Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by mxman2k, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Phew!! :D i have gone a bit more grey haired now lol
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  2. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Ok as it 'seems' to be all working i will remove the RC status and make it official QTv37.0 :)

    Be a few mins to finalize and do the changelog etc...

    Many thanks for all the testing @b01m

    A bit closer to perfection in the project. :)
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  3. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Query Tool v37.0 has now been uploaded and first post password updated. :)

    Quick Summary

    + Fixed the Switched Edition glitch which sometimes had incorrect results. Thanks @b01m for your help and testing, added to credits on first post.

    + Fixed language value ZZZ fault, no longer shows this line if WMIC cannot determine the actual alphanumeric value.

    + Few other tweaks done while working on the above areas.
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  4. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I have left the quotes around the OS Edition {Switched} - "result" in the saved text file just in case something else crops up later, its only cosmetic and does not affect the working of the QT. If no more bugs appear on this section i will remove them on the next release.

    You will only see that line if you have done a License switch anyway.
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  5. vze2mp9g

    vze2mp9g MDL Addicted

    Oct 13, 2012
    Thank you, and thank you for all the work you put into the OEM project! How did you ever become such a good programmer with MS Windows, were you a MS engineer (if this is too personal, please do not answer)?
    Thank you again.
  6. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    I assure you i am not that good :p, i make a few mistakes usually nothing serious. As for a M$ engineer nope, they probably would fire me for fixing the bugs too quick. :p

    It's remembering where everything is and how it fits together is the complex part, the MRP and QT have expanded in all directions, more than i, (and maybe a few others), thought it would be possible.

    Thank you to all those that use the project(s), the bug finders, testers etc. Special thanks go to @s1ave77, for the scripting help when i totally was lost in the FOR loops etc. @Alphawaves, for the Generic tools used. @Enthousiast, for the many hours of testing and retesting my screw ups err i mean code tweaks.

    The biggest thanks go to @The_Guardian , for allowing me to take over the helm.

    Thank you all :hug2:

    Wonder what 2018 will bring to the project :g: - you will have to see. ;)
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  7. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    always on top @mxman2k

    MRP - OEM Query Tool v37.0 Enhanced  --  12/12/2017 -- 10:36pm
    - Basic OEM Information For This Computer -
     OS Name                   - Windows 10 Professionnel x64 
     OS Edition {Registry}     - Professional
     OS Build Number           - 15063
     OS Update Build Revision  - 726
     OS Language Name/Code     - fr-FR / Dec:1036 {Hex:40C}
     OS Locale                 - fr-FR
     OS Language Value         - FRA
     OS Installation Date      - 03/04/2017 08:37:29
     CPU Name                  - Intel{R} Core{TM} i5 CPU         650  @ 3.20GHz
     CPU Description           - Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
     CPU Architecture          - 32/64 Bit Instruction Set
     CPU Cores/Threads         - [2] / [4]
     HDD Mode/Partition        - [AHCI] / [MBR]
     Bios Version              - [6.18, 01/05/2012]
     Total Physical Memory     - [8055 Mb]
     Available Memory          - [5533 Mb]
     GPU Primary Adaptor Name  - [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti]
    - Scanned DMI/BIOS -
     #01 CSProduct Name        - HPE-410fr                       #09 SLIC Information - 2.1                                     
     #02 CSModel Name          - HPE-410fr                       #10 Product Key      - Not Shown On Saved Report     
     #03 CSBaseboard Prod      - 2A9C                            #11 MSDM Key         - No MSDM Table Detected         
     #04 CSProduct Vendor      - Hewlett-Packard                 #11 MSDM Edition     - Undefined                               
     #05 CSManufacturer        - Hewlett-Packard                 #11 MSDM Brand Name  - Undefined                     
     #06 Baseboard MFR         - MSI                             #12 BIOS/Boot Mode   - Legacy/MBR                     
     #07 Serial/Service Tag    - Not Shown On Saved Report       #13 Certificate      - Not Present                   
     #08 BIOS or SLIC ID       - HPQOEM                          #14 License Status   - Licensed {Retail/Digital License}       
    - Summary -
     OEM Theme/Branding        - HP [id: #04]   
     OEM Activation Vista/7    - HP [id: #08]
     Valid OEM Consumer OS     - Vista/Win7
     Valid OEM Server OS       - Server 2008/Server 2008R2
     .Net Versions Detected    - v1.1.4322 v2.0.50727 v3.5 v4.0.30319 v4.7.02046
     Powershell Version{s}     - 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1
     License Status Reason     - 0x4004F401: This computer has a valid Digital/Store License.
     ** End of Query Tool report. **
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  8. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    You were the best candidate for the job. You are very passionate in all things you do. I expected nothing less.
    Keep up the great work but please take some time off and enjoy time with family. ;)
    Happy Holidays to all here at MDL. :)
  9. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1829 mxman2k, Dec 13, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
    I will be taking some time off over the festive days :)

