You are correcto I tried twice with even older SLIC tools. The latest version 131 ONLY ALLOWS DYNAMIC. I cannot get out of that setting no matter what and comes with the error you say. The older tool I manually put SSV2 and comes with same error. In BOTH instances MSI is not discovered either. The newer tool once you select MSI tells SLIC 2.0 is already there. Sorry, ANDYp will have to come to the rescue.
I have been slaving away at finishing the phoenix tool. That is pretty much done so next job (believe me there are many) is to look at this in more detail. What I will need is people to test various bioses. First will be to tinker with every ASUS or notebook string to see if we can find a culprit. Andy
Hi Andy, thank you for your hard work on AMI and Award tool. I look forward to phoenix tool. All desktops I build are based on Asus boards. Newest I have is P6t deluxe V2. I used your tool for it and have has success since V102. I have a chip burner so I can repair. Let me know if I can be of assistance.