Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY25M01D31-R159.BL - BaseLine [Distributed via MDL Forum ONLY] MRP was unable to obtain permission of specific registry areas [DE_I1, DE_S1], some User selected options/features may not work as expected. The extracted OEM's folder structure appears to be correct. Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0.30729.4926, v3.5.30729.4926, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:533320} Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 PS Scripted Diagnostics : Unrestricted Unicode Mode In Operation : Yes - {Original Code 437} Protected MRP Project Files : Yes VBScript/vbs Information : VBScript.dll is present. WMIC.exe Information : WMIC.exe command present. Skip System RAM Checking : Yes FirstLogOn Script Present : No - FirstLogOn file is not detected SetupComplete Script Present : Yes - SetupComplete file is detected Specialize Script Present : No - Specialize file is not detected Unattend{ed} XML Present : Yes - Unattend.xml file is detected within the '\Setup\Panther' folder UserTweaks Script Present : No - UserTweaks file is not detected Wintel Script Present : No - Wintel file is not detected MAS Script Present : Yes - MAS script is detected Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File : Yes - Checking for any selected options. Config Creator Version Used : 63d.0 {Advanced Mode} {Edited 3.3.2025. 13:51:00 Locale Format} MRP User Options Pre-Check : Completed OK MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode : Disabled - No extra Debugging Log{s} will be created. W1x TitleBar Colorization : Disabled - Default Color of theme will be used. Highlight Colorization : Enabled - Highlighted Text will be colorized to Blue. Change Lock/Login Screen's : Enabled - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme. Confirm File Delete : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/1x Kernels} Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop : Enabled - Display the icon on the Desktop. Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown. MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder : Disabled - It is up to the end user to delete this folder after installation. Allow W1x Local Account Setup : Enabled - This may be prevented by M$. RunOnce Method of Operation : Default - Synchronous {'All at once'} [LNSEP] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin. [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS. [NOTES] On Windows 11 and above OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected. [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them. [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated so that some theme elements and/or other options can be fully operative. [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]================= [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time : 03/03/2025 {UTC} -- 2:11pm [OSINF] Installation Type : Client {Non Server} [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method : Clean [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected : No [OSINF] Domain Detected : No [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit # : 188 [OSINF] Version {Product} : Windows 11 IoT [OSINF] Edition {Registry} : IoTEnterprise [OSINF] Edition {WMIC} : IoTEnterprise [OSINF] Edition {CBS} : Professional [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise [OSINF] Edition {Type} : Internet of Things [OSINF] Architecture : 64 Bit {AR:1} [OSINF] Release Identifier : 2009 [OSINF] Short Display Version : 24H2 [OSINF] Build Information : 26100.1.amd64fre.ge_release.240331-1435 [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 13000 [OSINF] Experience Pack # : 1000.26100.54.0 [OSINF] Branch Code Name : Germanium [OSINF] Branch Reference : ge_release [OSINF] Readiness Level : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1} [OSINF] Reference Version : 10.0.26100.1 [OSINF] ProductID Reference : 4362 [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 3323 [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1 {0x1} [OSINF] General UILang/Code : en-US / 1033 {0x409h} [OSINF] General Locale : English - United States [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names : en-US [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] [OSINF] GeoID Nation CUR Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg} : Pacific Standard Time [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU} : Pacific Standard Time [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode : No [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass : N/A [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] Allow W1x WU Upgrades : Yes {0x1} [Registry Value] [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]================= [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] #01 SP Product Name : [To be filled by O.E.M.] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [To be filled by O.E.M.] [MBINF] #03 BP Base Product : [H77-DS3H] [MBINF] #04 BMH Vendor Name : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] [MBINF] #05 SM System Vendor : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] [MBINF] #06 BM Baseboard Name : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [ALASKA - 1072009] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information : [No SLIC table present] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan : [G4] [OA2T:0] [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information : [No MSDM Table Present] [MBINF] Chassis Type : [Desktop {3}] [MBINF] PC System Type : [Desktop {0x1}] [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]================== [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type : [American Megatrends Inc.] [BDINF] Version Number : [F5] [BDINF] SMBIOS Version : [2.7] [BDINF] Release Date : [05/14/2012] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location} [BDINF] Using Primary Chip : [True] [BDINF] UEFI Certifications : [None detected] [BDINF] UEFI DBX Revocations : [None detected] [BDINF] S/Boot CVE-2020-10713 : [Boothole fix not available in UEFI] [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]================= [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] Full Name : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz {Ref:NVR}] [MPINF] Description : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [MPINF] Architecture : [32/64 Bit] [MPINF] Current Clock Speed : [3201 Mhz] {Approx} [MPINF] Max Clock Speed : [3,2 GHz] {Approx} [MPINF] L2 Cache Size : [1024 MB] [MPINF] L3 Cache Size : [6144 MB] [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data : [GenuineIntel] [MPINF] Processor Family : [198] [MPINF] CPUID Signature : [00306A9] [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x3a09] [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1] [MPINF] Cores/Threads : [4] / [4] [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode : [Disabled] [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database. [MPINF] Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection. [MPINF] Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2. [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]============== [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time. [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have newer hardware-based protections against Meltdown/Spectre. [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]=== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] Translations for most of the Context Menu texts will be performed via the OS where possible. [DMSRT] Disable 'MSRT' - {Malicious Software Removal Tool}. [NOWUR] Prevent the 'Automatic Restart' after any Windows Update operations. Later CU may reset this. [AUTCU] Use a bypass to allow WU upgrading to later OS's with 'unsupported' hardware. {Experimental} [CPODT] Show the 'Control Panel' icon on the Desktop. [DBSRS] Disable the 'Blue Screen Of Death's automatic OS restart, so you can view the error/stop messages. [ABWCT] Add 'About Windows' to the Desktop's Context Menu. [DIMSD] Disable the UAC's 'Secure Desktop' dimming of the Desktop, this does not disable/alter any other UAC security functions. [NOAMT] Disable any 'Automatic Computer Maintenance' scheduled tasks, like cleanup desktop shortcuts etc. [CPDCM] Add 'Control Panel' entries to the Desktop's Context Menu. [CPANV] Set the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}. [DVTEW] Disable the creation of video thumbnails within any Explorer windows to allow easier move/delete operations. [PPCTM] Add 'Manage Power Plans' entries to the Desktop Context Menu. [OS Translated] [ESTCM] Add 'Screenshots' Context Menu entries. [OS Translated] [SDCCM] Add 'Disk Clean-up' entry to a SSD/HDD Drive's Context Menu. [CTMSI] Add 'System Information' to ThisPC/Computer's Context Menu. Wording may change via OS Translation. [OKCTM] Added 'On-Screen Keyboard' entry to the Desktop C/T Menu. [DUCIR] Disable/block USB Plug-and-Play 'Co-Installers' auto-installing insecure apps/etc to prevent a possible security risk. [EAPOL] Enable 'AHCI Link Power Management' in 'Power Options'. Set to OS default. NOTE: Can cause issues if not set correctly. [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels. [SATCM] No 'Administrative Tools' Context Menu items was selected for addition. [AWLBM] Enable 'F8 Legacy OS Boot Menu'. This may not always work on some motherboards due to BIOS function key conflicts. [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default OS setting. [NETSE] Enable File Sharing. You may still need to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' for some older devices to work. [CTNAB] Prevent Cortana from operating. Normal local 'Search Windows' functions are still available, unless Cortana was removed by other means. [REDSC] Remove 'Microsoft Edge' shortcuts. This may also appear to remove Edge from the OS. [NODDM] Do not allow Windows Updates from other PC's found on the Local Network/Internet, only use Microsoft Update Servers. [P3DCM] Remove the 'Edit with Paint3D' Context Menu entry. [RDSKQ] Remove the Disk 'Quota' tab from the drive's 'Properties' menu. [RPFMT] Remove the 'Previous File Versions' tab from the 'Properties' menu. [RRDFE] Remove the 'Retail Demo' files from the Operating System. [DNIFD] Disable 'News and Interests' Feed. [DMAFD] Disable the majority of other Feeds. [WDSNS] Windows Security Notifications option was set to disable only 'non critial'. [NSOFW] Remove the 'Look for an App in the Store to open this file' Context Menu entry. [SMTBO] The Start Menu and Taskbar will use the default OS presentations. [DCAPP] Disable/Block Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser 'CompatTelRunner' and related tasks/telemetry where possible. [NBLOS] Disable the blurred 'Log-On' background screen effect. [HOAOS] Hide the create, or use, a Microsoft 'Online Account' screen during OOBE/Windows Setup. Does NOT affect creating a 'Local' account. [VOLUI] Enable the Windows 7 style 'Volume Mixer' User Interface. This may not always work due to changes in the OS or any newer updates. [CPMUM] Show 'Manage User Accounts' {Classic User Accounts} within the Control Panel view. [HNWNP] Hide 'Network' folder on the Navigation Panel. [RHFNP] Remove/Hide 'Home' from the Navigation Panel. May not work on a later File Explorer app. [RGFNP] Remove/Hide 'Gallery' from the Navigation Panel. May not work on a later File Explorer app. [SMDEW] Show more details on the copy dialog window. [EXEXR] Expand the Explorer window's ribbon menu for Windows 1x. Reboot or Logout/in cycle required for it to work. May no longer work on later Win 11 Builds. [DFLAU] Disable the first logon animation/adverts screen after a upgrade. [APSCT] Add the 'PC Settings' sub C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. [ATMCT] Add the 'Task Manager' C/Text Menu to Desktop's right-click menu. [RPTCM] Remove most 'Pin To' C/T Menu items, mainly for Recycle Bin at present. [DTSED] Enable the 22H2+ 'Desktop Stickers' feature. [DMSMT] Disable the 'Meltdown and Spectre' patches for better CPU speed. [RSSAS] No 'All Safe Apps' option{s} was selected. [RSSAS] Remove Bing Finance, Maps, News, Sports Weather and any other new 'Bing' related ones. [RSSAS] Approximate time taken to remove any selected Apps: 00h 01m 33s {Some options may also remove other associated Apps} [DVDBL] Disable the 'Vulnerable Driver Blocklist' to allow older drivers to be installed. [DSMEP] Disable 'SmartScreen' including tasks etc. [NSAAU] {**} Prevent any UWP/Store Apps from automatically updating. [NORAC] {**} Disable the OS's Remote Assistance/Connections feature. [NWURS] {**} Do not reserve the 7GB+ Disk Space 'Feature' for future Windows Updates. [ERABU] {##} Enable Registry automatic backups, {RS4+} - this may not work as expected if M$ has blocked it by a later update. [TSCTM] {##} Add the 'Theme Settings' entries on the Desktop's Context Menu. [NOTEL] {##} The Reduce Telemetry routine for LTSx builds has been set to be less aggressive. [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [TOTNU] Transfer the user selected MRP Options to any 'New Users' created. This may not always copy all options/settings over due to OS permissions etc. [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' references from icons. [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: None [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' view instead of the newer 'Quick Access'. [OCDEN] Disable Network connections to allow offline account creation etc. May require a manual re-enable later. [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting. [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale. [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present. [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps. [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot. [ESAFA] Disable the 'Snap Assist' Flyout/Bar. [ESAFA] Prevent TaskBar Grouping, note this may not function correctly on early win11 builds. [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later} [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present. [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'. [ACPTB] Hide