No problems, I can flash it back with a known good bios using my Eprom programmer. I like to have a backup plan I tested all sorts of combinations of settings with the Ami mod tool just in case I had missed anything. So I'm happy to try all sorts if it will work.
Did anybody have any luck with my bios, I left it for a day or so, didnt know if it was possible at all, still thanks in advance if it is...
I'm running an ASUS M50VM-X1 on an AMI v 212 BIOS. Does anyone know if it's safe to flash with the built-in EZFlash, or must I use AFLASH2 from DOS? thanks!
Yes, the original bios flashed ok. It's AMI bios but is using some intel flash tool. I think it maybe because it's an I3 platform with the graphics in the cpu... None of the files have read only attribute...
Yep..I inserted the code as nocompress...need to find more room...Try Andy's mod... Core 7 is the version of AMI bios...These are, and always have been, very difficult to get working for any module insertion or SLIC code insert.. Good luck....