    @b01m is Office by any chance installed on your computer? I ask this as i 'think' this is where the 16, is from ie Office 16, i am not 100% certain but if that is true then i can adjust the QT's code as Office is before Windows in the chain of software WMIC looks at unless it is specifically told to look for one type.

    Have tested a bit of code and it now only looks for Windows and will ignore office.

    Just running a test QT 37.1 to see if my theory is correct...
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  10. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Yes, confirmed Office was interfering with the QT's edition checks.

    One thing the routine added yesterday isn't wasted as now there are three ways it checks for the Windows Edition so is more accurate if a License switch has taken place. :)
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  11. b01m

    b01m MDL Novice

    Nov 14, 2017
    Yes, I installed office 2016 on my laptop
  12. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    That is where the 16, was being detected. The QT had a little flaw that i have now fixed.
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  13. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Its all part of the learning curve of WMIC and all the other commands. Part of the fun (and frustration) of Operating Systems. :p
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  14. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    #1834 mxman2k, Dec 13, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
    MRP v78.0

    I have added a new SLIC table parsing routine which will show the v2.x if present, but if not then it should now give a reason if the SLIC table is not correct/present.

    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information : [ < reason > ]

    < reason > being one of the following:

    No SLIC Table Present
    SLIC Table Without Marker Present
    Invalid/Corrupt SLIC Table Data

    The middle one is if you have had a SLIC mod done and it has not inserted properly, or there is a incomplete/dummy SLIC present by the manufacturer.

    The last one is as above but the table is unable to be read in any meaningful way.

    This is only really useful for Vista/7 and Servers although MRP can use the SLIC brand name (if present) to brand the computer if no valid DMI or MSDM data is available.

    MRP v78.0 is about to go into testing stage(s) and all being well if no major errors will be released within the next day or so.

    QT v38.0 will also be tested a little longer and probably be released at the same time as the MRP. :)

    Then I will be taking a few days off working on the project files, (unless a bug has appeared), for the festive season.
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  15. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    T1 Results... Not seen BETA for a long time :p

