As those that know me know that i dont give up that easy, i might for awhile then i come back with vengeance and sort whatever the problem is No gremlin beats me for long!
Ok just going to update first post with new password and update with new link for download as the QT v20.4 is now working as intended! Thanks to @MMIKEE for testing. Also thanks to @Enthousiast who also tested for me under win 7.
Query Tool v20.4 (Fixed Edition) is uploaded. New password within the Download spoiler on first post updated.
I take it was only QT needing the update not the project itself? Never mind, I see the project was updated today as well. Thanks sir.
Only the QT needed the correction. - phew! The main project handles .Net in a different way which is a lot simpler but cannot be used in the same way in the QT now. It is also part of the error checking to prevent the QT/MRP from malfunctioning if someone has removed the relative .net for the OS installed, (not sure why they would as it is used for a few programs).
16226 Pro en-US x64: Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170620-R59.2 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required project files extracted successfully. DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date/Time: Thu 06/22/2017 -- 04:06am [CHKOV] Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview x64 version detected. [CHKOE] Professional Edition installed. {Registry} [CHKRE] Professional Detected. {WMIC} [CHKOB] Build Version: 16226.1000.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.170616-2021 [CHKOR] Build UBR Revision: 1000 [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: en-US { 1033 [409h] } [OSLNG] OS Locale: en-US [OSLNG] OS Language Value: ENU [MBINF] Motherboard Information [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #05 CS System Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID : [DELL] [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name : [Dell] [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected. [CKDMI] Scanning BIOS for manufacture branding information. [THMOK] Dell [#11] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present. [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' has been applied. [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created. [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg file created. [RMXML] OOBE.xml file deleted. [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. [UPREP] User.png replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png replaced. [UPREP] User-32.png replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png replaced. [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. [THMRP] Dell theme has been applied. [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. [OIFCS] Oobe's info folder has been created. [OIFCS] Theme files have been transferred to oobe's info folder. [BRNOK] Branding script has completed. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started. [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data. [CMSDM] Processing MSDM Key for Edition status. [CMSDM] MSDM Key Information: Win 8 Professional MSDM [CMSDM] The MSDM key is for the Edition installed, saved and applied. [CMSDM] See C:\MSDM-Key.txt for the saved MSDM key details. [USRAC] Windows 10 Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled. [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied. [USRRO] 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the account... [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode: Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type: MBR [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI [AMCOS] Internet Connection Check: Online [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed. [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed. ================================================================================ = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible = = to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. = ================================================================================ The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed.
Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170620-R59.2 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required project files extracted successfully. DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine. Enhanced Log Mode: Activated. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date/Time: Sat 06/24/2017 -- 05:51am [CHKOV] Windows 10 Pro x86 version detected. [CHKOE] Professional Edition installed. {Registry} [CHKRE] Professional Detected. {WMIC} [CHKOB] Build Version: 15063.0.x86fre.rs2_release.170317-1834 [CHKOR] Build UBR Revision: 413 [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: en-US { 1033 [409h] } [OSLNG] OS Locale: en-US [OSLNG] OS Language Value: ENU [MBINF] Motherboard Information [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #05 CS System Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID : [INTEL] [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected. [CHKLF] Rename 'System Drive' option enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_10_Pro'. [CKDMI] Scanning BIOS for manufacture branding information. [THMOK] VMware [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. [BRND1] > Branding Extra Checks Section. [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present. [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' has been applied. [BRND2] > OEM Brand Transfer Section. [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created. [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg file created. [W8XAP] > Windows 8.x/10: User Account Picture Management Section 1. [RMXML] OOBE.xml file deleted. [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. [UPREP] User.png replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png replaced. [WXAP2] > Windows 10: User Account Picture Management Section 2. [UPREP] User-32.png replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png replaced. [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. [THMMN] > Theme Management Section. [THMRP] VMware theme has been applied. [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. [TTFS0] > Transfer Theme Files Section. [OIFCS] Oobe's info folder has been created. [OIFCS] Theme files have been transferred to oobe's info folder. [TDYUP] > Deletion of unused MRP files. [BRNOK] Branding script has completed. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started. [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data. [CMSDM] No MSDM Table/Key detected in BIOS. [ADMVM] Detected a 'Default DMI' VMware Virtual Machine. [USRAC] Windows 10 Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled. [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied. [USRRO] 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the account... [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [AMBPS] > Checking BIOS/Boot mode and System drive's partition type. [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode: Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type: MBR [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI [AMCOS] Internet Connection Check: Online [CHKLS] > Checking if Windows is activated/licensed. [CHKLS] License Status: Notification [CHKLS] Online connection or system reboot maybe required to complete activation. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed. [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed. ================================================================================ = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible = = to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. = ================================================================================ Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated. The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed. @abbodi1406 has some work to do, the used iso is made from: 15063.0.170607-1447.rs2_release_svc_refresh_clientcombinedsl_ret_x64fre_en-us_b466fb5a318ee9843ab8631720f7e4905f8fb20a.esd But converted to: 15063.0.170317-1834.RS2_RELEASE_CLIENTCOMBINEDSL_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
Win 7 NON SP1: Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170620-R59.2 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required project files extracted successfully. DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine. Enhanced Log Mode: Activated. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date/Time: zo 25-06-2017 -- 11:39pm [CHKOV] Windows 7 Home Premium x86 version detected. [CHKOE] HomePremium Edition installed. {Registry} [CHKRE] HomePremium Detected. {WMIC} [CHKOB] Build Version: 7600.16385.x86fre.win7_rtm.090713-1255 [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: nl-NL { 1043 [413h] } [OSLNG] OS Locale: nl-NL [OSLNG] OS Language Value: NLD [MBINF] Motherboard Information [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #05 CS System Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID : [DELL] [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name : [Dell] [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected. [CHKLF] Rename 'System Drive' option enabled, 'C:' changed to 'Windows_7_HPrem'. [CKDMI] Scanning BIOS for manufacture branding information. [CSLIC] Checking for SLIC information. [SLCV7] Dell [#08] manufacture found for possible Vista/Win7 SLIC activation. [THMOK] Dell [#11] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. [CKSLP] > Checking for OEM-SLP Product Key. [SLPOK] Dell OEM-SLP Product Key found and applied. [XRMAN] > OEM XRM-MS Certificate Management. [XRMOK] Dell XRM-MS OEM Certificate applied. [W7ASR] OEM activation subroutine created. [SLICA] Attempting to activate via detected SLIC. [BRND1] > Branding Extra Checks Section. [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present. [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' has been applied. [BRND2] > OEM Brand Transfer Section. [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created. [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg file created. [THMS2] > OEM Theme Management Section. [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. [THMOK] Dell theme has been applied. [TTFS0] > Transfer Theme Files Section. [OIFCS] Oobe's info folder has been created. [OIFCS] Theme files have been transferred to oobe's info folder. [TDYUP] > Deletion of unused MRP files. [BRNOK] Branding script has completed. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started. [ADMVM] Detected a 'Default DMI' VMware Virtual Machine. [AMBPS] > Checking BIOS/Boot mode and System drive's partition type. [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode: Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type: MBR [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI [CHKLS] > Checking if Windows is activated/licensed. [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed. [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed. Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated. The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed.
Didn't think there was any non SP1 ISO's available anymore, you must of kept one hidden away for testing.
I have tested the MRP on a very old beta of Vista *shock horror* yes i was a beta tester for that OS sad i know
