Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Started on mrp v154 :)

    Nothing new added at present, just a tweak to a option that now gets auto disabled when w11 detected.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. migascalp

    migascalp MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY23M08D19-R154.TC1 - Test Candidate [MDL Forum ONLY]
    DeCompile has detected a VMWare Virtual Machine.
    The extracted OEM's folder structure appears correct.
    Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:533320}
    Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1
    PS Scripted Diagnostics       : Unrestricted
    Unicode Mode In Operation     : Yes {Original Code 850}
    Protected Main Project Files  : Yes - SetupComplete and/or FirstLogOn scripts detected.
    Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File    : Yes - Checking for any selected options.
    Config Creator Version Used   : 57.0 {Advanced Mode} {Edited 19/08/2023 12:48:36 Locale Format}
    MRP User Options Pre-Check    : Completed OK
    MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode  : Enabled
    W1x TitleBar Colorization     : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Grey. See log notes later.
    Highlight Colorization        : Enabled  - Highlighted Text will be colorized to Grey. See log notes later.
    Change Lock/Login Screen's    : Enabled  - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme.
    Confirm File Delete           : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/1x Kernels}
    Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop      : Enabled  - Display the icon on the Desktop.
    Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown.
    MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder  : Disabled - It is up to the end user to delete this folder after installation.
    Allow W1x Local Account Setup : Enabled  - This may be prevented by M$.
    RunOnce Method of Operation   : Default  - Synchronous {'All at once'}
    [LNSEP] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin.
    [NOTES] WMIC command is present in this OS, normal processing should occur.
    [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    [NOTES] On Windows 11 and above OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected.
    [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them.
    [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated so that some theme elements and/or other options can be fully operative.
    [OSINF] =============================================================
    [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]=================
    [OSINF] =============================================================
    [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time  : 08/19/2023 {UTC} -- 1:05pm
    [OSINF] Installation Type     : Client {Non Server}
    [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method  : Clean
    [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected   : Yes
    [OSINF] Domain Detected       : No
    [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit #  : 121
    [OSINF] Version {Product}     : Windows 11 Education  
    [OSINF] Version {SKU}         : Windows Education
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Education
    [OSINF] Edition {CBS}         : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise
    [OSINF] Edition {Type}        : General
    [OSINF] Architecture          : 64 Bit {AR:1}
    [OSINF] Release Identifier    : 2009
    [OSINF] Short Display Version : 22H2
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250
    [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 22621
    [OSINF] Experience Pack #     : 1000.22659.1000.0
    [OSINF] Branch Code Name      : Nickel
    [OSINF] Branch Reference      : ni_release
    [OSINF] Readiness Level       : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1}
    [OSINF] Reference Version     : 10.0.22621.1
    [OSINF] ProductID Reference   : 3281
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 2134
    [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1 {0x1}
    [OSINF] General UILang/Code   : fr-FR / 1036 {0x40Ch}
    [OSINF] General Locale        : French - France
    [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names   : fr-FR
    [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc  : France [84]
    [OSINF] GeoID Nation CUR Loc  : France [84]
    [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg}  : Romance Standard Time
    [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU}  : Romance Standard Time
    [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode  : Vrai
    [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked
    [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check  : N/A
    [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass     : N/A
    [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check  : N/A
    [OSINF] Allow W1x WU Upgrades : Yes {0x1} [Registry Value]
    [MBINF] =============================================================
    [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]=================
    [MBINF] =============================================================
    [MBINF] #01 SP Product Name   : [VMware71]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [VMware71]
    [MBINF] #03 BP Base Product   : [440BX Desktop Reference Platform]
    [MBINF] #04 BMH Vendor Name   : [VMware Inc.]
    [MBINF] #05 SM System Vendor  : [VMware Inc.]
    [MBINF] #06 BM Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [INTEL  - 6040000]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information  : [No SLIC table present]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan  : [G4] [OA2T:0]
    [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information  : [No MSDM Table Present]
    [MBINF] Chassis Type          : [Other {01}]
    [MBINF] PC System Type        : [Desktop {0x1}]
    [MBINF] Virtual Machine Data  : [VMware {Hypervisor}]
    [MBINF] Information/Notes     : On Virtual Machines some CPU/DMI/Motherboard data may not of been fully configured.
    [BDINF] =============================================================
    [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]==================
    [BDINF] =============================================================
    [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type     : [VMware, Inc.]
    [BDINF] Version Number        : [VMW71.00V.16722896.B64.2008100651]
    [BDINF] SMBIOS Version        : [2.7]
    [BDINF] Release Date          : [08/10/2020] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location}
    [MPINF] =============================================================
    [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]=================
    [MPINF] =============================================================
    [MPINF] Full Name             : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz]
    [MPINF] Description           : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3]
    [MPINF] Architecture          : [32/64 Bit]
    [MPINF] Current Clock Speed   : [4008 Mhz] {Approx}
    [MPINF] Max Clock Speed       : [4,01 GHz] {Approx}
    [MPINF] L2 Cache Size         : [512 MB]
    [MPINF] L3 Cache Size         : [8192 MB]
    [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data  : [GenuineIntel]
    [MPINF] Processor Family      : [2]
    [MPINF] CPUID Signature       : [0506E3]
    [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x5e03]
    [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1]
    [MPINF] Cores/Threads         : [2] / [2]  
    [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode      : [Disabled]
    [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database.
    [MPINF]        Virtual Machines may not have certain CPU data available or internally configured correctly.
    [MPINF]        Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection.
    [MPINF]        Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2.
    [MELSP] =============================================================
    [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]==============
    [MELSP] =============================================================
    [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time.
    [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have internal hardware-based protections against 2 variants of Meltdown/Spectre.
    [MMINF] =============================================================
    [MMINF] ====================[ Memory Information ]===================
    [MMINF] =============================================================
    [MMINF] Total Physical        : 16 GB
    [MMINF] Used During Setup     : 944,38 MB
    [MMINF] Available             : 15,08 GB [94,24%]
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]===
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]=====================
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [NOWUR] Prevent the 'Automatic Restart' after any Windows Updates operations. Later CU may reset this.
    [AUTCU] Use bypass to allow WU upgrading to later OS's with 'unsupported' hardware. {Experimental}
    [CMECM] Add the 'Command Prompt' Context Menu entries.
    [PSECM] Add the 'Powershell Prompt' Context Menu entries.
    [DBSRS] Disable the 'Blue Screen Of Death's automatic OS restart, so you can view the error/stop messages.
    [ABWCT] Add 'About Windows' to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [DIMSD] Disable the UAC's 'Secure Desktop' dimming of the Desktop, this does not disable/alter any other UAC security functions.
    [NOIDX] Disable the Windows 'Search Indexing' Service{s}, this helps prevent HDD disk 'thrashing' and/or SSD wasted write cycles.
    [NOAMT] Disable any 'Automatic Computer Maintenance' scheduled tasks, like cleanup desktop shortcuts etc.
    [CPDCM] Add 'Control Panel' entries to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [CPANV] Change the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}.
    [VRBOS] Show verbose OS information when loading and shutting down the device.
    [MP3PC] Enable the use of the Fraunhofer IIS MP3 Professional HQ Codec within Windows if found.
    [OLFFS] Add the Open 'xyz' location context menu, the 'xyz' could be for a file, folder or shortcut.
    [DVTEW] Disable the creation of video thumbnails within any Explorer windows to allow easier move/delete operations.
    [PPCTM] Add 'Manage Power Plans' entries to the Desktop Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [SDCCM] Add 'Disk Clean-up' entry to a SSD/HDD Drive's Context Menu.
    [ARAAP] Add 'Run as administrator' for Powershell Scripts Context Menu entry. [OS Translated]
    [RSECT] Add 'Restart Explorer Service' to the Desktop's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation.
    [CTMSI] Add 'System Information' to ThisPC/Computer's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation.
    [DSDTA] Disable the 'Shutdown Event Tracker' asking for reasons etc. Mainly used on Servers. {Policy Edit}
    [DCADL] Disable the 'CTRL-ALT-DEL' method for logging in. Mainly used on Servers. {Policy Edit}
    [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels.
    [RDLLF] Add Install/Uninstall for .dll files via 'right-click' C/Text Menus. [OS Translated]
    [ROCXF] Add Install/Uninstall for .ocx files via 'right-click' C/Text Menus. [OS Translated]
    [TOCTM] The extended 'Take Ownership' entries will be added to the Context Menus using 'English' default wording.
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [SATCM] ---[ Administrative Tools Context Menu - OS Translations Where Possible ]---
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [SATCM] System Properties
    [SATCM] Control Panel
    [SATCM] Device Manager
    [SATCM] Event Viewer
    [SATCM] MSConfig {f06}
    [SATCM] Programs and Features
    [SATCM] Registry Editor
    [SATCM] Security and Maintenance {nAC} {iAC} {cCW}
    [SATCM] Services
    [SATCM] Task Scheduler
    [SATCM] PC/Windows Settings
    [SATCM] Windows Update
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default OS setting.
    [NETSE] Enable File Sharing. You may still need to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' for some older devices to work.
    [NOFBT] Disable 'Fast Boot' was set via MRP's 'SSDTweaks' Option, this can be re-enabled later via your OS's Power Plan options.
    [REM3D] Remove the '3D Objects Folder' entry from 'ThisPC's view.
    [CTNAB] Force prevent Cortana from operating. Normal local 'Search Windows' functions are still available. May not be present on installed OS.
    [REDSC] Remove the 'Microsoft Edge' desktop shortcut. This may not always work due to changes in later Edge deployment.
    [NODDM] Do not allow Windows Updates from other PC's found on the Local Network/Internet, only use Microsoft Update Servers.
    [APVWX] Allow the old Windows 'Photoviewer' program to be associated for image previews. Set as 'default' viewer, but could get un-set by m$ in a later update.
    [P3DCM] Remove the 'Edit with Paint3D' Context Menu entry.
    [RDSKQ] Remove the Disk 'Quota' tab from the drive's 'Properties' menu.
    [RPFMT] Remove the 'Previous File Versions' tab from the 'Properties' menu.
    [RRDFE] Remove the 'Retail Demo' files from the Operating System.
    [DNIFD] Disable 'News and Interests' Feed.
    [DMAFD] Disable the majority of other Feeds.
    [WDSNS] Windows Security Notifications option was set to disable only 'non critial'.
    [NSOFW] Remove the 'Look for an App in the Store to open this file' Context Menu entry.
    [NBLOS] Disable the overly blurred 'Log-On' background screen effect.
    [NWLOC] Add the 'Network Category' entry to the Desktop's Context Menu to allow easy setting of 'Private' or 'Public' modes. [OS Translated]
    [HOAOS] Hide the create, or use, a Microsoft 'Online Account' screen during OOBE/Windows Setup. Does NOT affect creating a 'Local' account.
    [WINRE] Add 'Advanced Recovery Tools' entry to 'ThisPC's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [CPMUM] Show 'Manage User Accounts' {Classic User Accounts} within the Control Panel view. [OS Translated]
    [HFFNP] Hide 'Favorites' folder on the Navigation Panel.
    [DFLAU] Disable the first logon animation/adverts screen after a upgrade.
    [DCCOT] Disable 'Cloud Optimized Content' on the TaskBar for 20H2+. {Policy Edit}
    [APSCT] Add the 'PC Settings' sub C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu.
    [ATMCT] Add the 'Task Manager' C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. {OS Translated}
    [DTSED] Disable the 22H2+ 'Desktop Stickers' feature.
    [EPDCT] Add the 'Permanently Delete' C/T menu for files/folders.
    [RSSAS] Removed All UWP Apps possible, but *NOT* the Store, Screen Snip, Calculator, Camera OR any that are 'System' required.
    [RSSAS] There are separate removal options for OneDrive, Bing related, Phone and XBox Apps.
    [RSSAS] Approximate time taken to remove any selected Apps: 00h 00m 22s {Some options may also remove other associated Apps}
    [DVDBL] Disable the 'Vulnerable Driver Blocklist' to allow older drivers to be installed.
    [ATICT] Added [TI] 'Run as a different user' to the context menu. [Auto Translated, but English fallback]
    [NSAAU] {**} Prevent any UWP/Store Apps from automatically updating.
    [DWCNW] {**} Disable the 'Windows Connect Now' feature as it could be a possible security risk.
    [REM6F] {**} Remove the majority of 'Library Folders' from ThisPC's main window. Note that the 'Camera Roll' feature may fail.
    [SSDTK] {**} SSD Tweaks - Disables PreFetch, SuperFetch, BootTrace, FastBoot, Search Indexing and Paging Executive.
    [SSDTK] {**} SSD Tweaks - Defrag Task was not disabled because the OS is fully SSD aware.
    [NORAC] {**} Disable the OS's Remote Assistance/Connections feature.
    [NWURS] {**} Do not reserve the 7GB+ Disk Space 'Feature' for future Windows Updates.
    [TSCTM] {##} Add the 'Theme Settings' entries on the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [NOAFH] {##} Disable/prevent any 'Activity History' data collection.
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]=====================
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [FEXTS] Show all File Extensions.
    [SHFIE] Show any normal 'Hidden' folders and files, but NOT any 'Super-Hidden' ones.
    [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' references from icons.
