I know server is a new area to me, last time I was working properly with one was server 2003 version which I still have the original dvds for. I have played with s2016 for a bit but not as a usable setup ie file serving etc. I just made sure mrp branded properly. But as server's are specialised beasts if a option is causing major issues I would feel better just disabling that option when a non client editon is detected. Last thing I want is to screw up someone's server set up with a faulty option. Thanks for letting me know.
When i get on pc tomorrow I will adjust mrp to auto disable the 'prevent Telemetry' option when a server Edition is detected.
Ok. I will mention in the creator for that telemetry option that it could cause issues for some server installations in some scenarios. That way the user can make the choice. It not affect non server Editions.
That's much better. Force-disabling it for all would be a Microsoft move, and you don't want to be like Microsoft, right?
Mrp is for the users of the project, I do my best to keep it up to date with latest ms updates that counteract the tweaks available.
It's because there are still users of the project that's why I continue to keep coding. 8 yrs ago (2016) I took over the helm , never thought I still be the developer for it. There has been a few times I nearly was forced to give up due to medical issues. But here I still am I can remember being told that servers was awkward and not like being branded like non server Editions, but I took on the challenge and with help from the users who took time to test my many attempts to get mrp to brand a server , it finally got it sorted. It still can be fussy on some pre s2016 builds with theme bits. But later servers seem to be a bit more easier.
Client OS is a mess itself bet but servers has to be even more messed up. I can only guess tho. You're medical issues must be a s**tshow sometimes also
Windows as a whole is a mess, update problems I've seen etc. Health wise at times it can be nitemare with various medical appointments, getting paperwork ready for insurance etc.
Next week is one of those busy ones, have occupational therapist visit on Monday to assess my home and housing requirements , Tuesday physiotherapy for my back, Wednesday a nhs check in call I have every week to make sure I'm taking medications etc, Thursday a department of work and pensions visit to help fill in disability forms and Friday a visit to the vampire for 4 blood tests.
Have uploaded MTP 159 BT12 for beta testers Updated Creator's option 'Prevent Telemetry' so that it informs the user that it can cause issues with Server and possibly LTSx/Enterprise OS deployment. Will investigate the event logging issue soon.
@tcntad , I have had a look into the telemetry routine and i not see anything that should turn off the event logging in the OS Do you know the registry area and/or the service(s) name(s) that are affected which you need to set back to auto/1/on ? I see a lot of 'WMI\Autologger' ones like AITEnable etc i have set to disable.. But i see no actual service names such as 'eventlog' disabled. Any help pinpointing the area(s) either in the registry, SchTasks etc will help me hopefully fix the issue with Server's so they are not set in the Prevent Telemetry option when a server or if needed a specific edition is detected, i can set flags so that those areas are untouched/default which affect the logging side. The Telemetry routine is now quite extensive as it has grown over the past few months with all the new ms additions...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\WMI\Autologger \EventLog-Application \EventLog-Security \EventLog-System Had to have "Start" value set to 1 EventLog-Security was the one I had to add permission for admin user/group. Otherwise Eventlog woudnt start and I'd get "Error 4201: The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider"
I bet its just another MS thing and I cant seem to remember or find where I got the solution from, probably MS community or Spiceworks community. Im not sure its a telemetry thing beacuse permissions are removed