Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #10981 mxman2k, Jun 10, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2024
    I will add the new defender telemetry blocks for unlock defender v1 for win 10 and older w11, as knowing m$ they will probably slip it into all defender's, it not hurt as the os will ignore it if not present.

    Added the new defender telemetry code for unlock defender v1 too.

    158 BT11 uploaded for beta testers. :)
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  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #10982 mxman2k, Jun 12, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2024
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    That the code I originally used but it fails under compiled 64 bit. Or a slight variation of it.

    I used a dll type call for the featureset in the code that works on 64 compiled.

    I not use that _winapi function/include in autoit which has a 15 numbers limited set. My code uses about 32.

    That routine with the bitshift functions is what failing on 64bit compiled. No idea why it not like being compiled.

    For popcnt if the sse4.1 or sse4.2 is present then popcnt is too as it appears any cpu with those features has that too. Or any cpu after 2008 has popcnt.
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Uploaded 158 BT12 for beta testers :)

    Updated the SSDTweaks option to be better at detecting if a SSD/HDD is present as newer Nvme's could fool the original detection routine and not set the SSD tweaks properly.

    Few other little option code updates to cover the latest insider/general builds as needed.
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  5. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    With regard to the gui qt and the cpu ext feature routine, I have been playing about with the original code to work out how it all operates.

    I'm sure I have found the reason it crashes out with no error is that when compiled as a 64 bit exe it gets all confused with the memory allocation for the assembly/machine code part, under 32bit it allocates about 4kb for a memory buffer, when compiled as 64bit it's a whopping 4tb and I have no idea how to prevent it. There is a error of sorts returned to the console which relates to cannot write to address. Which is obvious as a normal pc won't have 4tb of ram floating about!

    I had another go at the routine so I could have just a single exe but even with the less brilliant cpu feature set code I wrote for the 64bit exe I hit another issue in that winsat scores don't return properly for some reason. Plus some registry reads return nothing, for that problem I may have a idea to fix. It may take a while as my time is limited for a few days again.

    If I can work out how to read the winsat scores under wmi (not via a wmic cmd script as it is now) in autoit properly then I can just have one qt exe which is easier to maintain.
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  6. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2018
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #10990 mxman2k, Jun 16, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    Uploaded MRP158-BT14 and GUI_QT v1.03-RC11 (+64bit) for beta testers. :)

    MRP = Updated the hide search icon on taskbar as m$ sneaked in two new registry entries for latest w11 builds. Uses policy edits so it may not be as simple as a slide switch to turn back on.

    Gui QT = tweaked the Winsat Scores routine to use the registry instead of unreliable WMI (which only worked in 64bit mode???) - this works ok in either mode, may need a bit of tweaking as time goes on but it seems to be ok. :)

    For the Winsat routine i have tried to test for many errors and return N/A but as usual i could miss one or two when the Winsat formal type commands have not been previously run so the scores would be invalid. Hopefully caught 99% of them :p
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  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #10991 mxman2k, Jun 16, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    Something i must of changed in the GUI_QT as the standard (x86 compiled exe) works fully on Vista x64 and not crash out!! I get the full CPU Feature set now ??