    [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons.
    [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default
    [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' view instead of the newer 'Quick Access'.
    [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting.
    [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale.
    [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present.
    [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps.
    [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot.
    [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later}
    [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present.
    [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'.
    [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus.
    [ESPFE] Enable a separate process for Explorer.exe file.
    [RPBST] Hide the 'People Band' icon from the System Tray area.
    [PODAI] Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after Setup has completed.
    [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update.
    [DLSNS] Disable 'Lockscreen' notifications. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update.
    [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the large Start Menu. Depreciated on Windows 11+ OS Kernels.
    [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present/detected.
    [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed.
    [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu entry.
    [HTBSI] Hide/Unpin the 'Search' icon on the Taskbar.
    [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'.
    [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode. {Experimental}
    [NOTES] Some MRP options like 'SmartAppControl' and 'SmartScreen' have been auto disabled to prevent major OS issues with latest CU.
    [NOTES] {$$} Due to a change m$ made in the Dark/Light theme modes, MRP has set, or unset, both options as required for this OS/Build.
    [APPDT] {$$} Most Windows UWP Apps are now set to use the 'Dark' Theme. May require a 2nd reboot.
    [SUDTI] {$$} Windows System/File Explorer is now set to use the 'Dark' Theme. May require a 2nd reboot.
    [TOABA] {$$} Turn off all possible running 'Background' Apps.
    [TGBMD] {$$} Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions.
    [DFSBN] {$$} Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible.
    [RANSA] {##} Remove all possible UWP Apps from the OS.
    [RANSA]      Except: Store, Screen Snip, Camera, Cortana/Search, XBox, Phone, Calculator OR any that are 'System' required.
    [RANSA]      Some links to online or non UWP Apps may still be present on the Start Menu{s}.
    [PEFPL] {##} Prevent 'MS Edge' from pre-loading automatically, plus reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint.
    [NOARA] {##} Disable the auto restarting of any Apps/Programs after reboot. May be overwritten by a later CU.
    [SUOEA] ===================================================
    [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]=============
    [SUOEA] ===================================================
    [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value.
    [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11+ System Tray layout.
    [MTTBT] The 'Extra TaskBar Transparency' option could not be used due to the OS's new 'Acrylic' feature.
    [EESRC] The 'Enhanced Search' option has been auto-disabled because the 'SSDTweaks' was selected.
    [AOTCM] The Add 'OEM Info' option was auto disabled as it is no longer operative for Builds above 22100.
    [EBTRD] The 'Battery Time Remaining' option was auto disabled as the device appears to be non battery operated.
    [EXEXR] Expand Explorer Ribbon option was auto disabled on Win 11+ to prevent issues.
    [HVECI] Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity requires CPU VT/x mode to be enabled in the BIOS.
    [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: It was ignored because the special Option's variable was not set via oobe.cmd file.
    [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11+ OS Kernels.
    [PBLAE] Prevent Bitlocker auto encryption was auto disabled to prevent issues.
    [INFOS] ===================================================
    [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============
    [INFOS] ===================================================
    [INFOS] {**} = This can be reverted later by script, check the '\Optional\MiscExtraScripts' folder within the main MRP archive.
    [INFOS] {$$} = This option is User changeable later via the Settings App or Control Panel etc.
    [INFOS] {##} = This is an experimental option, may not always work as expected depending on the OS Build etc.
    [AUTDN] ===================================================
    [AUTDN] ===[ MRP Automated System Drive Rename Routine ]===
    [AUTDN] ===================================================
    [AUTDN] The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'Windows_11_Edu' via the selected automated option.
    [REPDR] ======================================================
    [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]===
    [REPDR] ======================================================
    [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation.
    [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was detected within the 'Scripts' folder.
    [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'E:\sources' folder. [DV]
    [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected.
    [CKDMI] =============================================================
    [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]===
    [CKDMI] =============================================================
    [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found.
    [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed.
    [DCTPR] =============================================
    [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]===
    [DCTPR] =============================================
    [DCTPR] VMWare Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding.
    [DCTPR] =======================================
    [SYSPD] =======================================
    [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]===
    [SYSPD] =======================================
    [SETMN] The '#03 CS Base Product' "440BX Desktop Reference Platform" has been applied for the Computer's 'Model' Name. {Validated}
    [SETMN] Note: On some OS Languages this may not always translate/show correctly, use the 'ChangeModelName' script in the MRP's 'Optional' folder, if required.
    [RETXT] ===============================
    [RETXT] ===[ Retail.txt Processing ]===
    [RETXT] ===============================
    [RETXT] Retail.txt was detected indicating that an external activation method will be used instead of OEM or MSDM.
    [RETXT] You will need to enter your own valid Product Key or use 'another' activation method after setup has completed to activate your Edition.
    [TBPRT] ===================================
    [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]===
    [TBPRT] ===================================
    [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined.
    [TBTMS] ===========================================
    [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]===
    [TBTMS] ===========================================
    [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : VMWare
    [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'VMWare.theme' file : 2 {Stretch image to display resolution}
    [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred.
    [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created.
    [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image.
    [W8XAP] ===========================================================
    [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]===
    [W8XAP] ===========================================================
    [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file.
    [WXAP2] ============================================================
    [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]===
    [WXAP2] ============================================================
    [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced.
    [X8LLR] ====================================
    [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]===
    [X8LLR] ====================================
    [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100.
    [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105.
    [OTFTR] ============================================
    [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]===
    [OTFTR] ============================================
    [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created.
    [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred.
    [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced.
    [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'.
    [ATHBA] VMWare OEM brand theme was applied.
    [SCFLD] ====================================================
    [SCFLD] ===[ SetupComplete/FirstLogOn Scripts Detection ]===
    [SCFLD] ====================================================
    [SCDET] Note: The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file  was detected.
    [NOTES] Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file.
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]===
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup.
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]-----------------------------
    [ADMAN] ===================================================
    [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============
    [ADMAN] ===================================================
    [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed.
    [SATOU] ===================================================
    [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]====
    [SATOU] ===================================================
    [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 2 - Stretch image to display resolution.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions.
    [SHFIE] Show any normal 'Hidden' folders and files, but NOT show any 'Super-Hidden' ones.
    [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus.
    [ESPFE] Enable a separate process for Explorer.exe file.
    [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' reference on icons.
    [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default
    [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons.
    [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting.
    [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale.
    [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present.
    [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps.
    [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot.
    [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later}
    [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present.
    [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build.
    [RPBST] Hide the 'People Band' icon on the System Tray.
    [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' instead of the newer 'Quick Access' view.
    [APPDT] Windows UWP Apps are set to use the 'Dark Theme'.
    [SUDTI] Windows System/File Explorer is set to use the 'Dark Theme'.
    [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. May get overridden with a new Cumulative Update.
    [PODAI] Prevent 'OneDrive' from automatically installing.
    [TGBMD] Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions.
    [DFSBN] Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible.
    [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu.
    [HTBSI] Hide the 'Search' icon on the Taskbar.
    [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'.
    [NOARA] Disable the auto restarting of Apps/Programs after a reboot.
    [PEFPL] Prevent 'Microsoft Edge' from pre-loading automatically and reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint.
    [DLSNS] Disable any 'Lockscreen' notifications.
    [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the Start Menu. Depreciated on this OS Build.
    [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present.
    [TOABA] Turn off all possible running 'Background' Apps.
    [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed.
    [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode. {Experimental}
    [NOTES] Some MRP options like 'SmartAppControl' and 'SmartScreen' have been auto disabled to prevent major OS issues with latest CU.
    [RANSA] Removed: All possible UWP Apps from the OS, except the Store, Screen Snip, Camera, Cortana/Search, Calculator or any 'System' required.
    [RANSA]          Some links to online or non UWP Apps may still be present on the Start Menu{s}.
    [USR1X] ==============================================================================
    [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]===
    [USR1X] ==============================================================================
    [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied.
    [WXSTB] Title Bar: 'Grey' color has been applied via normal and uSID routines.
    [NOTES] Windows may need to be activated to set the Title Bar and other colors.
    [WXSHL] Highlight colorization: Some elements may not have been applied fully.
    [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username.
    [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful.
    [AMBPS] =================================================================
    [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]===
    [AMBPS] =================================================================
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode  : UEFI
    [AMBPS] Partition Type  : GPT
    [AMBPS] Secure Boot     : Disabled
    [AMHDC] Controller Mode : NVMe/PCIe {S}
    [EXTSR] =====================================
    [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]===
    [EXTSR] =====================================
    [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed.
    [CHKLS] =============================================
    [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]===
    [CHKLS] =============================================
    [CHKLS] License/Activation Status  : Licensed
    [CHKLS] License Channel Status     : VL_KMSClient {CTT}
    [CHKLS] KMS Capable/Permitted      : Yes
    [CHKLS] Key Management Used        : Yes
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Remaining Allowance : 5266 days / 7583992 minutes.
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Activation Interval : 0 days / 120 minutes.
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Renewal Interval    : 7 days / 10080 minutes.
    [CHKLS] Other KMS Method Used      : Possible due to results beyond the standard remaining allowance range.
    [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0x00000000
    [CHKLS] Valid key for product's licensing channel was used for activation.
    [ADMAN] ===============================
    [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]===
    [ADMAN] ===============================
    [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed.
    [ADMAN] ===================================
    [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]===
    [ADMAN] ===================================
    [ENDAM] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ENDAM] =========================================================================================
    [ENDAM] =                                                                                       =
    [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is   =
    [ENDAM] =              required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full   =
    [ENDAM] =              effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete.        =
    [ENDAM] =                                                                                       =
    [ENDAM] =========================================================================================
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
  3. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  4. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  5. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  6. migascalp

