woohoo the refresh functions works lol and minecraft doesnt last too long it starts messing up about 15- 30 minutes because my lack of ram
updated it once again lol this one hsould work a lot better and it has a refresh function... refresh should restart the 3 minute time frame please tell me whats wrong with it and enjoy this shouldnt get an update for a little while... i plan on adding things like a refresh interval option and a settings persist
ok guys before i pass out i was just wondering could one of you donate an icon for this program.. something that fits with it.
updated this.. nothing major has changed i just added the icons and some more memory management functions
Code: Application Specific Data ( ignore this section it is for the updater ) {versions} = {releaseDate} = 11/25/12 {buildTime} = 2:25 PM cst Are you using MDL for update your app? Really cool..
fully implemented the updater and post new version in first post enjoy and tell me whats wrong with it as always