Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    22:40:49,44 Error, no supported Windows edition found.

    Think because that SKU (edition) isn't supported, it is bypassing the branding. *edit* technically it should of still branded it?

    Server SKU's {editions} are not supported because the theme manager is usually off by default, as i not know much about the LTSB versions i assumed they was same as server versions.

    Looking through the script it should give the not supported edition error, (as it did) but then go to DMI check which it did also, yet it didn't pick up on any of the DMI entries! :g::confused:

    I know it brands for Core(home) and Pro editions as i did a VM test with a clone DMI info for that HP.

    I think Mr.X had a likewise problem with a CoreConnectedSingleLanguage sku? When i added it in the project as a sku check it then branded the computer correctly.

    As it getting late here in the UK i will have a look tomorrow and pm you a new link to try as i don't have any LTSB ISO's only Education, (which does brand ok).

    Will add the EnterpriseSN SKU for your beta test and see if that will sort the branding... There are a few new SKU's that are not within the project checklist that possibly can be added even if for branding only.
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  2. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    #102 apologized, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    okey i will other edition like SL
    i know that PRO CORE ENT works very good with this project that's why i choose other edition
    thanks ;)

    SingleLang Work fine ;

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161125-r28beta 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure is OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 28/11/2016 
     2:48:32,61 Defined Windows 10 Home Single Language x86 version found. 
     2:48:32,62 Defined CoreSingleLanguage edition found. 
     2:48:33,56 Build Version: 14393.0.x86fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 
     2:48:33,97 Defined HP [#4] manufacture found for theme branding. 
     2:48:34,17 No OEM-DM key detected. 
     2:48:34,17 Force theme text file not present. 
     2:48:42,14 System Product Name = HPE-410fr found and applied successfully.
     2:48:42,14 Backgrounds folder created successfully. 
     2:48:50,14 Deletion of OOBE.xml file successful.  
     2:48:50,14 User.bmp backed-up and replaced successfully.  
     2:48:50,14 User.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
     2:48:50,14 User-40.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
     2:48:50,14 User-32.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
     2:48:50,16 User-48.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
     2:48:50,16 User-192.png backed-up and replaced successfully. 
     2:48:50,16 Img105.jpg backed-up and replaced successfully. 
     2:48:50,19 Theme backed-up and replaced successfully. 
     2:48:50,20 Img100.jpg backed-up and replaced successfully. 
     2:48:58,11 Advanced logon screen for Windows 10 enabled successfully.
     2:48:58,11 Info folder created successfully. 
     2:48:58,11 Files moved to System32\oobe\Info folder successfully. 
     2:49:06,19 Cleanup reg entry added successfully.
     2:49:06,19 Installation script has completed successfully.
     2:50:01,04 Windows 10 login user picture reg entry successfully applied. 
     2:50:01,15 Found defaultuser0, attempting to remove folder and fix reg entry. 
     2:50:01,43 Removal of defaultuser0 folder successful. 
     2:50:01,70 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR. 
     2:50:01,70 Device is connected to the Internet. 
     2:50:02,65 License Status: Error, not licensed. 
     2:50:02,67 Cleanup script has completed successfully. 
    ============================= Windows 10 Users =============================  
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the user/logon background pictures to finalize.         
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The current Editions (SKU's) MRP has in the checklist are:

    Connected, CoreSingleLanguage, CoreConnectedSingleLanguage, SingleLanguage, Core, CoreConnected

    Education, Enterprise, EnterpriseSN, EnterpriseS, Professional, ProfessionalWMC

    Ultimate, Business, HomePremium, HomeBasic, Starter

    Those in bold have been added recently.

    Will need to obtain a full list of SKU's available that the project can support, apart from Server editions as if i remember those caused a few problems in the past. Mainly due to Server OS's do not have the Theme manager on by default therefore the branding would fail.

