:/ Maybe TS would respond with this song "eek" Beirut - No No No Or this one...lol Pedestrian At Best - Courtney Barnett And to put TS's favorite song ever in her favorite thread created ever, how dare you...lol But then again, we all make mistakes that aren't really mistakes but you playing the most awesome smiths songs ever...lol and here's some new stuff for people to live their lives by...lol Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better Modest Mouse - Float On Empire Of The Sun - Walking On A Dream and some more Beirut Beirut Full Concert | NPR MUSIC FRONT ROW and of course TS's favorite: The Sugarcubes - "Birthday" [Official Video] and chill tonight with your favorite person or guests with this: Tame Impala - Currents (Full Album) (Insert yoda smiley)...lol
Oh yea and this... Kurt Vile - "Life Like This" Official Video and maybe this video, I dunno :O Kurt Vile - "Pretty Pimpin" Official Video Go Kurt Vile yeah...lol (Insert shisha smiley) OMG
@JB @MJ @AW If you got that groove I know you got in ya, then let it out and one time in your day today swing your hips and say we got it, that vibe inside that we hide but hide no longer, we gotta go to the place inside that we reside For you guys from TS Chet Faker - Gold (Official Music Video) (Insert eek smiley) or (shisha smiley)