and disable 'Co-Pilot' on the System Tray/TaskBar. This does not uninstall the App. [DGSWM] Remove the 'Sharing Wizards' and 'Give access to' entries from the C/Text Menus. [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus. [EFEWD] Enable the 'Full Window Dragging' effect instead of just the frame outline. [PODAI] Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after Setup has completed. [SSOSC] Show the 'seconds' on the System Tray's clock, Win10 and later 2262x+ Win11 builds Only. {May be disabled by m$ at anytime} [IPKEA] Will attempt to insert/use the PID.txt's key, if found and valid. [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. This may get overridden by a later Windows Update. [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the large Start Menu. Depreciated on Windows 11+ OS Kernels. [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present/detected. [UCMEW] Enable the 'Compact Mode' for the File Explorer's views. [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed. [RWOPD] Restore the Legacy Print Dialog for Windows 11+. [NMPTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Mail' icon on the TaskBar. May not always work due to OS conflicts. [NSPTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Store' icon on the TaskBar. [NTVTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Task View' icon on the TaskBar. [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'. [TOSCF] Turn off the new 'Smart Clipboard' feature. [TOPTF] Turn Off the new 'Predictive Text' feature {Multilingual}. [RSMIA] Remove Desktop's Spotlight 'More information about this image' icon. [EDOSC] Expand Date on the System Clock. [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode {v2}. [DPTAC] {**} Disable the majority of 'Push/Toast' notifications shown on the Action Center etc. {This uses a Group Policy} [TGBMD] {$$} Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions. [DFSBN] {$$} Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible. [PEFPL] {##} Prevent 'MS Edge' from pre-loading automatically, plus reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint. [NOARA] {##} Disable the auto restarting of any Apps/Programs after reboot. May be overwritten by a later CU. [SUOEA] =================================================== [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]============= [SUOEA] =================================================== [NOTES] Because a Windows 11 or above OS has been installed, some specific options may be auto disabled to prevent issues. [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value. [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11+ System Tray layout. [MTTBT] The 'Extra TaskBar Transparency' option could not be used due to the OS's new 'Acrylic' feature. [AOTCM] The Add 'OEM Info' option was auto disabled as it is no longer operative for Builds above 22100. [EIFSP] The 'Windows 7 style Battery UI' option was auto disabled as the device appears to be non battery operated. [EBTRD] The 'Battery Time Remaining' option was auto disabled as the device appears to be non battery operated. [CLKUI] The 'Windows 7 style Clock UI' option was auto disabled because the installed Build ignores this tweak. [HVECI] Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity requires CPU VT/x mode to be enabled in the BIOS. [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: Was disabled because the special Option's variable was not set via the oobe.cmd file. [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11+ OS Kernels. [PBLAE] The 'Prevent Bitlocker auto encryption' option was not used to prevent issues. [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============ [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] {**} = This can be reverted later by script, check the '\Optional\MiscExtraScripts' folder within the main MRP archive. [INFOS] {$$} = This option is User changeable later via the Settings App or Control Panel etc. [INFOS] {##} = This is an experimental option, may not always work as expected depending on the OS Build etc. [USRDN] ==================================================== [USRDN] ===[ User Specified System Drive Rename Routine ]=== [USRDN] ==================================================== [USRDN] The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'WINDOWS 11' [USRDN] Note: On some OS Languages this may not always be shown correctly, you may have to manually change it later. [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]=== [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation. [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder. [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was not detected. [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected, the 'Insert PID key' advanced option routine will not be used. [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]=== [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDCF] DMI Internal Reference : 1c/4/1 [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found. [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed. [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]=== [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] Gigabyte [#04] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding. [DCTPR] ======================================= [NOACT] The 'No OEM Activation' option was not selected, OEM activation will be applied where possible. [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]=== [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] The DMI/BIOS's 'SystemProductName' value was voided [Ref:1]. [CHKMN] The Computer's Model name was not defined within the BIOS, User specified or defined within '#03 CS BaseBoard Product'. [TBPRT] =================================== [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]=== [TBPRT] =================================== [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined. [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]=== [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : Gigabyte [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'Gigabyte.theme' file : 10 {Fill image to display resolution} [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup. [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred. [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created. [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image. [W8XAP] =========================================================== [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]=== [W8XAP] =========================================================== [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file. [WXAP2] ============================================================ [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]=== [WXAP2] ============================================================ [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced. [X8LLR] ==================================== [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]=== [X8LLR] ==================================== [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100. [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105. [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]=== [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created. [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred. [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'. [ATHBA] Gigabyte OEM brand theme was applied. [SCFLD] ==================================================== [SCFLD] ===[ SetupComplete/FirstLogOn Scripts Detection ]=== [SCFLD] ==================================================== [SCDET] Note: The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file was detected. [NOTES] Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file. [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]=== [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] This Edition may have branding/theme errors due to the nature of the OS. [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup. [BSHCS] ============================================ [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]----------------------------- [ADMAN] =================================================== [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============ [ADMAN] =================================================== [NOTES] FirstLogOn Script Present : No - FirstLogOn file was not detected [NOTES] SetupComplete Script Present : Yes - SetupComplete file was detected [NOTES] Specialize Script Present : No - Specialize file was not detected [NOTES] UserTweaks Script Present : No - UserTweaks file was not detected [NOTES] Wintel Script Present : No - Wintel file was not detected [NOTES] MAS Script Present : Yes - MAS script was detected [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]=== [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied. [WXSTB] TitleBar and Highlight Colorization routines will not be used. [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied. [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username. [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started. [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed. [SATOU] =================================================== [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]==== [SATOU] =================================================== [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 10 - Fill image to display resolution. [DBITD] Remove the Windows 'Burn image to disc' feature entries from the C/Text Menus. [EFEWD] Enable the 'Full Window Dragging' effect instead of just the frame outline. [TOTNU] Transfer Options to any 'New Users' created. This may not always transfer all User options/settings over due to OS Permissions. [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' reference on icons. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: None [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons. [DERTM] Disable Windows Error Reporting. [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale. [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present. [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps. [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot. [ESAFA] Disable the 'Snap Assist' Flyout/Bar. [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later} [EDOSC] Expand Date on the System Clock. [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present. [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build. [DGSWM] Remove the 'Sharing Wizards' and 'Give access to' entries from C/Text Menus. [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' instead of the newer 'Quick Access' view. [WUNFY] Set Windows Update to 'Notify' mode. May get overridden with a new Cumulative Update. [PODAI] Prevent 'OneDrive' from automatically installing. [TGBMD] Turn off Gaming Mode/Bar/DVR functions. [DFSBN] Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible. [SSOSC] Show the 'seconds' on the System Tray's clock, this depends on the locale and/or OS Build if they are shown. [NMPTB] Unpin the 'Mail' icon from the TaskBar. May not always work due to OS conflicts. [NSPTB] Unpin the 'Store' icon on the TaskBar. [NTVTB] Unpin the 'Task View' icon on the TaskBar. [PDAOA] Turn Off 'Share Across Devices for Apps'. [OCDEN] Attempt to automatically re-enable Network connections. [OCDEN] Note: You may need to manually re-enable Network connections later if not done automatically. [NOARA] Disable the auto restarting of Apps/Programs after a reboot. [PEFPL] Prevent 'Microsoft Edge' from pre-loading automatically and reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint. [DPTAC] Disable the majority of 'Push/Toast' notifications shown in the 'Action Center' etc. [DLTSM] Disable the animated, 'Live', tiles on the Start Menu. Depreciated on this OS Build. [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present. [UCMEW] Use 'Compact Mode' for the File Explorer's views. [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed. [RWOPD] Restore the Legacy Print Dialog for Windows 11+. [ACPTB] Hide and disable 'Co-Pilot' on the System Tray/TaskBar. This does not uninstall the App. [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode {v2}. [RSMIA] Remove Desktop's Spotlight 'More information about this image' icon. [TOSCF] Turn off the new 'Smart Clipboard' feature. [TOPTF] Turn Off the new 'Predictive Text' feature {Multilingual}. [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]=== [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : UEFI [AMBPS] Partition Type : GPT [AMBPS] Secure Boot : N/A [AMHDC] Bitlocker State : Not protected by BitLocker [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]=== [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed. [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]=== [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] License/Activation Status : Notification [CHKLS] License Channel Status : OEM Digital Marker {OEM_DM} {CTT} [CHKLS] Internet Connection Status : Appears not connected online [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0xC004F034 [CHKLS] License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete Activation. [ADMAN] =============================== [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]=== [ADMAN] =============================== [CLNUP] The Windows.old folder was empty and removed. [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed. [ADMAN] =================================== [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]=== [ADMAN] =================================== [ENDAM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is = [ENDAM] = required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full = [ENDAM] = effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete. = [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDED] The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed. Is it related to the version of Windows because Windows Spotlight is not working? I have it now but it is grayed out. Here's a look at what options were used.
