Need Insight on ancient database software

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by NonverbalMel, May 30, 2023.

  1. NonverbalMel

    NonverbalMel MDL Junior Member

    Oct 11, 2021

    I'm currently using FileMaker Pro 12 for database design and management (12 was the last to support XP and anything newer absolutely not) and I ran into something interesting when I put the FileMaker Pro Advanced app on a terminal server: it will only let one instance of the app run at a time regardless of who's logged on.

    My question is: What if (anything) can I do to allow more connections to the FileMaker app on Terminal Server? The obvious answer would be to source an "enterprise license" or whatever their terminology is for a multi-seat license; but 1) sourcing one of those for that version is next to impossible, and 2) from my research the serial number is keyed to the name.

    They use an MSI installer powered by InstallShield but I have yet to figure out what part of that MSI checks the serial number.

    Any thoughts on this and how to fix it would be appreciated.