Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Yeah i did mention it on the post :p
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I never pay attention to the txts ;):p:D:D
  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Have moved the 'F8' Legacy Boot menu, {windows 8.x/10 only}, from oobe.cmd to a new option.

    Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) added as an option to disable/enable that from being downloaded etc.

    Updated Creator with the new options.

    Tests so far have worked. :D

    More tests to do...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Lots of testing being done here *Transmitting internetlove*
  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    A teaser of the next MRP... :p

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171109-R73.0.1 - RC  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File - Checking For Options...
                         - Options Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode        : Enhanced
    Confirm File Delete     : Enabled
    W10 TitleBar Color      : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Blue.
    Hi-Lite Colorization    : Enabled  - Hi-Lited Text will be colorized to Grey.
    CustomTheme option      : Enabled  - Using 'Alienware' added from MRPConfig file.
    'ThisPC' On Desktop     : Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: 09/11/2017 -- 2:40pm
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 10 Pro x64
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 16299.15.amd64fre.rs3_release.170928-1534
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 15 {Baseline Release}
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-GB / 2057 {809h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-GB
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENG
    [OSINF] =======================
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [_ASUS_]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version      : [v2.1]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Celeron{R} CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [3896 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [3387 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: SSD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show file extensions option has been enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option has been enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' option has been applied. 
    [GO2TP] Launch To 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' view option has been enabled.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' option has been enabled.
    [NETSE] Enable File Sharing option has been applied.
    [REMPB] Remove People Band option has been enabled.
    [REM6F] Remove Library Folders from 'ThisPC' view has been applied.
    [REM3D] Remove 3D Objects Folder from 'ThisPC' view has been applied.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak enabled.
    [MTTBT] Extra Taskbar transparency option has been enabled.
    [AWLBM] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu option has been applied. 
    [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'System'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file "D:\Sources\EI.cfg" was detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [THMOK] Asus [#04] manufacturer detected. CustomTheme will override this.
    [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'Alienated' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing.
    [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'Alienware' will be used.  
    [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg.
    [W8XAP] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file processed.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [UPREP] User.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced.
    [WXAP2] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management {Section 2}.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. Original renamed as img0105.jpg.
    [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. Original renamed as img0100.jpg.
    [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section.
    [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created.
    [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred.
    [USCTA] User specified 'Alienware' theme has been applied.
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show tweak options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show file extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [GO2TP] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' tweak has been applied.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' tweak enabled.
    [REMPB] Remove People Band tweak applied.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak applied.
    [MTTBT] More transparent Taskbar tweak applied.
    [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data.
    [CMSDM] No MSDM Table/Key detected in BIOS.
    [USRAC] Windows 10: Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [W10TB] Windows 10: 'Blue' Title Bar Colorization applied.
    [W10HL] Windows 10: 'Grey' Hi-Lite Text Color applied.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', removal process started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account completed.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Notification
    [OSLRC] License Status Reason: 0xC004F034
    [OSLRT] Connection to activation server has not been successful at this time.
    [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete activation.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to log out or reboot your computer when possible to      =
    =              allow Windows 10 to finalize any settings/User Pictures etc.             =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
    You may notice a little rewording done as well. ;)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The Config Creator GUI v1.5 with new the new options. Couldn't edit previous post and add the picture so had to create a new post lol.

    Attached Files:

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  8. Dubioza Kolektiv

    Dubioza Kolektiv MDL Addicted

    Dec 27, 2012
    Please give link for v1.5. If it is possible. Thank you
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  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    The new 'MSRT' & 'Legacy Boot Menu' options can be tested/created, but remember MRP 72.x will ignore them as the code is not written into that release. They are only active on 73.0 on-wards.

    At moment it is all still under test conditions and until i am happy that everything is working as it should, then it wont be available at present.
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Happy to report, MRP 73 is out of testing. :)

    Just putting it all together and will upload it shortly. This hopefully will be good for a couple of weeks to give me time to have a little break (haha).