New log from 1.08d. Unfortunately, KMS channel is still wrong. Spoiler: Server 2012 DC - 1.08d Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Query Tool GUI v1.08d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log Date {UTC}: 03/03/2025 -- 14:47 {24-hour} Some results may be shortened to fit the output stage, such as RAM information or storage drive names. This is the postable report that does not contain full serial or sensitive information. On Hypervisors some results may be missing due to being undefined within the VM's configuration file{s}. GUI Font Used : Consolas | Size: 10 | DPI Scale: 1 =================================================================================================================== Operating System Information =================================================================================================================== Installation Type : Server Name : Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition Name {Registry} : ServerDatacenter Composition Name {Registry} : N/A OS/CPU Architecture : CPU and OS is 64 bit Build : 6.2.9200 {UBR:25317} Initial Full Build Information : 9200.25317.amd64fre.win8_ldr_escrow.250127-1805 Build Branch : N/A Setup/Install Locale : English (United States) GeoID Nation ISO Location : Germany Current Keyboard Language : German (IBM) {66567} Current Keyboard Name : Enhanced (101- or 102-key) Number of Function Keys : 12 Keyboard Description : Standard PS/2 Keyboard Installed/Available Languages : en-US Stock Keeping Unit {SKU} : 8 Experience Pack : N/A Installation Date/Time {UTC} : 08/06/2012 at 9:31 AM Last Boot Up Date/Time {UTC} : 03/03/2025 at 14:33 PM Product ID : 00184-90000-00001-AA406 {Extended: 05426-01849-000-000001-03-1033-9200.0000-1292017} Time Zone Data : W. Europe Standard Time Hours offset from GMT : 1 Daylight Saving In Effect : No Daylight Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked Upgrade or Clean Installation : Clean Previous OS Upgraded From : N/A Touch Device : No Touch device detected StorageSense Policy : N/A on this OS Number of Licensed Users : 1 Data Execution Prevention : OptOut {Ref: 3} DEP Available : Yes DEP 32Bit Applications : Yes DEP Drivers : Yes DEP Support Policy : Enabled by default for all 32-bit applications. Clipboard History Service : N/A on this OS Clipboard History : N/A on this OS Allow Cross Device History : N/A on this OS Allow Clipboard History : N/A on this OS Current Power Policy Used : Home/Office Desk Power Plans Available : High Performance Only {Others may be 'hidden'} Current Active Power Plan : High Performance Long File Paths Enabled : N/A Part of a Domain : No Domain/Device Role : Standalone Server {2} Portable OS {Win to Go} : No Feature Update Status : N/A on this OS Quality Update Status : N/A on this OS WSH Availability Status : Windows Scripting Host is not restricted. {All Users} WSH 'DisplayLogo' Value : Enabled {1} [All Users] HVCI Protection Status : N/A Download Over Metered Internet : Not Configured {default} Exclude Drivers from MS/WU : Yes Pointing Device {Mouse} : Microsoft PS/2 Mouse WMIC.EXE information : WMIC.exe appears to be operative in this build. Hypervisor Present/Installed : No Virtual Machine Data : VirtualBox {Open-Source Hypervisor} Shipped with Reserved 7GB : N/A Dirty Shutdown Count : 25 VL/KMS Capable/Permitted : Yes KMS Activation In Use : Yes Win7 ESU {POS7} Patch {exp} : Not required on this OS Windows Key 1 Installed : 8W83P (Last 5 digits shown) Windows DpID4 Installed : 8W83P (Last 5 digits shown) Windows Default Installed : BY82T (Last 5 digits shown) Windows Default4 Installed : BY82T (Last 5 digits shown) TPM Information : Active : N/A, Enabled : N/A, Owned : N/A, Version : N/A, Vendor : N/A =============== Windows 11 Checks =============== Checked for W11 Target Upgrade : Yes Target Build Number : N/A Device is OEM Specific : N/A DirectX 12 Detected : N/A Device is Genuine : N/A Touch Capable Hardware : N/A Upgrade Experience {1} : N/A Upgrade Experience {2} : N/A Upgrade Fail Reason{s} : N/A Bypass TPM Check : N/A Bypass Secure Boot Check : N/A Bypass RAM Check : N/A Allow W11 WU Upgrade : N/A CompatTelRunner.exe {Appraiser} : Process is not running. {File is not present in C:\Windows\System32} If 'N/A' is shown then the data may not of been fully compiled by the OS or via WU yet. When Fail Reason's are listed then they are not compatible and will be blocked for the upgrade. If any Upgrade Experience's are listed as 'Orange' then they will require attention to pass the OS checks. If CompatTelRunner.exe is prevented from running then the W11 checks will not be performed. =================================================================================================================== Booted System Drive Partition Information =================================================================================================================== Drive Type : Non SSD BUS Type : SATA Total Space : 39.66 GB Free Space : 11.1 GB Partition Type : MBR Firmware Boot Type : Legacy/MBR Mode {R:1} Secure Boot Status : N/A File System : NTFS System Drive Letter : C: Bitlocker Protection Status : Volume C: is not protected by BitLocker {0}. Interface Information : What mode an interface is in IDE Controller Mode : Integrated Drive Electronics {IDE} SCSI Controller Mode : Microsoft Storage Spaces Disk and Partition Information : Driveletter | Disk #, Partition # | Model Name {50 Chars max} | Size 'GB' \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 C: | Disk #0, Partition #1 | VBOX HARDDISK | 39.66 GB \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE1 S: | Disk #1, Partition #0 | VBOX HARDDISK | 8.37 GB Drive letters/Partitions are shown as they are defined via the connected ports in the BIOS. Partitions without Drive letters assigned are not shown. =================================================================================================================== Memory Information =================================================================================================================== Total Physical : 4193844 KB (4 GB) Available Physical : 2243272 KB (2.14 GB) Total Page Size : 12844596 KB (12.25 GB) Available Page Size : 10903280 KB (10.4 GB) Total Virtual Size : 4194176 KB (4 GB) Available Virtual : 3950116 KB (3.77 GB) Memory Type : DRAM {2} Memory Error Correction : Other Memory Slots Fitted : 1 Memory Slots Used : 1 Memory Slots Free : 0 Motherboard's Max Memory : 4194304 KB (4 GB} DIMM Information {First Eight} : DIMM 0 4096MB @ 1600MHz On Hypervisors some results may be missing due to being undefined within the VM's configuration file{s}. =================================================================================================================== Graphics Information =================================================================================================================== Adaptor Name : VirtualBox Graphics Adapter for Windows 8+ Adaptor DACType : Oracle Corporation Adaptor Driver Information : {2020/07/31} Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes} : N/A Adaptor Status : Active Adaptor Name : Not Detected Adaptor DACType : N/A Adaptor Driver Information : N/A Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes} : N/A Adaptor Status : Inactive Virtual Desktop Resolution : 3840 x 2070 Bits Per Pixel : 32 Video Mode Description : 3840 x 2070 x 4294967296 colors {Ref:1} WinSAT Scores/Status : {Via WMIC} Unknown State. Some values may not be accurate due to 32 bit API limitations. VRam does not include any 'Shared' or 'Dynamically' allocated memory. On Hypervisors some results may be missing due to being undefined within the VM's configuration file{s}. =================================================================================================================== Network Adaptor Information =================================================================================================================== Adaptor 1 Name : Red Hat VirtIO Ethernet Adapter Connection Status : Connected MAC Address : FE:C0:89:xx:xx:06 =================================================================================================================== Processor 1 Information =================================================================================================================== Name : AMD FX-8370 Eight-Core Processor Architecture {Bits} : 64 L2 Cache Size {MB} : L3 Cache Size {MB} : -- Current / Max Speed {MHz} : 4080 / 4080 {Not Turbo Speed} Physical Cores : 1 Logical Cores : 1 Processor Id : 0x Virtualization Mode : Enabled Manufacturer : AuthenticAMD [AMD] Description : AMD64 Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0 Motherboard Connection : OS Loaded Microcode Revision : 100664870 Bios Microcode Revision : 100664870 Processor Family : 2 Sockets/CPU's Present : 1 Feature Set : 0x0000000000000100 FPU VME DE PSE TSC MSR PAE MCE CX8 APIC SEP MTRR PGE MCA CMOV PAT PSE36 CLFSH MMX FXSR SSE SSE2 SSE3 PCLMULQDQ MONITOR SSSE3 CX16 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 POPCNT AES XSAVE OSXSAVE AVX HYPERVISOR Motherboard Connection is based on a OS internal database, MS may not have updated it. Microcode registry values are converted from binary to hexadecimal, not reliable for all devices. =================================================================================================================== DMI/BIOS Information =================================================================================================================== System Manufacturer : innotek GmbH System Product Name : VirtualBox BaseBoard Manufacturer : N/A BaseBoard Product : N/A BaseBoard Version : N/A PC System Type : Desktop {1} UEFI Certifications : Unable to detect in MBR/Legacy mode UEFI DBX Revocations {Exp} : N/A MS S/Boot CVE-2020-10713 : N/A BIOS Vendor : N/A BIOS Release Date : 12/01/2006 BIOS Version : VirtualBox Primary BIOS : Yes SMBIOS Present : Yes SMBIOS Version : 2.5 SLIC/BIOS Data : LENOVO - 1 Valid SLIC Name : Lenovo Possible Brand Theme : VBox {System Manufacturer} SLIC Table Status : Emulated SLIC : Not Detected MSDM Key Description : No MSDM key Description found MSDM Key Detected : (Last 5 digits shown) MSDM Key OS Version/Edition : N/A : On Hypervisors some results may be missing due to being undefined within the VM's configuration file{s}. =================================================================================================================== Miscellaneous Information =================================================================================================================== Which MRP Version Used : N/A Wallpaper Style : Fill image to display resolution Current Theme Used : Custom.theme Installed Dot Net Frameworks : 2.0 3.0 3.5 4.8 4.0 Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 Windows Activation Status : VL activation expires 174 Days / 250889 minutes Windows Licence Reason : No critical issues found Windows Product Key Channel : Volume MAK {VOLUME_MAK} {R:INS} Device has KMS Enabled : Yes KMS Auto Renewal (hook) : No MS Office {MSI/Traditional} : Not Detected C2R MS Office : Not Detected C2R Excluded Apps : N/A C2R Last Update Channel : N/A C2R Office Activation Status : N/A C2R Partial Product Key : N/A Office Reason Information : No reason information to show/No Issues Office MAK/KMS Information : No MAK or KMS activation detected =================================================================================================================== Security Information =================================================================================================================== Defender Tamper Protection : Disabled Defender TProtection Exclusions : Disabled Defender Service Status : N/A Defender Code Integrity Mode : N/A Defender Credential Guard : N/A Windows Firewall Service State : Running {Reg: Auto} Security Product Details : {If detected} No Security Installed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Will take another look at the key channel as I think it's getting confused with the 'volume' part so I may see to just look for 'mak' , autoit's instr command is not like batch findstr.