    Lenovo (No Slic table)...
    Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 171214-R78.0.T1 - BETA  [MRP/MDL]
    Required project files extracted successfully.
    NOTE: This is a BETA release, features may change before BaseLine..
    OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK.
    Detected Config File    - Checking For User Options...
                            - Options Pre-Check Completed.
    MRP Logging Mode          : Enhanced
    'My Computer' On Desktop  : Enabled
    OS Installation Date/Time: 13/12/2017 -- 10:51pm
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Detected OS Information
    [OSINF] =======================
    [OSINF] Version Installed     : Windows 7 Professional x64
    [OSINF] Edition {Registry}    : Professional
    [OSINF] Edition {WMIC}        : Professional
    [OSINF] Build Information     : 7601.23807.amd64fre.win7sp1_ldr.170512-0600
    [OSINF] Edition Language/Code : en-US / 1033 {409h}
    [OSINF] Locale                : en-GB
    [OSINF] Language Name Value   : ENG
    [OSINF] =======================
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] Motherboard Information
    [MBINF] =======================
    [MBINF] #01 CS Product Name   : [90DA002]
    [MBINF] #02 CS Model Name     : [90DA002]
    [MBINF] #04 CS Vendor Name    : [LENOVO]
    [MBINF] #05 CS System Name    : [LENOVO]
    [MBINF] #06 Baseboard Name    : [LENOVO]
    [MBINF] #08 BIOS or SLIC ID   : [LENOVO]
    [MBINF] #09 SLIC Information  : [No SLIC Table Present] 
    [MBINF] #11 MSDM Brand Name   : [Lenovo]
    [MBINF] =======================
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU/Memory  Information
    [CMINF] =======================
    [CMINF] CPU Name/Type         : [Intel{R} Celeron{R} CPU G3900 @ 2.80GHz]
    [CMINF] CPU Description       : [Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3]
    [CMINF] CPU Architecture      : [32/64 Bit Instruction Set]
    [CMINF] CPU Cores/Threads     : [2] / [2]
    [CMINF] Total Physical Memory : [8101 Mb]
    [CMINF] Available Memory      : [7443 Mb]
    [CMINF] =======================
    [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options enabled/applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions option enabled.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' reference from icons option enabled.
    [AMSRT] Disable 'Malicious Software Removal Tool' tweak applied.
    [AUTOL] MRP System Drive rename option enabled, 'Local Disk' changed to 'Windows_7_Pro'.
    [PKEIC] -> PID.txt/ei.cfg Detection.
    [PKEIC] The PID.txt file was not detected.
    [PKEIC] The ei.cfg file was not detected.
    [CKDMI] Querying BIOS for any manufacturer brand information.
    [DSLIC] Detecting any SLIC information.
    [SCKV7] Lenovo [#08] SLIC manufacturer found for possible Windows 7 OEM activation.
    [THMOK] Lenovo [#04] manufacturer detected for automated theme/branding.
    [CHKKD] -> Checking database for OEM-SLP Product Key.
    [KEYOK] Lenovo OEM-SLP Product Key found and applied.
    [XRMAN] -> OEM XRM-MS Certificate Management.
    [XRMOK] Lenovo {C4} XRM-MS OEM Certificate will be applied.
    [OEASC] OEM activation subroutine created.
    [OASHC] OEM activation subroutine has completed.
    [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: '90DA002' has been applied.
    [BRND1] -> Branding Extra Checks Section.
    [USRFT] CustomTheme option was not used.
    [X64RF] Registry fix for x64 theme applied.
    [THMMS] -> OEM Brand Transfer Management Section.
    [WPCHK] Wallpaper.jpg transferred.
    [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created.
    [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg created from Wallpaper.jpg.
    [UBREP] User.bmp replaced.
    [OTFTS] -> OEM Theme Files Transfer Section.
    [OTFTS] OEM theme folder has been created.
    [OTFTS] OEM files have been transferred.
    [ATHBA] Lenovo theme has been applied.
    [BSHCS] Branding script has completed.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Started.
    [SATOU] -> Show User options applied.
    [FEXTS] Show File Extensions tweak applied.
    [REMSC] Remove '-Shortcut' on icons tweak applied.
    [AMBPS] -> Checking BIOS/Boot mode and OS HDD/SDD partition type.
    [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode : Legacy
    [AMBPS] Partition Type : MBR
    [AMHDC] SSD/HDD Mode   : AHCI
    [CHKLS] -> Check if Windows is activated/licensed.
    [CHKLS] License Status: Out-of-Box Grace
    [OSLRC] License Status Reason Code: 0x4004F00C
    [OSLRT] This computer is in 'Out-Of-Box' Grace allowance.
    [CHKLS] System reboot maybe required to complete activation.
    [AMUTC] UserTweaks.cmd file is present.
    [AMUTC] UserTweaks completed without errors.
    [ADMAN] Add-On Manager: Completed.
    [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed.
    = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible to       =
    =              allow Windows to finalize any settings.                                  =
    =                                                                                       =
    =              If you have used any tweak options within the configuration file then    =
    =              it is required to do a log out or reboot cycle to allow these options    =
    =              to take effect.                                                          =
    The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has completed.
    Routine looks like it is working sofar.

    Next test on another pc (with slic) will be a bit longer to do as got to fix a bios loop :oops: teach me to mess about flashing edited bios's lol.
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  16. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    My usb key is almost ready to test on that acer (with slic) :)
  17. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    Hopefully it will just say the slic version if no problems detected.

    If the slic has a fault of some kind, one of the other error messages will be put in the log.
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  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    If you want to have it tested on a system containing only a valid slic for vista, can do that too (it only takes 15min to boot to setup) :D
  19. mxman2k

    mxman2k MDL Developer

    Jun 20, 2007
    if you wish as that is same sort of OS as Server 2008 is :) just be nice to see that the routine will work under kernel 6.0 :)

    That lenovo took me ages to get a keyboard to work as it all usb3.0 and they not active under 7 grr, well found a hidden menu item in bios about emulated KBC - that allowed me to type the username etc :)
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  20. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I meant installing 7 with MRP in it :D But i can put it in a Vista ISO, let me first test the acer with slic for 7 :)