Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I looked through that NTLite config, i was thinking if scripthost was disabled but it not there so that not the easy one to find..

    As NTLite seems to have majority of the same tweaks (give or take) a test install with MRP but not using the config.ini so it will just brand/theme and no tweaks used...

    If that works then its one of the many things in NTLite... It may be that MRP just isnt compatible with NTLite with heavy changes. :( Not much i can do sadly.
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  2. KFeri

    KFeri MDL Novice

    May 31, 2013
    Ok, I'll get back to you, I have the new installation up, I don't feel like trying again..
    Thank you!
  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #9703 mxman2k, Mar 17, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
    Something for the next GUI QT :p

    *edit* Works on Vista/7 too :)

    Had to adjust Tab texts so i could fit all in as space is getting a bit tight in the tab section and about reached limit without making the GUI wider which will prevent the GUI from showing on 1024x768 resolution and switch to save only mode.
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  4. KFeri

    KFeri MDL Novice

    May 31, 2013
    Just a request:
    Could we also have the option to uninstall OneDrive and Office (and/or) Office365 (Win10-Win11)
    I know there are programs for this, but to avoid having to use so many different programs. because everyone points to the other program if, perhaps, there is a bug.
    Thank you.
  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    There is already an option to prevent one-drive being installed.

    As for office there is a APP removal option for the stub office HUB, it not however uninstall any full office package as that not in the OS, only the OfficeHub which calls either the online versions of Word etc or downloads a office package. The MRP option to remove/uninstall that hub will clean it from the OS and start menu too.
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  6. KFeri

    KFeri MDL Novice

    May 31, 2013
    I would now mention that it does not work.
    What you say remains..
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    As MRP is designed for use with a untouched Windows ISO/Image and it does what it says on the tin as best to its ability because no two computers are exactly the same as the hardware is different etc so some things may work in a slightly different way.

    This project is NOT and i repeat not a NTLite etc clone and never will be.

    When someone uses or modifies a ISO/Image then MRP can fail because certain parts the user has removed/changed in the ISO/image can and will affect how other programs/scripts work.

    If the Onedrive/OfficeHub options did not work i think i would of known by the many users of this project that they not function as intended.

    I admit some options may work different as later updates to windows is done but i do my best to keep up to date with those changes and adjust the option's code to keep them working.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh but i have to draw a line at times when something is outside the scope of this project.

    Basically if you use a 3rd party tool to edit your Image/ISO or use a 3rd party ISO such as Tiny11/Gen2 etc then if MRP works good if it not then i cant fix something that someone else has done.
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #9708 mxman2k, Mar 18, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
    I have edited the first opening post in this thread so that it is made clear at the top of the text that this project is for use on untouched ISO/Images and the use of 3rd party ISO's or editing the ISO/Image yourself can affect the operation of this project and also any other project/script/program later.

    I know many dev's on MDL face the same situation, it is frustrating that you spend many hours and maybe countless sleepless nights working on your projects to then get faced with something that you cant fix because someone else done something which is not what your project was designed to work with!

    I can fully understand why some give up and the projects get abandoned. I have been close a few times to give up too, but seven years on i am still working on this one!
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  9. KFeri

    KFeri MDL Novice

    May 31, 2013
    I've said what I'm experiencing, I understand what you're saying, but, why are you angry with me?
    Anyway, don't answer, thanks for what you've said so far.
    This is the first time I have spoken on this subject since 2013. Well, I won't do it again.
  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Im not angry, it may come across that way as translations never perfect.

    Im trying to say that using other tools to edit or remove stuff, or using 3rd party isos will affect how this and most likely other tools/programs work as certain things are removed that other tools may require.

    I cannot fix something that i not do.

    MRP works majority of the time, there is no guarantee it will work on the various isos that people use if they pre-tweak them etc.
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  11. KleineZiege

    KleineZiege MDL Expert

    Dec 11, 2018
    Awesome, you have good approaches, I'm totally thrilled.

    how does it work with eset in sound with MRP
    can you reveal more there ?
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I use eset nod32 av have done since it was at version 4 many years ago.

    Recently eset been a bit keen of grabbing files used in mrp. But like most av programs once you get it to exclude folders of your known safe stuff that it thinks is bad its ok.

