New AMI BIOS tool for performing SSV2/3 and Dynamic SLIC Modification

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by andyp, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Bagheera

    Bagheera MDL Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Okay.. after playing with the tool and slic'ed bioses i have a (for me as noob)
    strange problem.. at first a had a good bios slic'ed but then i tried to play around with a asus slic2.1. thats circulating on the internet.. nothing special loads but nothing more than that.. so flashed back to original manufactor bios.
    Then i wanted to flash again with a slic'ed bios..

    Now i still got RSDT error, there is still asus (original name instead of sliced name like Dell).. it seems i can't get a good flash anymore... Is it in the bios or is it in another part of the system? for info i use slic_dump from Davidxxw.. i have RW-everything also but did not check...

    Ami tool gave no erros and checksums seems okay....

    any one have idea's?
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  2. nTT

    nTT MDL Novice

    Jun 11, 2007
    This is very weird because according to the log you posted above:
    Your slic table is present and looks correct. There must be something else wrong...Are you sure your installation media is RTM and not tampered etc?

    File hashes should be:
    # Windows 7 Retail Ultimate English (x64)
    Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso
    CRC: 0x1F1257CA
    SHA-1: 0x326327CC2FF9F05379F5058C41BE6BC5E004BAA7

    # Windows 7 Retail Ultimate English (x86)
    Name: 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
    CRC: 0xC1C20F76
    SHA-1: 0x5395DC4B38F7BDB1E005FF414DEEDFDB16DBF610
  3. MrBeer

    MrBeer MDL Member

    May 23, 2007
    what about the rrst/oems

    on my asus rampage board they say dell and asus and when i was using 2.0 i was using asus 2.0 files

    this is probably why asus don;t have a 2.1 yet lol

    same one windows i using for my rampage board 7600 rtm
  4. nTT

    nTT MDL Novice

    Jun 11, 2007
    It doesn't matter which OEM the slic belongs to as long as you use the matching certificate. Currently there's no ASUS 2.1 binary so everyone is mostly using Dell's... Something else must be wrong...I'll give your BIOS a more thorough examination but it certainly looks fine...
  5. MrBeer

    MrBeer MDL Member

    May 23, 2007
    if the rampage is all change to dell not asus shouldn;t the laptop be dell to.

    oems/rrst tables
  6. MrBeer

    MrBeer MDL Member

    May 23, 2007
    Software Licensing Description Table: 0x000FF200

    53 4C 49 43 76 01 00 00 01 52 44 45 4C 4C 20 20SLICv....RDELL
    51 41 30 39 20 20 20 00 31 2E 30 42 4E 56 44 41QA09 .1.0BNVDA
    0E 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 9C 00 00 00 06 02 00 00................
    00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00.$..RSA1........
    7F F6 C1 05 BE 5C 57 63 A5 8A 68 F3 6E 8F 06 FA.....\Wc..h.n...
    AF B4 9F 68 82 23 EC 50 40 5A 73 7F EC E4 07 CB...h.#.P@Zs.....
    DC 25 1A 9C E3 E3 66 11 E0 A5 98 06 C5 80 0A FA.%....f.........
    42 93 86 98 E7 D5 1B D4 D7 3A A4 0B EE E2 7D BEB........:....}.
    5F 5B 15 0C AB D0 21 DE BF E9 B5 6E A4 57 B9 8C_[....!....n.W..
    0C D2 BA 3A 69 30 76 94 71 A2 64 D7 4C D8 85 BF...:i0v.q.d.L...
    DF A5 6A C8 DC 45 D5 4D 8C B8 8C 05 2F FC 2E 23..j..E.M..../..#
    C4 29 C5 6F 3F 29 6C 6D 57 79 0E B6 75 ED 21 95.).o?)lmWy..u.!.
    01 00 00 00 B6 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 44 45 4C 4C............DELL
    20 20 51 41 30 39 20 20 20 00 57 49 4E 44 4F 57 QA09 .WINDOW
    53 20 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00S ..............
    00 00 00 00 00 00 33 B8 A7 56 40 AF 02 B9 42 [email protected].
    07 7A D1 57 85 0F 88 E7 04 11 FB 35 34 14 60 B7.z.W.......54.`.
    78 82 53 7B 67 3B 40 3F 40 C1 01 84 CB 05 C5 30x.S{g;@[email protected]
    7D 36 82 60 F1 24 2E 46 15 9F CE 5A 24 44 5F 7F}6.`.$.F...Z$D_.
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    22 D9 03 53 F2 6B 4B 13 EF 79 63 D9 5F A1 37 DA"..S.kK..yc._.7.
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    FC 2E E4 44 EF 38 ...D.8

