Well it not a missed variable as such it how autoit detects the OS a bit of a pain so will make my own way to check
Fixed: Missing variable error on win 8.x - possibly on w11 too, sorted now as better os detection. (i hope!) Added a experimental check for a valid SLIC name and it should show on the BIOS/DMI tab if found. May get it wrong as it a long winded array check of 129 names
If the valid SLIC name routine is stable then i will see about checking for a valid theme that could be used but that could open another can of worms! Took me a hour or more to sort the slic name bit and i am not that sure if it right If the SLIC name isnt in the array then nothing will be shown about it in the [BIOS/DMI] tab section..
No idea why -- on my tests it not Although i think i may know why as i changed the result box from a input to a ws_Boxed and may of put the variable on those two lines by mistake. At least the SLIC name bit worked
Yep i was right i got a bit carried away with pasting the variable on the end of the createlabel line Not see it easy as most tests only shown 2 at most devices so missed it. Thanks for letting me know Sorted for next release.
Added SLIC check (simple), also possible theme that could be used when using MRP. Fixed boxed lines around some entries in the GUI.
Will consider adding that as a option for the next MRP release. On my Gen 10 (10400F) i5 cpu it not activate the TSX setting by the registry entries
It may depend on the CPU core stepping, the latest microcode in BIOS, the Windows version, and mcuupdate_GeniuneIntel.dll
Added on new Misc tab: Product Key Used (last 5 digits shown) MSDM key (if detected) , last 5 digits shown. Installed Antivirus detection and if up-to date or not. Shows only ONE AV at present as cannot seem to get it to show more than one correctly. Plus simple test if internet connected or not , shown in title bar same as the desktop resolution (debug)
Getting "Error: Variable used without being declared" On Windows 10 Pro 21H2 English. Is there a log?
The line number would help him https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...l-project-mrp-mk3.71555/page-436#post-1759234
Will look in morning as not at home at moment. Think defender is first it sees no idea why, but it does show it disabled.
Variable not declared, the line number gives me a hint as when converted to an exe it changes location. That caused by one of the new functions added and local declaring works slightly different to batch scripting.
Im slowly getting used to the differences from my usual batch scripting. For loops are different again so that a pain, arrays are useful but awkward how i want to use them. The av part i may remove the upto date part, but use the enabled/disabled result to hopefully show more than one av detected, Ie defender and another like old qt does. Its all learning something new I do make things tough for myself. Also working on a winpe detection so you can read say a product key from a offline installation. That is for a later addition as it more difficult at this time and needs a lot of work to get it to just do that. Once that done i can use what i learn from it to do other parts for offline use. But as a old saying goes here, "learn to walk before you run" true in my case on this new project
Will fix issues tomorrow, although ive tested on w10 education and no issues, i think enth tests on w11 too. Seems to work on w8.x as well , so unsure why it missed a variable error occurred. I will check , although autoit didnt throw a error when i syntax error checked. There again this new update to autoit made me redo some parts but only simple changes was needed to winapi calls.