                                                 Query Tool GUI v1.03-RC11
    Log Date {UTC}: 06/16/2024 -- 16:26 {24-hour}
    Some results may be shortened to fit the output stage, such as RAM information or storage drive names.
    This is the postable report that does not contain full serial or sensitive information.
    GUI Font Used : Lucida Console Size: 11
                                                 Operating System Information
    Installation Type               : N/A
    Name                            : Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business
    Edition Name {Registry}         : Business
    Composition Name {Registry}     : N/A
    OS/CPU Architecture             : CPU and OS is 64 bit
    Build                           : 6.0.6002
    Initial Full Build Information  : 6002.18005.amd64fre.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830
    Build Branch                    : N/A
    Setup/Install Locale            : English (United States)
    GeoID Nation ISO Location       : United Kingdom
    Current Keyboard Language       : English - United Kingdom {2057}
    Current Keyboard Name           : Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
    Number of Function Keys         : 12
    Keyboard Description            : Standard PS/2 Keyboard
    Installed/Available Languages   : en-US
    Stock Keeping Unit {SKU}        : 6
    Experience Pack                 : N/A
    Installation Date/Time {UTC}    : 04/26/2024 at 6:30 AM
    Last Boot Up Date/Time {UTC}    : 06/16/2024 at 16:9 PM
    Product ID                      : 89584-OEM-7332141-00232  {Extended: 89584-00146-321-400232-02-2057-6002.0000-1172024}
    Time Zone Data                  : GMT Standard Time
    Hours offset from GMT           : 1
    Daylight Saving In Effect       : Yes
    Daylight Adjust Clock Mode      : Enabled/Checked
    Upgrade or Clean Installation   : Clean
    Previous OS Upgraded From       : N/A
    StorageSense Policy             : N/A on this OS
    Number of Licensed Users        : 1
    Data Execution Prevention       : OptIn/Default {Ref: 2}
    DEP Available                   : Yes
    DEP 32Bit Applications          : Yes
    DEP Drivers                     : Yes
    DEP Support Policy              : Enabled for OS Kernel, essential binaries and all Windows-based Services.
    Clipboard History Service       : N/A on this OS
    Clipboard History               : N/A on this OS
    Allow Cross Device History      : N/A on this OS
    Allow Clipboard History         : N/A on this OS
    Current Power Policy Used       : Home/Office Desk
    Power Plans Available           : Balanced Only {Others may be 'hidden'}
    Current Active Power Plan       : Balanced
    Long File Paths Enabled         : N/A
    Part of a Domain                : No
    Domain/Device Role              : Standalone Workstation {0}
    Portable OS {Win to Go}         : N/A
    Feature Update Status           : N/A on this OS
    Quality Update Status           : N/A on this OS
    WSH Availability Status         : Windows Scripting Host is not restricted. {All Users}
    WSH 'DisplayLogo' Value         : Enabled {1} [All Users]
    HVCI Protection Status          : N/A
    Download Over Metered Internet  : Undefined
    Exclude Drivers from MS/WU      : Undefined
    Pointing Device {Mouse}         : PS/2 Compatible Mouse
    Hypervisor Present/Installed    : WMI object 'HypervisorPresent' is not present on this OS
    Virtual Machine Data            : This computer does not appear to be a virtual machine
    Shipped with Reserved 7GB       : N/A
    Dirty Shutdown Count            : N/A
    VL/KMS Capable/Permitted        : Yes
    KMS Activation In Use           : No
    Win7 ESU {POS7} Patch {exp}     : Not required on this OS
    Windows Key 1 Installed         : H9MQD (Last 5 digits shown)
    Windows DpID4 Installed         : H9MQD (Last 5 digits shown)
    Windows Default Installed       : MRW4W (Last 5 digits shown)
    Windows Default4 Installed      : MRW4W (Last 5 digits shown)
    TPM Information                 : Active : N/A, Enabled : N/A, Owned : N/A, Version : N/A, Vendor : N/A
    =============== Windows 11 Checks ===============
    Checked for W11 Target Upgrade  : No
    Target Build Number             : N/A
    Device is OEM Specific          : N/A
    DirectX 12 Detected             : N/A
    Device is Genuine               : N/A
    Touch Capable Hardware          : N/A
    Upgrade Experience {1}          : N/A
    Upgrade Experience {2}          : N/A
    Upgrade Fail Reason{s}          : N/A
    Bypass TPM Check                : N/A
    Bypass Secure Boot Check        : N/A
    Bypass RAM Check                : N/A
    Allow W11 WU Upgrade            : N/A
    CompatTelRunner.exe {Appraiser} : Process is not running. {File is not present in C:\Windows\System32}
    If 'N/A' is shown then the data may not of been fully compiled by the OS or via WU yet.
    When Fail Reason's are listed then they are not compatible and will be blocked for the upgrade.
    If any Upgrade Experience's are listed as 'Orange' then they will require attention to pass the OS checks.
    If CompatTelRunner.exe is prevented from running then the W11 checks will not be performed.
