Will look at code tomorrow as I am sure I added a option to allow Spotlight. But I know I not got anything to remove it only disable it.
It will probably be late tomorrow afternoon/early evening GMT when I get around to using the laptop. I remember something about Spotlight ages ago.
Thank you. Your project is awesome! I've been using it for many years. Now I decided to contribute as much as possible. After the new year I'll be freer, I can update the OEM wallpaper for vendors.
@tcntad There was a 'allow spotlight' option but i disabled it as it failed to work properly. But i think i found the other option that affects spotlight and probably causes the disabled spotlight issues with win11. On the creator, check out the [win1x {2}] tab -- there is the 'Disable cloud optimized content...' (4th up from bottom of first list) -- unselect that option as it seems to affect spotlight. Sadly the downside to not using this option you could have adverts sneaking on the taskbar etc... I not want to re-enable the 'allow spotlight' option as it causes some weird issues with Store and any usage of apps of any kind due to something regarding content delivery.
Much appreciated, I'll try that one, thanks! I can live with unticking that box, in EU/Sweden we dont have ads like thats Although, what are changes made when ticking that box?
From.memory that option basically switches off the known content delivery bits to stop sneaky adverts on start and taskbar. It's been a while so I'm guessing but the code has quite a few of those delivery registry items. Not near my laptop until a couple of hours so can't be exact in my explanation.
I bet its a few regkeys and some GPO, I can live with having that box unticked I guess but I'd like to find more detailed info Could it be this one only? [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent] "DisableCloudOptimizedContent"=dword:00000001
When I get on laptop I will.pm you the code block. It might help pin point the spotlight issue. Be roughly 2 hrs.
In Win1 X1 from the bottom I dont have that but on Win1 x2 I have "Disable Cloud Optimized Content on Taskbar" which isnt ticked. But I'll check that regkey
With w11 it seems like a cat and mouse runaround. Sort one issue and end up with several other effects after.
Hmm if that the case I am unsure why Spotlight not working or available as I'm sure that is the only other option that could affect Spotlight delivery.
With w11 it has got ridiculous in that things are linked together in such a way to switch off or remove one bit can affect many other parts too. I can understand compartmentalising but all eggs in one basket isn't the best approach and for such a complex thing as a operation system it's walking on thin ice, because it could come back to bite m$ on the rear.
Need to fix a small error in the oobe.cmd for the beta testers. Missed a 'rem' statement so it could cause the cmd to fail. Thanks @migascalp for letting me know. Will also explain the 'other' scripts option in oobe.cmd clearer. *EDIT* Fixed above errors Re-uploaded beta RC4 archive.