Fixed the AV issue, rewrote the code to not use Pshell... Also appears to prevent the duplicate names.
Updated A/V detection to not use PShell so it should be compatible with all OS's - plus it also not show duplicate names -- (so far!). TPM information -- if present
Added (on Misc Tab): Defender Tamper Protection and Service Statuses. Windows Firewall Status. Other changes: DIMM information = limited to first six slots or it sends the GUI strange!
Ok added the installed software list, it may not be perfect but it does list what is installed, it gets the info from the registry so some items could be missing on some computers depending if no info found etc. Also added horizontal scrollbar too so you can view better. That took some doing as the array list was not easy to show properly as it was all compressed up so had to work out some way to expand to show the data clearer then it needed the horiz bars...
The glitch is because it is a tabbed window and i not worked out how to resize it yet. So you get that odd line through the text. You have to use the scrollbars to view the data. Tomorrow i will have another try but for now im going to chill in front of the tv and try to feel better as i got the dreaded flu , not that covid - tested negative past few days There is a Auto_Resize parameter but it not work, not sure why.
Is Software limited in numbers? It shows 39 entries for me, but I have way more installed (P&F shows 155 entries).