                                      Booted System Drive Partition Information
    Drive Type                      : Non SSD
    BUS Type                        : Parallel ATA {PATA}
    Total Space                     : 237.94 GB
    Free Space                      : 219.61 GB
    Partition Type                  : MBR
    Firmware Boot Type              : Unknown State
    Secure Boot Status              : N/A
    File System                     : NTFS
    System Drive Letter             : C:
    Bitlocker Protection Status     : Volume C: is not protected by BitLocker {0}.
    Interface Information           : What mode an interface is in
    IDE Controller Mode             : Advanced Host Controller Interface {AHCI}
    SCSI Controller Mode            : Small Computer System Interface {SCSI}
    Disk and Partition Information  : Driveletter | Disk #, Partition # | Model Name {50 Chars max} | Size 'GB'
    \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0                C: | Disk #0, Partition #0 | SAMSUNG MZ7LN256HAJQ-000L2 ATA Device              | 237.94 GB
    \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2                F: | Disk #2, Partition #0 | SanDisk Ultra USB Device                           | 14.53 GB
    Drive letters/Partitions are shown as they are defined via the connected ports in the BIOS.
    Partitions without Drive letters assigned are not shown.
                                              Memory Information                                                    
    Total Physical                  : 8276804 KB (7.89 GB)
    Available Physical              : 7097484 KB (6.77 GB)
    Total Page Size                 : 16607936 KB (15.84 GB)
    Available Page Size             : 15536912 KB (14.82 GB)
    Total Virtual Size              : 4194176 KB (4 GB)
    Available Virtual               : 4059412 KB (3.87 GB)
    Memory Type                     : The Memory Type could not be identified on this OS
    Memory Error Correction         : Non-ECC
    Memory Slots Fitted             : 2
    Memory Slots Used               : 2
    Memory Slots Free               : 0
    Motherboard's Max Memory        : 16777216 KB (16 GB}
    DIMM Information {First Eight}  : DIMM0 4096MB @ 1600MHz
                                      DIMM1 4096MB @ 1333MHz
                                              Graphics Information                                                  
    Adaptor Name                    : Standard VGA Graphics Adapter
    Adaptor DACType                 : N/A
    Adaptor Driver Information      : 6.0.6001.18000 {2008/01/21}
    Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes}   : N/A
    Adaptor Status                  : Active
    Adaptor Name                    : Not Detected
    Adaptor DACType                 : N/A
    Adaptor Driver Information      : N/A
    Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes}   : N/A
    Adaptor Status                  : Inactive
    Virtual Desktop Resolution      : 1366 x 768
    Bits Per Pixel                  : N/A
    Video Mode Description          : N/A
    WinSAT Scores/Status            : {Via Registry}
    Processor          : N/A
    Memory             : N/A
    Desktop Graphics   : N/A
    D3D Gaming         : N/A
    Primary Hard Drive : N/A
    Base Score Rating  : N/A
    No assessment available. Run 'WinSAT Formal' from a command/PS prompt.
    Some values may not be accurate due to 32 bit API limitations.
    VRam does not include any 'Shared' or 'Dynamically' allocated memory.
                                            Network Adaptor Information                                            
                                              Processor 1 Information                                              
    Name                            : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    Architecture  {Bits}            : 64
    L2 Cache Size {MB}              : 256
    L3 Cache Size {MB}              : 3072
    Current / Max Speed {MHz}       : 1900 / 2601 {Not Turbo Speed}
    Physical Cores                  : 2
    Logical Cores                   : 4
    Processor Id                    : 0xBFEBFBFF000306A9
    Virtualization Mode             : Query not present on this OS
    Manufacturer                    : GenuineIntel [Intel]
    Description                     : Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
    Motherboard Connection          : U3E1
    OS Loaded Microcode Revision    : 0x0000000012000000
    Bios Microcode Revision         : 0x0000000012000000
    Processor Family                : 205
    Sockets/CPU's Present           : 1
    Feature Set                     : 0x0000000020193FFE
    Motherboard Connection is based on a OS internal database, MS may not have updated it.
    Microcode registry values are converted from binary to hexadecimal, not reliable for all devices.
                                                 DMI/BIOS Information                                              
    System Manufacturer             : TOSHIBA
    System Product Name             : SATELLITE PRO L850-1ER
    BaseBoard Manufacturer          : Type2 - Board Vendor Name1
    BaseBoard Product               : Type2 - Board Product Name1