All being well after final testing is complete a 'new look' Query Tool will be released! For a sneak picture preview check the first post and click the [SPOILER: EXAMPLE OF QUERY TOOL DISPLAY] Quite a lot of work went into readjusting all the text. There is also a new feature! On the '#11 MSDM Edition' some names may get shortened to fit the display, however the saved report will have the full correct name shown. The new feature? - If your computer has a MSDM table/Key in the bios, when you save the report it will also save a separate text file called 'QT_MSDM-KeyInfo.txt' in the same location where you saved the Results txt file. This is YOUR personal key do not post it anywhere! As always the main QT results.txt file will not have any keys or other TAG/Serial numbers shown so it is safe to post it in the thread if needed. But just check before posting and remove anything you not want showing. The only part i need for diagnostics is the Scanned DMI and Summary sections if you require help on something. Here is a saved QT results txt to give you an idea of the new look saved report. Please note not all parts will be shown like the DEMO screen picture has on post #1, as it depends on the computer it is run on. Spoiler: QT v20.1 Results text file. Code: MRP - OEM Query Tool v21.0 Enhanced -- 26/06/2017 -- 4:04pm ------------------------------------------- - Basic OEM Information For This Computer - ------------------------------------------- OS Name: - Windows 10 Pro x64 OS Edition {Registry}: - Professional OS Edition {WMIC}: - Professional OS Language Name/Code: - en-GB { 2057 [809h] } OS Locale: - en-GB OS Language Value: - ENG Processor Name/Type: - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz Processor Description: - Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3 Processor Architecture: - 32/64 Bit Instruction Set Processor Cores/Threads: - [4] / [4] HDD Mode/Partition type: - [AHCI] / [MBR] Bios Version: - [B.B0, 12/23/2016] Total Physical Memory: - [16345 Mb] Available Memory: - [14160 Mb] --------------- - Scanned DMI - --------------- #1 CSProduct Name: - MS-7971 #2 CSModel Name: - MS-7971 #3 CSBaseboard Prod: - H170A PC MATE (MS-7971) #4 CSProduct Vendor - MSI #5 CSManufacturer: - MSI #6 Baseboard MFR: - MSI #7 Serial/Service Tag: - Not Shown On Saved Report. #8 BIOS or SLIC ID: - ALASKA #9 SLIC Version: - Un-Listed #10 Vista/7 PID Key: - Not Shown On Saved Report. #11 MSDM Key: - Not Shown On Saved Report. #11 MSDM Edition: - Un-Listed #11 MSDM Brand Name: - Un-Listed #12 BIOS/Boot Mode: - Legacy #13 Certificate: - Un-Listed #14 License Status: - Licensed ----------- - Summary - ----------- OEM Theme/Branding: - Msi [id: #4] OEM Activation Vista/7: - Un-Listed Valid OEM OS: - Un-Listed .Net versions detected: - v1.1.4322 v2.0.50727 v3.5 v4.0.30319 v4.7.02046 SLIC Table ---------- Un-Listed MSDM Table ---------- MSDM Table Not Shown On Saved Report. Certificate ----------- Un-Listed Some parts may change before release. The main code is the same as v20.4 with a few tweaks to make it all work with the new look.
Query Tool v21.0 Baseline has now been uploaded and ready to download, password updated on first post. See Changelog for more details.
You nailed it... Great! Works exactly as you stated in Change Log... ------------------------------------------------------- RP - OEM Query Tool v21.0 Enhanced -- Mon 06/26/2017 -- 5:54pm ------------------------------------------- - Basic OEM Information For This Computer - ------------------------------------------- OS Name: - Windows 7 Professional x64 OS Edition {Registry}: - Professional OS Edition {WMIC}: - Professional OS Language Name/Code: - en-US { 1033 [409h] } OS Locale: - en-US OS Language Value: - ENU Processor Name/Type: - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz Processor Description: - Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 Processor Architecture: - 32/64 Bit Instruction Set Processor Cores/Threads: - [4] / [8] HDD Mode/Partition type: - [AHCI] / [MBR] Bios Version: - [G750JM.207, 07/17/2014] Total Physical Memory: - [24011 Mb] Available Memory: - [19280 Mb] -------------------- - Scanned DMI/BIOS - -------------------- #1 CSProduct Name: - G750JM #2 CSModel Name: - G750JM #3 CSBaseboard Prod: - G750JM #4 CSProduct Vendor - ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. #5 CSManufacturer: - ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. #6 Baseboard MFR: - ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. #7 Serial/Service Tag: - Not Shown On Saved Report. #8 BIOS or SLIC ID: - _ASUS_ #9 SLIC Version: - 2.1 {Possible Loader*} #10 Vista/7 PID Key: - Not Shown On Saved Report. #11 MSDM Key: - Not Shown On Saved Report. #11 MSDM Edition: - Win 8.1 Core #11 MSDM Brand Name: - Asus #12 BIOS/Boot Mode: - Legacy #13 Certificate: - Present #14 License Status: - Licensed ----------- - Summary - ----------- OEM Theme/Branding: - Asus [id: #4] OEM Activation Vista/7: - Asus [id: #8] Valid OEM OS: - Vista/Win7/Win8.x/Win10 Only .Net versions detected: - v1.1.4322 v2.0.50727 v3.5 v4.0.30319 v4.7.02053 SLIC TABLE ----------
The main code is the same as 20.4 but quite a bit of shuffling the sections of code for displaying with the new layout. Took several attempts to settle on the look, then to get it all to align up which was even more fun. Did a bit of fancy code work to set some to 30 chars max and to pad with spaces to make them fit neatly on the display and saved output. Glad it got the .Net bits right as i had to alter bits in that area too (i did test on various installs of Win7 to make sure it didn't break anything). I gather you found the MSDMkeyinfo file. Obviously that not for public display. Nice laptop the G750JM