Ah... i remember Lenovo/HP and i think on some Acer models they hide either the SLIC or MSDM table depending on what queries their bios.
Also confusing it says its a desktop and a mobile device too But looking at the picture it technically is both.
A friend bought a nuc a while back but it was bare bones, once we put the missing parts in it wasnt a bad little pc. He basically uses it for streaming films etc, thats on ltsc w10 as he not want it to upgrade to w11 yet.
Eset so far not blocked it but i guess now i said that even eset will probably start blocking websites with ms unwanted code text too. Internet censorship
Everyone a good end and a happy new year. MXMAN2K I hope that you are doing better again in the new year
For private beta testers: Have uploaded MRP155-TV4 with a trial .reg for a new option that will be added soon, also a tweak to the services query routine for non English OS's so it can be parsed easier. Plus GUI QT v1.02-RC5 - nothing major done just a slight tidy up of code. The Antivirus/Security routine still has a few strange issues in that it can ignore any results found or show duplicate entries?
Have uploaded MRP 155 TV6 for the beta testers if they have any spare time to test. Added two options for w1x: Remove 'Home' and 'Gallery' items from the Explorer navigation pane. Note: With the remove Home option it may require more work, or have to be removed from MRP, due to the way it has to operate, a registry key needs to have ownership taken from the OS/System and it could cause adverse affects on w11's Explorer app. Also it may no longer work on a later Explorer app such as on a Insider build as i am guessing m$ are making more changes to that app. Home and Gallery may not be shown on Windows 10 but have included that OS as m$ are still fiddling with Explorer. Due to other commitments today, i am unable to test this myself before I uploaded TV6 but i am hoping the options operate as intended and not crash MRP! My next free time will be late Monday or on Tuesday but i wanted to get something done and uploaded while i have a bit of spare time this morning (GMT) before my other commitments take precedence.
Is below registry added in 'SSD Tweaks' @mxman2k ? Code: reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Diagnostics\Performance\SecondaryLogonCKCLSettings /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f