    migascalp MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY23M08D20-R154.TC2 - Test Candidate [MDL Forum ONLY]
    DeCompile has detected a VMWare Virtual Machine.
    The extracted OEM's folder structure appears correct.
    Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0.30729.4926, v3.5.30729.4926, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:533320}
    Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1
    PS Scripted Diagnostics       : Unrestricted
    Unicode Mode In Operation     : Yes {Original Code 850}
    Protected Main Project Files  : Yes - SetupComplete and/or FirstLogOn scripts detected.
    Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File    : Yes - Checking for any selected options.
    Config Creator Version Used   : 57.0 {Advanced Mode} {Edited 20/08/2023 16:08:24 Locale Format}
    MRP User Options Pre-Check    : Completed OK
    MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode  : Enabled
    W1x TitleBar Colorization     : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Grey. See log notes later.
    Highlight Colorization        : Enabled  - Highlighted Text will be colorized to Grey. See log notes later.
    Change Lock/Login Screen's    : Enabled  - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme.
    Confirm File Delete           : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/1x Kernels}
    Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop      : Enabled  - Display the icon on the Desktop.
    Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown.
    MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder  : Disabled - It is up to the end user to delete this folder after installation.
    Allow W1x Local Account Setup : Enabled  - This may be prevented by M$.
    RunOnce Method of Operation   : Default  - Synchronous {'All at once'}
    [LNSEP] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin.
    [NOTES] WMIC command is present in this OS, normal processing should occur.
    [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    [NOTES] On Windows 11 and above OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected.
    [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them.
    [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated so that some theme elements and/or other options can be fully operative.
    [OSINF] =============================================================
    [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]=================
    [OSINF] =============================================================
    [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time  : 08/20/2023 {UTC} -- 6:00pm
    [OSINF] Installation Type     : Client {Non Server}
    [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method  : Clean
    [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected   : Yes
    [OSINF] Domain Detected       : No
    [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit #  : 121
    [OSINF] Version {Product}     : Windows 11 Education  
    [OSINF] Version {SKU}         : Windows Education
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Education
    [OSINF] Edition {CBS}         : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise
    [OSINF] Edition {Type}        : General
    [OSINF] Architecture          : 64 Bit {AR:1}
    [OSINF] Release Identifier    : 2009
    [OSINF] Short Display Version : 23H2
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250
    [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 22631
    [OSINF] Experience Pack #     : 1000.22672.1000.0
    [OSINF] Branch Code Name      : Nickel
    [OSINF] Branch Reference      : ni_release
    [OSINF] Readiness Level       : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1}
    [OSINF] Reference Version     : 10.0.22621.1
    [OSINF] ProductID Reference   : 3281
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 2199
    [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1 {0x1}
    [OSINF] General UILang/Code   : fr-FR / 1036 {0x40Ch}
    [OSINF] General Locale        : French - France
    [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names   : fr-FR
    [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc  : France [84]
    [OSINF] GeoID Nation CUR Loc  : France [84]
    [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg}  : Romance Standard Time
    [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU}  : Romance Standard Time
    [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode  : Vrai
    [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked
    [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check  : N/A
    [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass     : N/A
    [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check  : N/A
    [OSINF] Allow W1x WU Upgrades : Yes {0x1} [Registry Value]
    [MBINF] =============================================================
    [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]=================
    [MBINF] =============================================================
    [MBINF] #01 SP Product Name   : [VMware71]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [VMware71]
    [MBINF] #03 BP Base Product   : [440BX Desktop Reference Platform]
    [MBINF] #04 BMH Vendor Name   : [VMware Inc.]
    [MBINF] #05 SM System Vendor  : [VMware Inc.]
    [MBINF] #06 BM Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [INTEL  - 6040000]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information  : [No SLIC table present]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan  : [G4] [OA2T:0]
    [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information  : [No MSDM Table Present]
    [MBINF] Chassis Type          : [Other {01}]
    [MBINF] PC System Type        : [Desktop {0x1}]
    [MBINF] Virtual Machine Data  : [VMware {Hypervisor}]
    [MBINF] Information/Notes     : On Virtual Machines some CPU/DMI/Motherboard data may not of been fully configured.
    [BDINF] =============================================================
    [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]==================
    [BDINF] =============================================================
    [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type     : [VMware, Inc.]
    [BDINF] Version Number        : [VMW71.00V.16722896.B64.2008100651]
    [BDINF] SMBIOS Version        : [2.7]
    [BDINF] Release Date          : [08/10/2020] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location}
    [MPINF] =============================================================
    [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]=================
    [MPINF] =============================================================
    [MPINF] Full Name             : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz]
    [MPINF] Description           : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3]
    [MPINF] Architecture          : [32/64 Bit]
    [MPINF] Current Clock Speed   : [4008 Mhz] {Approx}
    [MPINF] Max Clock Speed       : [4,01 GHz] {Approx}
    [MPINF] L2 Cache Size         : [512 MB]
    [MPINF] L3 Cache Size         : [8192 MB]
    [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data  : [GenuineIntel]
    [MPINF] Processor Family      : [2]
    [MPINF] CPUID Signature       : [0506E3]
    [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x5e03]
    [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1]
    [MPINF] Cores/Threads         : [2] / [2]  
    [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode      : [Disabled]
    [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database.
    [MPINF]        Virtual Machines may not have certain CPU data available or internally configured correctly.
    [MPINF]        Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection.
    [MPINF]        Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2.
    [MELSP] =============================================================
    [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]==============
    [MELSP] =============================================================
    [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time.
    [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have internal hardware-based protections against 2 variants of Meltdown/Spectre.
    [MMINF] =============================================================
    [MMINF] ====================[ Memory Information ]===================
    [MMINF] =============================================================
    [MMINF] Total Physical        : 16 GB
    [MMINF] Used During Setup     : 948,45 MB
    [MMINF] Available             : 15,07 GB [94,21%]
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]===
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]=====================
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [NOWUR] Prevent the 'Automatic Restart' after any Windows Updates operations. Later CU may reset this.
    [AUTCU] Use bypass to allow WU upgrading to later OS's with 'unsupported' hardware. {Experimental}
    [CMECM] Add the 'Command Prompt' Context Menu entries.
    [PSECM] Add the 'Powershell Prompt' Context Menu entries.
    [DBSRS] Disable the 'Blue Screen Of Death's automatic OS restart, so you can view the error/stop messages.
    [ABWCT] Add 'About Windows' to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [DIMSD] Disable the UAC's 'Secure Desktop' dimming of the Desktop, this does not disable/alter any other UAC security functions.
    [NOIDX] Disable the Windows 'Search Indexing' Service{s}, this helps prevent HDD disk 'thrashing' and/or SSD wasted write cycles.
    [NOAMT] Disable any 'Automatic Computer Maintenance' scheduled tasks, like cleanup desktop shortcuts etc.
    [CPDCM] Add 'Control Panel' entries to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [CPANV] Change the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}.
    [VRBOS] Show verbose OS information when loading and shutting down the device.
    [MP3PC] Enable the use of the Fraunhofer IIS MP3 Professional HQ Codec within Windows if found.
    [OLFFS] Add the Open 'xyz' location context menu, the 'xyz' could be for a file, folder or shortcut.
    [DVTEW] Disable the creation of video thumbnails within any Explorer windows to allow easier move/delete operations.
    [PPCTM] Add 'Manage Power Plans' entries to the Desktop Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [SDCCM] Add 'Disk Clean-up' entry to a SSD/HDD Drive's Context Menu.
    [ARAAP] Add 'Run as administrator' for Powershell Scripts Context Menu entry. [OS Translated]
    [RSECT] Add 'Restart Explorer Service' to the Desktop's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation.
    [CTMSI] Add 'System Information' to ThisPC/Computer's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation.
    [DSDTA] Disable the 'Shutdown Event Tracker' asking for reasons etc. Mainly used on Servers. {Policy Edit}
    [DCADL] Disable the 'CTRL-ALT-DEL' method for logging in. Mainly used on Servers. {Policy Edit}
