Also, are all the hashes provided the actual official hashes that Microsoft provide or the ones that you (and the other fellow uploaders) guarantee against a mirror? I am curious because I couldn't find official hashes from Microsoft.
Honestly, what do you think yourself? All hashes are correct and original, directly fetched from MVS: @GezoeSloog (or whoever does it for him) hashes all too, so you can compare "ours" with his.
You are a trustworthy member and I did not know you get dumps of hashes, so those zip files are what you guys post here in a more user friendly matter? How do you guys source the hash dumps is there more info through the discord (which I think I read there is one)?
Thank you for the link, but I want to ask, how do I download an archive from Discord? I created an account, created a server and what next ...?