    If no glitches then this is the main one for a week or two.
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  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1612 mxman2k, Nov 9, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
    MRP 73.0 Baseline has been uploaded, first post updated with new password.

    + Moved the 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu section from oobe.cmd to an option in the config ini. This is for Windows 8.x/10 only as older OS's have this enabled by default.

    + Added the option to disable the 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' (MSRT) from downloading via Windows Update. Default Enabled/Download it.

    + MRPConfigCreator.exe updated with the new options and is now at v1.5 -- please use this to create your personal config file as none is included. This avoids spelling or other mistakes.

    + Little re-wording here and there to cover the new options.

    + Added error checking for the new options and updates to the original ones.

    If you don't wish to create/use the ini file then MRP will use default OFF settings as usual. Apart from the Lock/Login screens option which is Yes by default to change those.

    If using a config file once saved just copy/move the MRPConfig.ini file to the Scripts folder where Decompile.exe etc is located, failing to do this will result in MRP using its default settings as it cannot 'see' it!
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1613 mxman2k, Nov 15, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    Update News

    Config Creator

    Has had a little makeover.
    Aligned a few parts better so it looks neat.
    Extra error checks for invalid characters for the Drive Label/Model Name.

    Query Tool
    Code tidy up.
    A little speed tweak.

    Added option, (W10) Disable/Enable 'Automatic Maintenance Tasks' (see spoiler below for what this does).
    Code tweaks.
    Re-Wording here and there.

    Windows automatically runs scheduled maintenance on a daily basis when you’re not using your computer.

    This feature is called Automatic Maintenance, which takes care of updating Windows Store apps and other software, running Windows Defender scans, system diagnostics, Disk Cleanup etc.

    Besides the maintenance tasks created by Windows, third-party programs can add their Automatic Maintenance scheduled tasks.

    These scheduled jobs are triggered when you leave the system idle for about five minutes*.

    If you start using the computer again, the tasks stop within a few seconds, and they will run the next time the computer is not being used.

    Sometimes it can run these tasks as soon as you log into Windows, slowing down boot times.

    Also on Windows 10 it can run at anytime even after a short time of 15 seconds when the computer is idle, not sure if this is a 'bug' or a feature Microsoft changed for Windows 10.

    If you use the option to disable these tasks and wish to enable it again, enter these lines via an Administrator command/PowerShell prompt:
    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ScheduledDiagnostics" /v "EnabledExecution" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
    Reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Maintenance" /v "MaintenanceDisabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f

    The option could be used on other Windows OS's but it is more aggressive on Windows 10 than others hence why it is for W10 only.

    If you wish to manually try the tweak on other Windows OS's just use the following to disable the tasks:
    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ScheduledDiagnostics" /v "EnabledExecution" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f
    Reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Maintenance" /v "MaintenanceDisabled" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f

    One slight side effect with disabling these tasks on Windows 10 is that if you removed certain Apps it prevents the re-installation of most of them because the Store Apps are not refreshed automatically when these tasks are running.

    Can't guarantee this will always be the case as Microsoft really wants you to use/have them!

    Once all tests have completed then these will be uploaded. :)

    Attached Files:

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171109-R73.0 - BaseLine  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File - Checking For Options...
                         - Options Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode        : Enhanced
    Confirm File Delete     : Enabled
    W10 TitleBar Color      : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Grey.
    Hi-Lite Colorization    : Enabled  - Hi-Lited Text will be colorized to Grey.
    CustomTheme option      : Enabled  - Using 'Paradigit' added from MRPConfig file.
    No Lock/Login Screen    : Enabled  - Windows 10 Lock/Login Screen's will NOT be replaced.
    'ThisPC' On Desktop     : Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: Thu 11/16/2017 -- 11:59am
    [OSINF] ======================= 
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information 
    [OSINF] ======================= 
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview x64
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 17040.1000.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.171110-1506
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 1000
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {409h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-US
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENU
    [OSINF] ======================= 
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [DELL]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version      : [v2.2]
    [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name   : [Dell]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [4095 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [3611 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show file extensions option has been enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option has been enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' option has been applied.
    [GO2TP] Launch To 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' view option has been enabled.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' option has been enabled.
    [NETSE] Enable File Sharing option has been applied.
    [REMPB] Remove People Band option has been enabled.
    [REM6F] Remove Library Folders from 'ThisPC' view has been applied.
    [REM3D] Remove 3D Objects Folder from 'ThisPC' view has been applied.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak enabled.
    [MTTBT] Extra Taskbar transparency option has been enabled.
    [AWLBM] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu option has been applied.
    [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to '17040_MRP_73_Test'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file "D:\Sources\EI.cfg" was detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [VMWSD] Default DMI 'VMware' with a Dell [#08] SLIC detected.
    [THMOK] Dell [#08] manufacturer detected. CustomTheme will override this.
    [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: '17040_Test_MRP' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing.
    [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'ParaDigit' will be used.   
    [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg.
    [W8XAP] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file processed.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [UPREP] User.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced.
    [WXAP2] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management {Section 2}.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WX8LS] Note: Using Windows default Lock Screen as the 'ChangeLockLoginScreens' option was enabled.
    [WXLS1] Note: Using Windows default Log-In Background as the 'ChangeLockLoginScreens' option was enabled.
    [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section.
    [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created.
    [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred.
    [USCTA] User specified 'ParaDigit' theme has been applied. 
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show tweak options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show file extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [GO2TP] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' tweak has been applied.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' tweak enabled.
    [REMPB] Remove People Band tweak applied.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak applied.
    [MTTBT] More transparent Taskbar tweak applied.
    [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data.
    [CMSDM] Processing MSDM Key...
    [CMSDM] -> Show WMIC/MSDM Edition/Channel Information.
    [CMSDM] -> {WMIC} OS Edition     : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] -> {MSDM} KeyEditionID   : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] -> {MSDM} ChannelID      : 'MSDM'
    [CMSDM] Key Detection Routine Used : 1
    [CMSDM] MSDM Key Information: Win 8 Professional
    [CMSDM] The detected MSDM key can be used for the OS Edition installed, saved and applied.
    [CMSDM] The MSDM key details have been saved in C:\MSDM-Key.txt.
    [USRAC] Windows 10: Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [W10TB] Windows 10: 'Grey' Title Bar Colorization applied.
    [W10HL] Windows 10: 'Grey' Hi-Lite Text Color applied.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', removal process started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account completed.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy 
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed, {HWID} Digital License
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to log out or reboot your computer when possible to      =
    =              allow Windows 10 to finalize any settings/User Pictures etc.             =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1615 mxman2k, Nov 16, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
    MRP v74.0 is now baseline and has been uploaded. See first post for new password.

    After much testing and finding a little bug well actually it could be a big one under certain circumstances on Windows 7.

    MRP v74.0

    + Added new option - Disable 'Automatic Computer Maintenance' (Windows 10 Only).

    + Classic added as a TitleBar Color - this is usually Blue, but it can depend on the themes color.

    + Re-wording here and there.

    + Fixed DelConfirm glitch which showed as enabled on Windows 7 when it is actually ignored for that OS.

    + Code shuffle to accommodate new option section.

    + Major re-write of CustomTheme processing section. This is now 12 seconds faster! Not that you will notice during oobe/setup.

    Config Creator_v1.6

    + Has had a little makeover.

    + You will notice the TitleBar and Hi-Lite Text selections are greyed out, these only become active if you check the 'Allow W10 TitleBar Colorization' box. Also they will only work for Windows 10 otherwise MRP will just ignore them.

    + Extra invalid character checks for Drive Label and Model Name.

    Query Tool v33

    + Speed up Tweak, shaved off about 2.5 seconds in fast mode and 2 to 3 seconds in slow mode. Dependant on your computers processing speed.

    + Fixed duplicate wording in some Reason Code Text's.