    [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels.
    [RDLLF] Add Install/Uninstall for .dll files via 'right-click' C/Text Menus. [OS Translated]
    [ROCXF] Add Install/Uninstall for .ocx files via 'right-click' C/Text Menus. [OS Translated]
    [TOCTM] The extended 'Take Ownership' entries will be added to the Context Menus using 'English' default wording.
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [SATCM] ---[ Administrative Tools Context Menu - OS Translations Where Possible ]---
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [SATCM] System Properties
    [SATCM] Control Panel
    [SATCM] Device Manager
    [SATCM] Event Viewer
    [SATCM] MSConfig {f06}
    [SATCM] Programs and Features
    [SATCM] Registry Editor
    [SATCM] Security and Maintenance {nAC} {iAC} {cCW}
    [SATCM] Services
    [SATCM] Task Scheduler
    [SATCM] PC/Windows Settings
    [SATCM] Windows Update
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default OS setting.
    [NETSE] Enable File Sharing. You may still need to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' for some older devices to work.
    [NOFBT] Disable 'Fast Boot' was set via MRP's 'SSDTweaks' Option, this can be re-enabled later via your OS's Power Plan options.
    [REM3D] Remove the '3D Objects Folder' entry from 'ThisPC's view.
    [CTNAB] Force prevent Cortana from operating. Normal local 'Search Windows' functions are still available. May not be present on installed OS.
    [REDSC] Remove the 'Microsoft Edge' desktop shortcut. This may not always work due to changes in later Edge deployment.
    [NODDM] Do not allow Windows Updates from other PC's found on the Local Network/Internet, only use Microsoft Update Servers.
    [APVWX] Allow the old Windows 'Photoviewer' program to be associated for image previews. Set as 'default' viewer, but could get un-set by m$ in a later update.
    [P3DCM] Remove the 'Edit with Paint3D' Context Menu entry.
    [RDSKQ] Remove the Disk 'Quota' tab from the drive's 'Properties' menu.
    [RPFMT] Remove the 'Previous File Versions' tab from the 'Properties' menu.
    [RRDFE] Remove the 'Retail Demo' files from the Operating System.
    [DNIFD] Disable 'News and Interests' Feed.
    [DMAFD] Disable the majority of other Feeds.
    [WDSNS] Windows Security Notifications option was set to disable only 'non critial'.
    [NSOFW] Remove the 'Look for an App in the Store to open this file' Context Menu entry.
    [NBLOS] Disable the overly blurred 'Log-On' background screen effect.
    [NWLOC] Add the 'Network Category' entry to the Desktop's Context Menu to allow easy setting of 'Private' or 'Public' modes. [OS Translated]
    [HOAOS] Hide the create, or use, a Microsoft 'Online Account' screen during OOBE/Windows Setup. Does NOT affect creating a 'Local' account.
    [WINRE] Add 'Advanced Recovery Tools' entry to 'ThisPC's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [CPMUM] Show 'Manage User Accounts' {Classic User Accounts} within the Control Panel view. [OS Translated]
    [HFFNP] Hide 'Favorites' folder on the Navigation Panel.
    [DFLAU] Disable the first logon animation/adverts screen after a upgrade.
    [DCCOT] Disable 'Cloud Optimized Content' on the TaskBar for 20H2+. {Policy Edit}
    [APSCT] Add the 'PC Settings' sub C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu.
    [ATMCT] Add the 'Task Manager' C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. {OS Translated}
    [DTSED] Disable the 22H2+ 'Desktop Stickers' feature.
    [EPDCT] Add the 'Permanently Delete' C/T menu for files/folders.
    [RSSAS] Removed All UWP Apps possible, but *NOT* the Store, Screen Snip, Calculator, Camera OR any that are 'System' required.
    [RSSAS] There are separate removal options for OneDrive, Bing related, Phone and XBox Apps.
    [RSSAS] Approximate time taken to remove any selected Apps: 00h 00m 22s {Some options may also remove other associated Apps}
    [DVDBL] Disable the 'Vulnerable Driver Blocklist' to allow older drivers to be installed.
    [ATICT] Added [TI] 'Run as a different user' to the context menu. [Auto Translated, but English fallback]
    [NSAAU] {**} Prevent any UWP/Store Apps from automatically updating.
    [DWCNW] {**} Disable the 'Windows Connect Now' feature as it could be a possible security risk.
    [REM6F] {**} Remove the majority of 'Library Folders' from ThisPC's main window. Note that the 'Camera Roll' feature may fail.
    [SSDTK] {**} SSD Tweaks - Disables PreFetch, SuperFetch, BootTrace, FastBoot, Search Indexing and Paging Executive.
    [SSDTK] {**} SSD Tweaks - Defrag Task was not disabled because the OS is fully SSD aware.
    [NORAC] {**} Disable the OS's Remote Assistance/Connections feature.
    [NWURS] {**} Do not reserve the 7GB+ Disk Space 'Feature' for future Windows Updates.
    [TSCTM] {##} Add the 'Theme Settings' entries on the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [NOAFH] {##} Disable/prevent any 'Activity History' data collection.
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]=====================
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [FEXTS] Show all File Extensions.
    [SHFIE] Show any normal 'Hidden' folders and files, but NOT any 'Super-Hidden' ones.
    [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' references from icons.
    [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons.
    [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default
    [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' view instead of the newer 'Quick Access'.
    [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting.
    [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale.
    [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present.
    [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps.
    [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot.
    [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later}
    [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present.
    [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'.
    [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus.
    [ESPFE] Enable a separate process for Explorer.exe file.
    [RPBST] Hide the 'People Band' icon from the System Tray area.
    [PODAI] Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after Setup has completed.
    [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update.
    [DLSNS] Disable 'Lockscreen' notifications. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update.
    [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the large Start Menu. Depreciated on Windows 11+ OS Kernels.
    [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present/detected.
    [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed.
    [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu entry.
    [HTBSI] Hide/Unpin the 'Search' icon on the Taskbar.
    [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'.
    [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode. {Experimental}
    [NOTES] Some MRP options like 'SmartAppControl' and 'SmartScreen' have been auto disabled to prevent major OS issues with latest CU.
    [NOTES] {$$} Due to a change m$ made in the Dark/Light theme modes, MRP has set, or unset, both options as required for this OS/Build.
    [APPDT] {$$} Most Windows UWP Apps are now set to use the 'Dark' Theme. May require a 2nd reboot.
    [SUDTI] {$$} Windows System/File Explorer is now set to use the 'Dark' Theme. May require a 2nd reboot.
    [TOABA] {$$} Turn off all possible running 'Background' Apps.
    [TGBMD] {$$} Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions.
    [DFSBN] {$$} Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible.
    [RANSA] {##} Remove all possible UWP Apps from the OS.
    [RANSA]      Except: Store, Screen Snip, Camera, Cortana/Search, XBox, Phone, Calculator OR any that are 'System' required.
    [RANSA]      Some links to online or non UWP Apps may still be present on the Start Menu{s}.
    [PEFPL] {##} Prevent 'MS Edge' from pre-loading automatically, plus reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint.
    [NOARA] {##} Disable the auto restarting of any Apps/Programs after reboot. May be overwritten by a later CU.
    [SUOEA] ===================================================
    [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]=============
    [SUOEA] ===================================================
    [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value.
    [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11+ System Tray layout.
    [MTTBT] The 'Extra TaskBar Transparency' option could not be used due to the OS's new 'Acrylic' feature.
    [EESRC] The 'Enhanced Search' option has been auto-disabled because the 'SSDTweaks' was selected.
    [AOTCM] The Add 'OEM Info' option was auto disabled as it is no longer operative for Builds above 22100.
    [EBTRD] The 'Battery Time Remaining' option was auto disabled as the device appears to be non battery operated.
    [EXEXR] Expand Explorer Ribbon option was auto disabled on Win 11+ to prevent issues.
    [SCIPS] The option to Show 'Command Prompt' instead of 'Powershell' on the Win-X Menu was disabled as it is not compatible with Win11 at this time.
    [HVECI] Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity requires CPU VT/x mode to be enabled in the BIOS.
    [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: It was ignored because the special Option's variable was not set via oobe.cmd file.
    [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11+ OS Kernels.
    [PBLAE] Prevent Bitlocker auto encryption was auto disabled to prevent issues.
    [INFOS] ===================================================
    [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============
    [INFOS] ===================================================
    [INFOS] {**} = This can be reverted later by script, check the '\Optional\MiscExtraScripts' folder within the main MRP archive.
    [INFOS] {$$} = This option is User changeable later via the Settings App or Control Panel etc.
    [INFOS] {##} = This is an experimental option, may not always work as expected depending on the OS Build etc.
    [AUTDN] ===================================================
    [AUTDN] ===[ MRP Automated System Drive Rename Routine ]===
    [AUTDN] ===================================================
    [AUTDN] The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'Windows_11_Edu' via the selected automated option.
    [REPDR] ======================================================
    [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]===
    [REPDR] ======================================================
    [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation.
    [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was detected within the 'Scripts' folder.
    [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'E:\sources' folder. [DV]
    [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected.
