that's is what actually MS does, release an update that f* your system and later, made another update to fix it
3.5hours on since i started just after 6am this morning and got a bit further on, still no branding but adding more lines to echo to the earlyrun log has allowed me to get further than i was before. The problem is that the options are so entwined in the first install/branding script that any slight changes can cause the domino effect in which it all falls apart after the change or further on which then you have to trace back - which is what i been doing! It seems a option or options have gone rogue (pin pointing it is the time consumer), i will find it
As always a rogue extra quote sneaked in Plus a ( that was not escaped by ^( in another check as well, found that just a few lines after! Wish there was a 'Syntax Checker' like AutoIT has so you can 'run' a script and if a critical error it shows it... Even P/s**te not have that feature -- M$ you missed out there!
Without any tweaks this untouched insider install is full of bloated s**te!! But finally after 14 attempts RC10 will brand as usual. The log may have entries in that show elements of options set but that is because if no ini file or it is detected then MRP will attempt to use a default ini with everything off, basically it is a placeholder to prevent a crash. Although i have hopefully fixed the lines where odd things was not present or was on the wrong place etc as best as i can without going crazy the default ini routine should prevent issues.. Seems like default variable values are not enough, probably because there is over 200 options now and i can miss some default values.
Now MRP 151 is 'stable' again - phew - back to tweak/option testing to find which is causing the explorer.exe to do weird things as with no MRP (or with no ini file) explorer appears to work, although i have noticed it can just randomly crash and become non responsive so it not all MRP's fault. Just a very early buggy insider release.
Logs: Spoiler: Early Run log RC10 m -- now more detailed. Code: --------[ Early Log ]-------- MRP install script started. Note the 'MRPConfig.ini' was not found and/or invalid, attempting to generate a 'default' file to prevent issues. Theme branding may not be complete if other problems detected. Setup Log locations, main variables... Check if Unicode can be used. Unicode is in operation. MRP Used - CY23M04D23-R151.RC10m OS Build Info - 25346.1001.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.230415-1347 OS Product Name - Windows 11 Education {from registry} OS Full Name - Microsoft Windows 11 Education Insider Preview OS Edition - Education Create cleanup script in case of a crash... Start main script processing. WMIC command is present in this OS, normal processing should occur. Check for clean or upgrade installation. Check for Powershell versions that can be used. Check for daylight saving mode. Define the OS data being installed. Define Build code name, if available. Check if OEM folder is valid. Check OS Build for Edition etc... Define local time/date format. Determine OS architecture - 32 or 64 bits. HDD/SSD Checks... Check chassis type. Check PC System Type. Check config ini data... Checking for any MRP user selected options... MRP options check - Done. Set option defaults if no config ini present... Check Insider bits... Checking which OS Kernel is installed and adjust the options not used in that OS as required... Disable use MSDM Early option as it is unreliable. Check if option values are valid section... Check for valid option responses section - processing data.. Check valid section - General opts... Check valid section - now w8.x and w1x opts... Check valid section - CT Menus... Check TakeOwn CT menu if valid parameters... Checking OS Kernel Version... Detected Windows 11+ : Set specific options to no/off/defaults that are NOT operative under win 11+. Win1x options: Check if using valid parameters... Win1x Options - Almost there... Win1x Options - Almost at the end of them... Done majority of options, just a few left to do... Check valid section - Win 1x App/Games options... Apps... Games... Now Special Apps... Check valid phone opt... check valid xbox opt... Check valid Bing opts... W1x Apps/Games done. Last valid checking Section... Check valid responses section... Done. Define the Context Menu bits... Set 'Administrator' lookup via shell32 bits... Check for and set single letter options... General all OS... Win8.x and later... Win1x Apps/Games... End of single letter checks. Set default options depending on the OS Kernel installed... Checking for NEQ values and set as No etc... MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode : Enabled Start main 'Debug' log creation {if the option was enabled}... Show a few options as they being processed. Not all will be shown in this log... RunOnce Method of Operation : Default Synchronous. Define Chassis Type. Check for any Drive name/letter allocation. Variable pre-sets for each OS... Pre Checks for certain 'LLFlag1' options. First Option variables NEQ checks... First Option variables NEQ checks done. Check if a Server OS being installed - set specific variables required. WU Download Mode - if option used. Taskbar Management as required... Disable Internet Explorer to Edge redirection extension by default w10+ Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'. Start Menu Routine if selected... Processing... Add CT Menu entries where selected... Hide Most Used Apps - if applicable... Add GPEDIT Home. CT Menu items as required by user selections... Start of only Windows 1x Options... Disable Reserve WU Space. Core/Home Edition Detection... Check OS Language... Set Explorer Views W10/11 only for now and only details view when option selected. Misc Old things if selected = BatteryUI, VolumeUI etc. Checking for OEM folder and structure... If the option is used - Check CustomTheme Brand Name exists. Process any User options defined - if any... Virtual Machine detection. Checking if OS is an Insider/Preview Build. Check if Client or Server installation. OS Edition re-checking and system drive rename {if used}. Primary/Branding script routines begin. OS Language detection. Checking for TPM information. TPM information being examined by VBScript, this may take a few seconds... Obtaining Motherboard information... Checking for valid SLIC and MSDM tables. Checking CPU information... Checking number of CPU's fitted. Checking CPU Max Clock Speed. Checking CPU Cores. Checking CPU Manufacturer. Checking CPU Threads. Checking CPU Name. Checking CPU Description. Checking CPU Datawidth, {Bits}. Checking CPU ID. Checking if CPU Virtualization mode is active or not. Checking Memory information... Calculate memory values... Check to see if OS is installed on a Virtual Machine... Enhanced Memory checks for Type/Speed etc. Show CPU info in MRP Log. CPU Meltdown and Spectre checks. Show Meltdown/Spectre info in MRP log. Show memory info in MRP log. OS translation will be performed, where possible, on most of the Context Menu options. Checking for Retail.txt, ei.cfg and PID.txt files. Query DMI for OEM data. Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information... DMI Check1. DMI Check1a. DMI Check1b. DMI Check1c. DMI Check2. DMI Check3. Setkey2 section. DMI query routine has completed. Check for any SLIC section. Computer 'Model Name' Processing. CustomTheme Checking. OEM Brand transfer routine. Wallpaper and Background transfers. Primary User Account Picture Management. Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management. Processing the Lock\Log-On Screen Routine. Theme definition setting. Processing Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routines. Tidying up... Checking for SetupComplete/FirstLogon files within the 'Scripts' folder. Primary/Branding script has now completed. Preparing for OOBE reboot. Early Log Completed. Some log entries may not show depending on OS etc. Spoiler: Project Log - RC10 m Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY23M04D23-R151.RC10m - Release Candidate [MDL Forum ONLY] MRP was unable to obtain permission of registry area [SC1], some User options or features may not work as expected. The extracted OEM's folder structure appears correct. Note: Possible Insider Build detected. Some options may not work as expected due to changes in the OS Kernel. Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:533320} Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 PS Scripted Diagnostics : Unrestricted Unicode Mode In Operation : Yes {Original Code 850} Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File : Yes - Checking for any selected options. Config Creator Version Used : 0-Default-Values MRP User Options Pre-Check : Completed OK MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode : Enabled W1x TitleBar Colorization : Disabled - Default Color of theme will be used. Highlight Colorization : Disabled - Default Color of theme will be used. Change Lock/Login Screen's : Enabled - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme. Confirm File Delete : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/1x Kernels} Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop : Disabled - The icon is not displayed on the Desktop. Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown. MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder : Enabled - This will delete ALL the contents of the Scripts folder when MRP ends. RunOnce Method of Operation : Default Synchronous {'All at once'} [LNSEP] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin. [NOTES] WMIC command is present in this OS, normal processing should occur. [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS. [NOTES] On Windows 11 and above OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected. [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them. [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated so that some theme elements and/or other options can be fully operative. [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]================= [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time : 04/23/2023 {UTC} -- 10:32am [OSINF] Installation Type : Client {Non Server} [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method : Clean [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected : No [OSINF] Domain Detected : No [OSINF] Full Name : Microsoft Windows 11 Education Insider Preview [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit # : 121 [OSINF] Version {Product} : Windows 11 Education [OSINF] Version {SKU} : Windows Education [OSINF] Version {WMIC} : Microsoft Windows 11 Education Insider Preview {IPB} [OSINF] Edition {Registry} : Education [OSINF] Edition {CBS} : Professional [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise [OSINF] Edition {Type} : General [OSINF] Architecture : 64 Bit {AR:1} [OSINF] Release Identifier : 2009 [OSINF] Short Display Version : 22H2 [OSINF] Flight Signing {BCD} : Yes [OSINF] Build Information : 25346.1001.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.230415-1347 [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 25346 [OSINF] Experience Pack # : 1000.25346.1001.0 [OSINF] Branch Code Name : Redstone [OSINF] Branch Reference : rs_prerelease [OSINF] Readiness Level : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1} [OSINF] Reference Version : 10.0.25346.1001 [OSINF] ProductID Reference : 3281 [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 1001 [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1001 {0x3e9} [OSINF] General UILang/Code : en-GB / 2057 {0x809h} [OSINF] General Locale : English - United Kingdom [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names : en-GB [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc : United Kingdom [242] [OSINF] GeoID Nation CUR Loc : United Kingdom [242] [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg} : GMT Standard Time {Bias: +01:00} [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU} : GMT Standard Time [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode : Yes [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked [OSINF] Trusted Platform Modl : No TPM instances found [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass : N/A [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] Allow W1x WU Upgrades : N/A [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] ===================[ Insider Build Data ]==================== [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] Detection Reference : WPI [OSINF] Insider SID Present : No - {May not be 'signed-in'} [OSINF] Current Insider Ring : Slow {Default} [Beta Channel] [OSINF] Allow Build Preview : Enabled {Default} [OSINF] Manage Preview Builds : Enabled {0} [OSINF] UI Ring : Not Defined [OSINF] Other Information : Unable to detect all data {Ref: UIR} [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]================= [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] #01 SP Product Name : [System Product Name] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [System Product Name] [MBINF] #03 BP Base Product : [P8H61-MX USB3] [MBINF] #04 BMH Vendor Name : [System manufacturer] [MBINF] #05 SM System Vendor : [System manufacturer] [MBINF] #06 BM Baseboard Name : [ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [ALASKA - 1072009] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information : [v2.1 - SLIC table with marker present] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan : [G4] [OA2T:1]2.1 [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information : [No MSDM Table Present] [MBINF] Chassis Type : [Desktop {3}] [MBINF] PC System Type : [Desktop {0x1}] [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]================== [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type : [American Megatrends Inc.] [BDINF] Version Number : [1003] [BDINF] SMBIOS Version : [2.7] [BDINF] Release Date : [08/27/2013] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location} [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]================= [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] Full Name : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz] [MPINF] Description : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [MPINF] Architecture : [32/64 Bit] [MPINF] Current Clock Speed : [3300 Mhz] {Approx} [MPINF] Max Clock Speed : [3.3 GHz] {Approx} [MPINF] L2 Cache Size : [512 MB] [MPINF] L3 Cache Size : [3072 MB] [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data : [GenuineIntel] [MPINF] Processor Family : [191] [MPINF] CPUID Signature : [0306A9] [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x3a09] [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1] [MPINF] Cores/Threads : [2] / [4] [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode : [Enabled] [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database. [MPINF] Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection. [MPINF] Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2. [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]============== [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time. [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have internal hardware-based protections against 2 variants of Meltdown/Spectre. [MMINF] ============================================================= [MMINF] ====================[ Memory Information ]=================== [MMINF] ============================================================= [MMINF] Total Physical : 7.82 GB [MMINF] Used During Setup : 868.2 MB [MMINF] Available : 6.97 GB [89.15%] [MMINF] Type Number : 3 [MMINF] Design Type : DDR3 {24} [MMINF] Category : Non-ECC [MMINF] Max Board Sockets : 2 - May vary depending on the Motherboard's original test design/revision. [MMINF] Max Capacity : 16384 MB - Depends on how the Chipset's memory array handles this information. [MMINF] Max Per Socket/Slot : 8192 MB {Approx Value} [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]=== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [CPANV] Change the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}. [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels. [SATCM] No 'Administrative Tools' Context Menu items was selected for addition. [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default setting. [DTSED] Disable the 22H2+ 'Desktop Stickers' feature. [HVECI] Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity has been left as OS default. Note: This can block drivers from installing. [NWURS] {**} Do not reserve the seven GB+ Disk Space 'Feature' for future Windows Updates. [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'. [SUOEA] =================================================== [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]============= [SUOEA] =================================================== [NOTES] Windows 11 Insider Build detected, some options have been auto disabled or adjusted. [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value. [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11+ System Tray layout. [AOTCM] The Add 'OEM Info' option was auto disabled as it is no longer operative for Builds above 22100. [RFBHO] The remove 'FeedBack Hub' App option was disabled due to a possible Insider Build installed. [NOTES] Because a possible Insider/Preview OS is installed some options may have been disabled or adjusted to prevent OS glitches. [EXEXR] Expand Explorer Ribbon option was auto disabled on Win 11+ to prevent issues. [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: Was ignored because the special Option's variable was not set via oobe.cmd file. [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11+ OS Kernels. [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============ [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] {**} = This can be reverted later by script, check the '\Optional\MiscExtraScripts' folder within the main MRP archive. [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]=== [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation. [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder. [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'D:\sources' folder. [DV] [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected. [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]=== [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDCF] DMI Internal Reference : 3/6 [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found. [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed. [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]=== [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] Asus [#06] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding. [DCTPR] ======================================= [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]=== [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] The DMI/BIOS's 'SystemProductName' value was voided [Ref:2]. [CHKMN] The Computer's Model name was not defined within the BIOS, User specified or defined within '#03 CS BaseBoard Product'. [TBPRT] =================================== [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]=== [TBPRT] =================================== [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined. [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]=== [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : Asus [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'Asus.theme' file : 2 {Stretch image to display resolution} [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup. [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred. [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created. [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image. [W8XAP] =========================================================== [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]=== [W8XAP] =========================================================== [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file. [WXAP2] ============================================================ [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]=== [WXAP2] ============================================================ [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced. [X8LLR] ==================================== [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]=== [X8LLR] ==================================== [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100. [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105. [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]=== [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created. [EWBSC] Additional found 'Wallpaper' file{s} was copied over for use as 'Desktop' backgrounds or a slideshow later, if required. [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred. [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'. [ATHBA] Asus OEM brand theme was applied. [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]=== [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed. [BSHCS] ============================================ [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]----------------------------- [ADMAN] =================================================== [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============ [ADMAN] =================================================== [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed. [SATOU] =================================================== [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]==== [SATOU] =================================================== [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 2 - Stretch image to display resolution. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build. [NOTES] Windows 11 Insider Build detected, some options have been auto disabled or adjusted. [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]=== [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied. [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied. [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username. [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started. [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]=== [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : UEFI [AMBPS] Partition Type : GPT [AMBPS] Secure Boot : Disabled [AMHDC] Controller Mode : AHCI {I} [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]=== [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed. [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]=== [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] License/Activation Status : Notification [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0xC004F034 [CHKLS] License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete Activation. [ADMAN] =============================== [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]=== [ADMAN] =============================== [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed. [ADMAN] =================================== [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]=== [ADMAN] =================================== [ENDAM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is = [ENDAM] = required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full = [ENDAM] = effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete. = [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDED] The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed. Note that some registry areas are not available, most in that list is are exclusions to try to prevent Defender eating files during project running, it should remove them if an abort happens or MRP completes. click for bigger picture
Now back to finding which tweak or tweaks cause the explorer.exe issue for this canary insider build... As they could affect the builds after it too, or a later CU for the current non insider win 11. I narrowed it down to 18 that are related in some way to the explorer.exe process...
Well it not seem to be any of those 18 explorer related options Testing if it the edge shortcut and prevent starting options... Doubt it that - but going to try as i am otherwise thinking it is one of the 'All safe Apps removal' list, as we know m$ are combining apps with other apps or files so making removal of stuff more difficult...
MRP 151 may make the OS take a bit longer to finish installing and getting to the userGUI to enter the username etc because of the extra error checking but if i remove that then other issues occur so i am erring on the side of caution. What would you prefer? A stable - slightly longer install or a half arsed one? Personally i prefer a stable working version
OK progress made! It is either the edge shortcut removal and/or the prevent edge starting, OR one of the all safe apps... Explorer did/does NOT not crash when the edge tweaks was not selected and the all safe apps options.... Odd thing the edge shortcut vanished from the taskbar on a reboot?? i unselected both edge options. but the shortcut was on the desktop..
Exactly i know it takes longer to perform actions required but at least they should not fail and cause all sorts of instabilities later.
It seems when not using the all safe apps option(s) the Office hub thing is still there so the Appx name may of changed? But when the all safe apps option(s) are used its gone along with clipchamp, family, and other stuff... At least if you use the all apps option(s) you can still reinstall any deleted appx's via powershell etc as only the references are taken out of the OS.
Edge options seems not be the issue with explorer.exe crashing... So it is one of the 'All safe apps' removal... Now which one needs not to be removed... Will leave Quick Assist and Terminal in as they may be useful to some - now this isn't just for insider builds. Any left over app that still in the OS can removed in the Settings>apps remove feature so not a show stopper. Im just finding the culprit(s) app that the OS not like being removed... A LOT closer now than i was last night to fix the crashing explorer.
Doing two installs at same time, both w11 one the canary insider and the other normal non insider 22Hx Win11 both with same MRP decompile and settings ini to remove all apps... One on the test pc the other on a dell laptop i was given yesterday to upgrade. The laptop is beating the PC in speed
On canary insider maybe all later insider builds on that branch when you select either of the 'all safe apps' removal then the explorer.exe crashes... On normal non insider no such crashes with explorer when all apps are removed. With the Canary insider not selecting either of the 'all safe apps removal' options but selecting all the individual ones in the list , this does not affect explorer... But you are then left with 'To do', 'Family' and a few others like ClipChamp. But you can remove then via the OS's Settings>apps>Installed Apps i think so no problem there really. With normal non insider win11 the 'all safe apps' removal is ok as before. So on this canary and probably later builds of this type i win11 insiders i will auto disable the 'All Safe Apps' removal options just for those builds. Well it was a journey of trial and errors (lots of errors) and at least i know roughly the section which causes that explorer crashing. Once i can find out which actual app or apps that is causing the issue i can add that to the exclude list of apps which should prevent that. For now will use the work around for insider builds of 25346 and above. But i have fixed the individual selectable apps and office hub is now is gone as before. About time now to move MRP 151 to BC1 stage