    Added the Changelog this time! :p

    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171116-R74.T.6 - Internal Test  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File    - Checking For User Options...
                            - Options Pre-Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode        : Enhanced
    CustomTheme option      : Enabled  - Using 'Alienware' added from MRPConfig file.
    'My Computer' On Desktop: Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: 16/11/2017 -- 6:30pm
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 7 Professional x64
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 7601.23807.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr.170512-0600
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {409h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-GB
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENG
    [OSINF] =======================
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [_ASUS_]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version      : [v2.1]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Celeron{R} CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [3896 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [3376 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: SSD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions option enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' tweak applied.
    [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'Alien System'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file was not detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [DSLIC] Detecting any SLIC information.
    [SPCV7] Asus [#08] SLIC manufacturer found for possible Windows 7 OEM activation.
    [THMOK] Asus [#04] manufacturer detected. Defined CustomTheme 'Alienware' will override this.
    [CKSLP] -> Checking database for OEM-SLP Product Key.
    [SLPOK] Asus OEM-SLP Product Key found and applied.
    [XRMAN] -> OEM XRM-MS Certificate Management.
    [XRMOK] Asus {C3} XRM-MS OEM Certificate will be applied.
    [W7ASR] OEM activation subroutine created.
    [OEMSC] OEM activation subroutine has completed.
    [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'Alienated' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing.
    [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'Alienware' will be applied.
    [X64RF] Registry fix for x64 theme applied.
    [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section.
    [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created.
    [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred.
    [USCTA] User specified 'Alienware' theme has been applied.
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible to       =
    =              allow Windows to finalize any settings.                                  =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171116-R74.T.6 - Internal Test  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File    - Checking For User Options...
                            - Options Pre-Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode        : Enhanced
    Confirm File Delete     : Enabled
    W10 TitleBar Color      : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Classic.
    CustomTheme option      : Enabled  - Using 'Alienware' added from MRPConfig file.
    'ThisPC' On Desktop     : Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: 16/11/2017 -- 7:15pm
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 10 Pro x64
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 16299.15.amd64fre.rs3_release.170928-1534
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 15 {Baseline Release}
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-GB / 2057 {809h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-GB
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENG
    [OSINF] =======================
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [_ASUS_]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version      : [v2.1]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Celeron{R} CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [3896 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [3388 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: SSD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions option enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' tweak applied.
    [GO2TP] Launch To 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' view option enabled.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' option enabled.
    [REMPB] Remove 'People Band' option enabled.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak enabled.
    [REM6F] Remove 'Library Folders' from 'ThisPC' view tweak applied.
    [REM3D] Remove '3D Objects Folder' from 'ThisPC' view tweak applied.
    [MTTBT] Extra TaskBar Transparency option enabled.
    [AWLBM] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu tweak applied.
    [NOAMT] Disable Windows 10 'Automatic Computer Maintenance Tasks' tweak applied.
    [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'Alien System'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file "D:\Sources\EI.cfg" was detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [THMOK] Asus [#04] manufacturer detected. Defined CustomTheme 'Alienware' will override this.
    [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'Alienated' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing.
    [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'Alienware' will be applied.
    [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg.
    [W8XAP] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file processed.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [UPREP] User.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced.
    [WXAP2] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management {Section 2}.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. Original renamed as img0105.jpg.
    [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. Original renamed as img0100.jpg.
    [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section.
    [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created.
    [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred.
    [USCTA] User specified 'Alienware' theme has been applied.
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [REMPB] Remove 'People Band' tweak applied.
    [GO2TP] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' tweak applied.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' tweak applied.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak applied.
    [MTTBT] Extra TaskBar Transparency tweak applied.
    [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data.
    [CMSDM] No MSDM Table/Key detected in BIOS.
    [USRAC] Windows 10: Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [W10TB] Windows 10: 'Classic' Title Bar Colorization applied.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', removal process started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account completed.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Notification
    [OSLRC] License Status Reason: 0xC004F034
    [OSLRT] Connection to activation server has not been successful at this time.
    [CHKLS] Online connection maybe required to complete activation.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to log out or reboot your computer when possible to      =
    =              allow Windows 10 to finalize any settings/User Pictures etc.             =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
    MRPConfigCreator_v1.6 is within the Optional folder.