    [CKDMI] =============================================================
    [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]===
    [CKDMI] =============================================================
    [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found.
    [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed.
    [DCTPR] =============================================
    [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]===
    [DCTPR] =============================================
    [DCTPR] VMWare Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding.
    [DCTPR] =======================================
    [SYSPD] =======================================
    [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]===
    [SYSPD] =======================================
    [SETMN] The '#03 CS Base Product' "440BX Desktop Reference Platform" has been applied for the Computer's 'Model' Name. {Validated}
    [SETMN] Note: On some OS Languages this may not always translate/show correctly, use the 'ChangeModelName' script in the MRP's 'Optional' folder, if required.
    [RETXT] ===============================
    [RETXT] ===[ Retail.txt Processing ]===
    [RETXT] ===============================
    [RETXT] Retail.txt was detected indicating that an external activation method will be used instead of OEM or MSDM.
    [RETXT] You will need to enter your own valid Product Key or use 'another' activation method after setup has completed to activate your Edition.
    [TBPRT] ===================================
    [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]===
    [TBPRT] ===================================
    [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined.
    [TBTMS] ===========================================
    [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]===
    [TBTMS] ===========================================
    [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : VMWare
    [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'VMWare.theme' file : 2 {Stretch image to display resolution}
    [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred.
    [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created.
    [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image.
    [W8XAP] ===========================================================
    [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]===
    [W8XAP] ===========================================================
    [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file.
    [WXAP2] ============================================================
    [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]===
    [WXAP2] ============================================================
    [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced.
    [X8LLR] ====================================
    [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]===
    [X8LLR] ====================================
    [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100.
    [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105.
    [OTFTR] ============================================
    [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]===
    [OTFTR] ============================================
    [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created.
    [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred.
    [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced.
    [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'.
    [ATHBA] VMWare OEM brand theme was applied.
    [SCFLD] ====================================================
    [SCFLD] ===[ SetupComplete/FirstLogOn Scripts Detection ]===
    [SCFLD] ====================================================
    [SCDET] Note: The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file  was detected.
    [NOTES] Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file.
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]===
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup.
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]-----------------------------
    [ADMAN] ===================================================
    [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============
    [ADMAN] ===================================================
    [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed.
    [SATOU] ===================================================
    [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]====
    [SATOU] ===================================================
    [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 2 - Stretch image to display resolution.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions.
    [SHFIE] Show any normal 'Hidden' folders and files, but NOT show any 'Super-Hidden' ones.
    [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus.
    [ESPFE] Enable a separate process for Explorer.exe file.
    [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' reference on icons.
    [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default
    [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons.
    [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting.
    [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale.
    [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present.
    [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps.
    [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot.
    [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later}
    [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present.
    [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build.
    [RPBST] Hide the 'People Band' icon on the System Tray.
    [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' instead of the newer 'Quick Access' view.
    [APPDT] Windows UWP Apps are set to use the 'Dark Theme'.
    [SUDTI] Windows System/File Explorer is set to use the 'Dark Theme'.
    [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. May get overridden with a new Cumulative Update.
    [PODAI] Prevent 'OneDrive' from automatically installing.
    [TGBMD] Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions.
    [DFSBN] Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible.
    [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu.
    [HTBSI] Hide the 'Search' icon on the Taskbar.
    [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'.
    [NOARA] Disable the auto restarting of Apps/Programs after a reboot.
    [PEFPL] Prevent 'Microsoft Edge' from pre-loading automatically and reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint.
    [DLSNS] Disable any 'Lockscreen' notifications.
    [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the Start Menu. Depreciated on this OS Build.
    [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present.
    [TOABA] Turn off all possible running 'Background' Apps.
    [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed.
    [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode. {Experimental}
    [NOTES] Some MRP options like 'SmartAppControl' and 'SmartScreen' have been auto disabled to prevent major OS issues with latest CU.
    [RANSA] Removed: All possible UWP Apps from the OS, except the Store, Screen Snip, Camera, Cortana/Search, Calculator or any 'System' required.
    [RANSA]          Some links to online or non UWP Apps may still be present on the Start Menu{s}.
    [USR1X] ==============================================================================
    [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]===
    [USR1X] ==============================================================================
    [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied.
    [WXSTB] Title Bar: 'Grey' color has been applied via normal and uSID routines.
    [NOTES] Windows may need to be activated to set the Title Bar and other colors.
    [WXSHL] Highlight colorization: Some elements may not have been applied fully.
    [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username.
    [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful.
    [AMBPS] =================================================================
    [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]===
    [AMBPS] =================================================================
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode  : UEFI
    [AMBPS] Partition Type  : GPT
    [AMBPS] Secure Boot     : Disabled
    [AMHDC] Controller Mode : NVMe/PCIe {S}
    [EXTSR] =====================================
    [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]===
    [EXTSR] =====================================
    [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed.
    [CHKLS] =============================================
    [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]===
    [CHKLS] =============================================
    [CHKLS] License/Activation Status  : Licensed
    [CHKLS] License Channel Status     : VL_KMSClient {CTT}
    [CHKLS] KMS Capable/Permitted      : Yes
    [CHKLS] Key Management Used        : Yes
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Remaining Allowance : 5265 days / 7582260 minutes.
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Activation Interval : 0 days / 120 minutes.
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Renewal Interval    : 7 days / 10080 minutes.
    [CHKLS] Other KMS Method Used      : Possible due to results beyond the standard remaining allowance range.
    [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0x00000000
    [CHKLS] Valid key for product's licensing channel was used for activation.
    [ADMAN] ===============================
    [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]===
    [ADMAN] ===============================
    [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed.
    [ADMAN] ===================================
    [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]===
    [ADMAN] ===================================
    [ENDAM] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ENDAM] =========================================================================================
    [ENDAM] =                                                                                       =
    [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is   =
    [ENDAM] =              required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full   =
    [ENDAM] =              effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete.        =
    [ENDAM] =                                                                                       =
    [ENDAM] =========================================================================================
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #10129 mxman2k, Aug 26, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2023
    Mainly happens on the Insider builds, its a note that means that a Defender's exclusion MRP added has not been inserted, usually because it was a duplicate entry, as i try two ways.