Well if that doesnt work its time to narrow it down, untick everything in one tab at a time until it starts working
I don't have that much time to switch off one card at a time. I will only use basic with my clients. Thank you for trying to solve the problem. I thought someone knew exactly what was causing my problem.
On Vanilla Windows Spoiler: Query Tool GUI v1.08d Code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Query Tool GUI v1.08d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log Date {UTC}: 03/03/2025 -- 22:36 {24-hour} Some results may be shortened to fit the output stage, such as RAM information or storage drive names. This is the postable report that does not contain full serial or sensitive information. GUI Font Used : Lucida Console | Size: 10 | DPI Scale: 1 =================================================================================================================== Operating System Information =================================================================================================================== Installation Type : Client Name : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Edition Name {Registry} : Professional Composition Name {Registry} : Enterprise OS/CPU Architecture : CPU and OS is 64 bit Build : 10.0.19045 {UBR:5487} {22H2} Initial Full Build Information : 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406 Build Branch : vb_release {Vibranium} Setup/Install Locale : English (United States) GeoID Nation ISO Location : India Current Keyboard Language : {16393} Current Keyboard Name : Enhanced (101- or 102-key) Number of Function Keys : 12 Keyboard Description : Standard PS/2 Keyboard Installed/Available Languages : en-US Stock Keeping Unit {SKU} : 48 Experience Pack : 1000.19061.1000.0 Installation Date/Time {UTC} : 03/03/2025 at 16:18 PM Last Boot Up Date/Time {UTC} : 03/03/2025 at 22:48 PM Product ID : 00331-10000-00001-AA045 {Extended: 03612-03311-000-000001-03-1033-19045.0000-0622025} Time Zone Data : India Standard Time Hours offset from GMT : 5.5 Daylight Saving In Effect : -- Daylight Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked Upgrade or Clean Installation : Clean Previous OS Upgraded From : N/A Touch Device : ELAN Touchpad {ACPI\ETD0712\4&2D7C964C&0} StorageSense Policy : Disabled {0x0} Number of Licensed Users : 1 Data Execution Prevention : OptIn/Default {Ref: 2} DEP Available : Yes DEP 32Bit Applications : Yes DEP Drivers : Yes DEP Support Policy : Enabled for OS Kernel, essential binaries and all Windows-based Services. Clipboard History Service : Manual {Value:3} Clipboard History : Disabled {0} Allow Cross Device History : Enabled {Default} Allow Clipboard History : Enabled {Default} Current Power Policy Used : Home/Office Desk Power Plans Available : Balanced Only {Others may be 'hidden'} Current Active Power Plan : Balanced Long File Paths Enabled : No {0x0} NTFS is not set to allow file paths greater than 260 characters Part of a Domain : No Domain/Device Role : Standalone Workstation {0} Portable OS {Win to Go} : No Feature Update Status : Not paused Quality Update Status : Not paused WSH Availability Status : Windows Scripting Host is not restricted. {All Users} WSH 'DisplayLogo' Value : Enabled {1} [All Users] HVCI Protection Status : N/A Download Over Metered Internet : Not Configured {default} Exclude Drivers from MS/WU : Not Configured {default} Pointing Device {Mouse} : ELAN Touchpad WMIC.EXE information : WMIC.exe appears to be operative in this build. Hypervisor Present/Installed : No Virtual Machine Data : This computer does not appear to be a virtual machine Shipped with Reserved 7GB : Yes Dirty Shutdown Count : N/A VL/KMS Capable/Permitted : Yes KMS Activation In Use : Yes Win7 ESU {POS7} Patch {exp} : Not required on this OS Windows Key 1 Installed : T83GX (Last 5 digits shown) Windows DpID4 Installed : T83GX (Last 5 digits shown) Windows Default Installed : 8HV2C (Last 5 digits shown) Windows Default4 Installed : 8HV2C (Last 5 digits shown) TPM Information : Active : Yes, Enabled : Yes, Owned : Yes, Version : 2.0, Vendor : Intel =============== Windows 11 Checks =============== Checked for W11 Target Upgrade : No Target Build Number : N/A Device is OEM Specific : N/A DirectX 12 Detected : N/A Device is Genuine : N/A Touch Capable Hardware : N/A Upgrade Experience {1} : N/A Upgrade Experience {2} : N/A Upgrade Fail Reason{s} : N/A Bypass TPM Check : N/A Bypass Secure Boot Check : N/A Bypass RAM Check : N/A Allow W11 WU Upgrade : N/A CompatTelRunner.exe {Appraiser} : Process is not running. {File is present in C:\Windows\System32} If 'N/A' is shown then the data may not of been fully compiled by the OS or via WU yet. When Fail Reason's are listed then they are not compatible and will be blocked for the upgrade. If any Upgrade Experience's are listed as 'Orange' then they will require attention to pass the OS checks. If CompatTelRunner.exe is prevented from running then the W11 checks will not be performed. =================================================================================================================== Booted System Drive Partition Information =================================================================================================================== Drive Type : SSD BUS Type : SATA Total Space : 79.17 GB Free Space : 54.37 GB Partition Type : GPT Firmware Boot Type : UEFI Mode {R:1} Secure Boot Status : Enabled [Ref:1] File System : NTFS System Drive Letter : C: Bitlocker Protection Status : Volume C: is not a BitLocker volume {2}. Interface Information : What mode an interface is in IDE Controller Mode : Advanced Host Controller Interface {AHCI} SCSI Controller Mode : Microsoft Storage Spaces Disk and Partition Information : Driveletter | Disk #, Partition # | Model Name {50 Chars max} | Size 'GB' \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 C: | Disk #0, Partition #1 | WD Blue SA510 2.5 500GB | 79.17 GB \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 D: | Disk #0, Partition #3 | WD Blue SA510 2.5 500GB | 385.76 GB Drive letters/Partitions are shown as they are defined via the connected ports in the BIOS. Partitions without Drive letters assigned are not shown. =================================================================================================================== Memory Information =================================================================================================================== Total Physical : 8293412 KB (7.91 GB) Available Physical : 5504944 KB (5.25 GB) Total Page Size : 10259492 KB (9.78 GB) Available Page Size : 7765572 KB (7.41 GB) Total Virtual Size : 4194176 KB (4 GB) Available Virtual : 4004196 KB (3.82 GB) Memory Type : DDR4 {26} Memory Error Correction : Non-ECC Memory Slots Fitted : 2 Memory Slots Used : 1 Memory Slots Free : 1 Motherboard's Max Memory : 33554432 KB (32 GB} DIMM Information {First Eight} : Bottom-Slot 2(right) 8192MB @ 2133MHz =================================================================================================================== Graphics Information =================================================================================================================== Adaptor Name : Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 Adaptor DACType : Internal {iGPU} Adaptor Driver Information : {2016/09/23} Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes} : 1024 MB {Routine:1R1} Adaptor Status : Active Adaptor Name : Not Detected Adaptor DACType : N/A Adaptor Driver Information : N/A Adaptor Video Ram {See Notes} : N/A Adaptor Status : Inactive Virtual Desktop Resolution : 1366 x 768 Bits Per Pixel : 32 Video Mode Description : 1366 x 768 x 4294967296 colors {Ref:1} WinSAT Scores/Status : {Via WMIC} No assessment available. Run 'WinSAT Formal' from a command/PS prompt. Some values may not be accurate due to 32 bit API limitations. VRam does not include any 'Shared' or 'Dynamically' allocated memory. =================================================================================================================== Network Adaptor Information =================================================================================================================== Adaptor 1 Name : Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller Connection Status : Media Disconnected MAC Address : 10:E7:C6:xx:xx:81 Adaptor 2 Name : Realtek RTL8723BE 802.11 bgn Wi-Fi Adapter Connection Status : Connected MAC Address : B0:52:16:xx:xx:37 =================================================================================================================== Processor 1 Information =================================================================================================================== Name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz Architecture {Bits} : 64 L2 Cache Size {MB} : 512 L3 Cache Size {MB} : 3072 Current / Max Speed {MHz} : 2511 / 2712 {Not Turbo Speed} Physical Cores : 2 Logical Cores : 4 Processor Id : 0xBFEBFBFF000806E9 Virtualization Mode : Enabled Manufacturer : GenuineIntel [Intel] Description : Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9 Motherboard Connection : U3E1 OS Loaded Microcode Revision : 0x00000000F6000000 Bios Microcode Revision : 0x00000000F6000000 Processor Family : 205 Sockets/CPU's Present : 1 Feature Set : 0x000000003D1B3FFF FPU VME DE PSE TSC MSR PAE MCE CX8 APIC SEP MTRR PGE MCA CMOV PAT PSE36 CLFSH DS ACPI MMX FXSR SSE SSE2 SS HTT TM PBE SSE3 PCLMULQDQ DTES64 MONITOR DS-CPL VMX EST TM2 SSSE3 SDBG FMA CX16 XTPR PDCM PCID SSE4.1 SSE4.2 X2APIC MOVBE POPCNT TSC-DEADLINE AES XSAVE OSXSAVE AVX F16C RDRND Motherboard Connection is based on a OS internal database, MS may not have updated it. Microcode registry values are converted from binary to hexadecimal, not reliable for all devices. =================================================================================================================== DMI/BIOS Information =================================================================================================================== System Manufacturer : HP System Product Name : HP 348 G4 BaseBoard Manufacturer : HP BaseBoard Product : 82C7 BaseBoard Version : KBC Version 46.06 PC System Type : Mobile {2} UEFI Certifications : CA_2011 PCA_2011 UEFI DBX Revocations {Exp} : None detected MS S/Boot CVE-2020-10713 : Boothole fix does not appear to be available in UEFI BIOS Vendor : Insyde BIOS Release Date : 10/18/2024 BIOS Version : F.71 Primary BIOS : Yes SMBIOS Present : Yes SMBIOS Version : 2.8 SLIC/BIOS Data : HPQOEM - 0 Valid SLIC Name : HP {See notes below} Possible Brand