I can't remember, when I get on laptop later I will look, I know I not added it in as a selectable option yet. Just got back from a couple of nights in hospital , flare up of my condition due to cold air outside. Only walked to local shop too. Got in felt OK then a few minutes later I'm struggling to breathe and a painful chest, paramedics checked heart etc all ok. But they decided to take me hospital to be sure lungs not obstructed.
I found some pshell code to change long/short date which I found on my phone which I must of stored there ages ago. I think the format is for gb below. Code: Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -Name sShortDate -Value "dd.MM.yyyy" Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -name sLongDate -value "dd.MM.yyyy"
I think I not added in to mrp as it was awkward to get selectors right in the creator plus I not wanted to cause mistakes. It may have to be a manually added user's own tweak to match their locale etc.