    Sound, not sure what you mean as mrp not touch sound/audio stuff. Not had any issues with audio.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Mrp/qt sets some exclusions for defender, sadly i cant add any for other av's as there is so many and each has its own methods which can be different and change over time.
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I have removed the unlock defender option in MRP for now as it doing weird things in w11, you get spinning dots on the threat top item in its settings app that never stop.

    Disable defender is still operative and have hardened it more so it not get re-enabled, unless you do a inplace repair/upgrade, although it may still prevent that as not had time recently due to health issues.

    Had results back from my full medical yesterday which has made me have to make changes. Some results i had thought could be an issue are in the report, some i not realize would be at my age have been highlighted.

    Anyway the projects keep me going :D

    May take a day or two break, although i probably still be working in the background on the code , just not be as active on mdl for a day or so.
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Reinstated the Unlock Defender option as managed to fix the issue with the spinning dots when clicking the top threat detection item in Windows Security/Settings.

    This option does NOT disable defender at all, it unlocks parts that would not be normally allowed to be changed.

    Tamper protection can now hopefully be changed in Registry -- if so required to on/off etc.

    Submit Samples and things that send info to m$ is disabled/off by default with this option, auto quarantine should be off too and if i got it configured right it will ask what to do, this may change with any Defender update.

    Updating the defender database is possible now too as before it would fail to install.

    Some auto tasks ie background scanning is disabled.

    Some items in the Windows Security settings screens may be greyed out and disabled, these are policy edits and mainly the submit stuff to m$ ones are disabled/turned off or blocked.

    Smartscreen is disabled too.

    This option is easier to revert as there is _Backup parts in the registry created when using this option so that it can be set back to original operation, you just need to then turn back on the Tasks in Task Scheduler which have been disabled for this option. However this reversion is a manual operation which you would have to do and no revert script is available.

    Basically it gives the user a bit more control over Defender but not compromising its working, it will still be turned off when you install another AV suite.

    I have not hidden the tray icon for Defender, but it does randomly vanish at times and then reappears on the next reboot, no idea why.

    Still a bit more testing to be done but it appears to be working as i intended, it does manual scans ok adding/removing whitelist items.

    When using this option MRP will auto disable the 'Disable Defender' option so not to confuse things.
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #9716 mxman2k, Mar 23, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
    Added following 'General' All OS options into the next MRP v151:

    DisableF1Help = As it says disables the pressing of F1 for help which for some is a nuisance when you catch the key by mistake!

    Note1: For some reason W10 (at least on my pc) refuses to disable the F1 help system, no matter what registry edit or even denying HelpPane.exe to run, it still opens help of some sort, i even change the scancode in my windows to disable F1 and it still worked!!! ??? So it may work or not on your system...

    Note2: This does not prevent F1 working in some apps such as Notepad, it does however prevent the [?] and pressing F1 in a explorer window such as a folder etc from suddenly opening a browser window!. It does not disable F1 key so it can still work in most items to show a online help etc. I could disable F1 key scan but that will affect many games etc that require it so, it not perfect but does prevent pressing it by mistake for some apps etc.

    DisableMeltSpectr = Disables the Meltdown/Spectre patches can help speed up a older CPU but at a sacrifice of security. Not that many attacks have been made!

    DisableSpecialKeys = Disables the special keys such as 'Sticky' 'Narrator' etc.

    DisableWindowsUpdate = As it says, however it may get overridden by a manual Update or M$ and not always work as expected. May remove it during testing phase if it is unreliable. You can still use the pause feature/quality update option to prevent updates that way. Or other stop updates tools on MDL :)
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  17. MarvelX7

    MarvelX7 MDL Member

    Jun 1, 2021
    @mxman2k It would be nice to be able to copy info from the MPRGUI Tool !

    Awesome Tool by the way :)
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Thanks :)

    Not sure how you mean as the GUI QT has the save logs facility so you get a 'hard copy' of everything that is shown in the GUI in a text format.

    If you mean to highlight text in the GUI then sadly i not know how that works as i can use what they call edit boxes but they tend to look ugly and are a pre-set size which can cause other alignment issues.
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  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #9720 mxman2k, Mar 25, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
    I wonder if the current seconds on clock option will work again. :g:

    Gez the simplest way would to of not removed the 'feature' in the first place!!
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