Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Uploaded latest GUI_QT_v0.10.6.27 to post #3 :)

    Basically to see how that WinSAT bit works on different hardware/locale.

    As i probably mentioned before the updates done up to this stage of progress:

    Added OS Info3 tab to expand the OS section.
    More KMS/VL in use etc added to that tab.

    WinSAT Scores - I know it not used as such now for real references.
    This may or may not work on different hardware or Locales (Unsure why).

    Updated the Tools section - not that you may notice the pixel moved icons :D
    Save/Exit have requesters so you not save by mistake etc.
    Shows current save log location in the info box at bottom of tab so if you want to change that click the 'Change Logs Save location' button and select a folder to save them to, note this location will be where ALL saved logs from the QT will be placed not just the Postable/Private main ones.

    Hopefully the WinSat scores work, it does even on Vista - in my tests.

    Servers may not have WinSat - so that section will just have N/A probably.
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  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012

    Windows 7.
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I forgot to add that on Vista/Server2008 i have changed the font so it looks better and more aligned, there is several checks for fonts possible and one will be used, failing to find one then the default OS one will be used that may not look as nice.

    This also applies for all the GUI QT's supported OS's.
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  4. kajoe1

    kajoe1 MDL Novice

    May 9, 2011
    #9684 kajoe1, Mar 15, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
    All tabs are working fine.

    Attached Files:

  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Thanks :)

    I hoped that nothing messed up, i tried on as much working computers i had around me with different OS's, only w8.1 i not checked as i had wiped that pc to test Vista x86.
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  6. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    All is good on w8.1 (but i had WinSAT disabled, so no score :D)
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    :D:D I guess you got N/A --- No assessment :p
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I could of put something silly for when WinSAT is disabled like : Thou Kiddest! :p
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  9. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    No assessment available. Run 'WinSAT /Formal' from a command/PS prompt.
  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    :) i covered the 'errors' as much as possible. At least it not crash to desktop with some obscure error code and line number i not even reached yet :D:D
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  11. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Someone got a Server to test which has no WinSAT at all? IIRC 2012 , 2012R2, 2016, 2019.
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Not sure as i know w11 can be a pain when installing due to many factors. W10 is pretty stable majority of the time during setup.

    Which options did you use?

    A copy of your mrpconfig.ini could help find which option may of caused the error.

    Although mrp may not of run at that stage, it usually starts the first section of the project scripts just after the username is entered.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I not able to test at moment as it late at night here in Britain so will check tomorrow morning.
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  14. KFeri

    KFeri MDL Novice

    May 31, 2013
    I use this setting almost always..
    SetupComplete.cmd has not been run anymore.
    Not sure what that has to do with it, but they are in the same place.

    Attached Files:

  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I looked through the config.ini and nothing stands out as majority of the options are left as default and the ones you selected would not affect the install in the way of the issue you are having.

    I not look at setupcomplete as that as you said not even got run.

    Ok a few questions:
    Is it just happening on W10 or W11 (or both).

    Has the install.wim been edited such as to remove features etc via DISM/MSMG/NTLite etc.

    Is it a GEN2 or other 3rd party ISO version of the OS(s). These are known to sometimes have issues with MRP because certain elements removed by their process causes problems.

    When did the error happen was it before the setup asked about creating the user etc or after that stage.

    Do you use the ei.cfg file - this allows MRP and other oobe related stuff to work, as if no ei.cfg it can make the setup ignore the OOBE.cmd and SetupComplete stages. This also allows you to select the Edition to install as it tells setup to ignore any MSDM table otherwise most OOBE stages are skipped so that MRP and SetupComplete will be ignored.

    Has the install.wim been updated with latest CU etc. Although i not had any reports that this would cause the crash you are experiencing the very latest updates may affect something as all my tests are done with a non user updated ISO.

    Sorry so many questions but it will hopefully help me work out what may be the issue, as you mentioned prior to this MRP release all was ok.

    The main core code has not been changed, only any new options added, the 'Remove Defender' one was updated but i doubt that is the issue as that is mainly worked on later in the install after the main user has been created.

    This morning i will do a test install using your MRPConfig.ini to see if that particular combination causes my test install to fail.

    Thanks for letting me know as it helps make MRP more resistant to errors and fixes any option related issues.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #9697 mxman2k, Mar 16, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
    Regarding the ei.cfg use, even if you only have a single Edition in the install.wim - after removing the other Editions, it is still best to have the ei.cfg file from MRP in the Sources folder of the ISO/Image so that OOBE.cmd etc is not ignored.

    ei.cfg contains:
    That is ok for OEM/Retail. If you using LTSC or other VLK editions then changing the 0 to 1 under [VL] will allow VLK ones to use the ei.cfg file too.

    MRP's ei.cfg for w10/11 is found in the archive under: \Optional\win1x - optional
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  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I did some win10 installations (Home/Core, Pro, Education didn't bother with others as they would most likely be same), All OK using your configuration file - No errors or crashes...

    Win11 Same set of Editions - No errors...

    In all my ISO's i use the ei.cfg file as some times i have computers that have Core/Home MSDM's and i usually install Education or Pro instead. With w11 i have the TPM etc bypass in too.

    Other than the results i had above i am at a loss.

    Hopefully an answer to the questions i asked in a previous post will show some light on the situation.
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  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    For those that have access to the MRP beta testing area , please note i have updated the directory lister...

    It is in Light mode by default and the light bulb icon is the toggle for dark/light.

    The little (i) symbol on the files is the Hashes displayer.

    Had to update website PHP from 5.3 to 8.1 and so if you tried to access the area while the upgrade was in progress you may of got php/css errors.

    It is now fully updated.

    Not sure why dark mode has a purple header but it took me long enough to work out the configuration system so colors are default for now.

