@Carlos Detweiller The hook could simply be a rename of the wintel script to say wintel2 so that MRP not auto delete the wintel.cmd script at end of addon manager, then have the clean up script look for wintel2.cmd and call it to see if that helps. I will compile a test mrp with the clean up part adjusted for wintel2.cmd being called there. ** Compiled test MRP usual place to download ** Experimental as not tried to call another script via the clean up one, it should be ok as the scripts folder isnt wiped at that time as far as i can see.
Please note that the WinTel.cmd script itself will self-destruct once run, the last line is "DEL /F /Q "%0%" >NUL 2>&1" Will try the new way ASAP.
Nope, no dice. WinTel2.cmd did never run. I've even inserted a "pause" to purposely hang the Setup process, but it never hung (as the file didn't run). I'll now try to revert to the stock Decompile.exe. From OOBE.cmd, copy WinTel.cmd out of the Scripts directory. Then, schedule a task that runs it once at the first logon of the user. Win7 Setup is a complete clusterf*ck.
hmm i had begun to wonder if m$ had changed bits in the last few updates before EOL on w7 so that certain stuff begin to fail , another nudge to make folk update to w10 ? Apple do that on their 'older' products , such as affect battery etc. I could be wrong but so many little bits I've noticed that have been posted on the net seem to support my theory. My USB with w7 on is from 2017 (last time it was simplix updated), i did a install on a test laptop and Wintel ran ok as the default unchanged name/placement, the route addresses was set persistent, WU didn't update as laptop was 'offline' due to a faulty wifi card and left lan cable out, all tweaks etc that i had added into Wintel all worked. Not sure if it was a fluke, I guess it is the luck of the draw... Edit: Will mention i used en-us Win7 then change kbrd etc to United Kingdom, but the commands in the stock Wintel are language neutral so that should not affect the setting of route addresses.
@hellb0und Tested Ux Theme Patcher (as it has a -silent parameter)... It was on x64 w7 but it caused setup/mrp/oobe stage to crash and i had to force a restart which then carried on but the uxtheme part was unmodified - so that was a fail on my side, will try again with using UserTweaks.cmd that calls the program as then majority of oobe is complete and desktop is ready to show etc.. More akin to installing the uxtheme program on a running os but automated... I think altering the uxtheme stuff during early oobe is not ideal as the OS is still being configured and files could get overridden, which may of happened on my test, and then crashed the setup process. Will test more as i get time over next few days
I'm currently testing a solution that looks promising. 1. From OOBE, copy WinTel.cmd to another place. 2. From SetupComplete, schedule a task to run at Logon for every user, in the "Users" context. 3. At the end of the WinTel.cmd file, kill the Task and then the file.
↑ This. That solution works. Everything is applied. Task and _WinTel.cmd gone after. Small documentation: - OOBE.cmd - Insert line Code: IF EXIST "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\WinTel.cmd" copy "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\WinTel.cmd" "%Windir%\_WinTel.cmd" - SetupComplete.cmd - Insert line Code: if exist "%windir%\_WinTel.cmd" "schtasks.exe" /Create /RU "BUILTIN\Users" /SC ONLOGON /TN "_WinTel_Runonce" /TR "%windir%\_WinTel.cmd" /NP /RL HIGHEST /DELAY 0001:30 - WinTel.cmd - Second-to-last line Code: "schtasks.exe" /Delete /TN "_WinTel_Runonce" /F
Ready for next MRP release have added those lines in to oobe.cmd and MRP addon manager code. Plus edited Wintel.cmd that will be in the next MRP archive with the delete task line. Obviously if Wintel.cmd not used then those parts will be skipped. Working out the ipv6 parts will take some time as have to find out the new address's used plus the new command(s) to add them as route.exe has the -6 parameter but no info on how to add ipv6 stuff! Uploaded test MRP etc - usual place Checks if task made and deletes it if found Code: SCHTASKS /query | findstr /B /I "_WinTel_Runonce" >NUL 2>&1 && "schtasks.exe" /Delete /TN "_WinTel_Runonce" /F >NUL 2>&1
I've given up trying to understand why it doesn't work the conventional way under Windows 7. My proposed solution was primarily a hackjob for anyone needing it. However, as you implemented it into MRP now, we need to test with the other Windows version, too, where the conventional method was fine. Or, does the conventional method still exist and is used if there is no task? Sample IPv6 route command: ROUTE -p -6 ADD 2001:db8::/32 :: -p = persistent -6 = force IPv6 ADD = command 2001:db8:://32 = IPv6 prefix (entire range) in CIDR notation. An IPv6 is 128bits, and the /32 means that he first 32bits are fixed. In the example, it would mean a range of 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 2001:0db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff. Single IPv6 addresses would end with /128 to indicate it's only that one address. :: = That's the IPv6 equivalent to in IPv4. It means unspecified address or all addresses. For a single IPv6 address used for telemetry, the command would be (example, not an actual address used) route -p -6 ADD 2001:db8:120a:86bc:af07:940:fc80:cc91/128 :: Commands are tested (without -p of course). Edit: Used plain tags as forum software likes converting text to smileys.