    I have added a new bit to the log file now that it will list the DMI elements after checking the SKU/Version. This will allow me to see if DMI is being processed by the installed 'OS'. Hopefully those 'unsupported' SKU's will give a clue to why branding fails, if the OS disables the WMIC DMI checks then obviously branding will fail.

    Have added a fail safe that if no brand can be defined ie DEFAULT, then skip the branding section to prevent loads of errors being shown, it will be noted in the log that Windows default theme will be used because of this.

    Soon the error checking code will be larger than the actual processing stages! :eek:
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #104 mxman2k, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
    @apologized Many thanks for your help, have as mentioned in above post now added ENT SN, will pm you link to new file to test if you can on LTSB once i have compiled and done a quick install test to see that nothing else is broken.
    @all Beta testing will continue then once these glitches are sorted, (IF!), then a new project will be uploaded. If anyone can do a server OS test, please PM me for the beta version as I would like to know if they can be supported even if in a limited way.

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  5. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    okey i'm on it &
    already do many tests on server but we find many diffucts that's why The_Guardian drop down adding server on project
    maybe if now can work on that or find something new i can help to test i had all windows edition that can be used for testing ;)
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  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    @apologized Pm sent with new beta :) fingers crossed this at the very least will help work out why the DMI was not processed on LTSB.

    The project is a bit more enhanced now so with a bit of luck it will open up new possibilities...

    Many thanks for your help with testing, much appreciated.:worthy:
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  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    No thanks button available so a HUGE thank you bro. :worthy: :D
  8. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #108 mxman2k, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
    Thank you too bro. :D

    You remember the SingleLanguage one i added for you that time?

    Did the MRP not theme that pc until i added that SKU in? I lost all my Pm's :( clicked delete all by mistake so cant refer back. :eek::mad:
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #109 mxman2k, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    For those wondering what sort of things are going on in the beta stage, below is a project.log report that now shows more information, this may look like gobbledegook to some, but it can help me work out when something goes wrong as in not branding correctly. It may change a bit during the beta stage as code gets changed/shuffled about until hit that sweet spot.
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 161128-r28b [MRP/MDL] 
    Files present and extracted successfully. 
    OEM's folder detected. 
    OEM's folder structure is OK. 
    OS Installation Date: 28/11/2016 
    13:38:00.37 Defined Windows 10 Home Single Language x64 version found.
    13:38:00.48 CoreSingleLanguage installed.
    13:38:00.54 Build Version: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616 
    DMI BIOS Information 
    #1 CS PRODUCT NAME   : [HP ENVY TS m6 Sleekbook] 
    #2 CS MODEL          : [HP ENVY TS m6 Sleekbook] 
    #4 CS VENDOR         : [HP ENVY TS m6 Sleekbook] 
    #5 CS SYSTEM MNF     : [Hewlett-Packard] 
    #6 BASEBOARD MNF     : [Hewlett-Packard] 
    #8 BIOS ID/VER       : [HPQOEM] 
    13:38:09.45 Checking for DMI conflicts... 
    13:38:09.45 Possible [HP ENVY TS m6 Sleekbook] conflict re-checking DMI [#1] resolved as [HP].  
    13:38:09.78 Defined HP [#1] manufacture found for theme branding. 
    13:38:11.73 No MSDM key detected. 
    13:38:11.73 Force theme text file not present. 
    13:38:12.42 System Product Name not defined. 
    13:38:12.42 Backgrounds folder created successfully. 
    13:38:20.18 Deletion of OOBE.xml file successful.  
    13:38:20.19 User.bmp backed-up and replaced successfully.  
    13:38:20.41 User.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
    13:38:20.44 User-40.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
    13:38:20.47 User-32.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
    13:38:20.49 User-48.png backed-up and replaced successfully.  
    13:38:20.50 User-192.png backed-up and replaced successfully. 
    13:38:20.52 Img105.jpg backed-up and replaced successfully. 
    13:38:20.89 Theme backed-up and replaced successfully. 
    13:38:21.11 Img100.jpg backed-up and replaced successfully. 
    13:38:22.19 Info folder created successfully. 
    13:38:22.28 Files moved to System32\oobe\Info folder successfully. 
    13:38:25.20 Cleanup reg entry added successfully.
    13:38:25.20 Installation script has completed successfully.
    13:38:56.57 Advanced logon screen for Windows 10 enabled sucessfully.
    13:43:56.70 Windows 10 login user picture registry entry successfully applied. 
    13:43:56.78 Found 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove folder and fix reg entry. 
    13:43:56.90 Removal of 'defaultuser0' folder successful. 
    13:43:57.12 BIOS Mode: Legacy, Partition Type: MBR. 
    13:43:57.12 Device not connected to the Internet, online activation failed. 
    13:43:59.74 License Status: Error, not licensed. 
    13:43:59.76 Cleanup script has completed successfully. 
    13:43:59.76 UserTweaks.cmd present attempting to apply. 
    13:43:59.76 UserTweaks.cmd completed. 
    ============================= Windows 10 Users =============================  
    Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible  
                 to allow the user/logon background pictures to finalize.         
    The DMI BIOS Information part can help determine if an OS is reading the DMI or has been blocked from doing so, also this shows me what id [#x] was tried etc.