    It works that the main thing :D

    It says that some items may be auto translated such as Home/File Name etc - as i cant test that im just guessing that it works, if not then its english, sorry :)

    GUI QT .28 is also uploaded there -- testing win7 ESU patch check... It may not work so its just an experiment.
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  19. KFeri

    KFeri MDL Novice

    May 31, 2013
    On W10 and W11 it's problem is there.
    No matter what version I'm using For example 19045.2684 or newer.
    22000.1696 or older.

    I use NTLite programs with the free uninstallers.
    (many unnecessary never used programs are not removed.)

    The error, both before and after the user. So when, I use it it restarts Windows several times during installation, and install works much longer. If you don't have this cool little program added, it will finish installing Windows faster with less restarts and not error.

    Yes I use the ei.cfg file (always)
    To update install.wim, see: (Automatically saved session (Windows 11).xml)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Preset isAutoSaved="true" xmlns="urn:schemas-nliteos-com:pn.v1">
        <Date>03/15/2023 16:00:28</Date>
            <Host>Windows 10 Pro (22H2) x64 - 10.0.19045.2604 (hu-HU)</Host>
            <Version mode="offline">Windows 11 Professional (21H2) x64 - 10.0.22000.318 (hu-HU)</Version>
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            <c>appv 'Alkalmazás virtualizálása (App-V)'</c>
            <c>c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515 'Fájlkezelő'</c>
            <c>F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE 'Mappajavaslatok hozzáadása párbeszédpanel'</c>
            <c>fciclient 'Fájlkiszolgálói erőforrás kezelő'</c>
            <c>hwsupport_internetprintingclient 'Internetes nyomtatási ügyfél'</c>
            <c>hypervguest 'Hyper-V vendég'</c>
            <c>iis 'Internetes információs kiszolgáló (IIS)'</c>
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            <c>langenglishus 'English (US)'</c>
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            <c>Microsoft.AsyncTextService 'AsyncTextService'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.BingNews 'Microsoft News'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.BingWeather 'MSN Weather'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.ECApp 'Szemvezérlés'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.GetHelp 'Get Help'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Getstarted 'Tippek (Első lépések)'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.LockApp 'A Windows alapértelmezett zárolási képernyője'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub 'Office'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection 'Microsoft Solitaire Collection'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes 'Microsoft Sticky Notes'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.People 'Microsoft People'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop 'Power Automate'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.SecHealthUI 'Windows Defender'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Todos 'Microsoft To Do'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp 'Hívás'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager 'Content Delivery Manager'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart 'Narrátor'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls 'A Microsoft-család funkciói'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost 'Windows rendszerfelület'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.Photos 'Microsoft Photos'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.Search 'Windows Search'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser 'Vizsga'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.WindowsAlarms 'Windows Alarms &amp; Clock'</c>
            <c>microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps 'Mail and Calendar'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub 'Feedback Hub'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.WindowsMaps 'Windows Maps'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder 'Windows Voice Recorder'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.YourPhone 'Your Phone'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.ZuneMusic 'Groove Music'</c>
            <c>Microsoft.ZuneVideo 'Movies &amp; TV'</c>
            <c>mobilepc 'Mobil PC'</c>
            <c>mobilepc_location 'Helyértesítések'</c>
            <c>mobilepc_networkprojection 'Hálózati vetítés'</c>
            <c>mobilepc_sensors 'Érzékelők'</c>
            <c>msmq 'Microsoft üzenetsor (MSMQ)'</c>
            <c>rdc 'Távoli különbözeti tömörítés (RDC)'</c>
            <c>rdpclient 'Távoli asztali ügyfél'</c>
            <c>rdpclient32 'Távoli asztali ügyfél - 32 bit'</c>
            <c>remoteactivex 'Távoli asztali szolgáltatások ActiveX ügyfél'</c>
            <c>remoteactivex32 'Távoli asztali szolgáltatások ActiveX ügyfél - 32 bit'</c>
            <c>remoteassistance 'Távoli segítségnyújtás'</c>
            <c>remoteportredirector 'Távoli asztali szolgáltatások portátirányítója'</c>
            <c>sharemediacpl 'Médiavezérlőpult megosztása'</c>
            <c>simpletcp 'Egyszerű TCP/IP-szolgáltatások'</c>
            <c>uev 'Felhasználói élmény virtualizáció (UE-V)'</c>
            <c>webcamexperience 'Webkamera tapasztalat'</c>
            <c>winocr 'Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR)'</c>
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                <Machine enabled="no">Parallels VM</Machine>
                <Machine enabled="no">Virtual Box VM</Machine>
                <Machine enabled="no">VMware VM</Machine>
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            <Feature name="WorkFolders-Client">false</Feature>
                <!--<Command>cmd /c echo Example from [MOUNTDIR]\Windows &amp; pause</Command>-->
                <!--<Command>dism /image:[MOUNTDIR] /get-intl</Command>-->
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                    <Tweak name="wisvc\wisvc">4</Tweak>
                    <Tweak name="MixedRealityOpenXRSvc\MixedRealityOpenXRSvc">4</Tweak>
                    <Tweak name="spectrum\spectrum">4</Tweak>
                    <Tweak name="WSearch\WSearch">4</Tweak>
                    <Tweak name="TabletInputService\TabletInputService">4</Tweak>
                    <Tweak name="DiagTrack\DiagTrack">3</Tweak>
                    <Tweak name="MessagingService\MessagingService">4</Tweak>
                <Item type="Command">
                    <Params>/hibernate off</Params>
                <Item type="Command">
                    <Params>accounts /maxpwage:unlimited</Params>
            <File>F:\KESZITES\ISO\11.21H2-22000\Reg Tweaks in Win11.reg</File>

    I have an old computer, and SSD. No TPM. and other