    BaseBoard Version               : Type2 - Board Version
    PC System Type                  : Mobile {2}
    UEFI Certification{s}           : None detected
    Secure Boot Revocation Fix      : Unable to test for Secure Boot Revocation
    BIOS Vendor                     : Insyde Corp.
    BIOS Release Date               : 06/20/2012
    BIOS Version                    : 1.50
    Primary BIOS                    : Yes
    SMBIOS Present                  : Yes
    SMBIOS Version                  : 2.7
    SLIC/BIOS Data                  : TOSASU - 100
    Valid SLIC Name                 : Toshiba
    Possible Brand Theme            : Toshiba {System Manufacturer}
    SLIC Table Status               : Valid marker present {2.1}
    Emulated SLIC                   : Not Detected
    MSDM Key Description            : No MSDM key Description found
    MSDM Key Detected               : Not Present
    MSDM Key OS Version/Edition     : N/A
                                              Miscellaneous Information                                            
    Which MRP Version Used          : N/A
    Wallpaper Style                 : Stretch image to display resolution
    Current Theme Used              : N/A
    Installed Dot Net Frameworks    : 2.0  3.0
    Installed Powershell Versions   : N/A
    Windows Activation Status       : Activated
    Windows Licence Reason          : No critical issues found
    Windows Product Key Channel     : OEM SLP {OEM_SLP} {R:INS}
    Device has KMS Enabled          : No
    KMS Auto Renewal (hook)         : No
    MS Office {MSI/Traditional}     : Not Detected
    C2R MS Office                   : Not Detected
    C2R Excluded Apps               : N/A
    C2R Last Update Channel         : N/A
    C2R Office Activation Status    : N/A
    C2R Partial Product Key         : N/A
    Office Reason Information       : No reason information to show/No Issues
    Office MAK/KMS Information      : No MAK or KMS activation detected
                                                 Security Information                                              
    Defender Tamper Protection      : Disabled
    Defender TProtection Exclusions : Disabled
    Defender Service Status         : Auto
    Defender Code Integrity Mode    : N/A
    Defender Credential Guard       : N/A
    Windows Firewall Service State  : Running {Reg: Auto}
    Security Product Name{s}        : {If detected}
    Windows Defender - Disabled and not updated.
                                                  End of Report
                                                 Query Tool GUI v1.03-RC11-x64
    Log Date {UTC}: 06/16/2024 -- 16:29 {24-hour}
    Some results may be shortened to fit the output stage, such as RAM information or storage drive names.
    This is the postable report that does not contain full serial or sensitive information.
    GUI Font Used : Lucida Console Size: 11
                                                 Operating System Information
    Installation Type               : N/A
    Name                            : Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business
    Edition Name {Registry}         : Business
    Composition Name {Registry}     : N/A
    OS/CPU Architecture             : CPU and OS is 64 bit
    Build                           : 6.0.6002
    Initial Full Build Information  : 6002.18005.amd64fre.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830
    Build Branch                    : N/A
    Setup/Install Locale            : English (United States)
    GeoID Nation ISO Location       : United Kingdom
    Current Keyboard Language       : English - United Kingdom {2057}
    Current Keyboard Name           : Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
    Number of Function Keys         : 12
    Keyboard Description            : Standard PS/2 Keyboard
    Installed/Available Languages   : en-US
    Stock Keeping Unit {SKU}        : 6
    Experience Pack                 : N/A
    Installation Date/Time {UTC}    : 04/26/2024 at 6:30 AM
    Last Boot Up Date/Time {UTC}    : 06/16/2024 at 16:9 PM
    Product ID                      : 89584-OEM-7332141-00232  {Extended: 89584-00146-321-400232-02-2057-6002.0000-1172024}
    Time Zone Data                  : GMT Standard Time
    Hours offset from GMT           : 1
    Daylight Saving In Effect       : Yes
    Daylight Adjust Clock Mode      : Enabled/Checked
    Upgrade or Clean Installation   : Clean
    Previous OS Upgraded From       : N/A
    StorageSense Policy             : N/A on this OS
    Number of Licensed Users        : 1
    Data Execution Prevention       : OptIn/Default {Ref: 2}
    DEP Available                   : Yes
    DEP 32Bit Applications          : Yes
    DEP Drivers                     : Yes
    DEP Support Policy              : Enabled for OS Kernel, essential binaries and all Windows-based Services.
    Clipboard History Service       : N/A on this OS
    Clipboard History               : N/A on this OS
    Allow Cross Device History      : N/A on this OS
    Allow Clipboard History         : N/A on this OS
    Current Power Policy Used       : Home/Office Desk
    Power Plans Available           : Balanced Only {Others may be 'hidden'}
    Current Active Power Plan       : Balanced