The conventional way still works if no task created. For the test version both methods will be performed, but as i know the original way worked for 8.x and above i will remove the line in oobe.cmd and put it in the first part of mrp only for win 7. Then if win 7 detected and wintel present it will be both methods run to make sure, on 8.x and above it will be just old method used. The ipv6 stuff going to be fun may need some help on creating those ones!
Creating the commands is not that hard, I know IPv6 fairly well. However, I don't have telemetry IP ranges, only endpoints (URLs). I will have to remember removing that line from OOBE.cmd or overwriting with the one from release, on release.
It is very odd that wintel fails to work under win7, on my tests it has set the route blocks. At least the method you found to work does the job. I had thought of a task way and at one time some telemetry bits was done that way but run instantly and not via runonce but i changed it as it wasnt reliable as i must of made an error in the creation part. Im sure i still have that version tucked away in a backup.
I can check if _wintel.cmd is present if so skip the copy line in mrp so the oobe one takes preference.
All that could happen is that the MRP code copies the file over a second time, overwriting the first one. Hardly a showstopper for clean install. On upgrades it could even be beneficial, in case there is an ancient leftover file it can be overwritten with a fresh copy. That's why I put an underscore first, such a file will never be a part of the Windows directory. We could even obfuscate it some more to make collisions even less likely (like _MRP_WinTel.cmd).
Have uploaded a test version (4) of MRP... It will detect if 'wintel.cmd' file present and if win 7 installed it will copy the file over as '_WinTel.cmd' to the windows folder, it will then in the addon manager part set up the scheduled task. If win 7 not detected then the task and relevant code parts will be skipped, the log files will indicate if the task was created or not, also if the '_wintel.cmd' file is present or not. If there is any requirement to change the above method of use then i can easily remove the win7 check so wintel would be run twice if present in the Scripts folder.
