Got it, thanks. I've asked at Russian PCPORTAL.ORG.RU to run wmic-request at the systems which has no digital certificate and this was the 1st answer. Already have 4 codes with SLUI explanation: 4004F401, 4004F040, C004F00F, C004F014.
I have 90 main ones to do with activation. It will take a while to obtain them as it a slow process to slui the code then copy paste the text, some seems to be cryptic and those i went on the net looking for others who had that particular code and tried to reword it to make some sort of sense.
You have to watch out that some of the reason codes are for M$ Office only, some are dual purpose - OS and Office, it can get a bit confusing, every code i did a check on was to be OS only for the purpose of MRP and QT or if a dual one was found i made sure it would be a useful addition to cover the OS side. Thanks for the extra info, my R/Code list is at 214 now.
Ooh a new insider, thought they was on thanks giving hols , they sneaked one through lol The model name shows still
in a command window i think it not the hilite color, on mine its yellow too. Hope the MSDM is detected this time I know you can try the QT when you have rebooted the VM it should 'see' the msdm table. Obviously windows itself wont do anything with it until a reinstall.
Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171120-R74.1 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required project files extracted successfully. DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. Detected Config File - Checking For User Options... - Options Pre-Check Completed. MRP Logging Mode : Enhanced CustomTheme option : Enabled - Using 'Hasee' added from MRPConfig file. 'My Computer' On Desktop: Enabled OS Installation Date/Time: Wed 11/22/2017 -- 10:00pm [OSINF] ======================= [OSINF] Detected OS Information [OSINF] ======================= [OSINF] Version Installed : Windows 7 Ultimate x64 [OSINF] Edition {Registry} : Ultimate [OSINF] Edition {WMIC} : Ultimate [OSINF] Build Information : 7601.23915.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr.170913-0600 [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {409h} [OSINF] Locale : en-US [OSINF] Language Name Value : ENU [OSINF] ======================= [MBINF] ======================= [MBINF] Motherboard Information [MBINF] ======================= [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #05 CS System Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation] [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID : [DELL] [MBINF] #09 SLIC Version : [v2.2] [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name : [Dell] [MBINF] ======================= [CMINF] ======================= [CMINF] CPU/Memory Information [CMINF] ======================= [CMINF] CPU Name/Type : [Intel{R} Core{TM} i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz] [CMINF] CPU Description : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [CMINF] CPU Architecture : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set] [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads : [2] / [2] [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [4095 Mb] [CMINF] Available Memory : [3637 Mb] [CMINF] ======================= [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected. [SATOU] -> Show User options enabled/applied. [FEXTS] Show File Extensions option enabled. [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option enabled. [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' tweak applied. [USERL] System Drive user rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'Win7_MRP_74_1'. [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection. [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected. [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file was not detected. [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information. [DSLIC] Detecting any SLIC information. [SPCV7] Dell [#08] SLIC manufacturer found for possible Windows 7 OEM activation. [VMWSD] Default DMI 'VMware' with a Dell [#08] SLIC detected. [THMOK] Dell [#08] manufacturer detected. Defined CustomTheme 'Hasee' will override this. [CKSLP] -> Checking database for OEM-SLP Product Key. [SLPOK] Dell OEM-SLP Product Key found and applied. [XRMAN] -> OEM XRM-MS Certificate Management. [XRMOK] Dell {C5} XRM-MS OEM Certificate will be applied. [W7ASR] OEM activation subroutine created. [OEMSC] OEM activation subroutine has completed. [UDPNA] User defined 'Computer Model Name' option has been enabled. [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'Testing IP MRP' has been applied. [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section. [FTHWD] CustomTheme processing. [USRFT] User selected CustomTheme 'Hasee' will be applied. [X64RF] Registry fix for x64 theme applied. [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section. [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred. [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created. [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg. [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section. [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created. [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred. [USCTA] User specified 'Hasee' theme has been applied. [BSHCS] Branding script has completed. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started. [SATOU] -> Show User options applied. [FEXTS] Show File Extensions tweak applied. [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied. [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type. [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode : AHCI [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed. [CHKLS] License Status: Licensed [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
nope it auto ignores the MSDM check as it not used on anything less than 8.0 so it not show, only a brand check is done on the table if one present for branding if no other option available. Corrected my other post. [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name : [Dell] it detected the MSDM brand name Dell. But as the SLIC was present it used that for auto branding as you used the CustomTheme option it was overridden with the 'Hasee' brand instead.