its in testing along with mrp 72.0. Its fully functional and will be released with MRP 72. The creator should work with v71.0 however the new options will be ignored as the code for those is not in version 71.0 although most options will work. Deleted link. See a post below for 1.4 with extra filtering on Drive Label and Model Name fields. On using the Exit button, if any changes are made, you should be asked to save the file (defaults to desktop), you can change the location in the save requester. Sometimes it gets confused and just exits. Im still learning the AutoIT's programming language. Any saves will overwrite a previous config file. If it fails to exit , just click the X in top corner.
Using the creator and setting options all work and save correctly, its just the exit bit that is not 100% perfect. For my 1st attempt at a GUI i think it not too bad, took long enough to get it all to work as it is.
I am still checking invalid characters and the & ^ may cause some strange effects so until 1.4 is tested (in progress as i type) dont use ^ or & in the drive label or model name as it WILL crash MRP! its not a fault of MRP its how variables and such like are interpreted via the command processor. The & is a odd ball and ^ is a escape character, i am just filtering those ones out on 1.4 so bear with me a few minutes.
chcp 65001 2>nul >nul Sets utf-8 support within command silently. If you wish to know what the machine is running now type chcp and enter. If for example US then should be 437 by default. When cmd prompt is closed it defaults back to system default.
I keep telling my wife I am still good for some things. lol Note: You can also use @chcp 65001 >nul to null output instead of method above. Either way works.
MRP 72.0 Baseline has been uploaded, also Query Tool v32.0 -- First post updated with new passwords. MRPConfigCreator_v1.4.exe is in its own folder within the 'Optional' folder. Spoiler: Quick Summary MRP 72.0 / QT 32.0 MRP has a few new options as mentioned before in a post. The ConfigCreator shows all options available. It is advised to use this to create your ini file as this stops any errors by doing it manually. Any options used/changed from default are show in the project.log, which has been slightly enhanced with the new information. New error checking added to cover additions. If something MRP not like it will use the default setting for that option - if you edited the ini manually. Code reshuffle/tidy up. See Changelog for details. --------------------------------------------------------------Query Tool: Fixed duplicate wording in a few Reason Code texts. Another speed tweak or two done, for Fast mode. Forgot to put changelog in for the QT but nothing thrilling added only the above text. Spoiler: MRP 72.0 Project.log Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171107-R72.0 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required project files extracted successfully. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. Detected Config File - Checking For Options... - Options Check Completed. MRP Logging Mode : Enhanced Confirm File Delete : Enabled W10 TitleBar Color : Enabled - Title Bars will be colorized to Blue. Hi-Lite Colorization : Enabled - Hi-Lited Text will be colorized to Grey. CustomTheme option : Enabled - With 'ALIENWARE' added from MRPConfig file. On Desktop: 'ThisPC' : Enabled OS Installation Date/Time: 07/11/2017 -- 4:02pm [OSINF] ======================= [OSINF] Detected OS Information [OSINF] ======================= [OSINF] Version Installed : Windows 10 Pro x64 [OSINF] Edition {Registry} : Professional [OSINF] Edition {WMIC} : Professional [OSINF] Build Information : 16299.15.amd64fre.rs3_release.170928-1534 [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 15 {Baseline Release} [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-GB / 2057 {809h} [OSINF] Locale : en-GB [OSINF] Language Name Value : ENG [OSINF] ======================= [MBINF] ======================= [MBINF] Motherboard Information [MBINF] ======================= [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name : [H81M-HDS] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [H81M-HDS] [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.] [MBINF] #05 CS System Name : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.] [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID : [_ASUS_] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version : [v2.1] [MBINF] ======================= [CMINF] ======================= [CMINF] CPU/Memory Information [CMINF] ======================= [CMINF] CPU Name/Type : [Intel{R} Celeron{R} CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz] [CMINF] CPU Description : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [CMINF] CPU Architecture : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set] [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads : [2] / [2] [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [3896 Mb] [CMINF] Available Memory : [3389 Mb] [CMINF] ======================= [HDTYP] Info: SSD Detected. [SATOU] -> Show options enabled/applied. [FEXTS] Show file extensions option has been enabled. [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option has been enabled. [GO2TP] Launch To 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' view option has been enabled. [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' option has been enabled. [NETSE] Enable File Sharing option has been applied. [REMPB] Remove People Band option has been enabled. [REM6F] Remove Library Folders from 'ThisPC' view has been applied. [REM3D] Remove 3D Objects Folder from 'ThisPC' view has been applied. [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak enabled. [MTTBT] Extra Taskbar transparency option has been enabled. [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'My Test Label'. [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection. [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected. [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file "D:\Sources\EI.cfg" was detected. [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information. [THMOK] Asus [#04] manufacturer detected. CustomTheme will override this. [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled. [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'My Model Name' has been applied. [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section. [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing. [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'Alienware' will be used. [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section. [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred. [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created. [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg. [W8XAP] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management. [RMXML] OOBE.xml file processed. [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. [UPREP] User.png replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png replaced. [WXAP2] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management {Section 2}. [UPREP] User-32.png replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png replaced. [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. Original renamed as img0105.jpg. [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. Original renamed as img0100.jpg. [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section. [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created. [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred. [USCTA] User specified 'Alienware' theme has been applied. [BSHCS] Branding script has completed. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started. [SATOU] -> Show tweak options applied. [FEXTS] Show file extensions tweak applied. [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied. [GO2TP] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' tweak has been applied. [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' tweak enabled. [REMPB] Remove People Band tweak applied. [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak applied. [MTTBT] More transparent Taskbar tweak applied. [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data. [CMSDM] No MSDM Table/Key detected in BIOS. [USRAC] Windows 10: Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled. [W10TB] Windows 10: 'Blue' Title Bar Colorization applied. [W10HL] Windows 10: 'Grey' Hi-Lite Text Color applied. [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied. [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry corrected. [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', removal process started. [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account completed. [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type. [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode : AHCI [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed. [CHKLS] License Status: Notification [OSLRC] License Status Reason: 0xC004F034 [OSLRT] Connection to activation server has not been successful at this time. [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete activation. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed. [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed. ========================================================================================= = Please Note: It is advisable to log out or reboot your computer when possible to = = allow Windows 10 to finalize any settings/User Pictures etc. = = = = If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then = = it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options = = to take effect. = ========================================================================================= The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed. Fully loaded - apart from forgot to check the No Lock/Login Change. It does work if that option used.
Iam not sure if i mentioned it that on Windows os's below 10 RS3 the model name does show in the Basic information screen where it shows your processor etc, it seems that it not longer shows on RS3, it is stored in the registry as it always has been, just that it not show. Not sure if RS4 preview does the same ie no show the model name.
i checked MRP's code and i not made any mistakes, as the Model name is stored at: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation subkey Model They (m$) do like to mess about with that damn metro grr.
Ok after much thinking and tests, have fixed the Model Name bit. Uploaded the new MRP 72.1 and updated first post with new password. Quick Summary: Fixed System Model Name replacement due to changes Microsoft has made. If one is present either by DMI detection or the User Option to add your own it will now show on those OS's that failed before. If neither is present then Undefined will be shown in the log. No other changes have been made.
I know it a quick update for MRP to 72.1 in one day, but as it a option that i know a few may use, it had to be fixed asap.
'No Lock/Login Screen: Enabled' -- a padding error well it only cosmetic, will have it fixed for next release. Nice to see it all works on the new preview. Did the Model Name work?