Code: ======================= === [MRP Debug Log ]=== ======================= Checking for OEM folder and structure... OEM's folder structure appears to be correct. Checking for CustomTheme... CustomTheme option was not defined. Check Lock/Login screen variable state... Lock/Login screen variable = Can be used for Kernel: 10.0 Lock/Login screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme. ==================================================== ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Started ]=== ==================================================== [00A] Power Plans C/T Menu. [005] Show the 'About Windows' or 'Microsoft Windows' C/Text Menu. [007] Automatic or User set System Drive Partition Name. [008] Internal Flag Variables Set. [012] Prevent Telemetry. [014] MRP's Slimmer Windows 11 Start Menu/TaskBar 'LayoutModification' file{s} used. {Ref: SM} [019] Transfer the majority of MRP's user selected options to any new accounts created. [020] Show the Desktop's 'Control Panel' C/Text Menu. [021] Disable Highlighting of 'New Programs/Apps' on the Start Menu. [024] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick View'. [026] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu policy. {May not work on some ASUS systems due to conflict with BIOS options} [028] Win1x - Diagnostic FeedBack - Never/Basic. [032] Start of Win1x Only options section - Mail/Store Un-Pin on Taskbar etc. [036] Remove the '-Shortcut' Suffix from icons. [039] Show 'This PC' icon on the Desktop. [041] Set Control Panel's view to Category {Default}. [043] Win1x - Title Bar/Highlight coloring initial settings. ===================================================== ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Finished ]=== ===================================================== Transfer of options to any new User accounts later: Enabled. Pre-checks Done - Start Main Processing Section... OS Installation Date/Time : 08/20/2022 {UTC} -- 2:56pm MRP Version Installed : CY22M08D07-R146.BL MRP Config File Used : 50.0 {Advanced Mode} Unicode Mode : Operative Original Codepage : 437 =================== ===[ Variables ]=== =================== Oobe State : Under Oobe 'System' Control Install Type : Client {Non Server} OS Media Boot : Clean HyperVisor : No PC System Type : Desktop {0x1} Chassis Type : 3 {Desktop} Domain Detected: No OS Full Name : Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OS Name {Prod} : Windows 11 Pro OS SKU Version : Windows Pro {48} OS Architecture: x64 {AR:1} Edition {REG} : Professional Edition {WMIC} : Professional Edition {Comp} : Enterprise Edition {OSED} : Professional Edition {OM1} : Professional Edition {Type} : General Release ID : 2009 Short Disp Ver : 21H2 Build ID {R} : 22000 Build ID {V} : 22000 Build Branch{R}: co_release Readiness Level: Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1} ProductID Ref : 3308 Base Build Rev : 1 {0x1} UBR : 917 RS3 Plus : Yes RS4 Plus : Yes RS5 Plus : Yes Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {0x409h} Locale : English - United States GeoID ISO Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] Multi Lang Data: en-US Time Zone Data : Pacific Standard Time ========================= ===[ Main Processing ]=== ========================= Obtaining Motherboard information. Checking for SLIC and MSDM tables. ================================ ===[ DMI/SMBIOS Information ]=== ================================ CSNAME : [MS-7708] SYSMODEL : [MS-7708] CSVENDOR : [MEDIONPC] SYSMNF : [MEDIONPC] BASEMNF : [MEDIONPC] BASEPRO : [MS-7708] BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : MEDION - 20100921 SLIC Information : v2.1 - SLIC table with marker present SLIC Detect Plan : G4 [OA2T:1] MSDM Information : No MSDM Table Present Checking CPU Data... Checking number of CPU's fitted. Checking CPU Max Clock Speed. Checking CPU Cores. Checking CPU Manufacturer. Checking CPU Threads. Checking CPU Name. Checking CPU Description. Checking CPU Datawidth, {Bits}. Checking CPU ID. Checking if CPU Virtualization mode is active or not. Checking Memory configuration. SMBIOS Memory Type: CDRAM {15}. Checking Memory Error Correction type. Checking Memory Devices/Slots. Checking Memory Max Capacity. Total Memory - 7,99 GiB Used Memory - 593,13 MiB Free Memory - 7,41 GiB [92,75%] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS. Show User Options display section. Drive Label Section. The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'WINDOWS 11' Checking for 'Retail.txt'. The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder. Checking for 'ei.cfg'. The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'D:\sources' folder. [DV] Checking for 'Pid.txt'. The 'PID.txt' file was not detected, the 'Insert PID key' advanced option routine will not be used. Querying DMI for any OEM brand information. ======================== ===[ DMI Processing ]=== ======================== No DMI conflicts was found. DMI query routine has completed. Checking for any SLIC data. Bypassed Virtual Machine data checks as DMI [Medion] was detected. Medion [#08] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding. Computer 'Model Name' Processing... BIOS defined "MS-7708" has been applied for the Computer's 'Model' Name. {Validated} Theme Processing Routines. The User's specified theme was not defined. The DMI theme 'Medion' will be applied. Transfer Section. Windows 10: Primary User Account Picture Management Windows 10: Additional User Account Picture's Management. Processing the Lock\Log-On Screen Routine. Replaced 'img100' file. The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105. See the MRP log file{s}, found on the C: drive, for more enhanced details of the above sections. Processing Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routines. The '$OEM$.theme' file transferred OK. {Ref: TF} The theme's branding files have been transferred. The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'. Medion OEM brand theme was applied. Checking for SetupComplete/FirstLogon files within the 'Scripts' folder... The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file was detected. Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file. Option Utilization Started... Copy the User selected MRP Options into the 'Default' User hive. Unpin Mail, Store, Taskview, PeopleBand and MeetNow Options, {where selected}. Shortcut Arrow Design Option. None No Delete Confirm, No Shortcut Prefix, Show Extensions and Classic Menus Options. Windows 10 Prevent Telemetry Option. Setting the selected Options in the default registry hive. Block 'CompatTelRunner.exe' via the Windows Firewall and disable any of its related tasks. {Ref:2} Option Utilization Completed. The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ ========================[ Add-On Manager - Log Section ]======================== ================================================================================ Edition Chk : [Professional] {Ed0} Edition Chk1 : [Professional] {Ed1} Edition Chk2 : [Professional] {W2S} Edition {Type} : [General] Pre Windows 10 : [No] Theme Reg Tweak: Applied Transfer Opts : [Yes] MSDM Routine : Not processed. DefUsr0 Removal: [Method 1N - Successful] TB/HL Routine : [Error Ocurred {HL}] TitleBar Color : [Classic] Highlight Color: [Default] AccentColor : [4292311040] ColorizationCol: [3288365271] AccPalletColor : [86CAFF005FB2F2001E91EA000063B10000427500002D4F000020380000CC6A00] Cols Transfer : [Yes] ====================================================== ===[ Bios Mode and OS Drive Partition Information ]=== ====================================================== A-Routine BMode: [Unknown] A-Routine DPart: [MBR] WMIC BMode : [Installable File System] WMIC DPart : [MBR] SecureBoot : [N/A] Controller Mode: [AHCI {I}] ==================== ===[ Other Data ]=== ==================== UserTweaks.cmd not detected. WinTel.cmd not detected. No external Add-On's was detected or processed. AO1 Flags S1 : [DUT=0], [DWT=0], [DAT=0], [DPA=0], [DOU=0], [DSC=1], [DFL=0] AO2 Flags S2 : [PRI=0], [A2B=0], [B2Z=0], [MKU=0], [OSP=0], [OPT=0] [OKF=0] AO2 Flags S3 : [SEC=0] First Tidy Up : Started First Tidy Up : Used Files First Tidy Up : Remove Any Used Environment Variables First Tidy Up : Completed Detecting Activation Status... Detecting Activation Status - Done. Detecting License Channel Type... Detecting License Channel Type {1}... Processed License Channel Type. Retail {CTT} ======================== ===[ License Status ]=== ======================== License Status : Notification Channel Status : Retail {CTT} VL/KMS Capable : Yes Key Management : No Reason Code : 0xC004F034 {Dec: 3221549108} Reason Text : License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. Final Tidy Up : Started Final Tidy Up : Redundant Environment Variables Final Tidy Up : Redundant Environment Variables Final Tidy Up : Completed Unicode Mode : Deactivated Orig Codepage : 852 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MRP's enhanced debug log has completed. Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY22M08D07-R146.BL - BaseLine [MDL Forum ONLY] The extracted OEM's folder structure appears correct. Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0.30729.4926, v3.5.30729.4926, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:528449} Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 PS Scripted Diagnostics : Unrestricted Unicode Mode In Operation : Yes {Original Code 437} Protected Main Project Files : Yes - SetupComplete and/or FirstLogOn scripts detected. Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File : Yes - Checking for any selected options. Config Creator Version Used : 50.0 {Advanced Mode} MRP User Options Pre-Check : Completed OK MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode : Enabled W1x TitleBar Color : Enabled - Title Bars will be colorized to Classic. See log notes later. Highlight Colorization : Disabled - Default Color of theme will be used. Change Lock/Login Screen's : Enabled - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme. Confirm File Delete : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/10 Kernels} Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop : Enabled - Display the icon on the Desktop. Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown. MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder : Enabled - This will delete ALL the contents of the Scripts folder when MRP ends. Allow W11 Local Account Setup : Enabled - This may be prevented by M$. [LNSEP] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin. [NOTES] WMIC command is present in this OS, normal processing should occur. [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS. [NOTES] On Windows 11 Kernel OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected. [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them. [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated first, so that some theme elements and/or other options can be used. [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]================= [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time : 08/20/2022 {UTC} -- 2:56pm [OSINF] Installation Type : Client {Non Server} [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method : Clean [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected : No [OSINF] Domain Detected : No [OSINF] Full Name : Microsoft Windows 11 Pro [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit # : 48 [OSINF] Version {Product} : Windows 11 Pro [OSINF] Version {SKU} : Windows Pro [OSINF] Edition {Registry} : Professional [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise [OSINF] Edition {Type} : General [OSINF] Architecture : 64 Bit {AR:1} [OSINF] Release Identifier : 2009 [OSINF] Short Display Version : 21H2 [OSINF] Build Information : 22000.1.amd64fre.co_release.210604-1628 [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 22000 [OSINF] Experience Pack # : 1000.22000.917.0 [OSINF] Branch Code Name : Cobalt [OSINF] Branch Reference : co_release [OSINF] Readiness Level : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1} [OSINF] Major.Minor Version : 10.0 [OSINF] ProductID Reference : 3308 [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 917 [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1 {0x1} [OSINF] General UILang/Code : en-US / 1033 {0x409h} [OSINF] General Locale : English - United States [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names : en-US [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg} : Pacific Standard Time [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU} : Pacific Standard Time [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode : Yes [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked [OSINF] Trusted Platform Modl : No TPM instances found [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass : N/A [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] Allow W11 WU Upgrades : Yes {0x1} [Registry Value] [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]================= [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name : [MS-7708] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [MS-7708] [MBINF] #03 CS Base Product : [MS-7708] [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name : [MEDIONPC] [MBINF] #05 CS System Name : [MEDIONPC] [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name : [MEDIONPC] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [MEDION - 20100921] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information : [v2.1 - SLIC table with marker present] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan : [G4] [OA2T:1]2.1 [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information : [No MSDM Table Present] [MBINF] Chassis Type : [Desktop {3}] [MBINF] PC System Type : [Desktop {0x1}] [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]================== [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type : [American Megatrends Inc.] [BDINF] Version Number : [A7708MLN.105] [BDINF] SMBIOS Version : [2.6] [BDINF] Release Date : [09/21/2010] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location} [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]================= [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] Full Name : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz] [MPINF] Description : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5] [MPINF] Architecture : [32/64 Bit] [MPINF] Current Clock Speed : [3200 Mhz] {Approx} [MPINF] Max Clock Speed : [3,2 GHz] {Approx} [MPINF] L2 Cache Size : [512 MiB] [MPINF] L3 Cache Size : [4096 MiB] [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data : [GenuineIntel] [MPINF] Processor Family : [206] [MPINF] CPUID Signature : [020655] [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x2505] [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1] [MPINF] Cores/Threads : [2] / [4] [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode : [Enabled] [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database. [MPINF] Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection. [MPINF] Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2. [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]============== [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS. [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have internal hardware-based protections against 2 variants of Meltdown/Spectre. [MMINF] ============================================================= [MMINF] ====================[ Memory Information ]=================== [MMINF] ============================================================= [MMINF] Total Physical : 7,99 GiB [MMINF] Used During Setup : 593,13 MiB [MMINF] Available : 7,41 GiB [92,75%] [MMINF] Type Number : 3 [MMINF] Design Type : CDRAM {15} [MMINF] Category : Non-ECC [MMINF] Max Board Sockets : 2 - May vary depending on the Motherboard's original test design/revision. [MMINF] Max Capacity : 8192 MiB - Depends on how the Chipset's memory array handles this information. [MMINF] Max Per Socket/Slot : 4096 MiB {Approx Value} [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]=== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [AUTCU] Use bypass to allow WU upgrading to Win 11, or later with 'unsupported' hardware. {Experimental} [CPODT] Show 'Control Panel' icon on the Desktop. [ABWCT] Add 'About Windows' to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated] [CPDCM] Add 'Control Panel' entries to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated] [CPANV] Change the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}. [PPCTM] Add 'Manage Power Plans' entries to the Desktop Context Menu. [OS Translated] [ESTCM] Add 'Screenshots' Context Menu entries. [OS Translated] [SDCCM] Add 'Disk Clean-up' entry to a SSD/HDD Drive's Context Menu. [CTMSI] Add 'System Information' to ThisPC/Computer's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation. [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels. [SATCM] No 'Administrative Tools' Context Menu items was selected for addition. [AWLBM] Enable 'F8 Legacy OS Boot Menu'. This may not always work on some motherboards due to BIOS function key conflicts. [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default setting. [NETSE] Enable File Sharing. You may still need to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' for some older devices to work. [DMSDF] Disable Windows Defender, may not be possible to revert this later. [CTNAB] Prevent Cortana from operating. Normal local 'Search Windows' functions are still available. [REDSC] Remove the 'Microsoft Edge' desktop shortcut. [DNIFD] Disable 'News and Interests' Feed. [DMAFD] Disable the majority of other Feeds. [HOAOS] Hide the create, or use, a Microsoft 'Online Account' screen during OOBE/Windows Setup. Does NOT affect creating a 'Local' account. [EXEXR] Expand the Explorer window's ribbon menu for Windows 10/11. Reboot or Logout/in cycle required for it to work. May no longer work on later Win 11 Builds. [DCCOT] Disable 'Cloud Optimized Content' on the TaskBar for 20H2+. {Policy Edit} [APSCT] Add the 'PC Settings' sub C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. [ATMCT] Add the 'Task Manager' C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. {OS Translated} [AOTCM] {##} Add 'OEM Info', {View basic system information} to ThisPC's Context Menu for Builds below 22100 only. [NOTEL] {##} Reduce Telemetry via CEIP, AppCompat and Diagtrack etc. Also sets the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' option to lowest possible. [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [TOTNU] Transfer the user selected MRP Options to any 'New Users' created. This may not always copy all options/settings over due to OS permissions etc. [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' references from icons. