Ah thats why forgot about that hmm now to work out how to detect that.... Got a test way... Will put it as a exe test just for office once i written the code..
Code: @echo off for /F "tokens=3" %%O in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" /v "ProductReleaseIDs" 2^>nul') do set "C2R_ProductReleaseIDs=%%O" for /F "tokens=3" %%O in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" /v "ClientVersionToReport" 2^>nul') do set "C2R_ClientVersionToReport=%%O" for /F "tokens=3" %%O in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration" /v "VersionToReport" 2^>nul') do set "C2R_VersionToReport=%%O" echo C2R_ProductReleaseID = %C2R_ProductReleaseID% echo C2R_ClientVersionToReport = %C2R_ClientVersionToReport% echo C2R_VersionToReport = %C2R_VersionToReport% echo. pause does that yield useful info? i can convert that easy enough
The simple exe - just unzip and run wait until results appear then take a pic of result pop up or write the info in a post It hopefully covers the normal office info then the registry bits for C2R office... This test uses a win_32 product check for standard office installs - simple method.
It getting strange I have made adjustments but may fix again tomorrow and that will be the last time as i will just ignore office information if nothing working this final time.
Guessing nothing be changed so will see and tomorrow either try again/fix or just ignore office information as it not important anymore to me, sorry. You get to that point that you just have enough of running in circles and getting nowhere, office is one such thing. I just cannot get the data retrieved like batch script/vbs would be easy.
OfficeTester.exe is x86, i guess it access 32-bit registry on Windows x64? you can add /reg:64 to the command, it works for both x86/x64 OS
I forgot the sysnative equiv ie hklm64 As turned pc off for night i will have to fix late tomorrow as got a nhs oet exam in morning from 7am so it going to be a very long day.
See if this makes any progress.. Last resort: Added in code for 64 or 32 'office' registry checks... If this fails then i will not add office information into the GUI QT as it getting way to complex to implement. Adjusted code before i did the first part of the exam this morning at 7am , i then go back for my main part(s) after 11am. I will resume work on the GUI when the exam is done later today (after 5pm GMT)
Thanks guys Thats gave me a bit of hope that c2r is detected as i had to try 3 ways. I will adjust text to only show first c2r name as i just run through a loop to keep looking and adding to main variable. It was a blind stab at finding something useful The n/a is the default local var, it should of been changed to first name found but as usual in a hurry me forgot to clear it before loop. Main thing is it finds the data now.
Code: Standard Office Installed Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 (12.0.4518.1014) Click2Run Office Installed ID: Pro Plus 2021 Volume {x64} CV: 16.0.15629.20204 VR: 16.0.15629.20208 Hopefully the results that will be returned are similar for the C2R side, tried to get the results for 2019 and 2021 C2R to look 'human' instead of the cryptic form to decode.