    Some slight tweaks to the Wintel.cmd too. ;)
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  16. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1616 mxman2k, Nov 17, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017
    When testing Windows 7 yesterday this is the error i got which prompted me to re-write the customtheme section:
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171116-R74.T.5 - Internal Test  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File    - Checking For User Options...
                            - Options Pre-Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode        : Enhanced
    CustomTheme option      : Enabled  - Using 'Alienware' added from MRPConfig file.
    'My Computer' On Desktop: Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: 16/11/2017 -- 11:03am
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 7 Professional x64
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 7601.23807.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr.170512-0600
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {409h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-GB
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENG
    [OSINF] =======================
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [H81M-HDS]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [ASUSTeK Computer INC.]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [_ASUS_]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version      : [v2.1]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Celeron{R} CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [3896 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [3375 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: SSD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions option enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' tweak applied.
    [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'Alien System'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file was not detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [DSLIC] Detecting any SLIC information.
    [SPCV7] Asus [#08] SLIC manufacturer found for possible Windows 7 OEM activation.
    [THMOK] Asus [#04] manufacturer detected. Defined CustomTheme 'Alienware' will override this.
    [CKSLP] -> Checking database for OEM-SLP Product Key.
    [SLPOK] Asus OEM-SLP Product Key found and applied.
    [XRMAN] -> OEM XRM-MS Certificate Management.
    [XRMOK] Asus {C3} XRM-MS OEM Certificate will be applied.
    [W7ASR] OEM activation subroutine created.
    [OEMSC] OEM activation subroutine has completed.
    [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'Alienated' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing.
    [FTRNC] Error: Brand 'Alienware' was not defined correctly within CustomTheme section of MRPConfig.ini.
    [THMWD] Using Windows default theme.
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [URPTE] Error: Theme may not have some parts applied correctly - Unexpected reboot? 
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible to       =
    =              allow Windows to finalize any settings.                                  =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
    I knew it was defined correctly, found out sometimes it failed to read the temp file with the customtheme information in so after a few hours rewriting the section it no longer relies on a temp file, it still creates one and if empty/corrupt it uses a backup method instead which is more reliable.

    It all was a timing problem, the file was written and read back so fast on a SSD that it not had time to complete the write!

