Run as different user (translated) and with the TI icon indicates what user it means. I hope Also updated the wording and edited a better description in the Creator and gave more info what the option will/can do.
Due to the unusual heatwave here in england i have had a few days away from the pc. Will resume when it gets a bit cooler as 32c and above inside is a bit too much for me.
Or as my father used to say "its a ball roaster" -- (which when he first said it i not understand, now i do )
How to use Daz's loader with MRP? Run Daz's loader when MRP is not activated. If MRP successfully activates the system, it will not run Daz's loader.
Copy the 'Windows Loader.exe' file to your Scripts folder in your ISO/USB/Image, then create or edit your setupcomplete.cmd as shown below in green: Code: @echo off set "slp=SoftwareLicensingProduct" Set "Status=" for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%A in ('"WMIC /locale:ms_409 path %slp% where (Name LIKE 'Windows%%' and PartialProductKey is not null) get LicenseStatus /value" 2^>nul') do set "status=%%A" REM IF already activated then skip loader... if "%status%"=="1" GOTO :EndScript IF Exist "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\Windows Loader.exe" ( "%Windir%\Setup\Scripts\Windows Loader.exe" /silent /preactivate ) :EndScript REM Finish MRP will clean up the scripts folder (unless you use the don't clean scripts folder option). If the PC is already activated via SLIC/Cert/OEM_SLP_Key then the loader will not be used and will auto skip it.
The above script is for Windows Vista/7 and Some supported Servers that the Daz's Loader can work with. It not designed for Win8.x and above. There could be additional code to check the OS/build to prevent use on the wrong OS's but as it only a basic 'get the job done' script i not gone into the fancy coding. If used on w7 only then it will work as intended.
As it has cooled down a bit have manged to update the beta code base a bit Nothing major just a few wording fixes here and there to make log look consistent.
At the exam centre where i do the nhs oet exam, they need a new office pc. Last one i built was in 2017. So priced up a ryzen 3 system, the boss approved the cost, ordered it all today, so all being well it arrives on Tuesday. As 153 tr1 is stable then most likely that be used to install the os with.
Exam centre's Pc parts arrived today, will build it up tomorrow. Mrp 153 i have added a new general option, 'disable uac' not that i personally like to disable it as it is a safety net that warns you something wants to change a system setting etc. But after many users requesting it i finally added it in. Use at your own risk. It also turns off all uac notifications too. There will be a revert script for it in the optional folder inside the 153 archive when next mrp is released.