    Long File Paths Enabled         : N/A
    Part of a Domain                : No
    Domain/Device Role              : Standalone Workstation {0}
    Portable OS {Win to Go}         : N/A
    Feature Update Status           : N/A on this OS
    Quality Update Status           : N/A on this OS
    WSH Availability Status         : Windows Scripting Host is not restricted. {All Users}
    WSH 'DisplayLogo' Value         : Enabled {1} [All Users]
    HVCI Protection Status          : N/A
    Download Over Metered Internet  : Undefined
    Exclude Drivers from MS/WU      : Undefined
    Pointing Device {Mouse}         : PS/2 Compatible Mouse
    Hypervisor Present/Installed    : WMI object 'HypervisorPresent' is not present on this OS
    Virtual Machine Data            : This computer does not appear to be a virtual machine
    Shipped with Reserved 7GB       : N/A
    Dirty Shutdown Count            : N/A
    VL/KMS Capable/Permitted        : Yes
    KMS Activation In Use           : No
    Win7 ESU {POS7} Patch {exp}     : Not required on this OS
    Windows Key 1 Installed         : H9MQD (Last 5 digits shown)
    Windows DpID4 Installed         : H9MQD (Last 5 digits shown)
    Windows Default Installed       : MRW4W (Last 5 digits shown)
    Windows Default4 Installed      : MRW4W (Last 5 digits shown)
    TPM Information                 : Active : N/A, Enabled : N/A, Owned : N/A, Version : N/A, Vendor : N/A
    =============== Windows 11 Checks ===============
    Checked for W11 Target Upgrade  : No
    Target Build Number             : N/A
    Device is OEM Specific          : N/A
    DirectX 12 Detected             : N/A
    Device is Genuine               : N/A
    Touch Capable Hardware          : N/A
    Upgrade Experience {1}          : N/A
    Upgrade Experience {2}          : N/A
    Upgrade Fail Reason{s}          : N/A
    Bypass TPM Check                : N/A
    Bypass Secure Boot Check        : N/A
    Bypass RAM Check                : N/A
    Allow W11 WU Upgrade            : N/A
    CompatTelRunner.exe {Appraiser} : Process is not running. {File is not present in C:\Windows\System32}
    If 'N/A' is shown then the data may not of been fully compiled by the OS or via WU yet.
    When Fail Reason's are listed then they are not compatible and will be blocked for the upgrade.
    If any Upgrade Experience's are listed as 'Orange' then they will require attention to pass the OS checks.
    If CompatTelRunner.exe is prevented from running then the W11 checks will not be performed.
                                      Booted System Drive Partition Information
    Drive Type                      : Non SSD
    BUS Type                        : Parallel ATA {PATA}
    Total Space                     : 237.94 GB
    Free Space                      : 219.61 GB
    Partition Type                  : MBR
    Firmware Boot Type              : Legacy/MBR Mode {R:1}
    Secure Boot Status              : N/A
    File System                     : NTFS
    System Drive Letter             : C:
    Bitlocker Protection Status     : Volume C: is not protected by BitLocker {0}.
    Interface Information           : What mode an interface is in
    IDE Controller Mode             : Advanced Host Controller Interface {AHCI}
    SCSI Controller Mode            : Small Computer System Interface {SCSI}
    Disk and Partition Information  : Driveletter | Disk #, Partition # | Model Name {50 Chars max} | Size 'GB'
    \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0                C: | Disk #0, Partition #0 | SAMSUNG MZ7LN256HAJQ-000L2 ATA Device              | 237.94 GB
    \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2                F: | Disk #2, Partition #0 | SanDisk Ultra USB Device                           | 14.53 GB
    Drive letters/Partitions are shown as they are defined via the connected ports in the BIOS.
    Partitions without Drive letters assigned are not shown.
                                              Memory Information                                                    
    Total Physical                  : 8276804 KB (7.89 GB)
    Available Physical              : 7315720 KB (6.98 GB)
    Total Page Size                 : 16607936 KB (15.84 GB)
    Available Page Size             : 15758316 KB (15.03 GB)
    Total Virtual Size              : 8589934464 KB (8192 GB)
    Available Virtual               : 8589769164 KB (8191.84 GB)
    Memory Type                     : The Memory Type could not be identified on this OS
    Memory Error Correction         : Non-ECC
    Memory Slots Fitted             : 2
    Memory Slots Used               : 2
    Memory Slots Free               : 0
    Motherboard's Max Memory        : 16777216 KB (16 GB}
    DIMM Information {First Eight}  : DIMM0 4096MB @ 1600MHz
                                      DIMM1 4096MB @ 1333MHz
                                              Graphics Information                                                  
    Adaptor Name                    : Standard VGA Graphics Adapter
    Adaptor DACType                 : N/A
    Adaptor Driver Information      : 6.0.6001.18000 {2008/01/21}
    Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes}   : N/A
    Adaptor Status                  : Active
