Have started on MRP v148 and the next QT v125, nothing to report at present only a line in the MRP log output that i missed some text on Added a simple test to see if the device is online and connected... QT v125 Example: Code: Wifi Adapter Status : Available, Reference: SSID, Service State: Running. Online Connection Status : Internet appears to be connected.
As soon as i can get more time i will be writing a special version of the QT using AutoIT as that is not dependant on .Net or C# etc, it will be a 'slimmer' version but hopefully give data required, it will be a 'work in progress' as it will be a side project until it has matured enough to replace the current QT. It has taken me a while to start on the new version because registry reading is a bit alien to me using AutoIT because when dealing with a 64 bit OS the way it reads the registry is different to x86, so i may have to have two versions one for x86 the other for x64. Using WinPE is a bit different than a installed OS because it much like a virtual OS that looks in to a non working one, getting the OS information will have to be rewritten in that environment because standard WMIC/Powershell etc will just detect the current OS (the WinPE) instead of the OS you wish to interrogate. I went to look at that WinPE but Eset throw its dummy out and refused to even open the website, turned it off, but still no go. Not a worry as i will create my own PE with .net integrated , my last Win10PE i created was i think based on TH1 so it a bit outdated plus no .Net in it so not much use. Time as usual is my nemesis at the moment but the todo list gets a bit longer, most has been done for MRP/QT recently so the list isn't as long as it was.
Tab2 - System/Boot Partition Info - Free/Available space will be adjusted better once i have the GUI in some sort of stable state. << Click image for larger picture.
The GUI will show all the data such as serial numbers etc, there will be a context menu to click 'Save Report' which will have the full or post-able versions to select from.
As got a bit of time at moment i am testing some bits out for the GUI QT ... Sorting OS info as the @OSName does not work properly for win 11 or even w10 correctly , so trying other work arounds...
The gui query tool is slowly adding new info, context menu for save etc is not written in yet, as they are not important at this early stage. Im thinking the save part will be similar to the way the current qt saves, as two reports, private one with serial numbers etc and other without any sensitive info, that a while off to write that code in. The reading of any slic data will be a challenge as i will have to write that part from scratch. It is a work in progress and may not have all the fancy data shown like the current qt does as it is a lot more of a learning curve than standard cmd script is, one thing you cannot use 'goto' commands as it not exist in autoit. But i will overcome the hurdles as the qt really needed a overhaul again. Once that done then mrp will be updated, may not be a gui at first as you not see it during early oobe stage, but its 2nd stage can be. That's my vision for the next generations of the qt and mrp. The basics will be the same just a different way they internally operate. On the 15th october 2022 my taking over the helm of this project will be 6 years, a lot has changed over this time. I think i am the longest dev to work on this project. Been a lot of hurdles to get around as windows changed direction, insider builds that break some code etc. Thanks for using the project Here's to the future
Without your help @Enthousiast testing, the releases would be a lot slower. Plus thanks also to the other beta testers, although you are spared the alpha tests which at times can be quite spectacular when they crash
As for bitlocker it is being picked up by the simple bcdedit query used, most likely as it on same physical drive. News app i think is now combined with or into some other app or it just refuses to budge during oobe, or it is like edge deployed after mrp has completed. Phone one i have no idea, have done as much as i can do with it, it is not touched by 'All safe app' removal routines or blocking advertising option. If you are using other tweak scripts or removal tools they may be affecting mrp or that phone app? M$ has enough data mining without them having access to our phones too!
Its 1135pm here, so wont be on pc tonight and tomorrow have the oet/nhs exam so no time to check code.
it's okay buddy good night and good luck on tomorrow's exam, no there is no other tweak scripts i use except msmg and mrp, this time mrp is caught red-handed on this lol, unlike on windows 11 tests i posted screenshots with and without mrp used, and it's the same iso used so it's definitely some tweak that's causing this, it must be the 'block ads' one, you know that message that appears on phone link doesn't cause any problem, you can still launch the phone link app and use it normally, i just don't like it when every part of settings get greyed out like that and you don't know from what or how it happened and how you can change it, i don't know why they have that separate category in settings for phone anyway, it doesn't make any sense, unlike some other places in settings when you get that message 'some of these settings are managed by your organization', you can't make any changes in that window, i had that problem before in 'projecting to this pc', i could not change any setting on that window, i don't remember how i got rid of it that time but anyway, the phone app is not that great and is not bad either, it's useful sometimes, even though on windows 11 i don't know why i'm getting phoneexperiencehost.exe application error window appears from time to time, and after some google search it seems that it's a common error reported by many, so yeah not that perfect, it's not about it after all it's about keeping things as they should be after a new installation, you don't want to discover later that some setting or some app is not working, and then good luck trying to find a solution to that issue that you have no idea how it happened, it's so frustrating, as for news and interests i didn't use that other option that says 'Windows 10 Only -- Disable the majority of Feeds. This is a Group Policy Edit', becuz i don't know what it does and what means majority of feeds, i know only about news and interests that's on taskbar, sorry for writing too much lol
Thanks for letting me know, i have another area to look at which i not realize cause affect the Phone app. News and Feeds, looking into that as found another reg entry that should shut that up PreventTelemetry that turns off the Privacy questions in OOBE, the yes/no ones plus a few M$ route IP blocks: Spoiler: M$ IP Blocks Code: 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK / network-64-4-6.hmdevlab.com / 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM On spam blacklist! / MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK / SERVFAIL / T1 (Business/Corporate) Internet Speed 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM SKYSILK-02 / SERVFAIL 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK / IP Weather Station: Boydton / SERVFAIL 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM On spam blacklist! / MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK / SERVFAIL / T1 (Business/Corporate) Internet Speed 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK / SERVFAIL / T1 (Business/Corporate) Internet Speed 2>nul route -p ADD MASK >nul 2>&1 & REM MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK / SERVFAIL / T1 (Business/Corporate) Internet Speed Note the blacklisted ones and the T1 speeds, i guess that to grab your data as quick as possible! Blacklisted are ones that have been detected as Spiders or could send info to other countries besides to m$/USA etc. Not sure what SKYSILK is but it within the M$ AD block... As there are many elements to blocking Telemetry i cannot find the one that stops the Phone app directly as so many IP blocks via firewall and reg entries it will take time to find it, but then it may allow other Telemetry to be sent so i will look but if it causes that issue of other data being sneaked out then i will not adjust that section. Therefore if anyone wants to use the Phone app, do not select the Prevent Telemetry option.