safe app list ... no problem yet ... even on canary ........ Code: set Apps=^ Getstarted;549981C3F5F10;Recorder;Alarms;Phone;Films;Music;^ People;Automate;Sketch;XBox;Maps;Wallet;Weather;Reality;^ onenote;Bing;Zune;Notes;Todo;OfficeHub;Tips;clipchamp;Family;QuickAssist
this is another list from aveyo ... safe list ... can be remove Code: ;; where {$_ -match 'c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515|1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89|E2A4F912-2574-4A75-9BB0-0D023378592B|F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE|AADBrokerPlugin|BioEnrollment|ECApp|LockApp|MicrosoftEdge|Win32WebViewHost|AppRep.ChxApp|AssignedAccessLockApp|CallingShellApp|CapturePicker|ContentDeliveryManager|NarratorQuickStart|ParentalControls|PeopleExperienceHost|NcsiUwpApp|XboxGameCallableUI|XgpuEjectDialog|CbsPreview'} set bloat=^ c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515;^ 1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89;^ E2A4F912-2574-4A75-9BB0-0D023378592B;^ F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE;^ AAD.BrokerPlugin;ECApp;LockApp;MicrosoftEdge;^ Win32WebViewHost;AppRep.ChxApp;AssignedAccessLockApp;^ CallingShellApp;CapturePicker;BioEnrollment;^ NarratorQuickStart;ParentalControls;PeopleExperienceHost;^ NcsiUwpApp;XboxGameCallableUI;XgpuEjectDialog;CbsPreview;^ ContentDeliveryManager Or delete everything not match this -->>>> Code: ;; where {$_ -notmatch 'UI.Xaml|NET.Native|VCLibs|ShellExperience|StartMenuExperience|immersivecontrolpanel|TextService|DesktopAppInstaller|SecHealth|OOBE|Print|Pinning|Undocked|HEIFI|RawImage|VP9Video|WebMedia|WebpImage'} 2 options ... hope I didn't did a mistake in the lists... I use them too
Im doing a remove all but with a exclude list so that it catches others not in the selectable list in the creator. However it seems m$ are combining apps within apps recently so a lot harder to find the app with others in that causes the odd effects. Code: $AppsNotToRemove = Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object{$_.Name -NotMatch "Store|XBox|Phone|FeedbackHub|QuickAssist|BioEnrollment|UI.Xaml|Terminal|1527c705-839a|c5e2524a-ea46|E2A4F912-2574|F46D4000-FD22|PeopleExperienceHost|ContentDelivery|SecureAssessmentBrowser|Client.CBS|ShellExperienceHost|Cortana|549981C3F5F10|ImmersiveControlPanel|Calculator|VCLibs|.Net.|DesktopAppInstaller|Edge|Search|StartMenuExperienceHost|SecHealth|OOBE|Print|Pinning|Undocked|AD|Acc|FilePicker|FileExplorer|StartMenuExperienceHost|CloudExperienceHost|HEIFImage|RawImage|VP9Video|WebMedia|WebpImage|Camera|ScreenSketch|ECAp|CapturePicker|CallingShellApp|TextService|NET.Native"} ForEach ($Name in $AppsNotToRemove) { ForEach ($Package in (Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.PackageFullName -like $Name })) { $Package.PackagefullName | Remove-AppxPackage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } ForEach ($Name in $AppsNotToRemove) { ForEach ($Package in (Get-AppxPackage -Allusers | Where-Object {$_.PackageFullName -like $Name })) { $Package.PackagefullName | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } $AppsNotToRemove2 = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | Where-Object{$_.PackageName -NotMatch "Store|XBox|Phone|FeedbackHub|QuickAssist|BioEnrollment|UI.Xaml|Terminal|1527c705-839a|c5e2524a-ea46|E2A4F912-2574|F46D4000-FD22|PeopleExperienceHost|ContentDelivery|SecureAssessmentBrowser|Client.CBS|ShellExperienceHost|Cortana|549981C3F5F10|ImmersiveControlPanel|Calculator|VCLibs|.Net.|DesktopAppInstaller|MicrosoftEdge|Search|StartMenuExperienceHost|SecHealth|OOBE|Print|Pinning|Undocked|AD|Acc|FilePicker|FileExplorer|StartMenuExperienceHost|CloudExperienceHost|HEIFImage|RawImage|VP9Video|WebMedia|WebpImage|Stable|Camera|ScreenSketch|ECAp|CapturePicker|CallingShellApp|TextService|NET.Native"} ForEach ($Name in $AppsNotToRemove2) { ForEach ($Package in (Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object {$_.PackageName -match $Name.DisplayName} )) { Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName $Package.PackageName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } So for now on this canary insider build im just disabling the all apps removal, saves me time and hassle as spent way too much on the damn thing already.
save Get-AppxPackage & Others command as variables instead of loading the list every time for each item ... maybe you found your problem? worth a shot.
ok ran my ps script (as admin) with the textservice added to the list of exclude apps and it still crashes explorer
Well i will just leave it as it is with the work around for just this insider canary build or MRP 151 will never see light of day this month!
New developments with the all safe apps removal side with help from @Dark Dinosaur further progress with the PS routine and its far faster too! No one app was causing the explorer issue, so a combination of about 5 or 6 new excluded apps have been added to the list which prevents the explorer crash, also it now has a easy to update list in future when new apps that need to be excluded to prevent other issues happening. Just doing a test install with the new PS routine added and the work around removed... The PS script worked perfectly when run manually being run, lets hope it runs via oobe stage. Just hope i removed all the work around code bits as i think i may of added in two sections and i only removed one This is my last install for today as it soon be TV time.
Yippee it worked All 'safe' Apps removal is operative again and no (file)explorer crashes... For some reason the use classic CT menu not showing the old style desktop CT menu , it showing that 'show more options' line But that should be easy to fix probably a variable i upset
Well my TV time is calling as been coding since 6am and i need a break... Continues tomorrow to fix those little gremlins that have sneaked in with some non show stopping options... Hopefully an easy fix. Will log in now and then during commercial breaks...
I have just spent the past hour and more installing vmware workstation v17, installed ok no problems... Created a new VM - no problems -- it even found my old v12 vmware VM's when i last used v12. Clicked power on this vm and that is when it all fell apart, got an error after a while saying unable to connect to VMWare Authorization service, its not running -- LIE -- it is checked and rechecked. rebooted, tried again to run the VM i created (even tried the other ones that i knew worked before) - same error. Tried running as administrator, got errors about some VC140 files missing -- LIE -- those are installed. Tried everything possible, then decided enough is enough - uninstalled it. So thinking it my be my w10 playing up - although no errors otherwise, every other program i have works... Installed a fresh - untouched version of w10 on another pc, installed vmware v17 on that - the same errors !! Not sure if it just bad luck with it or that somehow i set it up wrong, but i left it at the defaults on both pc's... Never had this much hassle with v12
I have tested MRP151 on many different real hardware systems from crappy laptops to half decent expensive ones and many PC's - apart from the glitch when no option file was used that it crashed, but that fixed now, it all works as intended - even the 'all safe apps' removal for w1x Therefore using a VM may not work as intended as there can be many different ways it can be set up which MRP may not be compatible with so i cant really help. EFI seems to be the most problematic along with w11 being installed on a VM. Majority of the time there is no problems, but for a few there can be, and i not have the time to invest fixing a issue for one person that could potentially stop MRP from working for many others.