    Adaptor Name                    : Not Detected
    Adaptor DACType                 : N/A
    Adaptor Driver Information      : N/A
    Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes}   : N/A
    Adaptor Status                  : Inactive
    Virtual Desktop Resolution      : 1366 x 768
    Bits Per Pixel                  : N/A
    Video Mode Description          : N/A
    WinSAT Scores/Status            : {Via Registry}
    Processor          : N/A
    Memory             : N/A
    Desktop Graphics   : N/A
    D3D Gaming         : N/A
    Primary Hard Drive : N/A
    Base Score Rating  : N/A
    No assessment available. Run 'WinSAT Formal' from a command/PS prompt.
    Some values may not be accurate due to 32 bit API limitations.
    VRam does not include any 'Shared' or 'Dynamically' allocated memory.
                                            Network Adaptor Information                                            
                                              Processor 1 Information                                              
    Name                            : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    Architecture  {Bits}            : 64
    L2 Cache Size {MB}              : 256
    L3 Cache Size {MB}              : 3072
    Current / Max Speed {MHz}       : 2300 / 2601 {Not Turbo Speed}
    Physical Cores                  : 2
    Logical Cores                   : 4
    Processor Id                    : 0xBFEBFBFF000306A9
    Virtualization Mode             : Query not present on this OS
    Manufacturer                    : GenuineIntel [Intel]
    Description                     : Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
    Motherboard Connection          : U3E1
    OS Loaded Microcode Revision    : 0x0000000012000000
    Bios Microcode Revision         : 0x0000000012000000
    Processor Family                : 205
    Sockets/CPU's Present           : 1
    Feature Set                     : 0x0000000020193FFE
    cmpxchg SSE RDTSC PAE SSE2 NX SSE3 cmpxchg16b POPCNT
    Under full x64 operation the CPU Feature set may not be complete.
    Motherboard Connection is based on a OS internal database, MS may not have updated it.
    Microcode registry values are converted from binary to hexadecimal, not reliable for all devices.
                                                 DMI/BIOS Information                                              
    System Manufacturer             : TOSHIBA
    System Product Name             : SATELLITE PRO L850-1ER
    BaseBoard Manufacturer          : Type2 - Board Vendor Name1
    BaseBoard Product               : Type2 - Board Product Name1
    BaseBoard Version               : Type2 - Board Version
    PC System Type                  : Mobile {2}
    UEFI Certification{s}           : Legacy Mode enabled unable to detect
    Secure Boot Revocation Fix      : Unable to test for Secure Boot Revocation
    BIOS Vendor                     : Insyde Corp.
    BIOS Release Date               : 06/20/2012
    BIOS Version                    : 1.50
    Primary BIOS                    : Yes
    SMBIOS Present                  : Yes
    SMBIOS Version                  : 2.7
    SLIC/BIOS Data                  : TOSASU - 100
    Valid SLIC Name                 : Toshiba
    Possible Brand Theme            : Toshiba {System Manufacturer}
    SLIC Table Status               : Valid marker present {2.1}
    Emulated SLIC                   : Not Detected
    MSDM Key Description            : No MSDM key Description found
    MSDM Key Detected               : Not Present
    MSDM Key OS Version/Edition     : N/A
                                              Miscellaneous Information                                            
    Which MRP Version Used          : N/A
    Wallpaper Style                 : Stretch image to display resolution
    Current Theme Used              : N/A
    Installed Dot Net Frameworks    : 2.0  3.0
    Installed Powershell Versions   : N/A
    Windows Activation Status       : Activated
    Windows Licence Reason          : No critical issues found
    Windows Product Key Channel     : OEM SLP {OEM_SLP} {R:INS}
    Device has KMS Enabled          : No
    KMS Auto Renewal (hook)         : No
    MS Office {MSI/Traditional}     : Not Detected
    C2R MS Office                   : Not Detected
    C2R Excluded Apps               : N/A
    C2R Last Update Channel         : N/A
    C2R Office Activation Status    : N/A
    C2R Partial Product Key         : N/A
    Office Reason Information       : No reason information to show/No Issues
    Office MAK/KMS Information      : No MAK or KMS activation detected
                                                 Security Information                                              
    Defender Tamper Protection      : Disabled
    Defender TProtection Exclusions : Disabled
    Defender Service Status         : Auto
    Defender Code Integrity Mode    : N/A
    Defender Credential Guard       : N/A
    Windows Firewall Service State  : Running {Reg: Auto}
    Security Product Name{s}        : {If detected}
    Windows Defender - Disabled and not updated.
                                                  End of Report
    Winsat registry reads fail on Vista - but that not a major issue.