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: None [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' view instead of the newer 'Quick Access'. [OCDEN] Disable Network connections to allow offline account creation etc. May require a manual re-enable later. [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar Widget. [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps. [RRNMW] Remove 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot. [ESAFA] Disable 'Snap Assist' Flyout. [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' Context Menus. {Experimental} [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon. [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'. [DHLNP] Disable the 'Highlighting' of any new Apps that are added to the Start Menu. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update. [PODAI] Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after Setup has completed. [IPKEA] Will attempt to insert/use the PID.txt's key, if found and valid. [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present/detected. [UCMEW] Enable the 'Compact Mode' for the File Explorer's views. [DFSBN] {$$} Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible. [PEFPL] {##} Prevent 'MS Edge' from pre-loading automatically, plus reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint. [NMPTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Mail' icon on the TaskBar. May not always work due to OS conflicts. [NSPTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Store' icon on the TaskBar. [NTVTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Task View' icon on the TaskBar. [TOSCF] Turn off the new 'Smart Clipboard' feature. [TOPTF] Turn Off the new 'Predictive Text' feature {Multilingual}. [SUOEA] =================================================== [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]============= [SUOEA] =================================================== [NOTES] Because a Windows 11 Kernel OS has been installed some specific options may be auto disabled to prevent issues. [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value. [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11 System Tray layout. [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: Was ignored because the special Option's variable was not set via oobe.cmd file. [DTSED] Desktop Stickies auto ignored as a non compatible build installed. [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11 OS Kernels. [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============ [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] {$$} = This option is User changeable later via the Settings App or Control Panel etc. [INFOS] {##} = This is an experimental option, may not always work as expected depending on the OS Build etc. [USRDN] ==================================================== [USRDN] ===[ User Specified System Drive Rename Routine ]=== [USRDN] ==================================================== [USRDN] The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'WINDOWS 11' [USRDN] Note: On some OS Languages this may not always be shown correctly, you may have to manually change it later. [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]=== [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation. [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder. [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'D:\sources' folder. [DV] [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected, the 'Insert PID key' advanced option routine will not be used. [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]=== [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found. [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed. [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]=== [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] Medion [#08] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding. [DCTPR] ======================================= [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]=== [SYSPD] ======================================= [SETMN] BIOS defined "MS-7708" has been applied for the Computer's 'Model' Name. {Validated} [TBPRT] =================================== [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]=== [TBPRT] =================================== [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined. [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]=== [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : Medion [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'Medion.theme' file : 10 {Fill image to display resolution} [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup. [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred. [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created. [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image. [W8XAP] =========================================================== [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]=== [W8XAP] =========================================================== [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file. [WXAP2] ============================================================ [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]=== [WXAP2] ============================================================ [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced. [X8LLR] ==================================== [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]=== [X8LLR] ==================================== [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100. [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105. [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]=== [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created. [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred. [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'. [ATHBA] Medion OEM brand theme was applied. [SCFLD] ==================================================== [SCFLD] ===[ SetupComplete/FirstLogOn Scripts Detection ]=== [SCFLD] ==================================================== [SCDET] Note: The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file was detected. [NOTES] Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file. [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]=== [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup. [BSHCS] ============================================ [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]----------------------------- [ADMAN] =================================================== [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============ [ADMAN] =================================================== [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed. [SATOU] =================================================== [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]==== [SATOU] =================================================== [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 10 - Fill image to display resolution. [TOTNU] Transfer Options to any 'New Users' created. This may not always transfer all User options/settings over due to OS Permissions. [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' reference on icons. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: None [DHLNP] Disable the 'Highlighting' of any new Apps/Programs that are added to the Start Menu. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update. [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar Widget. [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps. [RRNMW] Remove 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot. [ESAFA] Disable Snap Assist Flyout. [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' Context Menus. {Experimental} [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon. [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build. [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' instead of the newer 'Quick Access' view. [PODAI] Prevent 'OneDrive' from automatically installing. [DFSBN] Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible. [NMPTB] Unpin the 'Mail' icon from the TaskBar. May not always work due to OS conflicts. [NSPTB] Unpin the 'Store' icon on the TaskBar. [NTVTB] Unpin the 'Task View' icon on the TaskBar. [OCDEN] Attempt to automatically re-enable Network connections. [OCDEN] Note: You may need to manually re-enable Network connections later if an error occurred. [PEFPL] Prevent 'Microsoft Edge' from pre-loading automatically and reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint. [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present. [UCMEW] Use 'Compact Mode' for the File Explorer's views. [TOSCF] Turn off the new 'Smart Clipboard' feature. [TOPTF] Turn Off the new 'Predictive Text' feature {Multilingual}. [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]=== [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied. [WXSTB] Title Bar colorization some elements may not have been applied fully. [WXSHL] Highlight colorization some elements may not have been applied fully. [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied. [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username. [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started. [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]=== [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR [AMHDC] Controller Mode : AHCI {I} [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]=== [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed. [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]=== [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] License/Activation Status : Notification [CHKLS] License Channel Status : Retail {CTT} [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0xC004F034 [CHKLS] License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete Activation. [ADMAN] =============================== [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]=== [ADMAN] =============================== [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed. [ADMAN] =================================== [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]=== [ADMAN] =================================== [ENDAM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is = [ENDAM] = required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full = [ENDAM] = effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete. = [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDED] The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
Code: [WXSTB] Title Bar colorization some elements may not have been applied fully. [WXSHL] Highlight colorization some elements may not have been applied fully. Have checked code and it appears in this instance the uSID was not created properly at the time of the titlebar/highlight change, although that would auto correct itself on the next reboot, hopefully. I will have to adjust the error code in that section to show clearer the issue, but 90% of the time it would be the uSID when on 22000 win 11, not sure why on that build the uSID issue is random, could be a timing issue...