Theme : HP {System Manufacturer} SLIC Table Status : No valid SLIC table {See notes below} Emulated SLIC : Not required/used for this OS MSDM Key Description : No MSDM key Description found MSDM Key Detected : Not Present MSDM Key OS Version/Edition : N/A Notes : When in UEFI mode the SLIC information may not be shown fully as it may be partially 'hidden' by the OEM/BIOS. =================================================================================================================== Miscellaneous Information =================================================================================================================== Which MRP Version Used : N/A Wallpaper Style : Fill image to display resolution Current Theme Used : Custom.theme Installed Dot Net Frameworks : 4.8 4.0 Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 Windows Activation Status : VL activation expires 4704 Days / 6774367 minutes Windows Licence Reason : No critical issues found Windows Product Key Channel : KMS:Client {VOLUME_KMSCLIENT} {R:PKC} Device has KMS Enabled : Yes KMS Auto Renewal (hook) : No MS Office {MSI/Traditional} : Not Detected C2R MS Office : Not Detected C2R Excluded Apps : N/A C2R Last Update Channel : N/A C2R Office Activation Status : N/A C2R Partial Product Key : N/A Office Reason Information : No reason information to show/No Issues Office MAK/KMS Information : No MAK or KMS activation detected =================================================================================================================== Security Information =================================================================================================================== Defender Tamper Protection : Disabled Defender TProtection Exclusions : Disabled Defender Service Status : Auto Defender Code Integrity Mode : N/A Defender Credential Guard : Disabled Windows Firewall Service State : Running {Reg: Auto} Security Product Details : {If detected} Windows Defender - Disabled and updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I reduced the mrp options but Window spotlight still doesn't work. It's even locked, I don't have any options, not even to select an image. Code: ======================= === [MRP Debug Log ]=== ======================= Checking for OEM folder and structure... OEM's folder structure appears to be correct. Checking for CustomTheme... CustomTheme option was not defined. Check Lock/Login screen variable state... Lock/Login screen variable = Can be used for Kernel: 10.0 Lock/Login screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme. ==================================================== ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Started ]=== ==================================================== [003] Disable MSRT. [005] Show the 'About Windows' or 'Microsoft Windows' C/Text Menu. [007] Automatic or User set System Drive Partition Name. [008] Internal Flag Variables Set. [012] Prevent/Reduce Telemetry. [015] Win1x - Disable the 'Blurred' Log-On Background. [016] Win1x - Removed user selected 'Safe' UWP Apps. [020] Show the Desktop's 'Control Panel' C/Text Menu. [024] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick View'. [025] Show seconds on System Tray clock. {OS/Location/Language dependent} [026] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu policy. {May not work on some systems due to conflict with BIOS options} [028] Win1x - Diagnostic FeedBack - Never/Basic. [029] Win1x - Remove the 'Paint3D' file associations. [030] Win1x - Disable 'Edit with Photos'. [032] Start of Win1x Only options section - Mail/Store Un-Pin on Taskbar etc. [036] Remove the '-Shortcut' Suffix from icons. [037] Disable Windows Update's Automatic Restart. [038] Disable UAC's Desktop Dimming mode. [039] Show 'This PC' icon on the Desktop. [041] Set Control Panel's view to Category {Default}. [043] Win1x - Title Bar/Highlight coloring initial settings. ===================================================== ===[ First selection of 'User' Options: Finished ]=== ===================================================== Transfer of options to any new User accounts later: Disabled. Pre-checks Done - Start Main Processing Section... OS Installation Date/Time : 03/03/2025 {UTC} -- 5:21pm MRP Version Installed : CY25M01D31-R159.BL MRP Config File Used : 63d.0 {Advanced Mode} {Edited 3.3.2025. 17:03:21 Locale Format} Unicode Mode : Operative Original Codepage : 437 =================== ===[ Variables ]=== =================== Oobe State : Under Oobe 'System' Control Install Type : Client {Non Server} OS Media Boot : Clean HyperVisor : No PC System Type : Desktop {0x1} Chassis Type : 3 {Desktop} Domain Detected: No OS Name {Prod} : Windows 11 IoT OS Architecture: x64 {AR:1} Edition {REG} : IoTEnterprise Edition {WMIC} : IoTEnterprise Edition {CBS} : Professional Edition {Comp} : Enterprise Edition {OSED} : IoTEnterprise Edition {OM1} : IOTEnt Edition {Type} : Internet of Things Release ID : 2009 Short Disp Ver : 24H2 Build ID {R} : 13000 Build ID {V} : 26100 Build Branch{R}: ge_release Readiness Level: Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1} Reference Ver : 10.0.26100.1 ProductID Ref : 4362 Base Build Rev : 1 {0x1} UBR : 3323 RS3 Plus : Yes RS4 Plus : Yes RS5 Plus : Yes Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {0x409h} Locale : English - United States GeoID ISO Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] GeoID CUR Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] Multi Lang Data: en-US Time Zone Data : Pacific Standard Time ========================= ===[ Main Processing ]=== ========================= Obtaining Motherboard information. Checking for SLIC and MSDM tables. ================================ ===[ DMI/SMBIOS Information ]=== ================================ CSNAME : [To be filled by O.E.M.] SYSMODEL : [To be filled by O.E.M.] CSVENDOR : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] SYSMNF : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] BASEMNF : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] BASEPRO : [H77-DS3H] BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : ALASKA - 1072009 SLIC Information : No SLIC table present SLIC Detect Plan : G4 [OA2T:0] MSDM Information : No MSDM Table Present UEFI Certifications : None detected UEFI DBX Revocations : None detected S/Boot CVE-2020-10713 : Boothole fix not available in UEFI Checking CPU Data... Checking number of CPU's fitted. Checking CPU Max Clock Speed. Checking CPU Cores. Checking CPU Manufacturer. Checking CPU Threads. Checking CPU Name. Checking CPU Description. Checking CPU Datawidth, {Bits}. Checking CPU ID. Checking if CPU Virtualization mode is active or not. Checking Memory configuration. SMBIOS Memory Type: DDR3 {24}. Checking Memory Error Correction type. Undefined Memory Error Correction result. Checking Memory Devices/Slots. Undefined Memory Devices/Slots result. Checking Memory Max Capacity. Undefined Max Capacity result. Max Capacity - Undefinable Data result. Memory Error Correction - Undefinable Data result. Total Memory - Used Via Setup - 1031 MB Used Memory - The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time. Code Integrity Section. HVCEntD = [Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity requires CPU VT/x mode to be enabled in the BIOS.] CodeIntegrity = [NoVT] Show User Options display section. Drive Label Section. The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'WINDOWS 11' Checking for 'Retail.txt'. The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder. Checking for 'ei.cfg'. The 'ei.cfg' file was not detected. Checking for 'Pid.txt'. The 'PID.txt' file was not detected. Querying DMI for any OEM brand information. ======================== ===[ DMI Processing ]=== ======================== CSVENDOR : DMI + Database = Possible Match [Gigabyte]. No DMI conflicts was found. DMI query routine has completed. Bypassed Virtual Machine data checks as DMI [Gigabyte] was detected. Gigabyte [#04] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding. No 'Man2' var set. Computer 'Model Name' Processing... The DMI/BIOS's 'SystemProductName' value was voided [Ref:1]. The Computer's Model name was not defined within the BIOS, User specified or defined within '#03 CS BaseBoard Product'. Theme Processing Routines. The User's specified theme was not defined. The DMI theme 'Gigabyte' will be applied. Transfer Section. Windows 10: Primary User Account Picture Management Windows 10: Additional User Account Picture's Management. Processing the Lock\Log-On Screen Routine. Replaced 'img100' file. The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105. See the MRP log file{s}, found on the C: drive, for more enhanced details of the above sections. Processing Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routines. The '$OEM$.theme' file transferred OK. {Ref: TF} The theme's branding files have been transferred. The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'. Gigabyte OEM brand theme was applied. Checking for SetupComplete/FirstLogon files within the 'Scripts' folder... The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file was detected. Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file. Option Utilization Started... Copy the User selected MRP Options into the 'Default' User hive. Unpin Mail, Store, Taskview, PeopleBand and MeetNow Options, {where selected}. Shortcut Arrow Design Option. Default No Delete Confirm, No Shortcut Prefix, Show Extensions and Classic Menus Options. Windows 10/11 Reduce Telemetry Option. Disable Acrylic Background Logon Blur Option. Setting the selected Options in the default registry hive. Option Utilization Completed. This Edition may have branding/theme errors due to the nature of the OS. The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exclusion Paths set in Defender - if required. More DataSet Variables for options to finalize. Read in DataSet Variables. Create cleanup script if MRP aborts. If Clean Start menu / Taskbar option selected run slim/clean routine. Check OS version. Check if a Home/Core Edition. Determine OS Architecture 32/64. Read Environment variables. Read in more Dataset variables. Read DataSet Variables... Now Starting Option integrations... Remove ALL Bing related. Remove Defender C/T items. Unlock Defender2. UnlockDefender2 routine started. UnlockDefender2 - Gain Registry ownerships. UnlockDefender2 - Disable Scheduled scan and reporting. UnlockDefender2 - Disable Block at first sight and auto submit of samples. UnlockDefender2 routine completed. Turn off checkboxes. Attempting to re-enable network adaptors. Network re-enable VBScript method. Detect and set Current Wallpaper Style. Remove used DataSet variables. Taskbar View routines. Create MRPCleanupOS.cmd and set RunOnce reg entry. Main Addon Script Start. DefUsr0 Removal: [Method 1N - Successful] TB/HL Routine : [Default Colors] TitleBar Color : [Default] Highlight Color: [Default] AccentColor : [Default] ColorizationCol: [Default] AccPalletColor : [Default] Determine OS Edition and Version. Classic C/T menus Windows 11. Detect SID value. ===================================================================================== ========================[ Add-On Manager - Main Log Section ]======================== ===================================================================================== Edition Chk : IoTEnterprise {Ed0} Edition Chk1 : IoTEnterprise {Ed1} FirstLogOn : No - FirstLogOn file was not detected SetupComplete : Yes - SetupComplete file was detected Specialize : No - Specialize file was not detected Wintel : No - Wintel file was not detected UserTweaks : No - UserTweaks file was not detected Using VBScript Routine instead of WMIC.exe for activation checks. Edition {Type} : [Created Virtually] Pre Windows 10 : [No] Theme Reg Tweak: Applied Transfer Opts : [No] MSDM Routine : Not processed. ====================================================== ===[ Bios Mode and OS Drive Partition Information ]=== ====================================================== A-Routine BMode: [Unknown] A-Routine DPart: [GPT] WMIC BMode : [GPT] WMIC DPart : [GPT] SecureBoot : [N/A] BitLocker State: [2] ==================== ===[ Other Data ]=== ==================== Processing... OS License Status... Using VBScript Routine instead of WMIC.exe for activation checks. Check if Office has been pre-installed... Check for external scripts... UserTweaks.cmd not detected. WinTel.cmd not detected. _WinTel.cmd not detected. The '_WinTel_Runonce' task was not detected. No external Add-On's was detected or processed. Checking Tamper Protection status 1 ... Checking Tamper Protection status 2 ... AO1 Flags S1 : [DUT=0], [DWT=0], [DAT=0], [DPA=0], [DOU=0], [DSC=1], [DFL=0] AO2 Flags S2 : [PRI=0], [A2B=0], [B2Z=0], [MKU=0], [OSP=0], [OPT=0] [OKF=0] AO2 Flags S3 : [SEC=0] DT Prot Status : [Enabled] DT Prot Info : [Tamper Protection on, no Cloud Protection] First Tidy Up : Started First Tidy Up : Used Files First Tidy Up : Remove Any Used Environment Variables First Tidy Up : Completed Using sppwmi.vbs routine instead of WMIC.exe. Detecting Activation Status and Reason Codes... Using VBScript Routine instead of WMIC.exe for activation checks. Rechecking for Activation Status and Reason Codes... Detecting any Grace Data... Detecting Activation Status and Reason Codes - Done. Detecting License Channel Type... Using an alternative detection routine... Detecting License Channel Type {1}... Detecting Activation Channel Type... Processed License Channel Type. OEM_DM/MSDM {CTT} Detecting if online... Appears not connected online ======================== ===[ License Status ]=== ======================== License Status : Notification Channel Status : OEM Digital Marker {OEM_DM} {CTT} Key Management : No Internet OK : Appears not connected online Reason Code : 0xC004F034 {Dec: -1073418188} Reason Text : License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. Finalization Routines Final Tidy Up : Started Final Tidy Up : Redundant Environment Variables Final Tidy Up : Redundant Environment Variables Final Tidy Up : Completed Unicode Mode : Deactivated Orig Codepage : 437 Add-On Manager: Completed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MRP's enhanced debug log has completed. Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : CY25M01D31-R159.BL - BaseLine [Distributed via MDL Forum ONLY] MRP was unable to obtain permission of specific registry areas [DE_I1, DE_S1], some User selected options/features may not work as expected. The extracted OEM's folder structure appears to be correct. Installed DotNet Framework{s} : v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727, v3.0.30729.4926, v3.5.30729.4926, v4.0.30319, v4.8.x or later {Rev:533320} Installed Powershell Versions : 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1 PS Scripted Diagnostics : Unrestricted Unicode Mode In Operation : Yes - {Original Code 437} Protected MRP Project Files : Yes VBScript/vbs Information : VBScript.dll is present. WMIC.exe Information : WMIC.exe command present. Skip System RAM Checking : No FirstLogOn Script Present : No - FirstLogOn file is not detected SetupComplete Script Present : Yes - SetupComplete file is detected Specialize Script Present : No - Specialize file is not detected Unattend{ed} XML Present : Yes - Unattend.xml file is detected within the '\Setup\Panther' folder UserTweaks Script Present : No - UserTweaks file is not detected Wintel Script Present : No - Wintel file is not detected Using 'MRPConfig.ini' File : Yes - Checking for any selected options. Config Creator Version Used : 63d.0 {Advanced Mode} {Edited 3.3.2025. 17:03:21 Locale Format} MRP User Options Pre-Check : Completed OK MRP Extra Debug Logging Mode : Enabled W1x TitleBar Colorization : Enabled - Title Bars will be colorized to Default. See log notes later. Highlight Colorization : Disabled - Default Color of theme will be used. Change Lock/Login Screen's : Enabled - Screen's will be replaced via the brand's theme. Confirm File Delete : Disabled - User is not notified when a file/folder is being deleted. {Win8.x/1x Kernels} Show 'ThisPC' On Desktop : Enabled - Display the icon on the Desktop. Project Uses Silent Operation : Disabled - Information screens will be shown. MRP Deletes 'Scripts' Folder : Disabled - It is up to the end user to delete this folder after installation. Allow W1x Local Account Setup : Enabled - This may be prevented by M$. RunOnce Method of Operation : Default - Synchronous {'All at once'} [LNSEP] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [START] Primary/Branding script routines begin. [NOTES] Some options may not be available OR function as expected due to other factors within the OS. [NOTES] On Windows 11 and above OS's some options may be auto disabled, and/or not work as expected. [NOTES] Auto-translations will be performed on the majority of the options, unless the user has manually entered their own wording for them. [NOTES] The OS may need to be activated so that some theme elements and/or other options can be fully operative. [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] =================[ Detected OS Information ]================= [OSINF] ============================================================= [OSINF] OS Install Date/Time : 03/03/2025 {UTC} -- 5:21pm [OSINF] Installation Type : Client {Non Server} [OSINF] OS Media Boot Method : Clean [OSINF] HyperVisor Detected : No [OSINF] Domain Detected : No [OSINF] Stock Keeping Unit # : 188 [OSINF] Version {Product} : Windows 11 IoT [OSINF] Edition {Registry} : IoTEnterprise [OSINF] Edition {WMIC} : IoTEnterprise [OSINF] Edition {CBS} : Professional [OSINF] Edition {Composition} : Enterprise [OSINF] Edition {Type} : Internet of Things [OSINF] Architecture : 64 Bit {AR:1} [OSINF] Release Identifier : 2009 [OSINF] Short Display Version : 24H2 [OSINF] Build Information : 26100.1.amd64fre.ge_release.240331-1435 [OSINF] Internal Build Number : 13000 [OSINF] Experience Pack # : 1000.26100.54.0 [OSINF] Branch Code Name : Germanium [OSINF] Branch Reference : ge_release [OSINF] Readiness Level : Semi-Annual Channel [Targeted CB] {8 Dec / 0xa} {Default Ref: M1} [OSINF] Reference Version : 10.0.26100.1 [OSINF] ProductID Reference : 4362 [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 3323 [OSINF] Base Build Rev Number : 1 {0x1} [OSINF] General UILang/Code : en-US / 1033 {0x409h} [OSINF] General Locale : English - United States [OSINF] Multiple Lang Names : en-US [OSINF] GeoID Nation ISO Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] [OSINF] GeoID Nation CUR Loc : Bosnia and Herzegovina [25] [OSINF] Time Zone Data {Reg} : Pacific Standard Time [OSINF] Time Zone Data {TZU} : Pacific Standard Time [OSINF] Daylight Saving Mode : No [OSINF] DST Adjust Clock Mode : Enabled/Checked [OSINF] TPM 2.x Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] SecureBoot Bypass : N/A [OSINF] Low RAM Bypass Check : N/A [OSINF] Allow W1x WU Upgrades : N/A [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] =================[ Motherboard Information ]================= [MBINF] ============================================================= [MBINF] #01 SP Product Name : [To be filled by O.E.M.] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [To be filled by O.E.M.] [MBINF] #03 BP Base Product : [H77-DS3H] [MBINF] #04 BMH Vendor Name : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] [MBINF] #05 SM System Vendor : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] [MBINF] #06 BM Baseboard Name : [Gigabyte Technology Co. Ltd.] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 0 : [N/A] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID 1 : [ALASKA - 1072009] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information : [No SLIC table present] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Detect Plan : [G4] [OA2T:0] [MBINF] #11 MSDM Information : [No MSDM Table Present] [MBINF] Chassis Type : [Desktop {3}] [MBINF] PC System Type : [Desktop {0x1}] [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] ==================[ Main BIOS Information ]================== [BDINF] ============================================================= [BDINF] Manufacturer/Type : [American Megatrends Inc.] [BDINF] Version Number : [F5] [BDINF] SMBIOS Version : [2.7] [BDINF] Release Date : [05/14/2012] {UTC or as defined by Manufacturer location} [BDINF] Using Primary Chip : [True] [BDINF] UEFI Certifications : [None detected] [BDINF] UEFI DBX Revocations : [None detected] [BDINF] S/Boot CVE-2020-10713 : [Boothole fix not available in UEFI] [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] ===================[ Processor Information ]================= [MPINF] ============================================================= [MPINF] Full Name : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz {Ref:NVR}] [MPINF] Description : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [MPINF] Architecture : [32/64 Bit] [MPINF] Current Clock Speed : [3201 Mhz] {Approx} [MPINF] Max Clock Speed : [3,2 GHz] {Approx} [MPINF] L2 Cache Size : [1024 MB] [MPINF] L3 Cache Size : [6144 MB] [MPINF] Manufacturer ID Data : [GenuineIntel] [MPINF] Processor Family : [198] [MPINF] CPUID Signature : [00306A9] [MPINF] Revision Number {Hex} : [0x3a09] [MPINF] Sockets/CPU's Present : [1] [MPINF] Cores/Threads : [4] / [4] [MPINF] VT Firmware Mode : [Disabled] [MPINF] Notes: Data may vary depending if info is currently available within the database. [MPINF] Clock Speeds and Cache data are correct at the time of detection. [MPINF] Family data reference is obtained from SMBIOS, v2.0 to v2.5 is member 1 and later v2.6+ is member 2. [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] ===============[ Intel: Meltdown/Spectre Data ]============== [MELSP] ============================================================= [MELSP] The Meltdown/Spectre routine was auto disabled due to not being fully compatible with this OS at this time. [MELSP] Later Intel 9th Gen and above CPU's have newer hardware-based protections against Meltdown/Spectre. [MMINF] ============================================================= [MMINF] ====================[ Memory Information ]=================== [MMINF] ============================================================= [MMINF] Total Physical : 8087 MB [MMINF] Used During Setup : 1031 MB [MMINF] Available : 7056 MB [MMINF] Design Type : DDR3 {24} [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] ===[ Show Other User Options Applied/Enabled Or Disabled ]=== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Applied Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] Translations for most of the Context Menu texts will be performed via the OS where possible. [DMSRT] Disable 'MSRT' - {Malicious Software Removal Tool}. [NOWUR] Prevent the 'Automatic Restart' after any Windows Update operations. Later CU may reset this. [CPODT] Show the 'Control Panel' icon on the Desktop. [ABWCT] Add 'About Windows' to the Desktop's Context Menu. [DIMSD] Disable the UAC's 'Secure Desktop' dimming of the Desktop, this does not disable/alter any other UAC security functions. [CPDCM] Add 'Control Panel' entries to the Desktop's Context Menu. [CPANV] Set the Control Panel's window view to Category {Default}. [ESTCM] Add 'Screenshots' Context Menu entries. [OS Translated] [SDCCM] Add 'Disk Clean-up' entry to a SSD/HDD Drive's Context Menu. [SDLEV] Drive Letter view set as: OS default. Usually after any drive labels. [SATCM] No 'Administrative Tools' Context Menu items was selected for addition. [AWLBM] Enable 'F8 Legacy OS Boot Menu'. This may not always work on some motherboards due to BIOS function key conflicts. [AAFAS] Allow Apps from anywhere, default OS setting. [NETSE] Enable File Sharing. You may still need to enable SMB v1.0 via 'Programs and Features' for some older devices to work. [P3DCM] Remove the 'Edit with Paint3D' Context Menu entry. [DNIFD] Disable 'News and Interests' Feed. [DMAFD] Disable the majority of other Feeds. [SMTBO] The Start Menu and Taskbar will use the default OS presentations. [DCAPP] Disable/Block Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser 'CompatTelRunner' and related tasks/telemetry where possible. [NBLOS] Disable the blurred 'Log-On' background screen effect. [HOAOS] Hide the create, or use, a Microsoft 'Online Account' screen during OOBE/Windows Setup. Does NOT affect creating a 'Local' account. [SMDEW] Show more details on the copy dialog window. [EXEXR] Expand the Explorer window's ribbon menu for Windows 1x. Reboot or Logout/in cycle required for it to work. May no longer work on later Win 11 Builds. [DFLAU] Disable the first logon animation/adverts screen after a upgrade. [DTSED] Disable the 22H2+ 'Desktop Stickers' feature. [RSSAS] No 'All Safe Apps' option{s} was selected. [RSSAS] Approximate time taken to remove any selected Apps: 00h 01m 23s {Some options may also remove other associated Apps} [NOTEL] {##} The Reduce Telemetry routine for LTSx builds has been set to be less aggressive. [SUOEA] ============================================================= [SUOEA] =====================[ Enabled Options ]===================== [SUOEA] ============================================================= [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' references from icons. [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' view instead of the newer 'Quick Access'. [OCDEN] Disable Network connections to allow offline account creation etc. May require a manual re-enable later. [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale. [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present. [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps. [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot. [ESAFA] Disable the 'Snap Assist' Flyout/Bar. [ESAFA] Prevent TaskBar Grouping, note this may not function correctly on early win11 builds. [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later} [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present. [TBS11] Set Taskbar layout size to 'Default'. [ACPTB] Hide and disable 'Co-Pilot' on the System Tray/TaskBar. This does not uninstall the App. [PODAI] Prevent OneDrive from automatically installing after Setup has completed. [SSOSC] Show the 'seconds' on the System Tray's clock, Win10 and later 2262x+ Win11 builds Only. {May be disabled by m$ at anytime} [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present/detected. [UCMEW] Enable the 'Compact Mode' for the File Explorer's views. [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed. [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu entry. [NMPTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Mail' icon on the TaskBar. May not always work due to OS conflicts. [NTVTB] Hide/Unpin the 'Task View' icon on the TaskBar. [TOSCF] Turn off the new 'Smart Clipboard' feature. [TOPTF] Turn Off the new 'Predictive Text' feature {Multilingual}. [RSMIA] Remove Desktop's Spotlight 'More information about this image' icon. [EDOSC] Expand Date on the System Clock. [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode {v2}. [RDCTM] Remove Defender's Context Menu items. [DFSBN] {$$} Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible. [PEFPL] {##} Prevent 'MS Edge' from pre-loading automatically, plus reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint. [SUOEA] =================================================== [SUOEA] ==============[ Disabled MRP Options ]============= [SUOEA] =================================================== [NOTES] Because a Windows 11 or above OS has been installed, some specific options may be auto disabled to prevent issues. [WSTYL] User selected Wallpaper Style: Not set, using the default OS, or the .theme's, value. [TBSSI] The 'Use small TaskBar icons' option was auto disabled as it can upset the Win 11+ System Tray layout. [AOTCM] The Add 'OEM Info' option was auto disabled as it is no longer operative for Builds above 22100. [HVECI] Hypervisor Enforced Code Integrity requires CPU VT/x mode to be enabled in the BIOS. [HVCIS] Advanced HVCI Option: Was disabled because the special Option's variable was not set via the oobe.cmd file. [TBVW1] Some Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on Windows 11+ OS Kernels. [PBLAE] The 'Prevent Bitlocker auto encryption' option was not used to prevent issues. [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] ============[ {xx} Marked Information ]============ [INFOS] =================================================== [INFOS] {$$} = This option is User changeable later via the Settings App or Control Panel etc. [INFOS] {##} = This is an experimental option, may not always work as expected depending on the OS Build etc. [USRDN] ==================================================== [USRDN] ===[ User Specified System Drive Rename Routine ]=== [USRDN] ==================================================== [USRDN] The System Drive [C:] 'Local Disk' was renamed to 'WINDOWS 11' [USRDN] Note: On some OS Languages this may not always be shown correctly, you may have to manually change it later. [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] ===[ Retail.txt/Ei.cfg/PID.txt Detection Routines ]=== [REPDR] ====================================================== [REPDR] Note: Some results may be shown as 'not detected' if the install medium was removed during OS installation. [REPDR] The 'Retail.txt' file was not detected within the 'Scripts' folder. [REPDR] The 'ei.cfg' file was not detected. [REPDR] The 'PID.txt' file was not detected. [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDMI] ===[ Querying DMI For OEM Manufacturer Brand Information ]=== [CKDMI] ============================================================= [CKDCF] DMI Internal Reference : 1c/4/1 [CKDCF] No DMI conflicts was found. [CKDCF] DMI query routine has completed. [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] ===[ DMI or Custom Theme Data Processing ]=== [DCTPR] ============================================= [DCTPR] Gigabyte [#04] Manufacturer was detected for automated theme/branding. [DCTPR] ======================================= [NOACT] The 'No OEM Activation' option was not selected, OEM activation will be applied where possible. [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] ===[ Model Name Processing Routine ]=== [SYSPD] ======================================= [SYSPD] The DMI/BIOS's 'SystemProductName' value was voided [Ref:1]. [CHKMN] The Computer's Model name was not defined within the BIOS, User specified or defined within '#03 CS BaseBoard Product'. [TBPRT] =================================== [TBPRT] ===[ Theme Processing Routines ]=== [TBPRT] =================================== [USRFT] The User's specified theme was not defined. [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] ===[ Brand Transfer Management Routine ]=== [TBTMS] =========================================== [TBTMS] Brand theme that will be attempted to be used : Gigabyte [TBTMS] Original 'WallpaperStyle' value found within the 'Gigabyte.theme' file : 10 {Fill image to display resolution} [RMXML] The 'OOBE.xml' file has been processed by Windows Setup. [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg was transferred. [BGDFC] The brand's 'Backgrounds' folder was created. [BGDFC] The brand's 'BackgroundDefault.jpg' file was generated from the 'Wallpaper.jpg' image. [W8XAP] =========================================================== [W8XAP] ===[ Primary User Account Picture {BMP/PNG} Management ]=== [W8XAP] =========================================================== [UBREP] The primary 'User' account picture{s} was replaced with the theme's 'User810' image file. [WXAP2] ============================================================ [WXAP2] ===[ Additional User Account Picture's {PNG} Management ]=== [WXAP2] ============================================================ [UPREP] User-32.