Spoiler: SetupComplete.cmd @echo off fltmc >nul || exit /b call "%~dp0MAS_AIO.cmd" /KMS38 cd \ (goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
@The_MagicMan Thanks go more to my trusty beta testers without them this 154 release would still be a long way off. Health wise a bit of a down turn but 22nd November's hospital visit will hopefully have clear results. I have beaten it once in 2000 and the 'symptoms' my doctor urgently requested the tests for are not what it 'could' be. Im a fighter and will not go down without a fight!
I had cancer for 2 1/2 years and been cancer free for 10 months. Keep your positive mindset. If you ever want to talk, hit me up.
That's normal. It's showing OEM_COA_NSLP as the SKU in question does not have a Retail channel. For that reason, the default key is OEM_NSLP.
That makes sense why that result shows the OEM_COA_NSLP message. I thought the checking routine had messed up as i didnt realise a os other than vista/7 used that channel. There again my memory is not as good as it used to be.
Thanks @MarvelX7 I will see about adding the ones to replace current images into a new oems archive just for w8.x and above use only, as using larger than 256kb filesize for a wallpaper on vista/7 will either cause setup to crash or the image get ignored on those older os's. Also i try to keep mrp's archive size lower than 60mb.
Hospital visit went ok, given all clear. Wasn't keen on the camera up the nose and down back of throat though, as it was very uncomfortable.
I can understand how the uncertainty must have been stressful. Glad to hear that things are better now.
Got more medication but that for acid reflux which i have had for ages and some solution to use to get rid of an infection shown up on the camera.
Back to being on the projects topic for mrp 155 i will be updating the ssd tweaks option and if my tests are ok a small update to the disable event logging option. Not added the code in yet as not had time to touch the editor as other things on my mind took preference. Once i have updated code i will upload a new beta for mrp155.
Fired up the laptop and edited MRP code Uploaded MRP155 TV1 for beta testers As mentioned above only the SSD tweaks and Disable Event Logging options have been updated with additional code. No other code changes from MRP154 baseline added.