For the time being will have to leave going through each function as time a bit tight at moment. I will see if i got a copy of s2k8r2 64bit to put on a pc to tweak the gui qt as best i can when i have time.
I'm currently installing a new VM of that type. If that one doesn't error out, then the original one if foul (it's very old) and we could close the case. Stand by.
Im sure it will error again. Im puzzled too why 32bit works yet 64bit borks, its same query used. I know servers can be fussy i had loads of fun with server 2003 years ago then with s2016 that gave me nite mares. Then i was working on a custom mainframe at the hospital during lockdown.
Results: Errors out at exactly the same point in the fresh Server 2008 SP x64. Can scrap this VM now. Edit: Testing with Vista Business. Client Vista ISOs/DVDs always have all editions.
Thanks for your time testing I will find my vista 64bit and see if that does same as server 2008. Im thinking i have s2k8 sp2 iso too on a backup drive.
If i can sort the error catchment in autoit it will help as i can hopefuly just skip the errors and continue. Autoit devs changed things and so now you have to write your own routines. Not too difficult but its not for entire script its part by part. Was told ahk (auto hot key) is better in some ways than autoit but i not want to spend hours rewriting stuff.
Ok. Will find that iso out tomorrow and over next few days build a pc up so i can thrash this error and others into submission.
Its probably because i been trying different ways to query items as i learnt how autoit worked as i went along. Some work ok on all os's and some don't as certain object or queries are not present in all os builds. Wmic and vbscript have same issues on a few queries as older os's not have some items the qt looks for. Powershell isn't immune either as older ps versions wont have some elements etc. But ps has better ways to deal with errors.
For now on the GUI QT if Vista/Server 2008 64bit is detected the QT will show a message that it cannot run on that OS and will exit. I am unsure why 64 bit fails for that specific kernel as 32 bit works ok... I installed vista 64 sp2 (Business) and tested several things and in the end it is now the actual GUI elements such as font setting that was causing some weird effects, i think the function or #Include file that controls the GUI font/color etc is not supporting Vista/2k8 fully and as that developer is no longer active who created that #include and i have no idea how it internally works as it uses machine code type commands to directly access system DLL files etc, i am most likely unable to support Vista/S2k8 64 bit at this time. Vista/S2k8 32bit is not affected at the moment, so have filtered that out of the error detection/exit routine - hopefully got that right! Have uploaded GUI_QT_v1.03-RC3.2 for testing but obviously it wont run on the above specific OS's.
Maybe because the exe is x86, no trouble running on x86 whereas on x64, wow64 redirection shenanigans
I have the 64bit redirection stuff in, what is odd is that it works on 64bit 7 and above DllCall("kernel32.dll", "boolean", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "boolean", 1) and where needed...: DllCall("kernel32.dll", "boolean", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "boolean", 0)