    As mentioned in a previous post, if your computer has a MSDM key in the bios, it will still be applied just that the project will no longer put the key in the log file. Instead you will have a textfile called MSDM-Key.txt on your system drive next to where the project.log is saved, this file will contain your MSDM key. This makes it easier to post your log file to the thread as you no longer have to remember to edit out the key.

    Normal Vista/7 OEM PID keys will show as before, but if you use a retail key - one you bought or used from the COA label then please edit that out of the log (if it shows), before posting.
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  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    The problematic sku was CoreConnectedSingleLanguage (Win8.1)
  11. twiztidwolf

    twiztidwolf MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2009
  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The oem:Dm key for pro triggers windows 10 pro to be installed.
  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    +1 lol :tasty: :D
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    For branding enterprise installs he also could use the OEM folder (pics etcetc....) from this project combined with the System Brand Changer v1.2.2 from alphawaves, after install. This project won't activate enterprise.

    To get enterprise after installing pro he can simply enter the enterprise gVLK, the KMS activation should keep it activated.
  15. twiztidwolf

    twiztidwolf MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2009
    I figured that could be the cause but wasn't sure. So I'll try the Retail/PID and use a KMS key and see if it works if not I'll pull the project off this one.
  16. twiztidwolf

    twiztidwolf MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2009
    #116 twiztidwolf, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016
    Ok, I'll give that a try if not I'll pull the project no big deal thanks.

    Ok I tried changing the key to the gVLK and it worked so awesome. Its a few seconds and I don't have to re-image it.
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Is not the project preventing Enterprise activation, it is Microsoft activation system.
    I guess you meant a MAK key instead of KMS key, but this is out of discussion in this forum.
    What you need to install is the gVLK @Enthousiast mentioned then use MTK or KMSpico to activate.
  18. twiztidwolf

    twiztidwolf MDL Novice

    Sep 3, 2009
    All is well I used the gVLK and its fine. Also I wasn't asking about activation, only why it switched to Pro thanks for the info though. I changed the KMS server and the key and all is well.
  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Sorry a bit late to the party lol, the email notifier didn't come through til a few seconds ago.

    I was going to mention that if a MSDM key is present the project will auto install it. I am trying to find a way to only install the MSDM key IF the version being installed is for the key's edition. But that side is a bit over my head at the moment. :(

    I am downloading a LTSB iso but its sloooow, as I know it is Enterprise which the project 'supports' for branding, but the LTSB seems to not talk to the DMI side so it picks default. Just trying to find the new SKU's to enter into the checklist so MRP can brand more versions.
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  20. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I could add code to the script that if say Enterprise, (any type), is being installed to ignore the automatic MSDM key insertion as i don't think any ENT version uses MSDM?
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