    Length0x00000176 (374)
    Revision0x01 (1)
    Checksum0x52 (82)
    OEM Table ID"QA09 "
    OEM Revision0x42302E31 (1110453809)
    Creator ID"NVDA"
    Creator Revision0x0100000E (16777230)
    OEM Public Key Structure
    Type0x00000000 (0)
    Length0x0000009C (156)
    Key Type0x06 (6)
    Version0x02 (2)
    Reserved0x0000 (0)
    Algorithm0x00002400 (9216)
    Bit Length0x00000400 (1024)
    Exponent0x00010001 (65537)
    Modulus0x7F 0xF6 0xC1 0x05 0xBE 0x5C 0x57 0x63 0xA5 0x8A 0x68 0xF3 0x6E 0x8F 0x06 0xFA
    0xAF 0xB4 0x9F 0x68 0x82 0x23 0xEC 0x50 0x40 0x5A 0x73 0x7F 0xEC 0xE4 0x07 0xCB
    0xDC 0x25 0x1A 0x9C 0xE3 0xE3 0x66 0x11 0xE0 0xA5 0x98 0x06 0xC5 0x80 0x0A 0xFA
    0x42 0x93 0x86 0x98 0xE7 0xD5 0x1B 0xD4 0xD7 0x3A 0xA4 0x0B 0xEE 0xE2 0x7D 0xBE
    0x5F 0x5B 0x15 0x0C 0xAB 0xD0 0x21 0xDE 0xBF 0xE9 0xB5 0x6E 0xA4 0x57 0xB9 0x8C
    0x0C 0xD2 0xBA 0x3A 0x69 0x30 0x76 0x94 0x71 0xA2 0x64 0xD7 0x4C 0xD8 0x85 0xBF
    0xDF 0xA5 0x6A 0xC8 0xDC 0x45 0xD5 0x4D 0x8C 0xB8 0x8C 0x05 0x2F 0xFC 0x2E 0x23
    0xC4 0x29 0xC5 0x6F 0x3F 0x29 0x6C 0x6D 0x57 0x79 0x0E 0xB6 0x75 0xED 0x21 0x95
    SLIC Marker Structure
    Type0x00000001 (1)
    Length0x000000B6 (182)
    Version0x00020000 (131072)
    OEM Table ID"QA09 "
    Windows Flag"WINDOWS "
    Reserved0x01 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Signature0x33 0xB8 0xA7 0x56 0x40 0xAF 0x02 0xB9 0x42 0xA8 0x07 0x7A 0xD1 0x57 0x85 0x0F
    0x88 0xE7 0x04 0x11 0xFB 0x35 0x34 0x14 0x60 0xB7 0x78 0x82 0x53 0x7B 0x67 0x3B
    0x40 0x3F 0x40 0xC1 0x01 0x84 0xCB 0x05 0xC5 0x30 0x7D 0x36 0x82 0x60 0xF1 0x24
    0x2E 0x46 0x15 0x9F 0xCE 0x5A 0x24 0x44 0x5F 0x7F 0xCF 0x5D 0xB8 0x63 0x10 0x82
    0x74 0x80 0xF7 0x7A 0xF0 0x93 0xE2 0x21 0x2A 0xAF 0x6A 0x00 0xE3 0x1E 0x1A 0x36
    0xDC 0x1E 0xBD 0x2B 0x11 0x08 0x35 0xCF 0x24 0x52 0x22 0xD9 0x03 0x53 0xF2 0x6B
    0x4B 0x13 0xEF 0x79 0x63 0xD9 0x5F 0xA1 0x37 0xDA 0x61 0x87 0x6F 0xDD 0xC5 0x07
    0xB4 0x3E 0x48 0x7D 0x61 0x48 0x49 0xFB 0x25 0xD3 0xFC 0x2E 0xE4 0x44 0xEF 0x38
  7. WarriorCZ

    WarriorCZ MDL Junior Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Andy, I have some bad news. Even this did not.

    Another attempt I made with version 1.29 .... but unfortunately the same result.
    RSDT values are unchanged
  8. mrstimpy

    mrstimpy MDL Novice

    Aug 3, 2009
    #755 mrstimpy, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  9. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    Hmmm...I see. The original table is -CPC, the SLIC and new tables are -MPC but the RSDT is -BPC - I missed this before.

    There is a -BPC string in 1B. I will patch this when I get home, to confirm. However it is very random and it will be difficult for the tool to do this..... will have to think.

  10. WarriorCZ

    WarriorCZ MDL Junior Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    It's DX7500 ....
  11. zzZZzz

    zzZZzz MDL Novice

    Jun 25, 2009
    I am in the same situation here with a N10J Asus notebook. I have been trying several options with 1.29 tool and RSDT still unmodified.... :(

    Best Regards
  12. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    BIOS link with RSDT and SLIC screenshots or ACPIScope dump etc. please.

  13. MrBeer

    MrBeer MDL Member

    May 23, 2007
    same thing that is with my asus m70vm i wonder how many asus laptop are like this