    Also if the customtheme fails and there was a detected DMI/SLIC/MSDM brand MRP will use that or if none found the windows default theme will be used, in my T5 test it read the Asus DMI but because of the internal error it ignored that. That is fixed now in 74.0.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I was testing something else but used MRP74 on it for doubletesting :D
    LAN = off so no HWID activation till it was enabled after install finished:
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171116-R74.0 - BaseLine  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine.
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File    - Checking For User Options...
                            - Options Pre-Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode        : Enhanced
    Confirm File Delete     : Enabled
    W10 TitleBar Color      : Enabled  - Title Bars will be colorized to Grey.
    Hi-Lite Colorization    : Enabled  - Hi-Lited Text will be colorized to Grey.
    CustomTheme option      : Enabled  - Using 'OQO' added from MRPConfig file.
    No Lock/Login Screen    : Enabled  - Windows 10 Lock/Login Screen's will NOT be replaced.
    'ThisPC' On Desktop     : Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: Fri 11/17/2017 -- 3:34pm
    [OSINF] ======================= 
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information 
    [OSINF] ======================= 
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 10 Pro x86
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 16299.15.x86fre.rs3_release.170928-1534
    [OSINF] Update Build Revision : 64
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {409h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-US
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENU
    [OSINF] ======================= 
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [VMware Virtual Platform]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [VMware, Inc.]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [Intel Corporation]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [DELL]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version      : [v2.2]
    [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name   : [Dell]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [x64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [2048 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [1670 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions option enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' tweak applied.
    [GO2TP] Launch To 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' view option enabled.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' option enabled.
    [REMPB] Remove 'People Band' option enabled.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak enabled.
    [REM6F] Remove 'Library Folders' from 'ThisPC' view tweak applied.
    [REM3D] Remove '3D Objects Folder' from 'ThisPC' view tweak applied.
    [MTTBT] Extra TaskBar Transparency option enabled.
    [AWLBM] Use 'F8' Legacy Boot Menu tweak applied.
    [NOAMT] Disable Windows 10 'Automatic Computer Maintenance Tasks' tweak applied.
    [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'MRP_74_test'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file "D:\Sources\EI.cfg" was detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [VMWSD] Default DMI 'VMware' with a Dell [#08] SLIC detected.
    [THMOK] Dell [#08] manufacturer detected. Defined CustomTheme 'OQO' will override this.
    [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'MRP_74_test_PC' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing.
    [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'OQO' will be applied.
    [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg.
    [W8XAP] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management.
    [RMXML] OOBE.xml file processed.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [UPREP] User.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-40.png replaced.
    [WXAP2] -> Windows 10: User Account Picture Management {Section 2}.
    [UPREP] User-32.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-48.png replaced.
    [UPREP] User-192.png replaced.
    [WX8LS] Note: Using Windows default Lock Screen as the 'ChangeLockLoginScreens' option was enabled.
    [WXLS1] Note: Using Windows default Log-In Background as the 'ChangeLockLoginScreens' option was enabled.
    [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section.
    [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created.
    [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred.
    [USCTA] User specified 'OQO' theme has been applied. 
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [REMPB] Remove 'People Band' tweak applied.
    [GO2TP] LaunchTo 'ThisPC' instead of 'Quick Access' tweak applied.
    [APPDT] Apps use 'Dark Theme' tweak applied.
    [REM1D] Prevent One Drive from installing tweak applied.
    [MTTBT] Extra TaskBar Transparency tweak applied.
    [CMSDM] Querying BIOS for MSDM data.
    [CMSDM] Processing MSDM Key...
    [CMSDM] -> Show WMIC/MSDM Edition/Channel Information.
    [CMSDM] -> {WMIC} OS Edition     : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] -> {MSDM} KeyEditionID   : 'Professional'
    [CMSDM] -> {MSDM} ChannelID      : 'MSDM'
    [CMSDM] Key Detection Routine Used : 1
    [CMSDM] MSDM Key Information: Win 8 Professional
    [CMSDM] The detected MSDM key can be used for the OS Edition installed, saved and applied.
    [CMSDM] The MSDM key details have been saved in C:\MSDM-Key.txt.
    [USRAC] Windows 10: Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled.
    [W10TB] Windows 10: 'Grey' Title Bar Colorization applied.
    [W10HL] Windows 10: 'Grey' Hi-Lite Text Color applied.
    [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied.
    [USRRO] Windows 'Registered Owner' {Winver} registry entry corrected.
    [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', removal process started.
    [RDUPM] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account completed.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy 
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Notification
    [OSLRC] License Status Reason: 0xC004F034
    [OSLRT] Connection to activation server has not been successful at this time.
    [CHKLS] Online connection required to complete MSDM activation.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to log out or reboot your computer when possible to      =
    =              allow Windows 10 to finalize any settings/User Pictures etc.             =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
  18. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    One way of testing MRP :p

    I do same when editing for a new release i usually install with the test version on a pc i have in for repair, does two jobs at the same time. :D

    Usually i have tested in a VM first to make sure nothing crashes, then hammer it on a real pc.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  19. bios83

    bios83 MDL Novice

    Aug 23, 2016
    Привет, появилась проблема при использовании проекта. После работы скриптов удаляются мои soft.ini, Drivers.ini. Можно ли сделать так чтоб DeCompile.exe и OEM's.7z создавали каталог темп и туда распаковывать. Большую проблему создает скрипт по удалению папки Scripts, можно ли сделать так чтоб пользователь сам выбирал удалять или оставлять. Всё что я описал создаёт проблему для автоматической установки OS а также установки драйверов и программ. Спасибо
  20. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    english please.

    I translated as best as i could.
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