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png was replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png was replaced. [X8LLR] ==================================== [X8LLR] ===[ Lock\Log-On Screen Routine ]=== [X8LLR] ==================================== [WX8LS] Lock Screen 'img100' was replaced. Original renamed as img0100. [WX8LO] The 'Log-On' Background 'img105' was replaced. Original renamed as img0105. [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] ===[ Brand/Theme Files Transfer Routine ]=== [OTFTR] ============================================ [OTFTR] The OS branding 'info' theme folder was created. [OTFTR] The theme's branding files have been transferred. [ATREP] The original 'Aero.theme' has been backed up and replaced. [ICTAO] Registry sections for 'InstallTheme' and 'CurrentTheme' was set to '$OEM$.theme'. [ATHBA] Gigabyte OEM brand theme was applied. [SCFLD] ==================================================== [SCFLD] ===[ SetupComplete/FirstLogOn Scripts Detection ]=== [SCFLD] ==================================================== [SCDET] Note: The 'SetupComplete.cmd' file was detected. [NOTES] Malfunction of the Project/Theme may happen if deletion of the 'Scripts' folder, or use of a forced Shutdown/Reboot command, is done within this file. [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] ===[ Primary/Branding Script Completion ]=== [BSHCS] ============================================ [BSHCS] This Edition may have branding/theme errors due to the nature of the OS. [BSHCS] The Primary/Branding script has completed, SetupComplete.cmd script will now be run via Windows Setup. [BSHCS] ============================================ [RBOOT] -----------------------------[ OOBE Reboot via Windows Setup ]----------------------------- [ADMAN] =================================================== [ADMAN] ============[ Add-On Manager: Started ]============ [ADMAN] =================================================== [NOTES] FirstLogOn Script Present : No - FirstLogOn file was not detected [NOTES] SetupComplete Script Present : Yes - SetupComplete file was detected [NOTES] Specialize Script Present : No - Specialize file was not detected [NOTES] UserTweaks Script Present : No - UserTweaks file was not detected [NOTES] Wintel Script Present : No - Wintel file was not detected [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USR1X] ===[ Colorization, User Account Pictures and Remove DefaultUser0 Routines ]=== [USR1X] ============================================================================== [USRAC] The 'Enhanced' Log-On screen registry entry has been applied. [WXSTB] Title Bar colorization: Default OS setting. [WXSHL] Highlight colorization: Default OS setting. [USRAC] User Account Picture's registry entries applied. [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry was corrected and set to the primary username. [USRD0] The 'defaultuser0' account was present, removal process has started. [RDUPM] Removal of the 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [TFFIB] The theme's registry fix was applied. Reboot is required after setup completed. [SATOU] =================================================== [SATOU] ====[ User Options that have now been applied ]==== [SATOU] =================================================== [WSTYL] Original 'WallpaperStyle' registry value: 10 - Fill image to display resolution. [RSCIR] Remove the '-Shortcut' reference on icons. [SCADV] The shortcut's arrow design is set to: OS Default [TOCBI] Turn off check boxes on icons. [MSBTL] Move Win11+'s 'Start Menu' Button from central area to the left, or right, side depending on locale. [DHTBW] Disable/Hide Taskbar News/Interests Widget, if present. [RNIWA] Uninstall/Remove 'News/Interests' and 'Chat' Widget Apps. [RRNMW] Remove the 'System Requirements Not Met' desktop watermark. Requires reboot. [ESAFA] Disable the 'Snap Assist' Flyout/Bar. [UCCMS] Use 'Classic' expanded Context Menus. {Experimental and m$ may disable later} [EDOSC] Expand Date on the System Clock. [HTBCI] Hide the Taskbar's 'Chat' icon, if present. [TBVW1] Taskbar view options have been auto disabled as they can cause issues on this OS Build. [LTTPI] Launch to 'ThisPC' instead of the newer 'Quick Access' view. [PODAI] Prevent 'OneDrive' from automatically installing. [DFSBN] Adjust the 'Diagnostic and Feedback' setting to the lowest possible. [DEWPC] Remove the 'Edit With Photos' Context Menu. [SSOSC] Show the 'seconds' on the System Tray's clock, this depends on the locale and/or OS Build if they are shown. [NMPTB] Unpin the 'Mail' icon from the TaskBar. May not always work due to OS conflicts. [NTVTB] Unpin the 'Task View' icon on the TaskBar. [OCDEN] Attempt to automatically re-enable Network connections. [OCDEN] Note: You may need to manually re-enable Network connections later if not done automatically. [PEFPL] Prevent 'Microsoft Edge' from pre-loading automatically and reduce its 'Telemetry' footprint. [HMNST] Hide Skype's 'Meet Now' icon on the System Tray, if present. [UCMEW] Use 'Compact Mode' for the File Explorer's views. [DGMNW] Disable the 'Get More...' and 'Welcome Experience' notifications, mainly after updates installed. [ACPTB] Hide and disable 'Co-Pilot' on the System Tray/TaskBar. This does not uninstall the App. [RDCTM] Remove Defender's Context Menu items. [UNLDA] Unlock Defender: Special Control Mode {v2}. [RSMIA] Remove Desktop's Spotlight 'More information about this image' icon. [TOSCF] Turn off the new 'Smart Clipboard' feature. [TOPTF] Turn Off the new 'Predictive Text' feature {Multilingual}. [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] ===[ Check BIOS/Boot Mode, OS Partition Type/Controller Mode ]=== [AMBPS] ================================================================= [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : UEFI [AMBPS] Partition Type : GPT [AMBPS] Secure Boot : N/A [AMHDC] Bitlocker State : Not protected by BitLocker [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] ===[ External Add-On's Detection ]=== [EXTSR] ===================================== [EXTSR] No external Add-On's was detected or processed. [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] ===[ Detecting License\Activation Status ]=== [CHKLS] ============================================= [CHKLS] License/Activation Status : Notification [CHKLS] License Channel Status : OEM Digital Marker {OEM_DM} {CTT} [CHKLS] Internet Connection Status : Appears not connected online [CHKLS] License Status Reason Code : 0xC004F034 [CHKLS] License not found/invalid or could not connect to the Activation Server. [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete Activation. [ADMAN] =============================== [ADMAN] ===[ Finalization Routines ]=== [ADMAN] =============================== [CLNUP] The Windows.old folder was empty and removed. [CLNUP] Clean Up Routine Processed. [ADMAN] =================================== [ADMAN] ===[ Add-On Manager: Completed ]=== [ADMAN] =================================== [ENDAM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] = Please Note: As User options, UserTweaks or Wintel scripts have been detected it is = [ENDAM] = required for a reboot cycle to allow these options/tweaks to take full = [ENDAM] = effect. This also allows any Theme related processes to complete. = [ENDAM] = = [ENDAM] ========================================================================================= [ENDED] The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
I was looking at code and i cant see anything out of place, i though the esu was a slp type key never occurred to me that it a MAK (Multi-activation-key)
@Dubioza Kolektiv -- i will look into that spotlight area. As m$ are combining a lot of things together its now a hunt and find game to see what each part is combined with. It used to be just registry changes but it also scheduled tasks and other things. Im sure as that is greyed out that its some policy edit, at least it gives me a rough area as i can look for the policy changes and see which one affects spotlight too.
Any MAK keys i have bought was just for one item (in my case it was office pro+ 2010), i got 50 activations for close to a grand in GBP (£995) - was the most expensive licence for one product i ever bought!
Not sure if this will work... To enable Windows Spotlight using the registry, follow these steps: Press Win + R to open the Run dialog, type regedit, and press Enter. Navigate to the following path in the Registry Editor: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent. Right-click on the CloudContent folder, click on New, and then select DWORD (32-bit) Value. Rename the new value to DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures. Double-click on DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures and set the value to 0 to enable Windows Spotlight, or set it to 1 to disable it. Alternatively, you can also enable or disable Windows Spotlight by creating a new DWORD value named DisableSpotlightCollectionOnDesktop and setting its value to 0 to enable or 1 to disable the feature on the desktop background. DisableSpotlightCollectionOnDesktop is a new one to me and i dont think that is in MRP. Probably w11 only?
To my knowledge, ESU is Volume:MAK or KMSCLIENT, although the KMSCLIENT key cannot be activated by a normal KMS Server. The old QT picks up the license correctly, but only the main one. One observation I made is the following: - Personally, I'm using the string Code: wmic.exe PATH SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' AND PartialProductKey is not NULL) GET /VALUE /TRANSLATE:BasicXml /FORMAT:VALUE for logging the license. Of course, there would have to be found PS commands doing this, too. - That command returns a list in text format for each license in succession, one item is Code: LicenseIsAddon=TRUE or Code: LicenseIsAddon=FALSE - Maybe QT could use this marker to find the true main license.
@Carlos Detweiller , i will dig out the old dos QT and see if i can bodge , i mean sort something out and then see if it can be converted to the GUI qt after...
I still do a lot of testing in batch then convert to autoit later, the odd batch such as the one for finding if a clean or upgraded OS and the date of previous os etc is still a batch file i call via autoit and parse the results as to convert it was always causing issues so i used the tried and tested method and just parsed the resulting text file