    Its a very basic check i could expand it more so if the first Defender exclusion is successful then ignore the 2nd attempt, it just that i never got round to it :D

    Adjusted code a small amount so duplicates should now be ignored if the first attempt did not fail to insert.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
  10. audigy

    audigy MDL Junior Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    download from is broken it cant open the downloaded file it fails at end of the exttated file.
    ok it works know
  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I think suffered a small glitch, it happens now and then.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  12. Pacio1982

    Pacio1982 MDL Novice

    Dec 25, 2021
    Nie mam dostepu do postu nr 3 dlaczego nie mogÄ™ pobrac nic z linku 3
  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    There is no beta releases yet that is why no links are available.

    [Nie ma jeszcze wersji beta, dlatego nie są dostępne żadne linki.]
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. Pacio1982

    Pacio1982 MDL Novice

    Dec 25, 2021
    Mozecie mi wyslac na pw mrp najnowszy z gory dziekuje
  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Iam working on the next gui qt version. Also mrp 154 beta.

    Just not enough time at present as got a few medical issues i need to sort through first so i work on the projects as and when i can.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    MRP154 TC3 uploaded to private beta test area :)

    Some slight tweaks to the Unlock Defender option, hopefully the systray icon not vanish as much!
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. migascalp

    migascalp MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY23M09D01-R154.TC3 - Test Candidate [MDL Forum ONLY]
    DeCompile has detected a VMWare Virtual Machine.
    The extracted OEM's folder structure appears correct.
    Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0.30729.4926, v3.5.30729.4926, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:533320}
    Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1
    PS Scripted Diagnostics       : Unrestricted
    Unicode Mode In Operation     : Yes {Original Code 850}
    Protected Main Project Files  : Yes - SetupComplete and/or FirstLogOn scripts detected.
    Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File    : Yes - Checking for any selected options.
    Config Creator Version Used   : 57.0 {Advanced Mode} {Edited 01/09/2023 18:43:42 Locale Format}
    MRP User Options Pre-Check    : Completed OK
    MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode  : Enabled
    W1x TitleBar Colorization     : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Grey. See log notes later.
    Highlight Colorization        : Enabled  - Highlighted Text will be colorized to Grey. See log notes later.
    Change Lock/Login Screen's    : Enabled  - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme.
    Confirm File Delete           : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/1x Kernels}
    Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop      : Enabled  - Display the icon on the Desktop.
    Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown.
    MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder  : Disabled - It is up to the end user to delete this folder after installation.
    Allow W1x Local Account Setup : Enabled  - This may be prevented by M$.
    RunOnce Method of Operation   : Default  - Synchronous {'All at once'}
    [LNSEP] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin.
    [NOTES] WMIC command is present in this OS, normal processing should occur.
    [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS.
    [NOTES] On Windows 11 and above OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected.
    [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them.
    [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated so that some theme elements and/or other options can be fully operative.
    [OSINF] =============================================================
    [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]=================
    [OSINF] =============================================================
    [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time  : 09/01/2023 {UTC} -- 7:33pm
    [OSINF] Installation Type     : Client {Non Server}
    [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method  : Clean
    [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected   : Yes
    [OSINF] Domain Detected       : No
    [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit #  : 121
    [OSINF] Version {Product}     : Windows 11 Education  
    [OSINF] Version {SKU}         : Windows Education
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Education
    [OSINF] Edition {CBS}         : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise
    [OSINF] Edition {Type}        : General
    [OSINF] Architecture          : 64 Bit {AR:1}
    [OSINF] Release Identifier    : 2009
    [OSINF] Short Display Version : 23H2
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250
    [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 22631
    [OSINF] Experience Pack #     : 1000.22674.1000.0
    [OSINF] Branch Code Name      : Nickel
    [OSINF] Branch Reference      : ni_release
    [OSINF] Readiness Level       : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1}
    [OSINF] Reference Version     : 10.0.22621.1
    [OSINF] ProductID Reference   : 3281
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 2265
    [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1 {0x1}
    [OSINF] General UILang/Code   : fr-FR / 1036 {0x40Ch}
    [OSINF] General Locale        : French - France
    [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names   : fr-FR
    [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc  : France [84]
    [OSINF] GeoID Nation CUR Loc  : France [84]
    [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg}  : Romance Standard Time
    [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU}  : Romance Standard Time
    [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode  : Vrai
    [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked
    [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check  : N/A
    [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass     : N/A
    [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check  : N/A
    [OSINF] Allow W1x WU Upgrades : Yes {0x1} [Registry Value]
    [MBINF] =============================================================
    [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]=================
    [MBINF] =============================================================
    [MBINF] #01 SP Product Name   : [VMware71]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [VMware71]
    [MBINF] #03 BP Base Product   : [440BX Desktop Reference Platform]
    [MBINF] #04 BMH Vendor Name   : [VMware Inc.]
    [MBINF] #05 SM System Vendor  : [VMware Inc.]
    [MBINF] #06 BM Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [INTEL  - 6040000]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information  : [No SLIC table present]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan  : [G4] [OA2T:0]
    [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information  : [No MSDM Table Present]
    [MBINF] Chassis Type          : [Other {01}]
    [MBINF] PC System Type        : [Desktop {0x1}]
    [MBINF] Virtual Machine Data  : [VMware {Hypervisor}]
    [MBINF] Information/Notes     : On Virtual Machines some CPU/DMI/Motherboard data may not of been fully configured.
    [BDINF] =============================================================
    [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]==================
    [BDINF] =============================================================
    [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type     : [VMware, Inc.]
    [BDINF] Version Number        : [VMW71.00V.16722896.B64.2008100651]
    [BDINF] SMBIOS Version        : [2.7]
    [BDINF] Release Date          : [08/10/2020] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location}
    [MPINF] =============================================================
    [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]=================
    [MPINF] =============================================================
    [MPINF] Full Name             : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz]
    [MPINF] Description           : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3]
    [MPINF] Architecture          : [32/64 Bit]
    [MPINF] Current Clock Speed   : [4008 Mhz] {Approx}
    [MPINF] Max Clock Speed       : [4,01 GHz] {Approx}
    [MPINF] L2 Cache Size         : [512 MB]
    [MPINF] L3 Cache Size         : [8192 MB]
    [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data  : [GenuineIntel]
    [MPINF] Processor Family      : [2]
    [MPINF] CPUID Signature       : [0506E3]
    [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x5e03]
    [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1]
    [MPINF] Cores/Threads         : [2] / [2]  
    [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode      : [Disabled]
    [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database.
    [MPINF]        Virtual Machines may not have certain CPU data available or internally configured correctly.
    [MPINF]        Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection.
    [MPINF]        Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2.
    [MELSP] =============================================================
    [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]==============
    [MELSP] =============================================================
    [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time.
    [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have internal hardware-based protections against 2 variants of Meltdown/Spectre.
    [MMINF] =============================================================
    [MMINF] ====================[ Memory Information ]===================
    [MMINF] =============================================================
    [MMINF] Total Physical        : 16 GB
    [MMINF] Used During Setup     : 946,61 MB
    [MMINF] Available             : 15,07 GB [94,22%]
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]===
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]=====================
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [NOWUR] Prevent the 'Automatic Restart' after any Windows Updates operations. Later CU may reset this.
    [AUTCU] Use bypass to allow WU upgrading to later OS's with 'unsupported' hardware. {Experimental}
    [CMECM] Add the 'Command Prompt' Context Menu entries.
    [PSECM] Add the 'Powershell Prompt' Context Menu entries.
    [DBSRS] Disable the 'Blue Screen Of Death's automatic OS restart, so you can view the error/stop messages.
    [ABWCT] Add 'About Windows' to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [DIMSD] Disable the UAC's 'Secure Desktop' dimming of the Desktop, this does not disable/alter any other UAC security functions.
    [NOIDX] Disable the Windows 'Search Indexing' Service{s}, this helps prevent HDD disk 'thrashing' and/or SSD wasted write cycles.
    [NOAMT] Disable any 'Automatic Computer Maintenance' scheduled tasks, like cleanup desktop shortcuts etc.
    [CPDCM] Add 'Control Panel' entries to the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [CPANV] Change the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}.
    [VRBOS] Show verbose OS information when loading and shutting down the device.
    [MP3PC] Enable the use of the Fraunhofer IIS MP3 Professional HQ Codec within Windows if found.
