB Type : Non-ECC {3} RAM Design : DDR4 {26} Max Sockets : 4 {May vary depending on the Motherboard's original prototype design or revision} MotherBoard Max Capacity : 65536 MiB {Values of 4GiB or below could mean per slot} Max Amount Per Slot : 16384 MiB Memory Present Per Slot : 1:16384MiB 2:16384MiB 3:16384MiB 4:16384MiB Slot0 : Controller0-ChannelA-DIMM0, 17 GiB, 2133 Mhz, P/N: F4-3200C16-16GIS , Manuf: G Skill Intl Slot1 : Controller0-ChannelA-DIMM1, 17 GiB, 2133 Mhz, P/N: F4-3200C16-16GIS , Manuf: G Skill Intl Slot2 : Controller0-ChannelB-DIMM0, 17 GiB, 2133 Mhz, P/N: F4-3200C16-16GIS , Manuf: G Skill Intl Slot3 : Controller0-ChannelB-DIMM1, 17 GiB, 2133 Mhz, P/N: F4-3200C16-16GIS , Manuf: G Skill Intl Slots Information : Total: 4 / Free: 0 Other Information : Results shown depends on the Chipset's memory array and may not always be accurate. : Values returned may be rounded up to nearest number. : The RAM Manufacturer returned is from the results detected and may be other references.
looks like the other bits i added about 22H2 Red/Green and list of not compatible items are showing when device is blocked or fails for upgrading to w11 2262x
It shows more info now that i added in, not sure if they will be of any use to anyone but the fail/block parts could be when determining when a device not upgrade to w11. Code: Target Release Version : 0x1 Target Release Information : 21H2 {Locked to} .... .... Device is OEM Specific : asus {Yes/Other} DirectX 12 Detected : 0 Device is Genuine : 1 Touch Capable Hardware : 1
Yesterday i have manually installed the 22H2 EP, right before the links were taken down from MSFT servers, the 19045.1826 install didn't get any updates offered after it
Will change the 'Destination Build Number' to 'Target Build Number' description header in the QT as i think it looks better. I just copied the info that m$ had given but to me it looks incorrect and could lead to some confusion.
MRP could enable that power option for the user, but leave it to the user to select the value him-/her-/hirself.
Added to my todo list for being a 'general' option so will add the enable ahci power management but it will be then up to the user to change from the default which i think is hipm.
On a training day which will take all my spare time today, but will find time over the weekend to add the option code in.
It depends on the system. Default on a Windows 10 Desktop is "Active", while on a Notebook, it is set differently. Code: reg.exe add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\0012ee47-9041-4b5d-9b77-535fba8b1442\0b2d69d7-a2a1-449c-9680-f91c70521c60 /v Attributes /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f Use that code to enable it, but don't set any further value for system default. What's good on one system might be bad on another.