    Other registry reads look ok now too on both exe's - which failed before on x86 exe

    If all stays this way i will just have the one (x86 exe) instead of two to look after :)
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Have uploaded Gui_tool v1.03-RC12 for beta testers :)

    The Winsat scores will use WMIC, if available, if not then it will attempt to use the registry method. For vista it should work again as WMIC is available on that OS, unlike w10/11 where m$ seem to remove it and offer as a 'addon' later..
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Uploaded MRP 158-BT15 for beta testers :)

    Updated the UnlockDefender(v1/2) routine(s) to disable some defender tasks. You can easily revert those if you wish via the Task Scheduler, it just prevents any possible telemetry going out.

    Updated the Hide Search Icon option code, this covers later changes in win 10/11 CU updates which could prevent MRP's original code from operating as intended, this still uses policy edits which will grey out the unhide option in Taskbar settings. So use this option wisely, if enough call later i will write a revert script to reverse the policy edits so that the user can use the slider in Taskbar settings again to select hide/unhide again.
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  11. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Working on and testing a possible new option for mrp.

    Add_defrag_optimize drive context menu, this will be for win 10/11 only as it uses some pshell code that probably won't be available for older os's.

    Select from analyse or optimise a single drive or optimise all drives. It will either defrag or trim depending on the device detected so no defrag by mistake harm for ssds.

    The main action parts work but just working out the auto translation side for the ct menu.

    Once sorted the translations then I will commit the option into the project properly and upload for beta testers.
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  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I did have another that I was asked about if possible, to switch between light and dark modes by a ct menu.

    Sadly that was put aside for now as it was unreliable as sometimes it would not switch modes correctly so you got part was switched like system was changed but not explorer or apps etc.

    That may not get added as I can't seem to get it to switch system and apps as a single switch. I'm guessing because ms has altered something in later ui changes or the kernel.
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  13. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2018
  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #11000 mxman2k, Jun 20, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    158 bt16 will be uploaded tomorrow as got call out to help a friend so not had time to compile it all.

    I managed to add the optimise option into the creator but not able to finish off the project files to up load for beta testing.

    I'm pretty confident I have the auto translation parts sorted.

    BT 16 delayed as trying to work out how to filter any non fixed drives as at moment you can select a dvd drive and try to optimise etc and get an error. Need to ignore those type of drives.

    I know it something to do with 'appliesto' registry entry and with a 'NOT' parameter of some sort but can't work out what is needed.
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