    [OLFFS] Add the Open 'xyz' location context menu, the 'xyz' could be for a file, folder or shortcut.
    [DVTEW] Disable the creation of video thumbnails within any Explorer windows to allow easier move/delete operations.
    [PPCTM] Add 'Manage Power Plans' entries to the Desktop Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [SDCCM] Add 'Disk Clean-up' entry to a SSD/HDD Drive's Context Menu.
    [ARAAP] Add 'Run as administrator' for Powershell Scripts Context Menu entry. [OS Translated]
    [RSECT] Add 'Restart Explorer Service' to the Desktop's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation.
    [CTMSI] Add 'System Information' to ThisPC/Computer's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation.
    [DSDTA] Disable the 'Shutdown Event Tracker' asking for reasons etc. Mainly used on Servers. {Policy Edit}
    [DCADL] Disable the 'CTRL-ALT-DEL' method for logging in. Mainly used on Servers. {Policy Edit}
    [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels.
    [RDLLF] Add Install/Uninstall for .dll files via 'right-click' C/Text Menus. [OS Translated]
    [ROCXF] Add Install/Uninstall for .ocx files via 'right-click' C/Text Menus. [OS Translated]
    [TOCTM] The extended 'Take Ownership' entries will be added to the Context Menus using 'English' default wording.
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [SATCM] ---[ Administrative Tools Context Menu - OS Translations Where Possible ]---
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [SATCM] System Properties
    [SATCM] Control Panel
    [SATCM] Device Manager
    [SATCM] Event Viewer
    [SATCM] MSConfig {f06}
    [SATCM] Programs and Features
    [SATCM] Registry Editor
    [SATCM] Security and Maintenance {nAC} {iAC} {cCW}
    [SATCM] Services
    [SATCM] Task Scheduler
    [SATCM] PC/Windows Settings
    [SATCM] Windows Update
    [SATCM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default OS setting.
    [NETSE] Enable File Sharing. You may still need to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' for some older devices to work.
    [NOFBT] Disable 'Fast Boot' was set via MRP's 'SSDTweaks' Option, this can be re-enabled later via your OS's Power Plan options.
    [REM3D] Remove the '3D Objects Folder' entry from 'ThisPC's view.
    [CTNAB] Force prevent Cortana from operating. Normal local 'Search Windows' functions are still available. May not be present on installed OS.
    [REDSC] Remove the 'Microsoft Edge' desktop shortcut. This may not always work due to changes in later Edge deployment.
    [NODDM] Do not allow Windows Updates from other PC's found on the Local Network/Internet, only use Microsoft Update Servers.
    [APVWX] Allow the old Windows 'Photoviewer' program to be associated for image previews. Set as 'default' viewer, but could get un-set by m$ in a later update.
    [P3DCM] Remove the 'Edit with Paint3D' Context Menu entry.
    [RDSKQ] Remove the Disk 'Quota' tab from the drive's 'Properties' menu.
    [RPFMT] Remove the 'Previous File Versions' tab from the 'Properties' menu.
    [RRDFE] Remove the 'Retail Demo' files from the Operating System.
    [DNIFD] Disable 'News and Interests' Feed.
    [DMAFD] Disable the majority of other Feeds.
    [WDSNS] Windows Security Notifications option was set to disable only 'non critial'.
    [NSOFW] Remove the 'Look for an App in the Store to open this file' Context Menu entry.
    [NBLOS] Disable the overly blurred 'Log-On' background screen effect.
    [NWLOC] Add the 'Network Category' entry to the Desktop's Context Menu to allow easy setting of 'Private' or 'Public' modes. [OS Translated]
    [HOAOS] Hide the create, or use, a Microsoft 'Online Account' screen during OOBE/Windows Setup. Does NOT affect creating a 'Local' account.
    [WINRE] Add 'Advanced Recovery Tools' entry to 'ThisPC's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [CPMUM] Show 'Manage User Accounts' {Classic User Accounts} within the Control Panel view. [OS Translated]
    [HFFNP] Hide 'Favorites' folder on the Navigation Panel.
    [DFLAU] Disable the first logon animation/adverts screen after a upgrade.
    [DCCOT] Disable 'Cloud Optimized Content' on the TaskBar for 20H2+. {Policy Edit}
    [APSCT] Add the 'PC Settings' sub C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu.
    [ATMCT] Add the 'Task Manager' C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. {OS Translated}
    [DTSED] Disable the 22H2+ 'Desktop Stickers' feature.
    [EPDCT] Add the 'Permanently Delete' C/T menu for files/folders.
    [RSSAS] Removed All UWP Apps possible, but *NOT* the Store, Screen Snip, Calculator, Camera OR any that are 'System' required.
    [RSSAS] There are separate removal options for OneDrive, Bing related, Phone and XBox Apps.
    [RSSAS] Approximate time taken to remove any selected Apps: 00h 00m 22s {Some options may also remove other associated Apps}
    [DVDBL] Disable the 'Vulnerable Driver Blocklist' to allow older drivers to be installed.
    [ATICT] Added [TI] 'Run as a different user' to the context menu. [Auto Translated, but English fallback]
    [NSAAU] {**} Prevent any UWP/Store Apps from automatically updating.
    [DWCNW] {**} Disable the 'Windows Connect Now' feature as it could be a possible security risk.
    [REM6F] {**} Remove the majority of 'Library Folders' from ThisPC's main window. Note that the 'Camera Roll' feature may fail.
    [SSDTK] {**} SSD Tweaks - Disables PreFetch, SuperFetch, BootTrace, FastBoot, Search Indexing and Paging Executive.
    [SSDTK] {**} SSD Tweaks - Defrag Task was not disabled because the OS is fully SSD aware.
    [NORAC] {**} Disable the OS's Remote Assistance/Connections feature.
    [NWURS] {**} Do not reserve the 7GB+ Disk Space 'Feature' for future Windows Updates.
    [TSCTM] {##} Add the 'Theme Settings' entries on the Desktop's Context Menu. [OS Translated]
    [NOAFH] {##} Disable/prevent any 'Activity History' data collection.
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]=====================
    [SUOEA] =============================================================
    [FEXTS] Show all File Extensions.
    [SHFIE] Show any normal 'Hidden' folders and files, but NOT any 'Super-Hidden' ones.
    [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' references from icons.
    [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons.
    [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default
    [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' view instead of the newer 'Quick Access'.
    [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting.
    [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale.
    [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present.
    [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps.
    [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot.
    [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later}
    [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present.
    [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'.
    [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus.
    [ESPFE] Enable a separate process for Explorer.exe file.
    [RPBST] Hide the 'People Band' icon from the System Tray area.
    [PODAI] Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after Setup has completed.
    [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update.
    [DLSNS] Disable 'Lockscreen' notifications. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update.
    [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the large Start Menu. Depreciated on Windows 11+ OS Kernels.
    [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present/detected.
    [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed.
    [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu entry.
    [HTBSI] Hide/Unpin the 'Search' icon on the Taskbar.
    [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'.
    [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode. {Experimental}
    [NOTES] Some MRP options like 'SmartAppControl' and 'SmartScreen' have been auto disabled to prevent major OS issues with latest CU.
    [NOTES] {$$} Due to a change m$ made in the Dark/Light theme modes, MRP has set, or unset, both options as required for this OS/Build.
    [APPDT] {$$} Most Windows UWP Apps are now set to use the 'Dark' Theme. May require a 2nd reboot.
    [SUDTI] {$$} Windows System/File Explorer is now set to use the 'Dark' Theme. May require a 2nd reboot.
    [TOABA] {$$} Turn off all possible running 'Background' Apps.
    [TGBMD] {$$} Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions.
    [DFSBN] {$$} Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible.
    [RANSA] {##} Remove all possible UWP Apps from the OS.
    [RANSA]      Except: Store, Screen Snip, Camera, Cortana/Search, XBox, Phone, Calculator OR any that are 'System' required.
    [RANSA]      Some links to online or non UWP Apps may still be present on the Start Menu{s}.
    [PEFPL] {##} Prevent 'MS Edge' from pre-loading automatically, plus reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint.
    [NOARA] {##} Disable the auto restarting of any Apps/Programs after reboot. May be overwritten by a later CU.
    [SUOEA] ===================================================
    [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]=============
    [SUOEA] ===================================================
    [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value.
    [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11+ System Tray layout.
    [MTTBT] The 'Extra TaskBar Transparency' option could not be used due to the OS's new 'Acrylic' feature.
    [EESRC] The 'Enhanced Search' option has been auto-disabled because the 'SSDTweaks' was selected.
    [AOTCM] The Add 'OEM Info' option was auto disabled as it is no longer operative for Builds above 22100.
    [EBTRD] The 'Battery Time Remaining' option was auto disabled as the device appears to be non battery operated.
    [EXEXR] Expand Explorer Ribbon option was auto disabled on Win 11+ to prevent issues.
    [SCIPS] The option to Show 'Command Prompt' instead of 'Powershell' on the Win-X Menu was disabled as it is not compatible with Win11 at this time.
    [HVECI] Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity requires CPU VT/x mode to be enabled in the BIOS.
    [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: It was ignored because the special Option's variable was not set via oobe.cmd file.
    [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11+ OS Kernels.
    [PBLAE] Prevent Bitlocker auto encryption was auto disabled to prevent issues.
    [INFOS] ===================================================
    [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============
    [INFOS] ===================================================
    [INFOS] {**} = This can be reverted later by script, check the '\Optional\MiscExtraScripts' folder within the main MRP archive.
    [INFOS] {$$} = This option is User changeable later via the Settings App or Control Panel etc.
    [INFOS] {##} = This is an experimental option, may not always work as expected depending on the OS Build etc.
    [AUTDN] ===================================================
    [AUTDN] ===[ MRP Automated System Drive Rename Routine ]===
    [AUTDN] ===================================================
    [AUTDN] The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'Windows_11_Edu' via the selected automated option.
    [REPDR] ======================================================
    [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]===
    [REPDR] ======================================================
    [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation.
    [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was detected within the 'Scripts' folder.
    [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was detected within the 'E:\sources' folder. [DV]
    [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected.
    [CKDMI] =============================================================
    [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]===
    [CKDMI] =============================================================
    [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found.
    [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed.
    [DCTPR] =============================================
    [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]===
    [DCTPR] =============================================
    [DCTPR] VMWare Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding.
    [DCTPR] =======================================
    [SYSPD] =======================================
    [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]===
    [SYSPD] =======================================
    [SETMN] The '#03 CS Base Product' "440BX Desktop Reference Platform" has been applied for the Computer's 'Model' Name. {Validated}
    [SETMN] Note: On some OS Languages this may not always translate/show correctly, use the 'ChangeModelName' script in the MRP's 'Optional' folder, if required.
    [RETXT] ===============================
    [RETXT] ===[ Retail.txt Processing ]===
    [RETXT] ===============================
    [RETXT] Retail.txt was detected indicating that an external activation method will be used instead of OEM or MSDM.
    [RETXT] You will need to enter your own valid Product Key or use 'another' activation method after setup has completed to activate your Edition.
    [TBPRT] ===================================
    [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]===
    [TBPRT] ===================================
    [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined.
    [TBTMS] ===========================================
    [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]===
    [TBTMS] ===========================================
    [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : VMWare
    [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'VMWare.theme' file : 2 {Stretch image to display resolution}
    [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred.
    [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created.
    [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image.
    [W8XAP] ===========================================================
    [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]===
    [W8XAP] ===========================================================
    [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file.
    [WXAP2] ============================================================
    [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]===
    [WXAP2] ============================================================
    [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced.
    [X8LLR] ====================================
    [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]===
    [X8LLR] ====================================
    [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100.
    [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105.
    [OTFTR] ============================================
    [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]===
    [OTFTR] ============================================
    [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created.
    [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred.
    [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced.
    [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'.
    [ATHBA] VMWare OEM brand theme was applied.
    [SCFLD] ====================================================
    [SCFLD] ===[ SetupComplete/FirstLogOn Scripts Detection ]===
    [SCFLD] ====================================================
    [SCDET] Note: The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file  was detected.
    [NOTES] Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file.
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]===
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup.
    [BSHCS] ============================================
    [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]-----------------------------
    [ADMAN] ===================================================
    [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============
    [ADMAN] ===================================================
    [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed.
    [SATOU] ===================================================
    [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]====
    [SATOU] ===================================================
    [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 2 - Stretch image to display resolution.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions.
    [SHFIE] Show any normal 'Hidden' folders and files, but NOT show any 'Super-Hidden' ones.
    [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus.
    [ESPFE] Enable a separate process for Explorer.exe file.
    [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' reference on icons.
    [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default
    [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons.
    [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting.
    [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale.
    [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present.
    [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps.
    [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot.
    [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later}
    [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present.
    [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build.
    [RPBST] Hide the 'People Band' icon on the System Tray.
    [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' instead of the newer 'Quick Access' view.
    [APPDT] Windows UWP Apps are set to use the 'Dark Theme'.
    [SUDTI] Windows System/File Explorer is set to use the 'Dark Theme'.
    [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. May get overridden with a new Cumulative Update.
    [PODAI] Prevent 'OneDrive' from automatically installing.
    [TGBMD] Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions.
    [DFSBN] Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible.
    [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu.
    [HTBSI] Hide the 'Search' icon on the Taskbar.
    [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'.
    [NOARA] Disable the auto restarting of Apps/Programs after a reboot.
    [PEFPL] Prevent 'Microsoft Edge' from pre-loading automatically and reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint.
    [DLSNS] Disable any 'Lockscreen' notifications.
    [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the Start Menu. Depreciated on this OS Build.
    [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present.
    [TOABA] Turn off all possible running 'Background' Apps.
    [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed.
    [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode. {Experimental}
    [NOTES] Some MRP options like 'SmartAppControl' and 'SmartScreen' have been auto disabled to prevent major OS issues with latest CU.
    [RANSA] Removed: All possible UWP Apps from the OS, except the Store, Screen Snip, Camera, Cortana/Search, Calculator or any 'System' required.
    [RANSA]          Some links to online or non UWP Apps may still be present on the Start Menu{s}.
    [USR1X] ==============================================================================
    [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]===
    [USR1X] ==============================================================================
    [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied.
    [WXSTB] Title Bar: 'Grey' color has been applied via normal and uSID routines.
    [NOTES] Windows may need to be activated to set the Title Bar and other colors.
    [WXSHL] Highlight colorization: Some elements may not have been applied fully.
    [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username.
    [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful.
    [AMBPS] =================================================================
    [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]===
    [AMBPS] =================================================================
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode  : UEFI
    [AMBPS] Partition Type  : GPT
    [AMBPS] Secure Boot     : Disabled
    [AMHDC] Controller Mode : NVMe/PCIe {S}
    [EXTSR] =====================================
    [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]===
    [EXTSR] =====================================
    [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed.
    [CHKLS] =============================================
    [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]===
    [CHKLS] =============================================
    [CHKLS] License/Activation Status  : Licensed
    [CHKLS] License Channel Status     : VL_KMSClient {CTT}
    [CHKLS] KMS Capable/Permitted      : Yes
    [CHKLS] Key Management Used        : Yes
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Remaining Allowance : 5253 days / 7564887 minutes.
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Activation Interval : 0 days / 120 minutes.
    [CHKLS] VL/KMS Renewal Interval    : 7 days / 10080 minutes.
    [CHKLS] Other KMS Method Used      : Possible due to results beyond the standard remaining allowance range.
    [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0x00000000
    [CHKLS] Valid key for product's licensing channel was used for activation.
    [ADMAN] ===============================
    [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]===
    [ADMAN] ===============================
    [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed.
    [ADMAN] ===================================
    [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]===
    [ADMAN] ===================================
    [ENDAM] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ENDAM] =========================================================================================
    [ENDAM] =                                                                                       =
    [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is   =
    [ENDAM] =              required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full   =
    [ENDAM] =              effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete.        =
    [ENDAM] =                                                                                       =
    [ENDAM] =========================================================================================
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
    No change for me.
    1st logon Defender systray present.
    Reboot Defender systray missing.
    Reboot Defender systray present and no more disappearance afterwards.
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I think defender not like having that 'grab at first sight' turned off.

    Although it could be that defender is getting confused and thinks a 3rd party av installed yet defender is still operative.

    At least the user has more control of it even if it not a way to fully disable it as that shafts the os when it disabled in win 11.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  19. migascalp

    migascalp MDL Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2009